CLOSED: June Birthday Club

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

There's always room for more folks to join us. If you're just stumbling upon our June thread or have lurked in the past and would like to join the fun, here's how our group works. During your Birth Month, you will receive a Birthday Card from each of the other participants. And in turn, you are to mail a Birthday Card to each participant during their Birth Month. Who doesn't enjoy receiving a thoughtful Card instead of junk mail and bills? A Card and a 1st Class Stamp, it's as simple as that. Purchased and handcrafted Cards are both welcome.

June Birthdays:
taters55 / Linda Kay -- June 13
texaslady62 / Lori -- June 27

Current Birthday Club Members:
Rouxcrew / Joy -- January 15
Irisluvr0252 / Debbie -- February 25
ClanCampbell / Chris -- February 28
Goldhillal / Crystal -- March 21
Carolyn22 / Carolyn -- April 3
AmandaEsq / Amanda -- April 6
FruitoftheVine / Susan -- April 9
Crit / Patti -- May 10
Mud_Elf / Kris -- May 10
taters55 / Linda Kay -- June 13
texaslady62 / Lori -- June 27
kohndr / Kobi -- July 2
GAgirl1066 / Paula -- September 1
Rvnsbrk / Juanita -- October 9
GardenQuail / Michelle -- October 28
Dahtzu / Faye -- December 25
Hope43 / Twyla -- December 28

In April, we agreed these folks will be responsible to start new monthly threads:
Goldhillal (Crystal) -- January
Rouxcrew (Joy) -- February
Carolyn22 (Carolyn) -- March
Irisluvr0252 (Debbie) -- April
AmandaEsq (Amanda) -- May
FruitoftheVine- (Susan) -- June
Crit (Patti) -- July
taters55 (LK) -- August
GardenQuail (Michelle) -- September
rvnsbrk (Juanita) -- October
GAgirl1066 (Paula) -- November
ClanCampbell (Chris) -- December

Interesting information about the month of June courtesy of Wikipedia.........

June (Listeni/dʒuːn/ joon) is the sixth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars and one of the four months with a length of 30 days. Ovid provides two etymologies for June's name in his poem concerning the months entitled the Fasti. The first is that the month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera, the second is that the name comes from the Latin word iuniores, meaning "younger ones," as opposed to maiores ("elders") for which the preceding month May may be named (Fasti VI.1–88). See: Months in various calendars also called the season of the unicorn.

In both common and leap years, no other month begins on the same day of the week as June. June ends on the same day of the week as March every year.

June is the month with the longest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

June in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to December in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa.

In the Northern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological summer is 1 June. In the Southern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological winter is 1 June.

At the start of June, the sun rises in the constellation of Taurus; at the end of June, the sun rises in the constellation of Gemini. However, due to the precession of the equinoxes, June begins with the sun in the astrological sign of Gemini, and ends with the sun in the astrological sign of Cancer.

June is known for the large number of marriages that occur over the course of the month. According to one etymology, June is named after Juno (Hera). Juno was the goddess of marriage and a married couple's household, so some consider it good luck to be married in this month.[1]

In Iceland, folklore says that if you bathe naked in the morning dew on the morning of June 24, you are supposed to keep aging at bay for longer.

This message was edited Jun 21, 2012 3:08 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread, and very interesting facts about June! I learned a lot today!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
In Iceland, folklore says that if you bathe naked in the morning dew on the morning of June 24, you are supposed to keep aging at bay for longer.

Well someone couldn't have told me this sooner?? I could have stayed longer to take advantage of the dew. :0)

Athens, PA

Quote from rvnsbrk :

Well someone couldn't have told me this sooner?? I could have stayed longer to take advantage of the dew. :0)

I couldn't agree with you more, Neener. I missed the dew altogether!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL! Me too, and also missed the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, FL when I was a kid on vacation. Neener, could you really have eaten nothing much more than fish for a month?

I guess we could all watch for dew here on the 24th and take a splash in it, or at least possibly wet our feet.

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

dew oh dew...I NEED the dew! BTW, will dew make my skin stop crawling to my feet?
Thanks for the thread Susan and thank you for all you do for each of us. Some special lady.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for bringing that up Frootz. No, I could not have eaten fish for a month. We were both craving meat by the time we got back.

Faye if you find that magic dew, by all means call. I need it worse everyday. We are supposed to go to a pool party tomorrow afternoon. Bob asked if I was going swimming. I looked and him with one of "those looks". No way am I getting into a bathing suit in public. He says , " you did at the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.". Yeah I did, but then no one there knew me and in Europe it's a whole different mindset. Never saw a fake boob in the whole bunch. Not one. :0)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Today's trivia: June 1, 1869 -- Thomas Edison obtained a patent for an electrographic vote recorder.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I'll have to ask my brother who was stationed in Iceland if he tried bathing naked in the morning dew. lol I can hear him laugh now!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good Morning!

June 2
1906 "You're a Grand Old Flag" by George M. Cohan was trademark registered.
1857 James Gibbs patented the first chain-stitch single-thread sewing machine.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Cool info Fruity!

I also wanted to tell you that my "Polly" pup has come back and is putting on leaves. I'm so glad, I just knew I had killed it, but you said be patient and it should come back, so I did!!!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good growing, Patti! I'm so glad you have a plant to remember after your sweet Jack Russell Terrier. My Polly is just starting to come out of dormancy too and is the only EE I've ever had that doesn't like a lot of water.

