CLOSED: June Birthday Club

Fruity where do you find all this trivia,,it is cool....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Chris, I got your Birthday card today, thanks so much!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

A search for historical dates in June brought up a lot of websites. Glad you're enjoying the daily bits. You never know when one of us might be on

It's not too early to start getting our cards out to our newest participant, Kobi, July 2nd will be here before we know it.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

1900 Michael Pupin is granted a patent for long distance telephony.
1940 "Brenda Starr," the first cartoon strip by a woman, appeared in a Chicago newspaper.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

HI all .... LK, sounds like you had a good time for your b'day!

I want to thank ALL who sent me birthday cards in May. I don't remember if I thanked each one individually, and for that I apologize. I loved each and every one of them.

My philosphy is "better late than never", so I have sent out b'day cards way past their b'day. But hey, that is better than not at all, right? ^_^ What's better than getting a late birthday card after all the others have come in. lol

Welcome Kobie. You will love it here. Great group of gals! I use to work a D&A treatment center for juveniles. Recently I worked at a youth treatment center for criminal juveniles. (youth prison?) We had everything from murderers, rapist, etc. down to the smaller things youth were convicted of. Very interesting field of work.

Sorry to hear that Char and Charlie are not going to be with this thread anymore. I'll miss the nuzzles.

Off to conjur up some more mischief, or better yet, go plant some flowers!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
LK, did my card make it to you?
Fruity, I'm enjoying the trivia, too. Only, with my luck, if I'm ever on a trivia show, I won't remember the trivia when I need to! :)
Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Yes, I got your beautiful card. Thank you very much!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Your welcome :) And, I'm glad you received it!

DISH, TX(Zone 8b)

Good morning everyone,
My handle is texaslady62, I am new to DG and I came across this forum. Naturally I was curious being my birthday is in June also. Just want to wish who evers birthday today; HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sorry I have no cards, but I just saw this yesterday.


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Welcome Lori! Glad to have you here!
Just watch the top listing, and you will see who's Birthday it is, then just send them a cute card is all we ask! Yours is coming up soon on the 27th! Next Birthday is for kohndr (Kobi) -- July 2.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

June 20, 1840 -- Samuel Morse was granted a patent for telegraphy signals.

June 20, 2012~~~~ Gryphon Gomez decided to drive his Nana mad......ROFLMWO..

Welcome to our mad house TexasLady!!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

LOL! He finally got under your skin???

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Not Gryphon, Nana........nah

texaslady62 / Lori, I'd love to add your name to the group. All you need is a box of cards and a sheet of stamps. Some of the crafty people also make their own cards.

June 21, 1834 -- Cyrus McCormick of Virginia patented the reaper for the cultivation of grain.

DISH, TX(Zone 8b)

I would sure love to be part of your group.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Consider yourself part of the group Lori, glad to have you here!

Ladies, Lori's Birthday is on the 27th of June, so get your cards ready!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Lori - welcome! :)

Athens, PA



Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

OK Folks, let's give Lori a big welcome and make sure she receives your cards in time for her Birthday, next Wednesday, June 27.

Blackshear, GA

I lost you girls! Got some reading to do to catch up and some cards to send out. Sorry!

DISH, TX(Zone 8b)

I am honored to be part of such a warm and friendly group. If it's a mad house, I'll fit right in. lol

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We're so glad you found us, Lori :) Amanda kept us going last month with her sense of humor. This month we've been reduced to my daily posts of historical trivia and can't believe June is nearly gone. How time flies and it won't be long before it's your turn, Patti, in July.

This is usually a much more chatty bunch. What's everybody been up to?

I am at Goobers house, I cannot sleep and need to drive home in the morning and then spend the day packing to go to atlanta. Will be meeting a bunch of Dgers and delivering 125 pounds of stained glass. Still have lots more to share with the world. Wish I was continuing north from Atlanta to Virginia,, but not this year,,,,,sigh,,,, Fruity,, I will make sure we come next year, even if I have to rent the cabin for the whole week !!!,,lol

Glad to have more members to send cards to!!!!!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I'm here. Yeesh. Had to go to Mom's for a few days to spread mulch. What a fiasco..Too tired to get into it here. Gotta hurry up and get a card ready for our new member.

Too hot to breathe....

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Awwww Neener, come to my house if you want hot, try 97. Should be 100 by Sunday. Welcome Lori!
Nothing much new n the farm, sheep are fat, cows.are destructive, and burros are annoying. LOL


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

1954 The antacid Rolaids was trademark registered.
1847 The donut was invented.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

"1847 The donut was invented."
Now we're talking!!!!!

