Spring 2012 to Summer

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone! Beautiful blooms! .... been missing in action here as life has been hectic and just trying to catch up on all the threads! So nice to see the beautiful blooms since it is SOOOO scorching hot here! We have had a little rain off and on though - still dry - but definitely better than some places where there hasn't been any rain!

Mike, can I ask what you mean by a lack of Stigma on Elma Tipton?


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I love that Boundless Beauty, Mike, and SMA has always been a favorite of mine. Just beautiful!

I get some rebloom here, but very little. One that has done really well for me with instant rebloom is Stella's Ruffled Fingers. I would like more that give instant rebloom.

Hi, Genna! Nice to 'see' you back.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Genna. Welcome back. We hope all is well as can be on the home front. The stigma is where the pollen is applied for hybridization. http://www.daylilies.org/ahs_dictionary/ImageMap.html
Karen, I got Stella Ruffled Fingers this spring. It is planted next to Kanai Sensei. I also plan to put Yellow Lollipop next to this duo. From what I have read YL is a long bloomer. Can anyone that grow YL comment on its blooming ability? Mike

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone! I took a couple of days on July 19-21 to take my two youngest kids (18 and 19) to a quick trip to the Dallas area to do some shopping for college (and for my son to visit his GF from nearby Garland). We took my daughter's new Toyota Camry bc of the better gas mileage....we hadn't been in town 10 minutes when we were involved in an accident and her car was messed up! Thankfully, it was not our fault and no one was injured ....the car will be repaired next week and it will be good as new I hope! But, I came home from there with a tooth infection and I have been fighting it ever since. Finishing up the second round of antibiotics now and they arent working either - it is about to get the best of me!! But, they are sending me to an endodontist next week for a THIRD root canal on the same tooth!!!!! Hopefully that will resolve my problems! My computer also crashed so I was offline a while. Needless to say it has been a little rough the past three weeks - but nothing that can't be resolved fairly easily..................well, everything except losing all the pictures and things I had on my hard drive that crashed :(

Haven't done much out in the yard because it has been super hot here and every time I get hot, it makes the pain in my jaw escalate....... so I just go out and water and the grass in the beds seems to be growing best of all of course! ^_^ Oh well, I tell myself that because my nest will be empty this fall for the first time in almost 25 years, that i will have PLENTY of time to get all those beds cleaned out AGAIN! We will see..... I have a 'to do' list for inside and outside that I figure would take about 5 years to accomplish ...LOL

I did have a bloom from one of the DLs that I potted up until fall, but I failed to get a picture of it. All of them that I put in the ground and have in pots seem to be happy and settling in well. Hopefully that will mean a lot more blooms come spring!

Sure have missed seeing ya'lls beautiful blooms. It extends my 'season' by months!!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, make sure you use the teenagers before they go off to school. Hope this third RC will be the charm.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, they ended up having to pull the tooth yesterday :( The infection had spread to a level that they were pretty certain the root was fractured and that it couldn't be saved. Due to the extension infection and prior jaw surgery, my dentist was very nervous about trying to pull it, but he got me in to an oral surgeon yesterday. So, although I am not feeling good, the theory is that I will finally begin to feel better!

LOL on those teenagers....... I have a long list for them, ha ha but mostly it is stuff they need to get done in their rooms or getting their stuff packed to go. My daughter, who is the youngest, is headed off to college with her brother this coming week and I am trying hard to get ready mentally and physically. (They have a long list of to dos for Mom too!)

It seems like the only thing doing much in my beds is the grass! About the only thing I have blooming is my hardy hibiscus, my crepe myrtles, butterfly bushes and phlox and all of them are beginning to feel the heat except for maybe the CM.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

That's no fun Genna and I hope you recover quickly!!!!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Hope you are feeling better by now Genna! Been there, done that and it isn't any fun for sure.

Do you know if there is a way to tell if a daylily is a TET or a DIP?

I have several that my daughter got for me from Hardy's Daylilies in Litchfield CT, and I think they may be seedlings that Mr. Hardy has crossed....don't know that for sure, but there is no information on them as to DIP or TET or rebloom or anything else.

They are awfully pretty and I really like them, but I'd like to know if there is a way to tell.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

The only way I use to tell whether dip or tet is to try and set a pod on it. I have a noid that I got from a friend and I put dip pollen and tet pollen on it and the tet pollen took and formed a pod. So now I know it is a tetraploid.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Still not feeling great....worked half a day yesterday because I HAD to do payroll.....was feeling so bad my son had to get up and DRIVE me to work and come back to get me!! Today I am feeling better, but not great so I stayed home to recover a little...... tomorrow will be back to work for sure I hope!