June 3
1969 New York Rangers was trademark registered.
1934 Dr Frederick Banting the co-inventor of insulin was knighted.
And if my Dad was still living, today would have been his 94th Birthday.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

June 4
1963 Patent #3,091,888 was granted to six-year-old Robert Patch for a toy truck.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Yes, love my "Pollyanna" to remind me of my Polly dog, even though she is buried in the back yard. I need to find some black and white flowers to plant at her grave.

Thumbnail by Crit
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Interesting notes of the day :) That's pretty cool that a six-year-old patented a toy truck!
Well, I have LK's card... Even have the envelope addressed and stamped... so it's all ready to go! LK, I'll let you know when it's on it's way :)
Oh, just remembered... I need to switch my calendar from Susan to June!
Have a great Tuesday, everyone :)

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Well I've been trying to upload some pics and it's not working. Anyway, maybe it will do one anyway.

These gorgeous daylilies came from either Faye or Sooz at the RU last year. They made my day for sure.

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Neener, that is such a beautiful color!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

A beaut for sure, Neener.

June 5, 1984 Safety Cap for a Medicine Bottle patented by Ronald Kay.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

birthdays getting in mail sorry so late, forgive me i've let the last (7 weeks( GET TO ME DOWN. BUT I'M

brain fog did i send aprils?? i know did not may right so got 3 months or whoever did not let me know please. ?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

ELFIE ............ I received your card today. So cute!!!!!!!!! It was signed by Kris and Ralph, Goober and Gryson. Thanks so much, doesn't matter to me that it is late. I'm notorious about that too. ^_^

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I talked to Kris on the phone, she has dial up at home, but can not log onto anything other than her AT&T home page, and that takes 30 minutes! She is also having problems with her ipad, so as soon as she can figure it out, she will be back with us!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd wondered if dial-up had changed and/or greatly improved since that's all we had years ago and made me nutz waiting for what felt like forever to load a page.

Take care of yourself, Twyla, and don't worry about me, sweetie.

Got a note tonight from ridesredmule that she's leaving the group and asked for her name to be removed, which I've regrettably done. Raise your hand if you'd like to volunteer to start our December thread. That sounds like a long way off, but the months tick by quickly.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I'll do it since I'm not on the list yet.. but that's a shame about Char- I really wish she'd stay :(

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Chris. I added in my reply to Char to jump back in whenever she wants to.

Pics are two beauties you shared with me, Faye.

Daylilies 'Wish Fulfillment' and 'Druid Chant'

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine

I am back!!!!!!!

Got it fixed and am ready to chat.. well will be ready tomorow,, right now I am tired and sore. So will be back tomorrow....

Night all!!!!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear about Charleen leaving! We will miss her a lot!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I was wondering about Char. Oh well, we come and we go eh?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

A lot of people I've seen in multiple places. I do well enough to keep up with one.

June 6, 1887 J.S. Pemberton's Coca-Cola label was trademark registered.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Joy and Neener, I just got your beautiful Birthday cards! Thanks so much!

I recieved a Birthday card today from Joy!! So great getting more cards!!

Crit glad you finally got one of the cards I sent,,,,lol

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Will miss seeing Char's posts. Hope she can join again sometime soon!
Twyla, good to hear from you! Glad you could stop by :)
LK, your card is in the mail! Got mailed Tuesday afternoon :) And as usual, it's signed by me and my guide dog!
Hey, Elfie, glad you're able to get online again! Glad things got sorted out for you...
Take care, everyone, and have a great week!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

June 7
1946 "Eensie Weensie Spider" by Yola De Meglio was copyright registered.
1953 The first color network telecast in compatible color was broadcast from a station in Boston.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Just a reminder to all you great people to please get your cards in the mail soon to LK if you haven't already done so. Our June Bug's birthday is next Wednesday and will be here before you know it.

Mine went out to you today, LK, ordered specially for you :)

Also mailed my SIL's card. She adopted a rescued Yorkie for her birthday.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I was moving stacks of stuff around yesterday and in among one stack were LAST month's birthday cards that I thought I had mailed out :( Good grief- I'm sorry LOL

They'll go out tomorrow :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh how funny, Chris. That looks like my Kitty Shadow when she was young, except she still only slurps water.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Athens, PA

What a pretty cat. I have always liked Siamese cats - I even found a Lynx Point Siamese a long time ago in the local animal shelter. My poor babies have always been discards - I have either found them in the animal shelter or dumped in places like shopping malls, grave yards or where-ever. I would have more pets, but I would have to get rid of DH in order to do that!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Love the cat pic Chris. That looks like Pely. She is a pistol. This is one of the Artist Trading Cards I just traded of her.

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Crystal and Twyla, I got your Birthday cards today, and wanted to say Thanks so much! They are beautiful!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Neat card, Neener. It sounds like you're having a lot of fun trading.

June 8, 1869
Ives McGaffey patented a carpet sweeping machine. This was the first patent for a device that cleaned rugs.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Sooz I wish you could see my binder of cards. You would be amazed. Over 100 traded since April. I'll have to bring it to the RU.

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