Blueridge Gardens order

Here is another must-have named BETTER YET. It is a tetraploid double (Joiner, E. 2003). Saffron yellow colored double blooms that is mostly layered with the center petals extending up.

It is just beautiful. Every bloom is double even here in WY.

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

BETTER YET is a gorgeous thing! Love it!

LhasaLover, sorry you lost so many daylilies. That's such a shame. Terrible about the drought.


LhasaLover, sorry about your loss of your daylilies. Have you considered potting them up for easier watering? At least you save your favorites that way. That is what I would do. DL's do well in pots.

I have another spot of DL seedlings from 2009. Many are blooming. Photo taken July 9, 2012 Below are a few of those that bloom.

You can guess what I do the first thing every morning. Yep, check on my babies for new blooms.

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Darn, I forgot my favorite

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Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Blomma, that one is my fav too. LOL!

Mike, it is a keeper. Maroon and mauve, yummy!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I love your favorite, too, but I also like that purple double and the bright red one.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Okay, I finally wrote down all the bonus plants I got from Bob, and I looked them all up to see if I like them. They are as follows:


The only ones that really look good to me are HARBORWALK, ELIZABETH FRANCES WOODHALL and SEMINOLE WIND. Maybe PAINT YOUR WAGON. Sometimes it's hard to tell just by looking at pics, though. Until you see it blooming in a garden, sometimes a pic does not do a daylily justice. It's nice to see several, with different camera angles, lighting, different times of day, clump shots, etc.

I didn't think I would like SELF PROPELLED, a bonus I got from Bob last year. Then I saw it blooming, and it really looked outstanding. Here's a pic of it.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Seminole Wind was a beauty in my garden, Karen.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Nice, Mike. I'll look forward to seeing it bloom next year.

Thanks hemlady. I didn't like it for the first bloom that opened up, but these 2 blooms looked great. I was thrilled. Had it potted up from last year, as I hadn't found a spot to plant it yet, and was going to sell it. Now it looks like I'll keep it instead.


East Greenwich, RI

Just wondering...

Is '' the right email address for Bob?

No response and Im thinking maybe he has since changed email providers...

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Leslie try the e-mail listed here.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

This is the address I use and he always answers right away.

This is the e-mail address that is used on the Blooming Auction site where he sells his daylilies.

Although I appreciate the bonuses from Bob, I have discovered that they are not all correctly named. I have been in the habit of checking them against both his discription and Tinker's, I also copy his photo and description and save to Word as reference. I print out the description and as the DL bloom, I highlite the name on the hard copy. I note if correct, or not. This I do for all the DL, not only the bonuses.

Since I also hybridize, having DL that are incorrectly named does not help my program.

I have purchased many pkg of seeds from LA and not all pkg are what they claim. I discovered that when I was naming the cross it bloomed and discovered, (again in Tinkers) that pod parent was a tet, the pollen one was a dip.

I wish I could remember or make note of who I bought from as not to repeat another sale. Whoever it was, don't know crap about DL. There is no way, he/she could have done the crosses for those seeds.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

That's too bad but remember one thing, some plants ploidy are not listed right on Tinker's. I have a daylily called Highland Tower that was hybridized here in Michigan and I purchased it as an intro. It is definitely a tet. When I checked stats on it, both Tinker's and AHS website list it as a diploid, which it definitely is not. When I emailed AHS about the mistake, they said only the hybridizer can email them and fix the mistake. Well the hybridizer is now deceased so I guess the error will remain. Also, there are a few tets out there that will cross with dips, not many but a few. You may have been lucky enough to get some of those crosses.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Blomma, here is what I do to record my purchases on the LA or EBay. In most cases I save the email info in a folder labeled LA and Ebay. The Pay Pal info, etc. On the LA I print out my won list from time to time as new wins are added and keep them in a folder for easy reference because the LA remove them after so many days. Hope this helps.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

That's a great idea Mike. Right now I print out a copy of my wins and ones I have sold. Darn aol though, doesn't always send me a notice of my wins for whatever reason they get lost in cyberspace, lol.

Thanks Mike, yes a great idea. Why didnl't I think of that, LOL! I have everything else in folders. Will start to do that today.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Blomma, I have not had that problem with Bob's bonuses that I've gotten so far. I check them with Tinker's, too.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Blomma, I've never had a problem with Bob's plants either. They are always true to form and are just what he said they are.

