Hurricane Sandy Check-In

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Here's a place for our Photo contest thoughts

so we don't get lost in Sandy...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Lou, this doesn't make sense to me. Can you ask your friend what union is stopping them, and on what basis?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I will try to find out more specifics.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

have contacted my friend. Hope to have more concrete information very soon.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

There were utility companies from AL also stopped in NJ from doing any work here

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

flowAjen -- the article you linked to clarifies that both the union and the company involved deny that they were turned away for reasons that had anything to do with union requirements.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

This is insane. Texas Baptist Men are still stuck with the union. Beginning to sound like "Tony Soprano" is pulling the strings.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Needs to be brought to the attention of the media if correct as presented. At the very least, have the organization there in Texas get the local TV station to carry the story, it will probably be picked up nationally from there. The glare of publicity resolves many injustices.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Seems to me that the National committees are getting involved instead of just leaving it up to Jersey

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My friend, whose husband is there, has tried our local tv channels. They say they can only speak with the principals involved. Maybe one of you could do something on your end. The food truck can feed 30,000 per day and it is being sent back to Dallas. This is not an amateur operation. Have been doing this for 45 years and is better equipped that Red Cross.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Please check this site so you may see what all they offer

This message was edited Nov 5, 2012 9:01 AM

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

But according to their own site, on Nov 1st they are going to assisting feeding those in NY so where does it say they got sent back?

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

While they may be better equipped than Red Cross, I can't help but wonder if the presence of the Red Cross is behind the decision. Other charitable organizations from elsewhere have also been detained or declined due to the Red Cross's presence, being told that the Red Cross would not be supplying those organizations with the bulk foods required to feed all those peoples. Not saying the organizations would **need** the Red Cross to provide the food stuffs, just that that's what their reasoning was. One such organization is a Baptist one from Alabama, who were turned away for the reason mentioned above, nothing else mentioned about reasoning why or anyone else besides the Red Cross. Only the Alabama "feeding unit" was asked to turn back, all the rest were gladly accepted and are graciously hard at work. (clean-up/recovery crews and chain saw crews).
(this info from an Alabama newspaper, article from yesterday).

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Interesting insight

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It would be great to get any specifics about the TBM situation. It is a shame to have them go to so much trouble and commit so much time -- only to give up in NJ without investigating what can be done.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm with you, Happy and Greenthumb.
Specifics are hard to come by in a disaster and most everyone is on "high alert" and thus vulnerable to almost any incoming signals or "news" whether real or those photo shopped pics of the statue of liberty and the big oncoming wave.. Hard to keep focus and not rescare ourselves. Hard to be present to pain and suffering and the long haul ahead for so many. Hard to keep our hackles down and smooth the ruffled feathers and frightened hearts around and in us.

I posted this on the Northeast thread: "Our utility company had crews and equipment already in place and out strengthening service pre Sandy and able to restore outages at dawn after Sandy made land fall.

Yesterday am as I delivered my newspaper route I noted a much larger than usual number of cars parked in the streets of this retirement community. Most of them had New Jersey plates. Seems like some empty nests around here won't be so empty for a while! Glad they found or had enough gas to get here.

I share everyone's and especially Lou c's frustration of relief efforts not going as planned. Seems to me to be part and parcel of most disasters. Be assurred Lou that the larger relief efforts that Texas Men is a part of (North American Missions Board) is on hand and doing mighty work. Here is their latest press release

To me, all relief efforts and responses are important whether "successful" from anyones individual perspective or not, or even "efficient" or cost effective, etc, because it keeps our compassion and connectedness muscles strong..the daily exercise of having each others backs.

My Dad didn't want me to move so far away from home, not because he wasn't all for me, but because he couldn't be there to help me like he had in my growing up years."

There are still many I sent the dmail check in blast to who have yet to check in.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

The dmail blast was sent to the below listed. Check/x marks have been heard from. List is not inclusive

x * aspenhill
x * Bec_No_Va
x * betsy_VA
* bluepoppy
* Buttoneer
x* Catbird423
x* Chantell
x* coleup
x * coleuslover123
* Cris316
x* critterologist
* darius
* DaylilyDiva219
* docgipe
x* donnerville
x* ecnalg
x* flowAjen
* Foxnfirefly
x* Fruit of theVine
* gardadore
* GardengloriesJA
x* Gitagal
x * Gracye
x* greenthumb99
x* GrowHappy
* haighr
x* happy_macomb
* hart
x* hartzell81
x* HollyAnnS
x * Jan23
* JBerger
x* jsxtiger
x* juhur7
* Kubileya
* marie_kap
* Marlene4
x* medlarman
* MGCrystal
* NisiNJ
x* onewish1
* orchidfancy
x* Pippi21
* Qwilter
* rcn48
x* RosesRred
x* rubyw
x* sallyg
* shihtzumom
* sissystars
x* speediebean
x* ssgardener
x* UMD_Terp
x* VA_Wild_Rose
* VioletV
x* wind
* wyldeflwr

This message was edited Nov 6, 2012 7:58 PM

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Judy, that was really beautifully said, thank you. You're a very very good feather-unruffler!!

