August to Winter Blooms

(Zone 7a)

I hate when our favorite pastimes get painful.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kwanjin, I hate that, too. If we were younger we would not be having all these problems.

Genna, I have those problems with my neck, too, when I've done a lot of weed pulling/bending over. And I wake up all stiff there in the morning, like you. I have an appointment to see a chiro on Monday. Maybe they can help. I do have a lot of neck and shoulder problems.

I have not heard of Costochondritis. Sounds like something I don't want.

I have Meralgia paresthetica, a.k.a. tingling leg syndrome. It's from being so overweight and all the bending over I do in the garden. There's a nerve that goes through the hip, and when you really overweight like I am, and you bend over a lot, the nerve gets pinched and damaged. It can cause the outer side of your thigh to go numb, and can also have a burning pain. It acts up when I stand in place for more than 15 minutes at a time, like browsing in a store, etc. Also bothersome sometimes when I'm walking, like with the burning pain. In the winter it doesn't affect me much, cause I'm not doing all that bending down. A lot of young women who wear jeans that are too tight can get that condition, and it can be caused by some trauma to the area or diabetes as well. If I lost the weight I would probably have a lot fewer problems with it.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Oooh, that doesn't sound good Karen. I am overweight too and I sure would like to loose some weight but the older you get the harder it is to come off. I am trying that new weight loss program called Sensa. So far I don't think I have lost anything but it's only been about 3 weeks on it.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, ya'll can label me officially crazy i guess....... I have multiple beds that are overrun with bermuda and need to be gutted and redone and what do i do??? Go to a local roundup/plant swap get together and come home with boxes of more plants! I was so excited about all the things I got - then came home and looked at my beds and KNOW that I am crazy for bringing anything else home! :( I got about 10 DLs, some salvias, some elephant ears, penstemoms, and several other nice starts of things..... but what on earth was I thinking????

I have had two prior surgeries on my low back - ruptured disk - surgery in the same location both times. It still gives me fits some days, but I know that my neck and shoulder problems as well as probably the back stems from a wreck I was in with my parents when I was 13...... rearended twice !! Had severe whiplash - in fact my neck was curved the wrong way when I FINALLY went to a chiropractor about it 6 years later..... so although it is much better over the many, many years....I have to go on a fairly regular basis for adjustments - particularly when I decide to try to do a months' work of work in a couple of days! :(

Working hard in the yard today trying to figure out what to do with all these goodies I brought home........... better get back at it!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, glad you were able to score a nice haul regardless. Take your time with many breaks in between. I wouldn't pass up a great deal regardless.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2012 6:19 PM

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Maybe the beds can be rototilled and then just rake the grass out. Or you can roundup them but you wouldn't be able to plant next year.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, you aren't anymore nuts than I am. I just ordered 3 more daylilies, and I have a ton yet to be planted. What's a woman to do? You have fun planting!


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I do have fun planting! BUT I DON'T have fun weeding ! :( Oh well, I got a lot of stuff repotted into holding pots until I can get some places cleaned up. Put some items in the bed that I have managed to get partially cleaned back out. Potted up 10 more DLs that I HOPE to get in the ground soon, but beds have to be dealt with first!

I made a nursery run before our plant swap and bought two maple trees. I did manage to get one of those planted today - hopefully will get the other one planted tomorrow. My husband had rotor cuff surgery 5 weeks ago he can't help with the trees except to supervise! :)

I got some good plants at the RU - but mostly I go just to meet up with some of my great DG friends, visit, swap plants and eat! Always come home with the vehicle stuffed and my belly too! There were several at this one that I haven't seen in over 2 yrs so it was really nice. Nothing like great gardening friends......... (they are all as crazy as me!)

Hope everyone had a great day!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

My day was ok. Didn't do much. On the chilly side today.
Clump Blackeyed Stella and double Buddy Hudson.
Freewheelin, not liking this chill.
Stella's Sparky two of three fasciated scapes are blooming. According to the AHS(, a plant that had a f/scape will not do so the next season. With three on this one it shouldn't do so the next three seasons. LOL!!
Lavender Blue Baby - waited until this evening for it to open to take pic.
Blackeyed Stella - the other plant.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Crimson Pirate - not the greatest pic, one of two blooms. I see one small developing bud from this budbuilder left to bloom.
Macbeth - 6:30 am yesterday chilly morning.
Endless Heart
Stella's Sparky - blooming from a normal scape. F/scapes in the background.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I have a daylily blooming today but I think it is a seedling. The cold has it not opening well. I will give it time to warm up before I take a pic of it.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Can't believe you have them blooming in such cool temps!!

