TEA ROOM # 107

Merino, Australia

Here we are moved again. We dont need to walk all that way down the road to the Tea Room . My legs get tired.

we came from here...

Another lovely day yesterday but hubby says maybe a shower later.
Its quite cloudy now.
Lots of weeds starting to show their ugly little heads now. Doesnt take much to get them started.

I planted more seeds yesterday and will save all the rest for spring.

I will get out today and move a few of the brugs down the back for the colder weather. They will enjoy new faces to talk to.

I am still watching a couple of buds on my brugs and now I see more nerines starting to flower. Lots of little green bulb leaves coming through all over the garden.
I hope you all have a great weekend .
Enjoy your gardens and any sunshine you get.
Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Jean, what a beatiful picture of Autumn leaves. Here, everything just turns brown and falls of making a mess. It must be great to have such rich colour in the fall as they do overseas. Love the new tea room. That we keep moving is a sure sign of how popular it is.

Louise, enjoy a safe drive. Looks like such beautiful country to drive through. I guess you are looking forward to reaching your destination though.

Colleen, the boys might have lots to tell you about their camping experience. I hope they had good weather for it.

Its half sunny, half cloudy here this morning. A few drops of rain have fallen but nothing to get excited about. The plants will like it, and it means I don't have to water, so I like it too.

Hope everyone has a lovely day. I might escape the house for a while and go do some window shopping.


The last of the frangipanni before winter, even as the leaves begin to fall from the tree.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Getting a little rain, but we sure need it.
AT has a sore hoof but I think it is getting better. Saw him running across the pasture. Must have seen a dog.
You all have a great day.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia

Same here Charleen, it's as dry as a chip.....we need rain too...
Beautiful scenery Jean, we go up to Mt Macedon thru Gisborne in the Autumn and the colours are lovely..

I did a lot of weeding this morning, not weeds really, just plants that have come up in the wrong place or annuals that are ready to be removed....lots of them though.

The bulbs are starting to come thru....the Crepe Myrtles are starting to show their Autumn colours which are lovely, they still haven't finished flowering...it's been a very good year for them....
Hope the birds are giving you some peace Anthony...
Have a nice evening all

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I've had a good week of afternoons in the garden 'got on top of the weeds'[yeah sure],..,man alive, there are going to be a lot of seed produced bulbs this year,..,and sadly, ive lost a few as well[dems d brakes'],.,.and next year !!-lets not go there!!!Mini daffs are starting to bud up---and i swear, 'i will have an entry in the ''3 miniature daffodils ameteur championship '' this year!!!,.,.,.Dianne, i finally got 'Narcissus Cyclamenius' the most sought after mini in the world[with a baby on the side]..and i added 6 minnow bulbs this year.,,.,.,.That brings my total count of miniatures to :'way too many' + 300 more,.,.-Anthony

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
A light fog here this morning. I do love these mild autumn days but the plants want rain.

Anthony, you will need a GPS to find your way around your garden soon.
My little mini daffs are all showing their green through now.

Dianne, Crepe Myrtles are so lovely. I have 2 little ones grown from seed. Looking good but still a bit small to go in the ground yet.

Hello Colleen, Karen and Chrissy.
Moon and Charleen , hope you are enjoying lovely weather.

Louise, pats for the girls. Hope you are enjoying more lovely scenery along the way.

I am going to go look at my latest brug and see if it has opened yet.

I will leave you all something tasty.......Chocolate Mud Cake....yumm

Happy gardening, enjoy the weekend.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Roses for you all...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia

Lovely roses Charleen, they look beautiful...is AT ok?

Anthony, 300+ however will you manage, you will have to start Molly on a gardening course so she can help
after kinder....
Congrats on your purchase, Narcissus Cyclamenius, now you have them also...
Mine are popping thru now too, Jean...the little hoops multiply very quickly don't they!

Sue are you home yet?
Karen, hope that you are well, your frangipani is gorgeous.
Colleen, that was a very nice pic of you and the boys, the are growing very quickly now, they will be past you in a couple of years.

