Our March Orchid Madness

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

I know, Jim. You grow any orchid beautifully. You just were really down on the Paphs when we went shopping.

Laurel's Paph is really cool looking, and has very similar coloring to mine. Hope mine proves to be as faithful - maybe they will bloom again. But I'll grow them for the foliage, too.

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Hello All -

So many beautiful photos. Laurel, your last posts were like attending an orchid show. Just great. I love Dendrobium fimbriatum!

I will try to post some photos soon.

Wanted to let you all know that I just got an e-mail from Fender's. No shipping :-(
I will have to enjoy the sale vicariously through those of you that live closer.

Here's the e-mail:

"After 38 years in the nursery business, we are finally retiring!
This is a rare opportunity for you! Our personal orchids collected over 43 years of growing orchids plus our new breeding lines will be liquidated in their prime.

Our Closing Sale will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday:

April 12, 13, 14 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

April 19, 20, 21 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The sale is at our greenhouses in Venice located at 254 Keystone Rd. 34292. There will be NO SHIPPING.

On April 12, 13, and 14, we offer all orchids at 50% off. Come this first weekend for your best selection.

On the weekend of April 19, 20, and 21, all remaining orchids will be 75% off. "

(. . . sigh . . . )

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow, thanks for the heads-up, PtP. I know where I'll be going on April 12th! If you have something specific in mind, I could pick it up for you and send it if you'll reimburse me the cost plus postage? Let me know.

Jim, want to go? I'll drive - and let you see my messy jungle garden, too. Debi, are you finished horsing around yet? It's orchid time. Mj? Can you break away from the horses for a day? Their website says they specialize in 'Catts and Mini-catts'.


This message was edited Mar 21, 2012 12:41 PM

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's a pic of the best value so far of all my orchid purchases - $10 spotty purple NOID phal from IKEA and it bloomed for 3 months, took a short rest and now is blooming its pants off again. Its sister (dark red spots) has done nothing but sulk and pout, go figure!

Last gasp of Apple Blossom in its camping spot for our vacation. It's been a treat for a month! Another great buy from the orphanage along the street.

Last, I took a risk to save my little variegated phal, 2 weeks ago I yanked its pot and mounted it on a palm boot "a la Laurel" style. It has stopped shriveling, and none of the flowers or buds dropped to my great surprise and relief. It lost a couple of leaves, but that may be just the normal course of events as it's never dropped a leaf before in the 2yr. I've had it. Phew! Now, if it survives our vacation I'll be so happy.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Dyzzypyxxy, that is so sweet of you! Thanks so much. But I think I'll just have to enjoy the photos of whatever you all buy! I think your hands may be too full of your own finds to worry about additional purchases! Oh, but I will be jealous! Their cattleyas seem exceptional . . .I'm an especial fan of the yellow ones. They have a Lorraine Malworth 'Orlando' cross that's just beautiful. Also a grex 'Jimmy Cook' that's beautiful as well. They have some GREAT photos on a flickr site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/41577968@N03/6892219071/in/photostream/

I'm going to try to make it to the SEPOS show at Longwood Gardens this weekend. It should be beautiful -- it was last year -- but I doubt there will be any bargains there . . . (sigh)

Love your NOID Phal. My favorites are my NOIDs. BTW, does 'Appleblossom' have a fragrance? It's such a pretty flower, even when waning.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Elaine, no point in me playing hard to get when there are orchid discounts in the offing. I'm in. We can work out the logistics on D-mail.


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Well Poo...too far, would take a whole day for me to be gone...might have to rely on your good judgement. But really there are only a few that I want at this point.
I'll go see their website, and maybe if you don't mind, if they have something I can't live without you could grab.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Yay, orchid hunt! We'll be glad to pick up one or two for you, Mj. My only issue with their website is there are no prices, so you'll have to set a price limit on any you would like to buy.

I was chased in from the garden by yet anOTHER rain storm this evening! (doing the happy dance here)

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

dyzzy, The trick is to take another person who isn't into orchids. You need someone to help you carry your loot! I tried, but my neighbor over- slept. If you meet up with Jim, you're going to need a truck! LOL!
Glad you're getting some rain! We have another storm predicted for this weekend also, but ... the big storm of the season gave me 1/2". Not going to fill the barrels.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Well, . . . uh oh! LoL. I do have a truck, nice big full size Tundra with a tonneau on the box (hey, we tow boats around a lot) as well as a nice little station wagon and we can flip down the back seat for lots of cargo space.

I seriously doubt that DH will ever come to an orchid nursery with me again, though. He did come one time to the local orchid orphanage, but that was to check out the great plant stand that we eventually bought. Having him there really, REALLY cramped my shopping style.

Pretty sure I can count on Jim to help carry the booty. But if experience teaches, I may be helping him!

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Laurel, that odoritissimum is drop dead gorgeous.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

PtP, sorry forgot to answer your query about 'Appleblossom' - yes, it has a nice light fragrance. Small plant, pretty graceful flowers, and a nice scent, got to be a winner!

Here's a pic of the first flower just opened. Now that I check the date on that picture, it was Feb. 27th so it has lasted over 6 weeks.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Got a few pics yesterday
Den. yellow song 'canary' has a couple of small spikes. Den. jonesii has two spikes too

Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL
Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Maxillaria picta (yellow) has spikes and is very fragrant! another Maxi. picta spiecies (backlit) is half the size of the first one. First flower on Maxi.curtipis

Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL
Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

VERY pretty dyzzypyxxy, and that is a long time blooming!

