Yarden maintenance late June into July

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Haven't heard from donner for almost 2 weeks.
I sent her a D-mail a couple days ago--so far no reply. If she has no power then computer contacts won't work.

She could be on another vacation to China???? Not likely.....

Will try to call her on her cell. Gita

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Sorry for being quiet. Work got in the way of life :-). A belated happy July 4th to everybody.

I was lucky not to lose power during the storm. No fallen tress, although some branches came down. The only major damage so far has been my mailbox. I think somebody got drunk last night and knocked the mailbox down. The mailbox post broke from the ground. I am sure my hubby, when coming back from England next week, will appreciate this reminder of his country's loss of the American colony. LOL!!!

Thumbnail by donnerville
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

LOL Donner!! Glad to see you're alive and well and safe! =) Anybody heard from any of the other "MIA's"?

Gonna be boring here and share a little 'yarden maintenance' (yeah, you can throw tomatoes at me if you wish... let me grab my catcher's mitt first though, k?) < ;P

I actually went out and did some yardening yesterday morning. I had gotten sick of the Honeysuckle that was in the half-whiskey barrel out front, in the corner of the big bed, so I got the shovels and dug it out. MY GOODNESS, what a BEAR to dig outta there!!! Had to practically dig out ALL the soil in there to get to the bottom of the roots, EGAD! Anyway, then I installed a few "end of season blah stuff" that I rescued from work. I actually installed 5 things, and y'all may laugh at me, but I was hedging (no pun intended) my bets 'cause I'm not sure what's gonna make it and what won't. I put in a Clematis Henryi, a Clematis Dr. Ruppel, 2 Cardinal Creepers, and a Passion Flower "Waterloo Blue". I'm pretty sure the Cardinal Creepers aren't perennial in this area so I'm not panicking too much if they all survive. I created a sort of support system in there too, using rebar and gardening twine. Pic #1 is the "new and improved" whiskey barrel.

Then, I cried as I cut back the 7-foot tall Agastaches, but I had to do it 'cause they'd gotten horribly bent from the storm last Friday. When I tried to straighten them up the roots started to pull out of the soil, so I figured they'd be best served by cutting back.... which led to pruning back the "plants gone wild" verbena that are forever creeping over the little Adirondack fencing.

I put down application #2 of my Milky Spore and watered that in (that was the first thing I did, btw), deadheaded the Shasta Daisies, and watered everyone. Oh, and potted up some other newly rescued acquisitions, some more Coleuses, a "Wizard Mix" 4-pack, and a Lime Red.

Pic #2 is of the "Agastache-free" bed after pruning back my beloved babies.
#3 and 4 are the new Coleuses.

Oh, sorry about the erroneous date stamp on the pics, guess I'll have to get into the camera and fix that, huh? ;)

Y'all stay safe and cool!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by speediebean Thumbnail by speediebean Thumbnail by speediebean Thumbnail by speediebean
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Boring? That was all enthralling! Nothing beats READING ABOUT garden work when its TOO DANG BLAZING HOT to do it oneself.
tee hee tee hee

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Nothing about plants/gardens is boring to gardeners. Agree with Sally. We now have to garden vicariously :o)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hello, Hello, Just had a call from John and Ruby, they are alive and well and sweating their Astilbes off. They had power for a couple of hours yesterday and a little rain that helped. Ruby asked I pass word along, so here it is. The old dog minds the heat and John gave up on roofing till his nail gun works, I'm not sure if that was the reference or not. LOL You go John! and thanks for callin' me Ruby! Ric

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh Goodie, thank you Ric! =)

Sally, well, I dunno about "enthralling", but I'm glad I didn't put y'all to sleep! =) And to think, I'm gonna have to get out there and water when I get home from work today, EEK!! But that's ALL I'll be doing. Son is coming over for dinner, and he should be arriving at our house right about the time I'm arriving home from work, so I think I'll have him out there with me. =) Then we can play on the BBQ together! =) I read that article by Amber Royer, about what to do with all the Lemongrass I'm growing, so I think I'm gonna clip some off to cook with the shrimps. Yummmm!!!!!

Crozet, VA

Thanks Ric - This is the first day that I have had the time to read any of the threads I usually keep up with. Sounds like much the same all along the coast.....hot, hot and more hot. Good grief, with no power there was very little I could do inside, and the stifling heat outside made things impossible there too. You just cannot imagine the relief and gratitude I am feeling now after almost two days of air conditioning and running water, not to mention Internet access.

One of the only productive things I accomplished this past week was to make sure my plants on porch and deck had drinks of water every few days. Of course this meant going next door to a neighbor's with a generator which meant his well worked and getting as many gallon jugs of water as John could carry at a time, but at least the plants all look decent.

Let's hope the cooler temperatures later in the week will allow us all some gardening time. Stay cool for a bit longer folks.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Good to see you back Ruby, say Hi! to John for me. Ric

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

YAY, Ruby is back!!!!!!! Please tell your kind and generous neighbors 'THANK YOU' from us, for keeping you guys safe and hydrated!! =)

Crozet, VA

Thanks ya'll. The headlines in our local newspaper today said that there are still others in the area without power. This is now day number ten!!! One of the folks interviewed lives in a trailor and having a really, really difficult time. One of the guys children passed out from the heat one day last week and had to be taken to the hospital. It has really been bad, that is for sure.

Thankfully, I did a lot better dealing with the heat and no power than I thought I would, but don't want to do it again any time soon. Temps will be lower this week and I will finally have an opportunity to go outside and actually enjoy my favorite flower in bloom.......Gladiolus. I can see from the kitchen window that I have two Hibiscus in beautiful red and pink bloom too, so a stop to gaze upon them will be called for too.

Ric, John is out this morning riding in to town to buy goat feed. He said the boys were baaaaing at him earlier, so he interpreted that as meaning they are hungry.

Anyway, supposed to be a cooler week, so hopefully more of us will be able to enjoy our gardening chores a bit more comfortably than recently. Take good care all and have a lovely week coming up.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Ruby or Sally, how about a new thread for our Fall yardening chores and adventures?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

As they say on the 'Net-
Vwa lah

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