IT was 66 here this morning....NICE, but heating up fast out there and is probably over 90 already!


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I'm not feeling well either Genna. Have a head cold and can't hardly breathe. Feel lousy. Not going to do much of anything today.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, I was thinking Eenie Weenie would look good with that combo with Yellow Lollipop, Stella's Ruffled Fingers and Kanai Sensei. It's really cute, and only 10" high. I have Yellow Lollipop, but so far it has not done much for me. Had it for about 3 years or so now. Just moved it this year and added manure to the planting hole, so we'll see how it does next year. I just love SRF. I have gotten nice instant rebloom from it here.

Genna, glad to hear that the accident was not your fault and that your daughter's car got replaced. Sorry to hear about the continued infection in your tooth. I would be yanking the offender out rather than opting for another root canal. The one I had done didn't last more than maybe 5 years. The tooth is all falling apart now. It's a temporary fix. You're better off without it. Hope you're feeling better by now. Sorry that your hard drive crashed also and you lost a lot of pics and such. I have all mine backed up through a remote backup service, so if it ever crashes, my files are safe. That was after one of my sisters lost all her files in a hard drive crash. I didn't want to take a chance and lose all my files as well.

Genna, I too have not gotten much done in my yard the past few weeks, so I want to get a lot of weeding and mulching done this weekend if I can. One weekend I took off to do outing to 3 different beaches, and last weekend I went out and did some non-gardening related stuff. Needed some time away from the gardens for a bit, plus it was just so darn hot and humid. I was walking around out there a few days ago to take a few pics, and the weeds have grown outrageously, even in the beds that I had all weeded just a month or so ago. Need to get the mulch in so I don't have so many weeds to pull. I need a crepe myrtle. I have seen a few beauties around, and they are just so outstandingly beautiful. I saw one the other day, and it was just gorgeous. There aren't many around here, as there aren't a lot of hardy varieties, but I think hybridizers are producing more of the hardy ones now.

Hope you're feeling better Cindy.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Karen. Went to the doctor and got some antibiotics. Doc said its viral but the antibiotics seem to be working.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh good. I'm glad that's working out for you.

We are getting rain today, which they said we would, so no weeding here. Will get a lot done tomorrow.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, is EW a rebloomer in your garden ?

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, I've never noticed EW reblooming here.


Toledo, OH

Eenie Weenie reblooms in northwest Ohio. Also, it blooms over a long period of time here. I really like it.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Rain and cooler temps here; some dividing and weeding is getting done at last! My only 3 blooming DLs are a tiny yellow with lots of seedpods on the plants (not sure of name) a few franz hals, and an Olallie late that is still full of buds! I think it is Late Embers. Definately going to keep adding lates and very lates. By the way, I figured out that (a late bloomer with a kind of lavendar color) is Lavender Deal. It is a lovely flower, especially this time of year. Just finished blooming.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I have Lavender Deal and it is a very nice plant. This summer, however, with all the heat we had, it bloomed mid season.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Caitlinsgarden, your baby yellow daylily that's still blooming could be Yellow Lollipop. I got this as a gift plant and was going to give it away until I read in G-Wild catalog that it is a "long blooming " plant. It is currently in a pot but, I will transplant soon to the aforementioned location. Currently have one rebloom scape on it.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, my Autumn King is now blooming. You know it never gets as tall as it's registered height of 54" in my garden. I may try moving it to see if it will do better in a different location. Or maybe I'll dig in some manure with it and move some of the other daylilies away from it, as it may be getting crowded out. I might just divide the clump and move part of it to see how it does.

Is that a pic of Big Snowbird?


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, that is Big Snowbird, blooming on original and rebloom scapes. Prolifs also. Can't wait to do a final bud count on A/King.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)



Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello all. Did end up having to have the tooth taken out on August 10 because the infection had gotten so much worse! Dentist said I no longer had a choice. I think I about waited too long because it took me several days to recover !! That infection was really taking a toll on me! Good thing I was on the road to recovery because my youngest son ended up having to be hospitalized for three days with stomach pain - but they don't know what was wrong - just that his stomach was very distended and full of fluid..... they think it might be gall bladder related but haven't confirmed yet. He got out of the hospital last Thursday just because he was supposed to move into college that evening..... we got him moved in, then my daughter moved in on Saturday, my husband had shoulder surgery on Monday..... can you say crazy???? It has been a crazy, crazy, hectic month at my house! But, I HOPE that we have everything under control finally!! ^_^

Your blooms are gorgeous as usual. Have been on the lookout for some repeat blooms but haven't gotten any. I have an NOID variety blooming that was actually the first DL I ever purchased. I have had it for about 5 yrs now and this is only the second time it has bloomed. It is a pitiful looking bloom and I really probably need to remove it from the bed. :(

