2012 Iris blooms!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I have blooms! Just within the past 2 days these have opened up:

Iris Reticulata "George", and "Harmony"

This message was edited Mar 11, 2012 2:13 PM

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252 Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Very nice, Debbie. "George" is quite striking.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks Fruity! I chose those since my DH's name is George! I will add more this fall!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

George is my favorite. It's the longest lasting one I've planted.

Love those pictures! Mine aren't up yet, and you're in a bit colder zone than we. Gives me hope spring is really coming.

Lake Stevens, WA

Those are beautiful. I have a dark blue one. It is finished blooming now. Any one have a good company to order these from. I'm on the hunt.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I ordered some of mine from Brent & Becky's Bulbs and some were found locally. I also ordered some from Bert at Eflower when they had the coop a couple of falls ago. Seems like I ordered some from another source as well....need to look back on my records!

South Hamilton, MA

2 stems of Katharine Hodgkin are in bloom, one more than last yr.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I have a few KH shoots and 1 bloom. I had hoped to photo when there was more to see. We had snow last night ,maybe tomorrow when temps go to hi 50's

South Hamilton, MA

28 & snow maybe an inch+

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

My "Katharine Hodgkin" bloomed out yesterday! I have 7 groups of them.....so pretty! The other purple/blue one above with "George" is "Harmony".

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Those are beautiful. Waiting for my clump to grow.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I have another color that will bloom out soon....."Alida". Those were just planted last fall.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

This is Alida.....not my picture but from Brent and Becky's website.

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
South Hamilton, MA

Nice clump of KH.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

They're all beautiful, and the Katherine Hodgkins are outstanding.

While we've had lovely weather, I've been indoors all week with some king of illness and cough. Today was my first day out, and nothing could have started out better than to see clumps of reticulated iris. I love them because they are so pretty and also because they are so reliable. They are the true harbingers of spring along with crocus. Only this year, we've also got alliums that have started their growth too.

Thumbnail by cathy166
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I am waiting for Frank Elder to open.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

"Alida" has bloomed out today.......FFO with more to come!

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Sorry, double post!

This message was edited Mar 12, 2012 2:24 PM

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Same clump of "Alida" with more flowers opened.....have 4 clumps of these and I love the blue! The second picture is "Katharine Hodgkin" again....7 clumps and they are blooming their hearts out!

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252 Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
South Hamilton, MA

KH is a gorgeous plant.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I should have Frank Elders soon.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Frank Elder is pretty! I may have to get that one too!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Its hard foe mw to tell KH and FE apart

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Those Iris Reticulata are all so pretty. Sorry to say that I still don't have any Iris Reticulata in my garden. I have been wanting to get some for years. I will just have to be smart and order some for fall planting.

How tall does the folliage (not the blooms) get? I think they put out folliage again in the fall if I am not mistaken. How tall?

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

The foliage continues to grow after blooming but nothing in the fall. Grape hyacinths put out new foliage in the fall though. IR foliage gets about 10-12" here before it dies back.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Oh OK, thanks. Don't know why I thought it came up again in the fall.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I really like my iris reticulata. The first iris to bloom in the spring!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I think for sure I should get Reticulata 'Harmony' as I do not think I can go wrond with that one. But maybe I should get some other colors too?

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Harmony is so pretty and it does stand out. There is a yellow also.......I would have to look it up 'cause I cant spell it...."Dandifordia" or something like that. And the others I added last fall.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

The Iris Reticulata are such a welcome sight at the end of a long and often very cold winter. Usually we notice the bloom before the foliage which is distinctive. They never rebloom here (they probably need another cold winter), but the foliage, which is hollow and strap-like, is actually triangular if cut across. The foliage gets very tall with brown tips, and the best part is that you always know where they are planted by the continuous foliage. They are definitely an alpine type flower, and they seem to thrive on neglect.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

The pictures of the flowers are so pretty.

South Hamilton, MA

Clump of Harmony is doing well for us. Love seeing it as we come in the driveway. Scattered purple & purple & white stripped crocus are also very sweet.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)


Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Reticulatas are done here. Natasha was a big disapointment.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

They are done here also.......didn't last long. Even my daffs are going fast.

New York, NY(Zone 7a)

Has anyone here ever seen Natasha bloom significantly? I can see my 'Clairette' and a few other blues from twenty feet away, but I've never seen a clump of white or near-white I. reticulata anywhere but the catalogs.

I've tried it a couple of times, wanting some white flowers with the blue after the snowdrops and before the hyacinths, but I don't recall seeing even a blossom.

South Hamilton, MA

Natasha is infamous for doing poorly. I think that it should be taken off the market. Usually poor first yr bloom & then nothing.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Mine were first year and I would hardly call them blooms.
I agree with iris MA .too bad I didnt know about the poor performance when I was ordering.

New York, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm glad to hear it wasn't just me. There are no real full sun flower beds in my tiny garden, so it doesn't surprise me when sun-lovers fade out, but now at least I can save my money for visible flowers.

The reticulatas did well for me this year in 7a, but I think that was because they started almost a month ago here and were almost done when the heat arrived. They're so vivid when they open in cold weather, and so faint and insubstantial when they're spent, like beached jellyfish. It's a real disappointment in years when their season spans less than a week!

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

YES!!! My first TB buds are here!!

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