I posted a pic of my pumpkins growing in the bushes a while back, well they are just about ready to put away.
They grew very well and are about the same size....

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Brisbane, Australia

Just a quick hello. Went to the Qld. Bromeliad Society show today and overspent. Won't eat for the rest of the week, but will feast my eyes daily on the beauties I brought home. Then we went to Kangaroo Point to get some pics. 80 years ago, my father stood on the cliffs there and took a photo overlooking the coal wharves that were there. Today I stood up there and photographed an almost unrecognizable pic of the same area. The wharves are long gone, the buildings changed, and the Captain Cook bridge now crosses the river from where the old wharves were.

The first pic in the double comparison shot was taken from Kangaroo Point in the early 1930's, some 80 years ago. Just amazing.

A cruise onThe Kookaburra River Queens paddle steamer is on my list of "To Do Before I Die" list.

Looking down river from Kangaroo Point cliffs.

Heritage listed old historic cottages with a background of high rise apartments at Kangaroo Point.

Last, a beautiful tree at Victoria Point, Qld.


Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

White pumpkins...How neat!!!
Thank you dear for Asking. He is walking more since I cleaned the hoof out.
He is getting better. He does this about once or twice a year. Just like his Mama. i always say my little "donkey prayers " for them.
Congratulations on the new plants. They will help the hugar pains fade away when you look at their gorgeous beauty.....
Beautiful pictures...

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. It is a good morning here because we had some rain last night. Only 3mm but the plants loved it.
I will move a few pots from the veranda so they can get any further rain.

Dianne, great looking pumpkins. I must give them a go here again.

Karen, the river looks lovely in your pics. Nice to see the cottages saved too.

Charleen , the roses look lovely on the Tea Room table, thank you.
Hope all the furry ones are okay.

Hello Teresa, Colleen , Anthony, Chrissy , Moon and Sue.

I am going out to see how all my plants are enjoying their drink of lovely rain.
Its time I got to the irises too. I have some empty spaces where I have either had one die or sold it . I will move plants to fill the spaces and that will give me a couple of rows at one end for trying out vegetables again.
Hubby used to grow vegies years ago when water was cheaper. I have a dripper hose down there now so that will be good for the plants.
I have some heritage tomatoes and pumpkins . I may even try broad beans. Our previous neighbor used to grow lots of beans.
Hopefully the birds etc will leave them alone.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Hers a treat for morning tea......Date & Carrot Loaf.

Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They are doing o.k. We have been getting a little rain and that helps grass to grow. At is getting better each day....
Charley loves Carrot Cake...

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Yes Jean we had some rain too. Only enough to freshen everything up though. The boys are home and John is back in Adelaide. While he was here yesterday we got the old trampoline frame up on droppers to make a hanging place for the Epis. They are all out of the SH now and it gives me lots more room. The Ipomea will get the chop and moved when it finishes flowering too. School's back tomorrow, I have all their uniforms and shoes ready. They go into their Winter uniforms now for 2 terms. Tie and everything. They do look good though. I hope everyone is well and you all have a great day. Colleen

Brisbane, Australia

Oooh, Karen loves carrot cake too........ OK, I'll share it with Charlie :)

Started potting early today and got to my target for the day. Still have some dividing of brom pups to do yet though. Found these two seedlings growing in with my zygocactus cutting. Doesn't grow here, so I don't know if its a weed or a garden plant. Can anyone ID it?

I do hope everyone is having a fine weekend. Yesterday got a bit on the warm side, but so far today its pleasantly cooler.


Brisbane, Australia

Um, sorry, I forgot the picture of the mystery seedlings...

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Just popped in to say Hi.
Haven't been on the forum for a few months as my mother who had Dementia was having a terrible time. She died in March.
She had a long and horrible death.
It has been quite an ordeal for me watching her die. She did not have any other problems and her heart was good as gold it was just the Dementia's progress.