Karen, I have a huge bed that is in a circle of my driveway that i had completely cleaned and mulched this spring- if you saw it now you would think it has NEVER been cleaned out. THe nut grass and bermuda grass have taken it over AGAIN! I can not seem to come up with a long term solution to keep it clean!!!! I can not tell you how many hours I spent on it in the spring - but days and days worth of work.............. all gone now!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, I hope all will be well soon with the whole family.
Try using a good weed block with the mulch. It is so much easier to maintain. Try pulling those badddd grasses before they go to seed including the roots.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Genna, I spent hours this spring weeding all my beds too and now you would never know it. I don't know what type of grasses I have growing but I have 2 different ones besides the nutsedge too. One of the grasses gets stalks with what looks like small miniture cat tails. I call them little fuzzies. Don't know what that is and the other gets tall stalks with fingers of seed. I should really take pics of it.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm with you guys. Have spend many days and hours weeding beds, and now you'd never know it. The darn weeds grow like....well, weeds! Those invasive grasses are some of the worse weeds to get rid of. I have nut grass in some beds, and quack grass in others. Some other type of grass, too. Maybe witch grass. Most of the grasses in my beds are annual varieties that are easy to get rid of and keep under control with mulch. All the roots have to come out, and leave one little, tiny piece and you have more coming up. Impossible to get every tiny piece of root out.

The invasive perennial grasses cannot be controlled with mulch. I don't think weed block would help much with those, either. Same goes for many other invasive perennials. Mulch will only control weeds that would come up from seed. You can control those with Preen and other pre-emergents, too. Of course the weeds that have already come up will have to be weeded out before putting that or the mulch down. I'm sure all of you guys are already aware of this, though.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I have nutsedge (nutgrass), bermuda grass which is one of the worst!, bahaha grass, and some that I can't identify! I have actually fought the nutsedge with roundup enough that I am FINALLY making a dent in it, but it seems the other grasses just increase due to the lack of competition by the nutgrass!! My beds look like jungles and it makes me just want to throw in the towel!! :( Had hoped to get some work done in them this past weekend, but with temps over 100 and HIGH humidity, it was all I could do to get the lawn mowed again! It is supposed to cool down on friday so maybe I can get somethings cleaned up this weekend!!

August was just a total blur..... I am hoping for September to be a little calmer. Husband is slowly recovering from his shoulder surgery and getting fairly good with doing most things with his left hand, youngest son will probably have to have gall bladder surgery, but it might be October before we actually schedule surgery....... now if I could just get my gardening under control! :)

Did ya'll get a lot of rain out of Issac? We got 3.5 inches in the first wave that came thru but it was spread out over two days and was not heavy downpours - just good nice rains....... then the next wave came thru we got about 1.5 inches in about 40 minutes....a downpour - thank goodness it didn't last long!! lots of wind and lightening, and lots of people in the state without power for several hours, but we never lost ours. Hope that everyone is safe and sound!!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I can sympathize with you Genna. My beds are horrible with weeds this year. I get a lot of different grasses in them but I also get some time of wild vine that looks like a morning glory and I also get 2 different kinds of thistles, one has pickers and the other doesn't. What a mess, and oh I forgot all the violets that have invaded my beds. It is a lost cause trying to get rid of them.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I have that wild vine that resembles morning glory too...... I noticed as I was mowing the other day it is even growing in the yard in random places! IT is PROLIFIC and is hard to kill!! I don't have a clue what it is .................... I guess I REALLY need to learn what some of these things are that I am trying to erradicate!!

My fence has trumpet vine all over it as well and I am trying to get rid of it - that stuff is almost impossible to kill too....... sometimes I just look at it all and think of how quickly it could all revert to a jungle like state!! :(

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I have a trumpet vine climbing up my flowering crab and it sends new plants up all over my yard.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, I know what you mean by wanting to throw in the towel. I look at many areas here and it just becomes overwhelming. I put down Ortho poison ivy/oak and tough brush killer down on one area that's overrun with mint, tradescantia, Jerusalem artichoke and blackberries/raspberries. I sprayed twice, and barely a dent in it. Seemed to be working well at first, but then more stuff came up. It looks like a jungle out there - literally! I have weeds that tower over me!

We got lots and lots of rain from Issac here. Lots of light rain and lots of heavy downpours. My gardens are quite happy!

Hemlady, those vines that look like morning glory are bindweed, I believe. Keep working at the violets. You will eventually get them under control for the most part. They key is making sure you get the roots. Best to get them early in the season, too, just after blooming, the reason being that they not only make seeds from above after they flower, but in the late summer they make seeds at the base of the plant, just above the roots, without any blooms at all. Very odd, but true.

