Fall SWAP at Sallyg's- pick a date?

Crozet, VA

Welcome Paul. How great of you to offer plants even though you won't be able to attend the actual swap. Oh yeah, once you meet this crowd in person, you will want to keep coming back. I believe that some of us are now doing this swap deal for about seven years. Much of my gardens and my houseplant collection has come from members here. Half the fun of getting the plants is the good feeling and remembrance we can enjoy when gazing upon our lovelies.

Will mark our calendar now. This is going to be loads and loads of fun once again.


Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Ruby,

I've been to Crozet, it's gorgeous! Home of Starr Hill and their wonderful wheat beer 'The Love.' Beautiful setting out there, if you take out UVA. Ha.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

C. alnifolia does well around here in the swamps. I don't have a Japanese clethra, or a native. I am plagued with dry shade.

esp your creative carp/ koi comparison...very clever!
Swell my head some more, it provides welcome shade....

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Heehee, I did not notice any extra shade on you, Sally. I'm looking forward to this event.

Judy, you crack me up.

Crozet, VA

Hey Paul, I don't know if you heard the latest debacle at UVA or not. I was glued to the Internet whilst the Board of Visitors canned the two year long President, and the hordes rioted. This town was turned up side down for about two weeks until the Teresa Sullivan was reinstated. This became national and international news and made this respected institution the laughing stock of academia. It has pretty much died down now even though some of the local media keeps bringing up issues and keeping the commentary alive.

Anyway.....oh gosh, as for breweries and wineries, this seems to be the place to be. Too bad all these establishments weren't here back in the day when I was known to imbibe. An open invitation for any one who ever plans a trip to the area to do winery or brewary tours, please let me know in advance and maybe it will suit to have you stop by my place for cold ice tea or lemonade. Please no one hold their breaths for us to host a swap. We have officially set things back by another year possibly due to the roofiing work which has taken place here for the past month or so. The stone walkway has been promised to be addressed very soon though, so us hosting is still a possibility. There is no way on earth that I would want to share the yarden in its present condition, weeds growing taller than I am and not much yarden maintenance have taken place at all the past little while.

Sally, you are such a dear. In my book and if I were awarding medals for different characteristics we each have here, I would definitely put you in first place for wit and humor. I have been known to laugh out loud at some of the things you have written in the past. Keep it up, we need you. I really look forward to visiting your home and know that the swap will be a complete success. Really looking forward to seeing all you special folks again soon.

I will close with wishing each of you a good weekend. Gonna be cooler, so hope that everyone can enjoy it.


Central, MD(Zone 7a)


I did hear about the uva president. That was something else. Good for the students and faculty to stand beside their president. I'm pretty sure that was news outside of our region. Unbelievable.

Rain is here. I'm wondering if the usda will have to rezone every 5 years with the way things APPEAR to be shifting. Last year was the wetest year I can remember. This summer it almost seems like we are living in Florida not the mid Atlantic.

Crozet, VA

I am with you Paul and was very proud of the UVA community for standing up for the right thing in this case. Folks were truly hopping mad.

Hmmm.....you might be on to something about the gardening zones being changed at some point in the future if things continue the way they are. Very interesting thought.

Sally, John made sure he is not scheduled to work on the 15th, so we are ready to go. Can't wait.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yippee Ruby and John!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

(((((((Ruby & John))))))) Woooowhooooo x 2 cuz I think I saw that David and Pat are coming as well!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

May I issue an all -excompassing WOOT WOOT for everyone who is planning to be here.

What a great bunch!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Woot woot!! Here, too

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


If you need any help that morning--just let me know. Coleup and Me are your closest DG'ers.
Be glad to extend a hand.....

Crozet, VA

Before each swap we have attended John always tells me to not bring any thing home. Hahaha.....like that was going to happen. Due to being over loaded with plants currently, I am not going to make a pig of myself as I have often done in the past when enticed by the wonderful lists of goodies that others have.

We will have to soon do inventory and see what all we can let go of. John particularly likes planting in the fall versus the spring, so hopefully some others of you are like that too and will help take some of our overabundance off our hands. Anyway.....gonna be a great day.....for sure.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I cannot think of anything much that I will have to bring either----so she says....

I thought the same thing before Holly.s Swap. However--Fall is different from spring.
A lot more cuttings and seedlings in the spring.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I took care of the "not bringing too much stuff home" issue - new car with leather interior - so no plants in the backseat...trunk it is ^_^ (yes, shock and horror, no more SUV :))

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm simply taking the 5th on this one...lesson learned...ugh

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

No more SUV?? Where does Sammie sit?

We brought a lot of plants both to & from the spring swap... most of mine are growing on in pots. As I get more garden area "reclaimed," I plant them out (most are in trade gallon pots, a few types in quarts, so they have nice root balls when they go out there). Most probably won't be planted until fall or even next spring, and a couple of shrub babies will stay potted even longer.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Sammie sits just fine in the back seat of the new car...it's a larger backseat and he even has his own hammock that covers the entire seat and the floor

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

All this talk about space has me wondering if my sedums are too big. They were taken out from a landscaping job about a year ago and have been sitting in 7 gallon liners since. I planted one last year but don't have room for the others. Right now they look a little lanky but last month they looked good enough to sell. Is there any interest?? I am not aware of the cultivation just didn't want to throw them out.

The sedums are rather large.

There is a lavender colored azalea next to them as well (NOID).

If you look hard enough you can see the cuttings that I have begun to propagate this year, all named rhodos.


Thumbnail by UMD_Terp
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I guess it is time for me to do a Haves and Wants thread where we discuss what we have and what we might want.
This is a good case in point- big things can be a pain to haul. "If someone WANTS my huge XXX I am happy to swap, " in general, but its too much work to haul a lot of things that no one has interest in.


