How's everyone's peppers doing?

Jacksonville, FL

We have our plants in different size pots but they seem to do much better in a larger pot. Our tobassco, mother chilipetin, mother Oh my gosh, and aji are in a 20 gallon pot there are a few two liter bottles flaten out in the bottom for drainage and to lighten up the pot. Others in 5 gallon buckets do well. Some are in 3 gallon but they don't produce as well the plants seem stunted. Others are in raised beds they do well.

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Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

My peppers are doing fine. They've only been in the garden for a month, and I'm starting to see a few blooms with no peppers set on quite yet.

A question: I'm growing some Highlander pepper plants - that's a hybrid Anaheim type from Johnny's Selected Seeds. These Highlander plants are now twice the size of my other peppers (Gypsy, Carmen, Corno di Toro Rosso, and Pepperoncini) though they were planted at the same time. Highlander is supposed to be a short-season variety of Anaheim for cold climates - though that's sure not us, it's been in the 90's here for a couple of weeks.

I wonder if Highlander plants are going to be very large when grown, or if they're just growing faster and earlier than the others because they're designed for a short growing season. Does anyone here know?

Jacksonville, FL

The anaheim sounds like a fast grower and a new pepper even on johnny's. They said the only precaution was not water the leaves which I always hand water the roots because I enjoy walking the yard checking the plants out. You have to talk to them thanking them for the bounty and sometimes encourage them of course my neighbors give me some funny looks. I did threaten my pineapple guavas with not planting them and taking them back if they did not bloom....... after two springs in a 30 gallon pot they decided to bloom. The blooms did taste like a cross between a strawberry and a kiwi. Now I have baby fruit so I will plant them this fall. But try talking to your pepper plants and give us updates on your new anaheim.

This message was edited Jun 1, 2012 6:19 AM

Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

Finally getting peppers! Jalapeno, serrano, big jim, aneheim all going crazy. The bells are setting but will be awhile before they change colours. The scotch bonnet and chocolate habs have pods already and the tabasco has flowers.


Jacksonville, FL

Glad to hear about your crazy peppers. What does the choc hab taste like?

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Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

So far so good.
I am harvesting peppers every Friday. These are the June's harvest.
I am trying to harvest as many green peppers as I can to give the plants energy to grow more, before the real heat will start.
If this summer is like last year ... OMG ... with records heat here in Dallas !
My pepper plants went in to such a shock July and August !
As soon as my freezer is full of peppers I will wait to harvest until they turn colors.
I am very happy rigth now.

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