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I'll have a dozen of each Joy..

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

June 25, 1929 -- A patent was granted to G.L. Pierce for a basketball.

Today is National Strawberry Parfait Day.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hi all. Just read the thread showing our new member. WELCOME Lori. I will have to dig through my stash and find a nice (or NOT. lol) card for you. Since it is the 23rd, I may not make it in time for your b'day, but will be close!

Yes, I'm ready to open the July thread. I keep reminding myself not to forget. May do it early so I don't mess up and forget. lol

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

1873 Mark Twain patented a scrapbook.
1963 The first demonstration of a home video recorder took place at BBC Studios in London, England

Today is National Pralines Day.


Actually, Patti, it would be great to open July early, at least by Thursday if you can. I know most likely I won't be on Friday or Saturday, and may be on late Sunday. Our RU is this week-end.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

June 25, 1929 -- A patent was granted to G.L. Pierce for a basketball.

Today is National Catfish Day.

It's also six months til Christmas Day.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh Puuuleeez....Christmas??? :0)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

It will be here before we now it!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

And it'll be Faye's birthday too!

DISH, TX(Zone 8b)

Susan, Thank You for the lovely card and the seeds. I love everyone of these flowers, now I will have to get up early in the morning and plant them. Seeing as how it is 100 as we speak. Ah, summer in Texas. lol

I always do well with the Christmas plans until October, then it all goes crazy, then, for some reason I always end up shopping on Christmas Eve.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Lori, welcome! Great to have you join us!
Got Kobi's card ready to go... Better get one ready for Lori, too! Glad I stopped by :) I'll let you both know when the cards are in the mail.
Oh, no... I missed Strawberry Parfait Day and Pralines Day! Oh, and hey, where'd my doughnuts go? Those would have been such tasty treats :) LOL
Oh, and speaking of basketball, if you ever want to read about a bit of history, I read a book about basketball in its early years. In case you're interested, the book is "Full-Court Quest: The Girls from Fort Shaw Indian School, basketball Champions of the World" by Linda S. Peavy and Ursula Smith.
Went on an outing last Thursday. Got to wear waders for the first time. Visited one of the rivers, and we waded around a bit, looking at the insects and critters there. They explained that you can tell how clean the water is based on what insects and critters are in it. While some insects/critters can tolerate various degrees of polution, others cannot tolerate any. It was an odd sensation walking around in the river wearing waders. I realized that I'm really used to knowing I'm in the water because my feet are wet. But my feet didn't get wet with the waders on... need some of those for rain storms! :) LOL Other than feeling the coolness of the water through the waders, I couldn't tell I had stepped into the water. Of course, once we started walking around in the river more, I could also feel the current. But it remained fascinating to me that I still wasn't getting wet!
Didn't take my guide dog on the outing. Had a friend take care of him for me while I was gone. I wanted to be able to participate in the outing activities without having to worry about what he was getting into while I was otherwise occupied :) He had fun, though, too. So, all in all, Thursday was a fun day!
Well, better be going for now. Have a great Tuesday, everyone!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're very welcome, Lori! Hope the hollyhocks grow well for you and you do something special for your birthday tomorrow.

What an interesting day, Michelle, and sounds like you and your group had a great time.

Today is National Chocolate Pudding day! Finally, a dessert I can cook, or
Don't laugh, Neener & Joy.

June 26, 1951 -- The children's game CANDY LAND was trademark registered.


(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Fruity, chocolate pudding is so easy to make from scratch, you could do it with no problem! But any chocolate pudding is ok, even I will succumb to the little four packs every now and again so that I have an easy quick snack.

Geez, I am still working on last Christmas. I keep finding things and decorations tucked away, don't know why I do that but it is always interesting. I had bought a couple things on clearance because I thought there would be a Christmas in July swap, now I am staring a snowmen and a Santa Claus while the temps are 103 so far today. Sigh.

Now I can't find my cards again, sorry Lori and Kobi, this too shall pass. I know they are here somewhere on my desk. You know, the one with everything on it.


Went swimming with the boys yesterday and forgot to put on sunscreen. I am a pickled lobster and will have blisters soon,,,sigh,, But the boys are working in the garden for me this week. They will be tilling all my beds !!!

I have not sent my card yet to our newest member,, she will learn that I am a very slow Elfie,,,,,lol

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