Seed Starting Medium

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Long range forecasts are saying it is only going to do this another ten years ^_^ ? Oh Well.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Wow!! Really? I sure hope not. The corn fields will never make it. They better figure out a way to get water to them. They kinda run everything. The farmers up here will have to start growing corn.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Kinda like time for Northeastern Washington residents to level off those ancient alien gold fields greensand them and grow that corn!!!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

They do grow wonderful corn here. Would hate to see it put in a gas tank tho. Or any other uses they have today, feeding pigs, chickens, etc. It is too good for them.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well it is usually that way here also only one field not to far from here only got about four feet tall!
Remembering it is all part of a cycle animals help grow all that,and they have to feed them something , if they aren't grazed or the room doesn't exist.
I'm sure you know the corn you eat ain't feed corn that's hard grain field corn you and I eat sweet corn at least until now anyway.. After this year cereal might become caviar ,and the sweet sugar corn going for fuel instead us.
We might not get our fuel or our cereal if it keeps up! Ever watch life after people!!LOL Got to have my cereal or it's life after me!!!

Well anyway the soy beans look really good this at least we will have some cooking oil!!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Maybe they can put the soybeans in the gas tanks of the vehicles. Or, maybe we will go back to horse and buggies.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

THE use of vegetable material from everything for fuel is being done, leftover grease from the oil from restaurants and fast food bins is where the oil from the vegetables and soybeans is being used.
Cooking oil just has to be hotter to burn as fuel, it is made that way so we do not blow ourselves up house ,oven, and all. But it will and does burn when distilled some and mixed with fuel line cleaner or gas additive especially. For those of you that might try this ,remember that takes filtering and modern engines designed for special fuels.
I have run a car engine using "new" cooking oil mixed with octane booster ,only I had to change my fuel filter a couple of times.
IT not any cheaper but I was not to "in to" the gas line waiting to fill up that were as long as three miles , when I did that!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I can remember my mom telling about my dad converting vehicles to burn things other than gas. He was always coming up with something during the depression. Very ingenious. Had to be then. He invented the windshield wipers but didn't have the money to patent it so had to give it away. Too bad.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Kinda like us hijacking this thread being inventive,I was looking over my Sunchokes they are all small kinda odd they fried in the heat and drought also as they are known for thriving in that.
I have a chipper shredder to finish building I never got that done this season either, that is kinda to this thread because I will be able to mix seed starting mixes with it also. Big ole two hp farm motor and chrome cutter , chopper blade from a digging tool.
That is rather inventive but not to imaginative lol

A carburetor for "Green" oil type fuels is what that part of all that really needs besides the ever running electric motor-engines
Many inventions came from the depression era it is a shame so many that thought them up never made or got a thing from them personally .

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Good for you. Sounds like quite a project. Let us know how it goes.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I always thought of "gasahol" as burning our topsoil. But if it keeps some carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, maybe it's worth it.

I'm guessing that our grandchildren will be asking why it wasn't 100.00% obvious to us that the climate was crashing rapidly during this decade. I just hope we aren't surrounded by desert as they ask.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well it all goes back unless your using alcohol and oil for top soil. The waste is returned ,and you get to use some of the microbes from production and industry for your earth.!
The "BAD THING"is it all changes air quality no matter what anyone does

If you were in a sealed insulated room ,not particularly airtight you could stiil smother to death from an electric motors burning the air you breathe. Nothing is good in that equation !

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I think the reasoning for gasahol as a way to decrease CO2 is to first assume that we are going to burn huge amounts of carbon in cars no matter what.

In THAT case, it iks worse to pull oil outof the ground and burn it into the air, than it would be to burn modern crop products, release CO2, grow more crops that abosrb rthat CO2, and burn that again in a c ycle.

I suspect that "reasoning" ignores the fact that you probably don't burn more than 10% of a crop as alcohol, and the enrgy cost of producing the alchol, or the fact that cheap crop waste will be used to grow more beef that release more methane ...

And no matter what, it diverts cropland to feed cars in stead of people. And probably degrades the soil due to farming practices that consdier near-term profit over long-term soil destruction.

Just opinion, not even informed opinion.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

It an opinion of feasibility and reasoning though; We agree mostly anyway^_^

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

In some other forum I suggested that we write our plant labels on cork, and attach them to plants with long strings.

That way, when sea level rises, we won't have to duck our heads under water to see where our plants WERE.

(I live about 1.5 miles from Puget Sound. Maybe 150 feet above current sea level, so I don't actually expect to have wetfeet excpet during tsunamis.)

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Mine were flooded out last spring, Water made it to the foundation and had just started to come in to the cold air return ducts on the floor (of all places to have put those). Shooooweeee!!!! Was that close!!!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah I agree , I am still afraid to look under house!!!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I used some DE seed starter mix with some poppy seeds so far zilch ,zero same mix without has half a dozen seedlings.
#1 IS A FAIL!!!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Juhur7, get some air moving under your house if you haven't already. That is awful. You need to dry it out before it starts rotting your floor joists. Do you have several vents? You better get some and make sure they aren't blocked. Screen until it is dry. Very important. I know you know all this, but just reinforcing your knowledge. Is it warm weather there?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Rainy ,stormy through drizzle the past three days ,cloudy all the time, it's certainly fall here.
As for rotting floor joists ,too late, Grandma bought the place about 1990, that had already started! Gonna be a real pooper when time comes to reset the main beam structure.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Oh man. What a job. And $$$. Too bad.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

It happens, you know.
#1 sprouted last night ,took longer, bigger and stronger than other seedlings
So not a fail!!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

You know I still think grinding up red lava rock into the mix is a better idea. Just a thought. (sigh)

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

What is that for Juhur? You mean for seeds, or for your floor beams?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes i MEANT AS ROUGH SAND IN THE SEED MIX, I know it probably wasn't meant that way but you sound like you have a mean streak in you ,lol

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, sorry you took it that way Juhur, I was really teasing you. Guess it fell flat. Jeanette

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