Yes, trumpet vines are very invasive. I have one, too. Hardy blooms, so really not worth the aggravation. Ugh!!!!!


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

One..... I have hundreds it seems of the trumpet vines. my hummers LOVE them but I sure don't ^_^ I pulled grass that was almost as tall as me out of the bed that I worked on this past weekend...... bad thing is that it was CLEAN in May! One section of it is so overrun with bermuda grass..... and it is where i planted some of my new DLs back in June. I don't know HOW I am going to get that bermuda grass out of there!! I worked all Sunday afternoon almost 6 full hours and got about half of the bed cleaned back out - but this other half is where all the bermuda has invaded the new mulch and I can barely tell where my DLs are. :( It just is so overwhelming at times! I think I am going to try spraying with roundup in areas where there are no plants so that maybe I can get it down to a manageable amount..... but I couldn't do that Sunday because there was a slight breeze. Then I was hurting so bad Sunday night and yesterday that I didn't get it done. It has been a while since I have worked 6 straight hours of hard yard work and my body was NOT impressed... :( Going to the chiropractor today because I managed to get something out of place in all the tugging and digging and pulling....... so guess if he gets me fixed up I can get back at it tonight! This bed is in a circle of a circle gravel drive, and the bermuda has spread over the rocks and is spreading into the bed over my larger rock border. I think I am just going to spray RU on ALL the gravel!! MAYBE if I can get it out of the bed, I can keep it from spreading back into it that way.

Bindweed....... that seems like a fitting name! It is one stuff monster as well. Although it is a lot easier to pull up and deal with than the trumpet vine.............

I have one bed that is so far gone, that i have decided I am going to dig the few plants that are left in it out and pot them up and roundup the whole bed and start over. Not the best solution - but it is the only one that is time effective ...... I lost most of the plants in that bed last year when I was ill and couldn't stay out in the heat and water. In fact, I have three beds that I lost almost everything in because they were further from the house which meant pulling a hose, which I couldn't do....... maybe I just need to do that to all three. IF I put all the plants back into one bed, it might actually be enough to look decent! :)

I really envy all ya'll beautiful photos of the nice clean beds and blooms! I THOUGHT I was on my way to that this past June, but my sprayer quit in July and the first one I bought to replace it wouldn't work - and neither would the one that they replaced it with..... and by then it was super hot and I just didn't get the battle fought, so now I pay the price. I just keep thinking eventually I will be able to keep up with the weeds and grass as I go and it won't be such a battle........
And, you know the worst part??? I look at other places in my yard and think "oh a bed would look so nice there..... or wouldn't it be great to have a bed all the way around the edge of the fence", etc. Have I lost my mind???
(don't answer that!)

I actually had a surprise DL bloom yesterday and forgot to go back out with the camera to get a picture! It was in my new foundation bed that actually still looks nice enough to photograph...... and I missed it. It was just planted back in July so I was surprised to see it blooming.

Have a great day everyone!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, are you getting the Bermuda grass from seed, or is it creeping in from the lawn? If it's creeping in, perhaps you could try that black plastic garden edging that goes several inches under the ground along the edges of the beds. I have the on one bed, and it sure helps keep out the grass and clover and such.

Yes, I would definitely spray all the gravel, and keep it up till it stops coming back. Take that, Bermuda grass!!!!!

One thing you could do on that bed you want to start over with is lay down a black plastic tarp, and put potted plants on top of it. Keep it down for at least a year. Might have to be 2 years if you have some really tough stuff in there.

Oh, you sound so much like me. Always thinking about putting in more beds, and I don't even have the time to take care of the ones I already have. I keep thinking that I'll eventually get a handle on it all, but that won't happen unless I retired. I wish!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna and Karen hang in there!! It is a constant battle with these weeds. The weeds are like the rich. we will always have them with us! LOL!! I have some weeding to do myself. Just have to stay on top of it. Mike

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm jealous Mike!!! My castor bean isn't blooming yet. I hope it gets a chance to bloom before we get a frost.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Cindy, you must have planted it late or insufficient water and food. It has been a weird year to say the least.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

When do you usually plant yours Mike???

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Neat bloom.....

I THINK most of my bermuda grass is from creep, but I think I do get some contamination from seeds - particularly when my son or husband mows. I always blow the grass AWAY from my beds..... they don't always think to do that.... :(

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, put the mulching kit on the mower and you wont have to worry about anything blowing.
Cindy, I try to plant some Castor Bean seeds indoors a few weeks before the last frost to get a head start. I didn't do that this year. I was too busy with daylilies. Go figure!!! LOL!!

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