Crozet, VA

Sickening.......One of our local papers recently ran a story with a photo of hundreds of power trucks parked in a lot idly waiting to proceed because they too had been denied entry in to whereever it was they had been dispatched to due to Electrical Workers Union involvement. I suspect after all is over and done with, we will hear some really nasty stories that have taken place this past week or so. Who suffers? The victims suffer doubly.

Very interesting topic and I hope to soon hear what is being done about all of this.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

If you go to the link from coleup, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will find Texas Baptist Men, click and you will see a news story on the day they left here and what they are capable of doing. Heard from my friend's wife on Facebook. Half of the men had started back to Dallas, two hours out from WV they got a call to come back. Still don't know what has happened.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby, it'll take some time before the truth comes out but I think a lot of the stories that the unions have been turning away outside assistance have been proven false -- see Often in disasters like this, the rumor mill goes crazy.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

coleup- some of those on your list are simply inactive.

Crozet, VA

You are correct Happy.....lots of mix ups happen during times like this. What is inspiring and I had never felt until after 9-11 is the coming together of the nation to offer aid to victims. I was very proud to be an American then and now.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I agree -- me too.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Did you see they raised over 15Mil on Dancing with the Stars Day of Giving episode last night?

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow Jen, now THAT is great news! Talk about a great spirit of giving, love hearing that!! =)

Warrenton, VA

OK, I'm checking in. We lost power for 30 hours, but are on Propane. Due to my father's advice about being prepared, Hubby and I filled all containers with water. We're on a well and septic. You know how we filled our toilet tank? We used two garden water buckets! Had one outside, "at the ready," and another one in the bathtub. We just switched them out, empty for filled.
We lost the beautiful 55' Blue Spruce in our back yard. It was topped years ago by some goon who wanted a nice Christmas tree, and I believe that this started the decline, although you couldn't see it for years. Then, that del Recchio storm came around, and, I think, loosened the tree's roots. Noticed last week that it was getting weird "brown fingers" across the needles....and brown needles near the trunk.
Then, along came Sandy, Uprooted!
Just so happened that I'd bought my dream of a Blue Spruce and planted it just two weeks ago, so now the Big One could exit, I swear it thought this!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

lol Gracye just put an x by your name, Seriously thanks for checking in with as you said on another thread you gardening family. Blue spruce are so beautiful...hope baby grows up quickly.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Snow is coming down
Drive home from school

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

5PM here---having a heavy drizzle---and it is getting cold.....

Warrenton, VA

I just stopped by my favorite mom-and-pop garden center, and bought a new $$$ Droll Yankee feeder, the "Whipper," for my birdies...a 20 pound bag of seed, and some suet cakes. Came home, changed from my work clothes, and jeese! It is so COLD and HUMID outside! I have a HUGE maple tree and it holds all of my feeders.

About an hour later, the birds were so happy! So was I!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That's a happy thought !!!! keep the misery away !! birdies , good food, and a warm chair to watch from!!!!^_^

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Praying everyone is dry and warm tonight. Very little details in the news and I am trying to keep up with my friends here on DG. Pray you have water, electricity and a warm bed. Hope food is not far behind. God bless and keep you.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sheesh Jen what next- raining frogs?!?

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Tsk tsk tsk Jen, taking pictures while you're driving in THAT!?!?! Be careful Young Lady!! < =P

Crozet, VA

Love the raining frogs idea.....thanks for the laugh Sally.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Yea, JB just checked in over here

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I think the next is locust

we got 5" very heavy snow
broke branches on a climbing rose, honeysuckle and butterfly bush

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

You always get back charged with things such as disasters, MORE like the Yellowstone eruption!!!! as it is supposedly over due any way
My goodness!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I read about all that Yellowstone stuff--it being the most active volcano in the country--
all kinds of lave cooking just underneath. It was all in a "Geographic" a year or two ago.

When she blows---it will be a disaster if such immense proportions that it is hard to imagine.
So far--"Old faithful" and all the other steam vents chugging out steam helps with the
pressure build-up underneath.
It was scary seeing the cross section of that area in the magazine. VERY sobering!

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