Re: Fender's website, I noticed they took the prices off as soon as they announced the sale. For what it's worth, I remember being bummed that they were going out of business, because their prices seemed very good to me, and I had just "found" them and hadn't had a chance to order yet. Of course, good to a Nor'easter like me is different from good to a Floridian . . . you guys can grow these outdoors!

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Carol, I love both of those Dens. Very nice! Max, picta is a winner as well. Cute bloom.


Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Love Den. Yellow Song 'Canary' OCCAROL! Nice Maxis too.

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Behind on my photos. Here's Chia Lin 'Shinsu #1' NOW I understand folks complaining how hard it is to capture the color of certain orchids in photos. This was pretty much impossible. Much more of a burgundy color, but it looks much more purple in the photos . . .

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

This is a LITTLE closer to the color . . .

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Still the Queen of Floof no matter the color. Nice pics.

I'm on phone duty at the extension office. Lots of grass issues today.


Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Here's probably the closest . . .

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Grass issues?

Jim, here's the Epidendrum I picked up at Trader Joe's I mentioned many many posts back. I've come to believe that it is Encyclia cordigera var. rosea. What do you think?

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Here's a NOID phal I've been trying for two years to get to rebloom. It finally is, and it's just a amazing as I remembered. Almost burgundy blooms that at times look like they're made out of plastic or extremely thick silk, with a fluorescent purple lip. I picked this up in the plant district in Manhattan, in one of the shops that specialized in orchids. I now wish I had asked if they knew the cross, as I've come to learn that they don't always mark the plants but do know the names sometimes of the orchids. I've never seen this type offered again. I really think it's special!

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

dyzzypyxxy, very nice. Love the spotted Phal
carol, YOU DID GOOD. Love them all esp. Maxi.curtipis
PtP, looks just like the Encyclia cordigera I picked up awhile back

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the comments on my recent posts. I am trying to unbury the house (forget about the yard) after being so busy lately. April is a month full of family and friends coming and going.

Carol, your collection is certainly evolving in new directions. I like what's happening. There are so many Dendrobiums and Maxillarias I'd love to own. A review of species on Jay's or Andy's is always a fun way to daydream.

Pinetop, nice Catts and your Encyclia does appear to be cordigera var. rosea. I've got that one and like it a lot though I'm hankering for var. alba http://www.flickr.com/photos/38645690@N07/5061379063/ The Phal looks like it might be a Doritaenopsis hybrid (Doritis x Phalaenopsis)

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

PtP, all those are lovely. I sympathize with the color capture issue on Chia Lin, I had the same problem. First pic outside, using natural light made it look pink. Finally put it under a lamp inside and didn't use a flash. Got that rich velvety red fairly well. Too bad my paw got in the picture . .

Carol, your canary is just a lovely color, my favorite in fact. That one's going on my wish list. Uh oh, I don't have any Dens yet . . . another new variety to learn about. The little red Maxi is gorgeous too.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Den. yellow song 'canary' is gorgeous. Nice soft "Butter" yellow.
Re: Fender's well I can honestly say that after looking at what they had on the website there are only 3 that I'd actually be interested in. Epc. Green Dragon being my first choice. Course that's not everything they have in the greenhouse,I'm sure. and the Green Dragon I think was just shown on their Flicker website.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks all!
PTP, Love the color on that Phal!
Dyzzy, Dens do great in Fl., but figuring out which type you have can be problematic. Love Chia Lin...and yes, that color is almost impossible to photograph. By the way, Hausermann carries yellow song 'Canary'.

Laurel, My taste in orchids hasn't changed, but I'm running out of room, and C-I-W choices.LOL!

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi Maypop! Thanks for your comments. It's funny; I'm eyeing the alba version of Encyclia cordigera as well! I love the form of the petals, the fragrance, and I'm partial to green, white (and yellow) flowers. I hope it does well for me. It's kind of got me looking at other Epidendrums as well . . . I also think the Phal is a Doritis hybrid. It's spike is quite upright, and of course, the color points in that direction as well.

dyzzypyxxy, I think both of your shots capture the color changes of Chia Lin in different lighting MUCH better than mine. I did notice direct sunlight seems to highlight that dusty/matte yellow overlay on the purple (if that makes sense), but am usually rushing to work in the AM when the sun shines far enough into my apartment to photograph in it! Thanks for posting your photos.

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Ted5310 for weighing in on the Encyclia as well!

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I picked up this little number today at "Greenfest", a large plant sale at the University of Tampa. I was the lead off speaker and then had a chance to do some shopping. I really like the flower color. Here is Blc Pali Polka Dot 'Nalo'.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

This Blc. Mem. Vida Lee 'Limelight' is a first time bloomer for me.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

It is not often when I get both the regular and alba forms of Phychopsis butterfly to bloom at the same time.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Look at what my Cattleya maxima is about to do.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I like your Phychopsis , I seem to be drawn to the "Alien" looking types...LOL ( the others are gorgeous also !! )

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Really nice, Jim. This name thing really has me going, I look at your Limelight and Nalo and I see a lot of Encyclia cordigera

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Lost a post and am now on my 'droid. The 'Nola' looks like a Catt. aclandiae hybrid. Beautiful!

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

I've got a lot of catching-up to do! Hope you're all enjoying spring, in spite of how busy it is. The only thing I have blooming right now is Dendrobium lindleyi, other than a few phals...

Thumbnail by SCBegoniaGuy
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Nothing wrong with that Dendrobium, Scott. It's a beauty.

Opening for me yesterday is Cattleya intermedia.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Brought to you by the Hand Puppets Guild of America (HPGA) is a final look at the fully blooming Sarcoglottis sceptrodes "#2".


Thumbnail by hawkarica

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