So now I have to get back to the living and I am sure my garden will help me do that.

Brisbane, Australia

Marlene, so very sorry to read about your Mother. I hope you will find the peace she has now found. Big hugs.

Merino, Australia

Welcome back Marlene. so sorry about your mother.
Your garden will help you get over the pain and help you on the way to better things.

barmera, Australia

Marlene so sorry to hear about your Mother. Just know that we're all thinking of you. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Clifton Springs, Australia

Marlene, we have missed you, so sorry that your mother had to go that way....you and your family have our sympathy....
As you said, allow your garden help take away the pain.

Christchurch, New Zealand

{{{hugs}}} Marleneanne.
so sorry to hear about your Mother.
Losing a parent is hard but some ways are harder than others.
Dementia & alzheimers are so cruel - having worked at an RSA (same as an RSL) I have seen what those conditions can do to a person & their family.
Take care of your self

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Get back into it Marleanne when you feel its time...but please dont punish yourself for what has happened-I Have been through the same with a loved member[and i know what you mean, by dementias process], and I will never fully recover[2 yrs next week]even this morning i had to stop and 'recollect' where i was,and what i was doing,[and it was nothing to do with the 4xxxx beers from last night].,.,..but your life must go on....sit back and think about you and ''your'' future..I know its hard..and 'time' heals-Anthony.......................

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

So very sad to hear of your Mother's struggles and passing Marleneanne. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. I can say from experience that a few tears worked into the soil does wonders for you and the garden. Deepest sympathy and best regards along with a big hug.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Prayers and blessings to you dear Marleneanne.
Hugs and mule nuzzles too....

My deepest sympathy Marlene, so sorry for your loss, I hope you find your beautiful garden gives you serenity and joy at this sad time.


Sunshine Coast, Australia

Thank you all for your posts of sympathy for the loss of Mum.

Yes back to my garden....and boy is there a lot of work to be done.
I am starting today with pruning some trees.

I see a few new plants are flowering so I will take some pictures too.


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A lovely heavy shower of rain (4mm) during the night and still a few spots out there. We may be lucky and get more later.
The plants are loving a drink of rain water after the urky stuff they get from the tap.

Anthony, congrats on growing that rare bulb. It does look lovely.

Teresa, how is little miss mischief going now. ?
She sounds like a real live wire.

Colleen, you will enjoy having the boys back now but you will still have garden time as they are back at school.

Dianne, , did you get that rain in the night too ?
Your garden is looking particularly lovely now.

Moon, lovely to see your smiling face . enjoy the day.

Charleen, tell Charley to keep his feet off the lawn, he has been eating the flowers again.

Marlene, lots of things to do in your garden will keep you busy while you remember the happy times with your Mum.

Louise, are you there yet...lol
Hope you find everything has grown beautifully while you were away.
Pat the girls for me.

I'm going out to move a couple more pots out to get the rain.
I love seeing how quickly they stand up and drink it in.
Hope some of you are also getting rain if you need it.

Heres you morning tea snack....Banana Muffins

Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

It's pouring rain here, too wet to do anything....I've even got the heater on...
Just had a raspberry muffin before thanks Jean...I put it in the microwave and it was warm...yum
Mick had his hooves trimmed this morning at 8, before this rain set in...
Can't complain we surely need it...
Back later..

barmera, Australia

Good afternoon everyone. We've had a little rain here. Well some of the brugs have had their heads lopped off, now have to wait for some bigger pots to pot them into and they can go into early hibenation til Spring. Still have Epis to pot into hanging pots but every time I go out there to do something I get side tracked and don't get much done. Lots to look at with the bulbs popping their heads up and others have grown so much. Still have to re-pot the Winter Hippeastrum but that may have to wait til later as if I disturb it now it may not flower. What do you all think? Well had better go and do a bit more. Have a great day. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Nice slow rain has started,and the fire has been burnin since 7pm last night.,.I stocked up on 'goodies' from' Horticultural supplies', this afternoon and will be replacing a de-commisssioned pine planter[rotten after 8 yrs] on Wednesday-,with a 'phase 2 -planter'by Anthony..I think lily and bulb sales will start very soon[my best customer has been bugging me since 1st of April]-No rest!!!!-Anthony

Merino, Australia

Go for it , Anthony. Make the money when you can so you can buy all those lovelies you really "must have "..
Heavy rain here today too.
I need it but it could have waited just another 2 days. Maybe my last few flowers will open anyway.
Good old GHA couldnt care less about the rain. He carries on regardless.


