CLOSED: September Birthday Thread

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Hope you all are having a good week.
Anyone enter the DG County Fair? If so, what category?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

No, I have not entered anything! Can't wait to see all the lovely photo's though!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

I haven't entered anything either, but I'm thinking about checking out the recipes that people share.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I won't be entering squat but it'll be fun casting votes for our favorites.

Orb spinners are awesome, Neener, and love seeing their webs laden with morning dew. Now walking into one is a totally different story. Kinda like feeling a hair on your face you can't quite find or swipe off. I've plucked three of those teeny tiny ticks off my torso this week. Yuck!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Yeah, I agree... I hate it when I run into a spider web. Fortunately, it's typically a single strand (or it feels like it anyway). Hate to think of what it would feel like to run into an entire web! Voting to pass on that experience :)
Been contemplating what seeds to plant this coming season and into spring. Saw some neat options over on DJ's Fall Seed Interest. Wasn't going to sign up, but finally had to give in and sign up anyway :)
Anyone planning to try new plants this coming year? If so, what ones?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

No new seeds or plants for me, but I am going to continue to try again at morning glories! I found out too late this year that you can pinch them back, and make them bush out more, so hopefully my fence will be covered with them next year, instead of the single straggly stems going up!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, LK, I hope you have great success with your morning glories next year! It's hard to know when you need to pinch plants back and when you don't.
Hmmm, not many people posting lately... :( We'll hope they're happily tending their gardens! :)

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Sending greetings to all!
Hope you've all had a great weekend and that the coming week will be even better!
Amazing that we're already half way through September!
Just a friendly reminder: If you haven't already sent Paula her birthday card, please try to get that in the mail soon :-)
And remember, we still need a host for October, so if you're interested, just let me know.
Know anyone whose birthday is in the last half of September or the beginning of October? Perhaps you could encourage them to join us :)
Oh, and if you haven't posted in a while, do drop us a line so we know you're still with us.
Thanks! Happy gardening!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Michelle I don't mind making a new thread for October, it is pretty easy!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I sent out my September card but never saw a reply that she got it. Maybe people have stopped posting the cards they received. I have checked my threads fairly well lately, altho been extremely busy and seldom said anything.. Just sticking my nose in to say I am still here

Athens, PA

My card was sent out as well and I don't recall a posting as to it being received either. I suppose I could have missed the posting.

Blackshear, GA

OK....I'm bad. I said I was going to post the cards. I've been out of town...sorry. Crystal and Carolyn..I did get your card ...thank you so much. Also, got one from Heather. I think the rest of you I thanked you, if not "thank you"!!

Here they 'guys' are so sweet!

l to r
Taters - Crystal - Faye - Carolyn - Fruity
Michelle & Garvey

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066 Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Glad to hear cards have been going out to Paula :) And, Paula, we're glad that you've been receiving them! And, hopefully, the others will be able to get their cards out soon, too.
LK, thank you for volunteering to host for October. I'll list it up above.
Paula, you're currently listed as the host for November. Is that all right with you?
Carolyn and Crystal, it's great to hear from you both! Glad you were able to stop by :)
Hope you all have a wonderful evening!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm another one who tends to fly through without stopping long enough to say HI :) I haven't gotten mine sent out to Paula - just located where I had put the thing and it will go out tomorrow.

Had a terrific weekend with the family - son and his family flew up from TX, ex came from MO and daughter and family plus myself from Iowa - 17 of us all together in this HUGE log cabin on a private lake (Fruity, think about that log cabin in VA - this was bigger!!) and access to a pontoon boat..heaven! :)

Now it's back to the real world LOL...

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, Chris!
Glad you found the card :) Bet you put it "in a safe place" LOL
That sounds like a really nice weekend! Not sure I've ever ridden in a pontoon boat, and certainly not one to get to a cabin! Sounds like a great adventure :)
Do stop by when you can :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, your week-end and that Cabin both sound like a fantastic good time, Chris, and know you were happy to see your family again. You know what, I'm still sorry we sold our pontoon years ago. We used to take it out during the week and have picnics, just hubby and me. So peaceful. Many week-ends, it was a floating party before our nearby lake became so crowded. Little Big Town's song "Pontoon" is reminiscent of our good times:

Yesterday hubs and I went to a County Fair and met our mail lady there. Out of 18 entries, she won several 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Ribbons including ones for her Silkie eggs, canned tomatoes, spicy tomato juice, butternut squash, speckled butter beans, Jalapeno peppers, pumpkins, and pickled okra just to name a few. We love her fresh eggs and have already enjoyed a couple of Pint jars of her pickled okra (kicked up with garlic gloves and a whole Jalapeno pepper in each one) and her spicy tomato juice tastes exactly like V8. Plus she had sheep, goats, a pair of tame Turkeys she raised from eggs, and lots of chickens entered from her Farm. They don't give ribbons for animals, but several of the goats she bottle fed were in the petting zoo. A young male that was a bit too amorous she had to load in her car and take him back to her Farm, tail wagging as we followed her. Hubs had never been there and got the tour at feeding time.

