Dany's MGs 2012 # 2

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Mittsy, how nice to see a Heavenly Blue, very pretty

szarvas, Hungary

Question for Karen!
1: a plant produces 98% of this type of flower.
2: 2% of flowers are unique of this kind of bloom.
When you cross the flower n° 2 , you use the genetics of this flower or the genetics of the plant ?
And in what proportion?

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
(Zone 7a)

Dany, the only thing I can claim is a respect for the possibilities of morning glories - not knowledge.

My guess would be to use the genetics of the flower -

So all I can say at this point is to "self" and tag No. 2. And then, hopefully, if a pod ripens, to cross those seeds with each other to maximize the re-appearance of this pattern. I would try to grow out the vines of the F2 generation to their maximum length, which would maximize the number of seeds you could harvest. The more seeds from F2, the greater the possibility this pattern might occur in F3.

I can only talk in terms of what seems most likely from my limited knowledge base - not in exact percentages.

Like you, I would welcome any other ideas from others who are either more knowledgeable than I - or more serendipitous.

(To newbies reading this, selfing means pollinating the flower of interest with itself; that is, swish the pollen (that is on the anthers) of No. 2 onto the its stigma (see diagram here: http://www.cs.umb.edu/~whaber/Monte/Plant/Conv/conv-part.html ) There are a couple of entries for Tagging under POLLINATION in in this forum's index in the sticky)

That is a gorgeous flower - hope it comes back for you :)

szarvas, Hungary

We had 2 to 3 fresh night .... today morning 46.4 F.Result , flowers are small, no pollen and the wrong color! .... luckily I have pictures in reserve!
Here is a soft gray - pearly gray .

Perhaps to cross with n° 5 !

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

This one is not DFNM .

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

4 o'clock ... yes ! ... but double ! I find seeds in Japan .
I still looking for variegated 4 o'clock !

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
Pretoria, South Africa


Very interesting 4 o'clocks. Are they producing seed? I have a few seeds og M. longiflora if you are interested. (http://www.fireflyforest.com/flowers/1642/mirabilis-longiflora-sweet-four-oclock/)


szarvas, Hungary

Elsa .... is possible!

Q 0240 is really an excellent cultivar! I hope I will seed!

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

One bloom ... 3 colors ...white , light blue and mid blue .

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

A very bright!

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
Pretoria, South Africa

Dany, love your blue flowers. Q240 really is a beauty. Holding thumbs on your behalf for some seed...

Gautier, MS

Your mg's are really special Dany, a joy to see.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Dany, those are AMAZING!!! WOW!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful Dany, I love the center bloom.

szarvas, Hungary

Thank you everyone!

The ancient Japanese had done everything :
It reads like a sales catalog online .... bottom left.

A very double mutation!

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
Pretoria, South Africa

Dany, is the double mutation forming any seed? Looks like a petunia...

szarvas, Hungary

Beautiful small bloom ... but to produce seeds !
Impossible because there is neither stamens nor pistil. "nobody is expected to do the impossible" .

This cultivar is probably an ancestor of Fuji no Monet .... it has no stamens and Youjiro leaves .... ideal for breeding!

With each flower I made a cross with one of the 500 cultivars present in the garden this year ..... imagine the number of F1 seeds that I will have!
Next year I can only cultivate crosses from this plant!

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

One of them is a Purpurea flower !

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Beautiful colors !

Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12 Thumbnail by dany12
Gautier, MS

WOW! Awesome blooms Dany.

Pretoria, South Africa

I agree Helena

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Danny, you are amazing!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful to say the least.

szarvas, Hungary

Thanks , everyone !

One of the two has a very good hairdresser! lol !

Now .... i 'm there :

Thumbnail by dany12
(Zone 7a)

fascinating about Fuji no Monet as an ancestor - thankyou

love the combination of beauty and science

only a few images on DG have been showing on my computer for the lasts few days - some day I'll find out what you mean by a good hair dresser :)

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