DISCUSSION of swapping items

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Paul, those huge Sedums in particular, I think, would be quite happy to be ripped out of those pots the day before swap, and have their roots shaken off and wrapped in newspaper and plastic bag. Unless you think this would affect them settling in for winter- you sound well able to assess that. I have not moved big sedums in fall.

Offerings are OK in a wide range of condition. Some have been potted awhile, others pulled and wrapped. Taking into account the plant itself, how well does it take abuse. It's nice for the recipient to get some idea of what condition the plant will be in.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Sally. I am actually not familiar with the root system of sedums I yield to the expertise of the group in that regard. I would of course be happy to do that. They would be much easier to handle and transport bare root, ha. As i said before I essentially used what I could from them to fill in space and couldn't throw the rest out.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sedums are so easy to root (generally) that I think they would be fine transported in newspaper....

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry all - found out today I won't be able to make it, I have a prior commitment (I had forgotten the date)

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7b)

If raw rookies aren't barred from inclusion, I'd like to pay a visit to this conglomeration of green-thumbers as well...It'll be my first, but hopefully not my last...

Not an awful lot to contribute...*YET*...just getting started...

Thumbnail by tmcghan
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Nooooo! BECKY!!! Phooey. OK, dinner in Leesburg... or something... soon... !

Paul, oooohhh @ the rhodi cuttings. Glad they're doing so well for you! When did you take the cuttings? I "know people" with rhodi's that would let me have some snips... I had pretty good luck with some other things in early spring this year, so I'm feeling all empowered LOL.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Welcome, Tom!

Been looking for you to post somewhere here....Got your D-mail. Did you see my replies?

You and your wife are welcome to ride to sally's with me. It is only a half hour drive.

it is NOT a requirement to bring plants to a Swap--especially for new members.
A couple chairs to sit in. Maybe a Pot-Luck dish? We all contribute something....

That sign-up will be posted a bit later--still plenty of time....

Glad you will be coming. Your neighbor----Gita

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Dinner in Leesburg sounds great!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Bec- : ^P
Too bad, you will be missed! I hope your other plans are even half as fun.

tmcghan- Raw rookies are Absolutely welcome! (Somebody has to take all our extra junk..)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally's right about the sedums. They are very hardy and easy to transplant. They will take a good bit of abuse in transplanting. I pulled some and set them bare root in trays for several days before I could get them back in the ground.
Bec you will be missed.
tmcghan, Welcome you will just love the swap they are so very much fun.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Bec - seriously?!? Hmph!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Tom--you may not know some things about DG yet. I can help you out--stop by and I will explain.
I can show you on my computer, if you like....

You sent me a D-mail. I was impressed! First day as a DG member--and you already figured that out!!!
I sent you back 3 replies with pictures.of blooms of some plants I showed you in my garden.

The way you can tell that someone has replied to your D-mail is to look up in the blue
task bar at the top--and next to the "log in" is "Mail".
If you see a number like---3-mail--, that means you have 3 replies to your D-mail.
Just click on the "mail" thingie and you will see the replies.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Welcome, Tom! You've got something growing & blooming in your "inferno strip" -- you're off to a great start!

It's always good to have new gardeners, and between the fall & spring swaps we'll set you up with some of the sturdiest "pass-along" plants for our area.

(Greenthumb pointed out a beautiful patch of Campanula this spring... it was spreading nicely and clearly plotting a garden coup... he commented, "There's a reason certain plants are always available at swaps!" LOL)

Campanula 'Pink Octopus', very cool

Thumbnail by critterologist
Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Lol. I have never seen campanula! Nice.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I bet you'll go home with at least one specimen.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Mine has spread this year...

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I would love to!!

Crozet, VA

Oh goody.....some new folks to offer the same old, same old to. I hope that Tom and Paul will see some things on my list that they just have to have for their own yardens. I will have more house plants to offer this go round than in the past. There haven't been any Farmers Market sales for about six weeks now and the things I had potted up earlier are still here and will not fit back in when time comes for house plants to return indoors.

Aww heck Bec. We will miss you. Chantell, sure hope you will still be coming though. I am looking forward to accessing the links for the haves and wants list that Sally posted. Now the fun begins.

Hope that everyone is having a decent enough weekend. Trying to stay cool here today and don't have much of any thing going on at the moment. Would probably be a good time to take and inventory of what we have so I can begin listing it in the proper place. Anyways........looking forward to this shindig, for sure.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Bec: Plans are there only to be changed!

tmcghan: Welcome!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from critterologist :
Welcome, Tom! You've got something growing & blooming in your "inferno strip" -- you're off to a great start!

Thank you. It's a small beginning, I have a lot to learn and a lot of work to do. Now that I'm retired (finally!), I have the time to start working my way down the to-do list...

It's always good to have new gardeners, and between the fall & spring swaps we'll set you up with some of the sturdiest "pass-along" plants for our area.

I'm looking forward to it. As luck would have it, Gitagal is a close neighbor, and I'll be leaning on her for advice and suggestions, and hoping to take her up on her kind offer to carpool to the gathering. She has been generous with her time and has already given me a few "starter" plants that should survive even my as-yet-undeveloped nurturing skills! ;-) I'll be revamping the smaller of my two backyard buildings into a potting shed, and plan to spend the next cool afternoon turning over my compost heap, pulling out a bucket or two of lovely organic richness to add in when I transfer the first few babies to their new home(s).

You have a great group going here, and everyone has made me feel quite welcome. It will be neat to meet some of the group in person, and I will definitely be taking notes!!!

This message was edited Jul 29, 2012 4:11 PM

This message was edited Jul 29, 2012 4:12 PM

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