Back at the Fair, she and I battled Bump Cars! Oh my gosh, the last time I did that was at Myrtle Beach years ago. We were both laughing so hard making faces at each other even before the ride started. Then we rode the Himalaya where you're side by side in a suspended car that goes up on down, then stops and spins backwards. She pretended to puke her corndog on me while everybody else was getting into their The ride starts slow and speeds up in both directions til the crowd watching is just a blur. Hubs used her camera to video both rides and said he was laughing so hard during our Bump Car ride he jarred the "on" button to "off" for a bit. It's been a long time since I laughed myself silly!

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like you had a great time Fruity!

Athens, PA

Chris - sounds like a wonderful time. My brother just left here last Sunday and I already miss him.

Sooze - what are Silkie eggs? I like canning myself, but don't have the time to put into all that your mail lady does.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Fruity, that sounds like lots of fun! It's been ages since I've been on rides like those. They sure are a lot of fun! :) Sounds like your mail lady did a great job!
Hey, speaking of the county fair, we get to vote for the winners for the DG County Fair! Must remember to check out the recipes :)

Just checking in.. Bad news,, Ralphs truck is finally dying.. sigh.. we had hoped it would last until next
February,, but now we are going to have to squeeze the money out of our vacation monies and also the building budget,,,whaa. So no trips this year after all. Between the truck and being so sick I feel like nothing is going right. Wish I had something happy to say right now,, but,, well I just don't...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Awe, sorry to hear about the truck! Hope it is an easy fix for you!
Now you get some rest, and get feeling better soon!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, Elfie.
Sending lots of hugs your way. And will keep you in my prayers.

Blackshear, GA

Aww Elfie, so sorry...hopefully it won't be too bad! You need to post pictures of what you have done to your house.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Just a quick hi before heading to bed.. Here's a little something that I brought home with me today - she's 8 weeks old and I haven't decided on the name yet. Maybe I should open a thread for a contest to name her LOL..

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, Chris.
What kind of critter is she? And what color? Bet she's cute :) Could be a lot of fun for us all to think of names for her... Our next birthday isn't til mine, October 28.

Blackshear, GA

Aww. Chris, she's adorable! Did you adopt her or did you find her?

Michelle, its a little kitten. She's snow white and has big blue-green eyes. I just love kittens.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Chris she is so pretty! Angel comes to mind, or snowball for a name!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Arggggh! It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day ye mateys!

Pieces of eight, pieces of eight, whistle,


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I did adopt her.. it's funny cause I saw the ad in Craigslist on Friday and there were 5 all together(only 2 were pure white), but she caught my eye - so I called the lady and asked about her, but I was going out of town for our family reunion and she wouldn't hold her. Which I quite understood (she lived too far from me to run over there before leaving anyway), so when I got back on Sunday, I didn't call because I just knew all of them were gone by then.

Monday, I was cruising through CraigsList for kittens and there was her pic again! I opened the ad and they said she was the last kitten left - talk about a sign that she was waiting for me :) So I called and she was still available and now here we are! Cool, isn't it? :)

I had already decided on no Snowball, or Whitey or Snow White - I want something else :) Just not sure yet what fits her - I'm leaning towards Keira, but I'm holding off to see what else I can find :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Athens, PA


She is such a beauty! I just love her - I like Keira and I like Lady. Both names are really nice.

We had a blue eyed Lynx point Siamese that my husband named Tiki after Tiki Barber of the NY Giants. The name worked well..... She was a sweetie too.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Awww, what a sweetie :) I was going to suggest snowball, too, but if you're looking for other names... There's Princess. Or perhaps there are white flower or white gem names that might be appropriate? Some flowers' and gems' names double as people names, too. And these wouldn't just refer to her color. Gem names would also have the connotation of just how precious she is :) And that is so cool how you got her! :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Call it fate or your good karma, Chris. She's a purrdy kitty and bet she'll let you know her name in time :)

Athens, PA

Interesting, Fruity -

Chris - I like the name Karma..... thoughts?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Chris, look what I found when I Googled list of names for white cats...

Or this one...

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh Chris she rocks!!! I vote for Karma too. That's good. She was meant to be with you.

i like Karma to.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Looks like we found all kinds of kitty name ideas for you, Chris... It will be interesting to see what name you decide fits her the best :)
Cooler here than usual, but still some good weather for working in the garden. Hoping to get some work done out there today :)
Have a great day, all!

Athens, PA

Years ago, my mother found a poor little kitten coming out of the graveyard. She was a tiny little thing and she was brought to my house (yes, I am the resident cat lady). That liittle kitty caused a melee with the other cats and the kids. We named her Melee -

Soooo, I think Karma is the perfect name. She is a sweetie Chris. Pet her for me.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all!
Wow, it's the weekend, already... Hope everyone gets to do something they enjoy, even if it's just for a little bit this weekend :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I drove to San Antonio for my Granddaughters 13th Birthday! Had a great time!

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