Cindy, did you get snow??

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

No, and amen to that, LOL.

Beaverton, MI

Hillbilly Heart has buds on it and i have something else with buds to. we will see if they bloom.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, I actually don't mind weeding. I find it relaxing for the most part, except when it's 90 and muggy. Yuck! Today and yesterday were great. Yesterday I got a lot of weeding done, and I pruned a climbing rose and got it trained, as it had gotten way out of control. It should look really nice next year. Today I got some mulching/fertilizing done, and I also moved around some daylilies. I moved some daylilies around, and finally finished a purple and yellow bed. I had started turning that one into a purple/yellow bed a couple of years ago. Today I dug up the rest of the daylilies that were not those colors and replaced with ones that were, switching things around. Also dug up some daylilies I'm getting rid of to pot up and sell. Oh, and dug up some shasta daisies from a clump that was getting too big. Those will be potted up to sell, also. Or I might find someone to just give them too. Anyone want some shasta daisies?

I did not make it to a Round Up this year. Had one scheduled at my house in July for peak daylily bloom, but the people who said they could come could not make it after all. Would love to do it next year. I really enjoy them.

Nice blooms, Mike. At least you have some still going. I have pretty much nothing blooming now. Found a few prolifs. 3 were on a NOID plant that is a dark purple with creped texture, really nice one. Will cut them off and plant when they develop roots. Can't remember now which plant the other 2 were on, but they had decent roots on them already I cut them off and planted next to the parent clump. I have one bud left on a rebloom scape on SUNDAYS WITH VERNON.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Speaking of prolif. I found one on Lavender Blue Baby. When this one is finished blooming I will put it in water and pot up and bring inside along with a few others. They will go by a south facing window. Better survival chance there IMHO. Picked up a oldie that I always wanted at a local nursery along with "Tomato Soup" cone flower. Oldie = Gentle Shepard. Cheap!!!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

GENTLE SHEPARD is a good one. I almost got PARDON ME recently, as it was in bloom and looked so nice. I think I had that one some time back and didn't care for it too much, but I have recently grown fond of it. I have quite a few seedlings from that one that my late mother grew.

Unfortunately I don't have room in the house for daylily prolifs. I already have too many tropicals to overwinter.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I put a couple of rooted prolifs in the ground about 2 weeks ago. If they make it fine, if not, oh well, not going to fuss with them.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I was about to ask why u had to keep the prolifs inside......I thought everyone just planted them. I guess it because your winters are so much colder?? We plant DLs here almost anytime - just not when the ground is frozen ....

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Just wanted to let ya'll know what enablers ya'll have been for me these past few months! I only had about 10 daylilies this Spring..... i have had a few more in the past but lost some last year in the drought when I sick and just couldn't keep the ones in the farthest beds watered. Well, I counted last night and I have 50 !!! pots on DLs on my front porch (shaking my head in disbelief). I was shocked! I knew that i purchased several from the farm going out of business, and I purchased some from Judy selling on the classifieds, got just a few from my plant swap last weekend, but I didn't realize how much I had multiplied my DL holdings!!! PLUS, I have put several new DLs in the ground this year! Probably at least 20 more! And I won't EVEN mention how long my want list is........................ oh my........ I guess you could say you have been a positive influence! ^_^ (Not sure my husband would agree with that statement though...............)

LOL .... can't wait for next summer!! I will have blooms galore compared to what I have been having!!!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, we all started out like that! It will be great next year and the year after that and the year after get the picture! LOL!!
The prolifs that I will be bringing inside are the ones that I am really fond of due to my low fan count on the mother plant. I already have several in the ground. I am only bringing in a few.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

LOL, LOL, I can relate. Like Mike said, we all started out that way. My one dozen I started with has now become 350. I really need to downsize but just can't seem to part with any.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I have a fairly large porch, and my pots are kinda lined up across the front of two large bay windows - I had NO idea there were that many until I counted the other night! I just hope my husband doesn't stop and count...... :) I sure hope to get most of them in the ground because I am a little nervous about trying to overwinter them in pots! I have decided that the ones that don't get in the ground will be moved down off my porch and onto the ground at the south end of the porch up next to the foundation of the house. Hopefully, that will give them a little protection from the North wind, and they will still get morning sun there and hopefully some radiant warmth from the brick wall......

If my husband asks..............I am blaming it on ya'll beautiful photos~! just so you know.........................



Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

We will take the blame, don't worry!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, I know just how you feel. I'm still that way. Last year I bought about 60 or so new daylilies, and ended up potting most of them. They made it through the winter just fine. I have not figured out how many I have bought this year, as well as all the bonuses I got. And I'm just now placing an order with Bob Selman at Blueridge Daylilies in NC, as I got an email from him letting me know he has a lot listed on sale in his eBay store. The ones he has there are pretty much all $9.99. Here's what I'm getting:


I know he'll send a lot of bonuses, too.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Are these for shipment now Karen? Or next spring? I got mine so late from him last year and it was already so hot here - they really have not performed well.......

And there you go enabling even more !! ^_^

(Zone 7a)

Lady Elizabeth opened.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Very nice.....

East Greenwich, RI

Ok I have this one blooming in my garden - I always thought it was "Look Here Mary" but looking at all of yours - the colors are off and it's bloom is only about 6". Any idea what it might be?

The color is NOT gold, but more of a creme / off-white. It has a definite stripe of white running though the middle of each main three petals. The leaves are 16" and the scape is 23".

Thumbnail by lesliehand
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

That LADY ELIZABETH is very pretty.

Sorry, Leslie, I don't know what that one could be. So many are so hard to identify that I pretty much gave that up a long time ago.

Genna, yes, those are for fall delivery, so I hope he doesn't send them too late. I have to plant them ASAP. I got my last order from late winter in August! Partly my fault for not contacting him sooner, but he misplaced my order. They're doing well, though.


Toledo, OH

Karen, the invoice I received on Bob Selman's order said delivery could be expected october4 -6. The email from Bob Selman said he would send the order as soon as possible.You are right, we need to plant soon to get plants established before winter sets in. I know we take a chance planting at this time. Karen

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

It's not too bad planting at this time out my way, as we don't really get a hard freeze here till Dec. Not that we don't get frost. What zone are you in karen13771?


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I want you all to know that I have a daylily that (hopefully) will give a really nice rebloom!

AARON'S LITTLE WHOPPER had 1 bloom earlier in the year. It was planted in early August of 2011.

Here is a picture of the scapes, just in case they don't bloom before a frost! LOL

Thumbnail by l2le
Toledo, OH

Karen, here in northwest ohio we were zone 5. I noticed on the revised maps they are saying zone 6. I don't see how when our temperatures get to -20 and have gone even a little colder than that. Granted it doesn't happen every year.This area is considered on the shores of lake Erie.We do not have to drive far to get there so we have wind chills and humidity from the lake.I take a chance every year and plant till mid october . I figure the milorganite in the planting hole helps keep the roots warm longer. I only ordered 3 plants from Bob Selman, Egyptian Queen, Strider Spider, and Spacecoast Spice Girl.I was afraid to order a lot, just in case. His plants are great! When do your hard freezes set in?Ours can vary from late october to mid november. Karen

East Greenwich, RI

I think I was a gift from Bob S year ago, because I have all the others pretty well marked.

I think it was marked Look Here Mary, but it is clearly not. The blooms on that are much bigger and folder

Thumbnail by lesliehand
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Very pretty!!! I like the creme colors.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, I went and looked at all the ones he had on sale - and there are lots I would love to have, but I opted not to purchase ANY more until i can get all these I have potted in the ground! Plus, I just bought several that came in last week ...... have to spread my purchases out some and I have some compost and manure that I want to buy to improve another section of my foundation planting.

Oh well, I was quite proud of myself for not ordering anything!!! ^_^


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Karen, we can get a hard freeze in mid Nov, I suppose, but we don't really get a freeze till more like late Nov, early Dec. Sometimes not till late Dec. I have hear we are now zone 7 on the revised zone map, but I don't see how that's likely for us, either. I will still plant like we're zone 6. Not taking any chances. Costs too much to spend money on plants I might lose.

Wish I could have held off on ordering. Oh well. Gonna have lots of planting to do. :-P


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Looks like I will have a Rebloom on AARON's LITTLE WHOPPER after all.

I was afraid it wouldn't bloom before we get a frost. (Usually the last week of October), but LOOKIE!!


Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Woohoo! Looking good! I'm sure that will be open by tomorrow.

My last bud on the rebloom scape of SUNDAYS WITH VERNON was open today. I got a pic, but can't upload to my computer, as my card reader is broken. Hopefully I can get a new one tomorrow. That's the last daylily of the season for me this year. Such a shame, but everything bloomed 2 weeks early this year due to the freakishly warm weather in spring. Maybe next year will be more normal, so we can enjoy more bloom later in the season.


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