Oct. 2012, here is Fall, another mild Winter?

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Plentiful sunshine. Winds NNW at 15 to 25 mph.

I am cracking up!! It is so funny when we accidentally scare our pets. I can picture him!!
''Cinderella'' will look adorable!

It's funny how a missed elm, maple or mulberry seedling will grow just fine and healthy if you miss pulling it for a couple of years, but lovingly set out an Arbor Day tree and they fade away :o(
It's pretty awesome to grow the Pine from seed. A very great accomplishment!
I like creepy, but not slasher. Altho, I find myself scared to watch them by myself now. I never used to get that scared, LOL!!

I enjoy you too :o)
Well gee, you can grow the trees too? LOL!
How cold are you usually this time of year? We usually have a hard freeze by the third week in October and it doesn't warm up much after that. November should be cold and rainy. A grey month.

It's going to be a beautiful moon for Halloween. Too bad it's going to be so cold. I imagine a lot of kids will be driven around.

Going to DD's today.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

billyp' We usually have have hard freeze around the the first week of November,from then on it is usually the same til about April ,We will get a few warm days in February and the like only it doesn't last more than a day or two.
Nice thing about trees , they grow their self mostly and are fun to look at . If you have ever walked through a desert or a scrub wasteland you know what I mean about trees being fun to look at or have for shade.
Last time I scared one our pets ,it was Maggie a German Shepard ,she turned around and took a bite out of me ,!! not severely though,I could of done without that!!!lol
43 forecast for Halloween here, kinda cool for the ghouls too ,but not bad if we get to forego any rain.
42 degrees here now 32 for tonight ,it's currently rain drizzle and cloudy winds are whistling at 25 to 35 and "get a movin" with a gust or two .
ETC as said before it's cold it's cold, it's cold!!lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Haha! A Siberian Elm, a Silver Maple or a White Mulberry do notoriously grow anywhere and vigorously from what I've seen..lol
Thanks billyp, I have pretty good luck growing seedlings of trees into nice trees. Here is 2 Shumard Oaks in my Grandparents' backyard, I planted the 2 Oaks back there as well as the Black Hills Spruce in the foreground. I bet you guys get tired of me regurgitating photos like I do sometimes! ^_^ Hehe! But, here is the before photo of them and then the photo that I took today when I was over there. The Shumards were quite small when I got them out of a dumpster behind a Missouri Dep't of Conservation regional office nearby then, (with permission..lol).
The Fall color on them is nice, but they still have their green leaves.

Here I am today, I clean up nice! I didn't wear the cap to the bigshot convention!

Sorry to hear you got bitten ju. I once let a stray cat in where it wanted so bad and it proceeded to bite me on the chin when I was petting it!

Here is that t-shirt Ponderosa Pine seed in a cup before it sprouted and here it is this Spring. - That's it in the white wicker thing on the left.
Thanks billyp for the compliment on the Pine, I love the longer needles.

This message was edited Oct 30, 2012 9:04 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well the evergreens are pretty!!! I got mine a few years ago when sears was changing their flower pot design,unfortunately Sears , closed and moved away last year. Bummer,lot of jobs.
Aw C'mon you stole a photo of Hef in cognito!!! You know you did!!!^_^

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Sunny. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph.

Your weather sounds pretty consistant. We can go from one extreme to another.
I love trees and photograph them a lot. I have quite a folder of tree pictures :o)
German shepards are my favorite dog! Do you have a picture of her?
Oooh, windy for you! We had wind, but it wasn't howling. It's usually noisy at 30mph. We usually don't gust too much above that..

Photos are always interesting even regurgitated :o) It's a wonder Dave's can even hold all the pictures we repeat. (Yes we :o)
They are beautiful trees! Luckily, someone had room to plant them.
Nice picture! Now you're going to bigshot conventions? Who is in the old picture behind you?
Wow! The pines did very well! How did the taco do? LOL! (From the lettering on the cup)

No Sears. Wow. We still have one in the next town, in a huge Mall they built. So, we have to drive a ways, but we don't go often. We have all the tools we need. I do go for their shoes tho. Usually buy one and get one half price.
Hef :o)

Today I have to can chicken andf broth.

Have a wonderful day everyone. We are so lucky the hurricane isn't reaching us, except with a little wind.

My neighbor burning leaves.

Thumbnail by billyporter
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, one must attend bigshot conventions when one is running for head bigshot! lol No, I had a job interview, they are such fun! If I don't get the job, at least they can't say I was under-dressed!
That is my housemate's Grandfather. That old photo is on a wall of 2 old photos and his WW1 helmet, (complete with bullet grazes on the helmet). That photo in the background of that photo of me up there is over a hundred years old. The Grandfather is a young soldier in the photos, my friend is honored to have these mementoes. That Grandfather has very few living relatives, only one actually that's interested in the mementoes. My Grandfather is a WW2 living legend, he was shot in his legs in Germany. He has the use of his legs, the scars are visible now though.

Oh, that is Hef in white shirt and tie! You know, I can't wear the robe ALL the time! I remember when Sears bought Kmart I used to tell people they changed the Kmart sign to "KSears",
they'd say, "really?", I'd say, "no, not really" lol!

Oh, I agree, the storage of data at DG and other places like Yahoo and Google and way more companies is staggering. For example, here is a video of a Google data storage facility in NC somewhere. - http://www.google.com/about/datacenters/inside/streetview/

We watched a video at school of a young guy with earbuds in his ears delivering a tray of emails to storage in the data center, it was incredible. Gmail is actually the free email to have because it is encrypted, even the free service. Here is an incredible video of the data center above. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avP5d16wEp0 This is the video we watched in school that day. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRwPSFpLX8I&feature=relmfu

How'd the taco do?..lol Actually it's named that because it is growing like a rebel in a Taco Bell parking lot in Illinois! - http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/124779/ I have a photo of it. - See the roots growing over the railroad tie side or whatever it is, that's a Taco Bell in Springfield, Illinois! Taco Oak is Quercus x bebbiana 'Taco'. Years ago, in that cup, I had gotten some acorns from that tree, they grew, but I mistakenly gave the seedling away about 2005. A friend who lives nearby (an author of tree books) got those acorns for me in late 2003. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Sternberg I'm not trying to namedrop, Guy is an accomplished author, he's a great friend to people like me. Guy is awesome, he has dedicated his life to trees. He is so full of knowledge, he can drive down a street and name all the trees and bushes (just generally all flora) by common name and botanical name and they're not even close!

Oh, burning leaves and the smoke from it is a bad result for neighbors in rural areas, I remember that. Although, I burnt every week, I didn't have neighbors besides relatives, maybe that's why they shun me now!

This message was edited Nov 1, 2012 6:54 AM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Partly cloudy this morning, then becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.

What a neat tribute to her Grandfather. I love those old pictures!
Wow for your Grandfather too. I'm glad he got to keep his legs. A lot of them lost theirs.
Wow! Data! And on Youtube no less.
Laughing! I thought there would be more lettering around the cup I couldn't see. A real taco tree, hmmmm :o)
Neat picture!
Yeah, I used to smoke up the neighborhood too. Till I quit smoking. Now we throw them all across the road. I'd compost them if they weren't walnut leaves.

I ended up with 7 quarts of broth and some left over to freeze.

Got my flu shot and feel great! Only have a tiny soreness to the muscle. Dental cleaning later today.

Have a great day! You know, it's time to start the Thanksgiving menu....

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Nov. thread here - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1286565/

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