Christchurch, New Zealand

had a great day with Sugar at training yesterday, the sun was shining & we were working on a new 'trick'.
The idea is to teach your dog to send away to a point in the distance & then go down on command when they reach it.
Sugar liked the part where she finds a treat on a plastic plate waiting at the end of her run out.
We started fairly close but soon added distance as she became more enthusiastic about the game.
be interesting to see how she goes when we remove the plate with the treat...

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Yes, could be very different , Teresa,.,.Shame they dont have a ''old bird'' training school here,..,.,but he would refuse to learn!!!!,..,one thing he has learned now, is that if he grabs the seatbelt[retractor].,.,., when i remove his cage from the car each night, the seatbelt comes out quite a bit, b4 he has to let go,.,.,.and makes a great noise as it ''smacks'' into the door frame, and then the stopper!![good thing breeding season is only 6 months of the year]!!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

But Jean he has small feet for such a huge animal. I got a pretty picture of Charley yesterday, walking toward me. He is so handsome.
Then in background you see his Donkey pasture mates.
Whewwwww!!!! We got a windy, cold day here today. 46 degrees and wind makes it feel even cooler.
The long ears are standing in front of the cedars to stay warmer....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Winter is here this morning. My fingers are so cold. Maybe because I was outside getting pics of the latest brug flower to open.
We have had just on half inch of rain over the two days which is lovely.
I am sure all the plants have grown inches overnight.

Charleen, Charley looks so innocent there and he looks like he is heading for a hug and a cookie. Give him one from me.

Moon I hope that you are warm there. I saw all the snow further north. Amazing for spring.

Louise , did you leave the warm to go back to cold weather ?
hope it warms for you all over there.

Teresa, Sugar is a clever girl. She will soon be so good you will forget her little slipups.
Hope work will soon be done on your house . You need it ready for winter.

Dianne, my new brug is a bit plain at the moment. Maybe it will improve.
Are you getting the rain & cold there too. One of hubbys friends lives down around the bay from you and has had some lovely weather while we are cold here.

Anthony, Cocky must enjoy teasing you when he hangs onto the seat belt.
Wait until he learns to drive...lol

Colleen, how are things over your way. Did you get the rain too ?
The boys will like being back at school so they can tell their friends about their trip.

Karen, hope all is well with you. We wish you well and even if you cant pop in much, we think about you.

Chrissy , hope all is well up your way too.

Hello to anyone else looking in. The Tea Room is a good place to be on these cold mornings,
Heres a nice lot of nibbles for morning tea. ......a lovely lot of mixed Cream Cakes...

Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good Morning everyone. Charleen, Charley looks so huggable and cute.I used to go out riding with my late art school friend from Texas and she had small horses, Arabians as well as thoroughbreds...but the one I used to ride was an old grey mare who was just the sweetest thing...so easy we used to go bareback at times. She had a "ranch" on acreage they bought outside Brisbane..even named it "Chancellorsville"..a little taste of Texas!

Well, the weather has been absolutely superb..clear blue autumn skies but today there is jigh cloud and rain and maybe storms predicted for later today or tomorrow then your freezing weather is going to be here for Thursday, Jean and Anthony. You don't have to share it..I am happy still in singlet type tops and shorts. The plants are happy out there growing..the only good thing about cold weather is that the snakes hopefully hibernate. The postal delivery man told me he saw a snake on our front path..about five feet long..and I probably scared him when I said, Is that all? There's one a few metres long....he crams things in our large letter box and hasn't been back up since. There are two contractors who work on different days so he obviously hasn't told the other one.

Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Jean, I'm still lurking. Thank you for the thoughts. Barry has been here so I have to sneak in minutes here and there where I can on the computer, as he hogs it. I'm actually doing very well, just breathless a lot. Have been quite active though and loving it. Did the doctor thing yesterday and all is looking good. Went and had lunch with my darling daughter after. Most enjoyable.

Teresa, I agree with Jean. You need your house fixed before the big cold sets in. Hope that is possible. Barry had a tree fall on his house a few weeks back. They still haven't fixed the roof, just a bit of plastic over it. They sure do take their time. Sugar sounds just like a happy, healthy, mischievious puppy.

Anthony, is Cocky learning to drive? Does he need a permit? Then a P plate? I know they are very smart creatures, but wow! Actually, my lorikeet loves driving. But she embarrasses me when we pull into a garage for petrol. If a good looking young guy pulls up, she wolf whistles him. He looks across and all he sees is a grey haired little old lady trying to hide her red face.

Dianne, hope things are really good there for you. I missed out on the raspberry muffin. Never mind. Maybe Jean will come up with some yummy Hummingbird cake for me :).

Colleen, sounds like you are right back into it with your gardening. Hope you have some lovely weather for it ahead, leading into winter. Not raining here but very overcast and the air is wet. Makes it hard for me to breathe. I think I'll get me a gill transplant so I can breathe both wet and dry air.

Hello Chrissy and Kat. Kat, don't the snakes eat the turkey eggs? These critters just have to be good for something other than scaring the pants off people.

Louise and Moon, hope all is well with you. I guess you are heading towards Summer there now. Lets hope it is not an extreme one this year.

Charleen, love the pics of Charley and Co. He looks almost as if he could talk. In fact, I bet he does, his way. I have a love of all things horsey going back to my childhood. I remember a dreadful day as a child waking up one morning ready to die, things were so terrible. I wandered down the back yard, and there was a miracle! A stray horse had wandered into the yard and was quietly eating whatever it could find. It uplifted me in a way nothing else could have. My absolute favourite horse is and always has been the Akhal Teke. This has got to be the most beautiful horse in the world.


The proud and magnificent, ancient line of the Akhal Teke horses. Takes my breath away...

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Camperdown, Australia

Hi Everyone, I am back home now and brr it's cold today.

Cathy is set for a little while with Dr and Pain Clinic appointments so I am able to leave her to get on with life which I think will be for the best.

Lots of heavy rain the past two days and temps have dropped a lot.This will see the last of the Autumn leaves fall I think.
I wanted to share this Raspberry Hazelnut dessert I made for the family before I left. The recipe was in the current Australian Gardening Magazine and I couldn't resist having a go. I did use a little "creativity" with extra raspberry layer as we love them and I cut the recipe in half as there were not many to eat it. .It went down well and I will make it again for a garden club 'do' later.

Marlene,My sincere condolences, I know what you have been through as I has a similar experience as you, and it is not fun to farewell any family member under those circumstances. Take heart in the happy memories from earlier times and let the garden help the healing.
Smiles from Sue

Thumbnail by chookie2
Camperdown, Australia

oops forgot to ask. Does anyone know what this plant may be? It was part of the clearance we brought for Cathy at the swapmeet, it was unlabelled and the seller didn't know either. No sign of a flower but may have to wait for it to find out. Hoping someone here knows!
Sorry here is a better pic of that dessert - it was yum!
Thanks Sue

Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2
Merino, Australia

Sue, the plant looks like a velthelmia. ( think I have the spelling right ) see pic of mine last season.
I have a couple and they have a tall stem of pink flowers . They can die right away then reshoot, but I have one which just stays green all year.

Karen, that is the most beautiful horse I have ever seen.

Its very cold & wet here, so I am being lazy and playing card games on computer.
Keep warm everyone

Thumbnail by 77sunset

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