I do find however, because of his soil compared to mine and the temps, his colors are more vibrant and sometimes I pick a daylily from him that I just like the color of. After it blooms, it is not nearly as pretty as his are.

I had that situation with Oxymoron. His picture looked so vibrant and when mine bloomed it was paler in color. I even sent him a picture and asked him about it. He said that MINE was more true to the color it is supposed to be. So...there you are.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Linda, when I see a daylily I would like to buy, whether it be from Bob or anywhere else, I always check for pics on Tinkers and also Google it, so I can get an idea of the different variations you get for any particular cultivar. It gives you a bigger picture, and you can make a better decision on whether you like it or not. Pics taken in sun, shade, overcast, rain, early morning, midday, late evening, can all look a bit different.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

That is what I do too. Plants can vary a lot in color from garden to garden also. Everyone's soil has different minerals in it so I guess the blooms respond differently.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Karen & Hemlady. I too check them Before NOW. When I first started out, I didn't know even what to look for, so didn't check first. If I liked the picture, I got it!

Time and info from good people like you helped me to make better decisions.
Thanks for your input. And you too Mike!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I think we all did that when we first started this madness of collecting daylilies. LOL! You're not alone.


East Greenwich, RI

All set..... Thanx for all your help!

This message was edited Aug 28, 2012 12:09 AM

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Linda you are welcome. That was how I bought my first batch of daylilies. I just hate when they enhance the pictures to make them look better than they are. It is NOT always the SOIL!!!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

True Mike and sometimes sellers are selling you a tissue cultured daylily whose bloom can often not look like the real deal. I haven't run across any on LA but there are some on ebay.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, I hate that, too. I know of several hybridizers who do that. None of my pics are enhanced after they're taken, though I do adjust the exposure in camera. That's how it should be done.

I think if a seller does tissue culture, then they should line out the plants and wait till they are about 2 or 3 years old to make sure they bloom true.

Lesliehand, I hope you get a response soon. That's frustrating. When I wrote to him back in July wondering where my order was he responded very quickly and shipped soon afterward. Turned out the order had become misplaced, and then there was a death in his family as well.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I never enhance my photos either. I generally take one pic in the sun and one in the shade to see the variance in colors.

All my photos are taken in shade. If sunny, I use a white photographic umbrella. That way I can take photos anytime. I like to take them in the morning since I don't need an umbrellas then. When it is overcast or the sun is behind a cloud is also a geat time for photos.

The reason I don't take pictures in full sun is that sunlight bleaches light colors and I don't get full color saturation. It can also change colors.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Overcast lighting is really good, especially bright overcast.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Taking pictures in the shade will give you the optimum color saturation for sure but I like my customer to be able to see what a day in the sun will do to the bloom also. It shows them how a bloom can change through the day so that they won't be mislead by the beautiful shaded pic. Some flowers blooms can really change throughout the day. I have purchased daylilies myself looking at all the saturated color only to be disappointed when I see the actual bloom. On the other hand, some blooms are so sunfast that I don't really see much change throughout the day. Wish all of them were like that. When I list Lighthouse Neon Galaxy, which is one of my own registrations, I always list 2 pictures so that the customer isn't mislead into thinking it looks like that all day long. Here is what I mean about Lighthouse Neon Galaxy. There is quite a difference in the look of the bloom.

Thumbnail by hemlady Thumbnail by hemlady
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Very beautiful! Yes, many do look different by the end of the day. When I post on the LA I like to post at least 2 pics or more so the customer can see some differences, if there is any. I love taking pics at the end of the day.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Karen. Yes I like to post a couple unless the flower doesn't change much during the day, then I only post one.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Even if the flower doesn't change much I like to post 2, unless I only have one good one. I like to show maybe a shot with 2 or 3 blooms open or a clump shot.


hemlady, I borrowed your above photo taken in the shade (left photo) and ran it in my editing applications to change the tint, like I do to all my photos that comes out wrong sometimes. . See what you think. Will delete it aftern

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Karen that is what I do. Also take a photo of it almost sideways. I usually use 3 photos---fron side and clump. Not only does it show a photo from different angles, it assures the buyer that the photo is not borrowed/stolen and that I actually have the plant.

Hemlady, have no intention of usinng your photo. It is already deleted. You can copy it if you have use of it.

This message was edited Aug 29, 2012 4:06 PM

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh that's ok Lily. I like what you did to it. Thanks.

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