How do you deal with wildlife in your garden?

There are a total of 103 votes:

I have a motion detection system to thwart wildlife. (what kind?)
(2 votes, 1%)
Red dot

I make or purchase items that move in the wind. (tell us!)
(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

I have a good fence.
(21 votes, 20%)
Red dot

Live and let live...there's enough for everyone.
(39 votes, 37%)
Red dot

No problems with wildlife eating my garden (why?)
(15 votes, 14%)
Red dot

I have scary fake owls and snakes. (do they work?)
(2 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Other. (tell us!)
(23 votes, 22%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

What? Not a Red Ryder ☺? It is Christmas season after all.

The coyotes around here would not be bothered by and bb gun....

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

the BB gun reminds me of the incident of my father with the BB gun going after bats in the house up in Ruidoso NM... it was chaos! Imagine him trying to shoot bats flying around at night.. 2 stories of glass windows A frame as the front wall of the house... Mom was hysterical! I was laughing my head off... he was a great shot and got 3 without hitting the glass!

... Mom is terrified of anything that flies!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Today there was an article in the paper. Some idiot in the federal government talking about food safety said we will need to keep animals away from crops. Does this fool know anything ?

We have deer, raccoon, skunk, rabbit, groundhog, couple kinds of gophers, just to name some. All are protected during the summer. Then there are the geese, pheasants & tons of song birds.
It would be a job for some of the government dummies, standing in the field like a scarecrow!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

hmmmm.... scarecrows, I'd need to buy a red ryder too. lol

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

LoMaint -
are you sure it is woodpeckers.

We had similar problem on porch and it was carpenter bee. Holes about the size of a dime - very clean.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, gee, CountryGardens, no horses/mules hitched to plows either. I know there are farmers in Ohio and Pennsylvania who still use horse power. Voles, mice--what is this person thinking? Do you think he has ever even been to a farm? But maybe we should put that person in charge of the feral hogs LOL!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Rules::""They( "crops and animals") are suppose to be grown and kept in "star wars cubicles" , and labeled, Including the "rodents"
All wastes must be purified of "fungus and Bacteria" Vented in plastoid(metal optional) type grain bin aeration Making sure of secondary aeration containment has biological sterilization of all released , recirculated, atmospheric gasses.
"There may be no loose biological indications or materials>>> Translation manual , anyone???

This message was edited Jan 10, 2013 5:54 PM

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Hmmmm, so what would be definition of healthy soil be?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Algae gel sealed in a test tube?

Talihina, OK

We have a real skunk problem this year in SE OK. We live in the middle of 160 acres. We are a nonprofit training farm established to give Native American men a second chance after life changing events which includes homeless vets and the disabled. Skunks believe our handicap ramp was made for them (I've found skunk poop on the porch). We have 3 Plott hounds who probably keep a lot of wildlife (coyotes) away from the house, but not skunks. I read about the Puya, Sapphire Tower (Puya alpestris) and its sharp apendages and wondered if spiney and sticker laden plants deter skunks or are they like Brar Rabbit and the briar patch. Would like to just give the message "find another home". All advice is appreciated,

Talihina, OK

Goodway I live right in town in Talihina but it seems the skunks are much worse this winter than they have been in a long time Just judging by the large numbers I see dead on the hyway I know a few ways to deal with them but none are pleasant...

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

I've nicknamed March as "Skunk Month" in my neck of the woods. They seem to be at their most active the whole month of March here. I know one was out the other night as I heard the local coyotes howling and heading to the outside of the back of our fence behind our house. They've been hanging out there and teasing our dogs (if my Catahoula ever gets out, she swears they will be sorry). Anyway, I heard one yelp and then that skunk smell became verrrry strong. Served them right. LOL! The coyotes went away.....I think the skunk is still around, though.

Wow, you have Plotts? I saw some on the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. They look cool (not that I need one--they just look cool).

Talihina, OK

Has anyone here tried The human hair trick supposed to be a great deer deterent I plan to try some as a soil additive ,you just never know what might work

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