Mid-South Gardners Member List II

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I grew my first TX Star from seed this year and one had 2 flowers. Not enough sun I don't think. Not exactly in swampy areas either so I had to keep an eye on them. The wilting really takes it out of them I think. I'll mulch them heavily next year - hope they survive. Luckily they started easily from seed.

It's always maddening when plants turn out to be something else. That happens kind of frequently when I trade for seeds. ;)

Do you have extra sea grapes? Assume you mean Mahonia a.?

Don't suppose many of you will see any weather from this storm. The radar shows it just barely touching my area, but the sun has been shining thru the clouds for hours. I'm pleased. I was not prepared for a heavy rain storm. The leaves are blowing lightly from the trees. It's a perfect fall afternoon.

Hope you're all enjoying yours. I'll go out and keep transplanting stuff to bring in for winter.


Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

We've had perfect fall weather...up until today and it's gotten overcast and chilly. I guess that's to be expected. But the chilly is from the north, not 'Sandy'. Glad you're having some good weather!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Looks like the perfect storm brewing and going to happen somewhere over PA/New York state. Hope they don't have the flooding they did from Irene. I'd rather snow than rain. :/


Central, LA(Zone 8b)

They just dispatched trucks to haul supplies from Atlanta, Ga. to Lakehurst, NJ & Oriskany, NY. where they are stock piling to deliver after the storm.

Baton Rouge, LA

Amanda I have not yet mastered the "Growing from seed" trick... LOL still quite a beginner...

This is the Sea Grape

We finally got some cuttings to "Take"....but they may not make it through winter... last year I had too many "inside" plants and it just about killed me....
Vowed not to have any this winter but brought in a bunch today (sigh)

Gosh Jeri & all I hope they don't have a repeat of (was it) last year ?
up there...

Where in AL is Lacey Spring?

Hugs all,

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Well that's not at all what I expected. Ha haha - interesting looking plant though. Yeah, I've been bringing in things slowly these past 2 days. Have no idea where I'm going to fit them all. :/


Fort Campbell, TN(Zone 6b)

Hello Neighbors! Fort Campbell, KY gardner here. My hubby just got stationed here and I had to leave behind EVERYTHING we had growing inside and out:-(. I spent ten years on our gardens and leaving them was the hardest part of the whole move. The good news is one day we will move back to Charlotte and much of my gardens will still be there. Our renters like gardening and I plan to make three-four trips there each year to tidy up.

I have been purchasing some indoor plants and have a few seed varities to begin sewing indoorsoon for spring.

Anyone else around Ft. Campbell? What grows well and where are the best greenhouses?

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hello hodges01. Welcome to Mid-South!! My husband was stationed at Fort Campbell back in the 60's. He has many fond memories of his time spent there.

Once spring gets here I'll be glad to send you cuttings. Just let me know what your interest are.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

We have a couple of folks not too far from you who visit here infrequently. Hope they will see this post and chime in soon. A couple of gardener's near Nashville will surely know of some good nurseries in the area to advise you. There is a pretty big Lawn and Garden show in Nashville in February I believe. You can probably google that and find out the weekend. There are some good displays and resources on display there that might help if you can get down there for the day on Friday or Saturday.

Good to have you. I know you'll figure it out but stay in touch in the meantime.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello Hodges - welcome! :)

I know how hard it is to leave your garden, but it's super that you will get to go back to it one day. Funny, I kept trying to tell myself, "they're just plants."


Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Hello! Checking in.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello! We are enjoying an ice storm in NC. How 'bout you?


Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Oh, ice eh? It was a lovely high 60's day here today. It may have even hit 70.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha - we are warming up fast. I heard we may have 70 degrees this week too.

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello, everyone!

I have been a DG member for years, but never made it over to this forum and just wanted to say Hi! and am excited about participating! Looking forward to discussing gardening with "neighbors".

Baton Rouge, LA

Welcome to the forum Fun !

Ladies.... I've been warmly welcomed by this swap now for.... Hmm...2 or 3 years now? I highly recommend and welcome you to join us...

The swap is in April in Florabama.... Alabama right above the Florida line....



PS: Jeri - I'm hoping to go....let me know if you want to join me !

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sounds good to me if I can get everyone well here.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Nice! I'll say that the PROMISE of spring is here if nothing else. :)

Hope everyone that can will join us too for the Carolinas RU on June 1 in Greensboro:


Going out today to pull some weeds while they are still (sort of) dormant. Wish me luck!!!


I never thought to check this forum.

So here I am to check in, say hello, and wish everyone a happy gardening day.

Thumbnail by
Newport, TN(Zone 7a)

i' m still alive and kickin' ! So glad to see summer on the horizon....gardens alive with color, butterflies and birds and bugs and veggies and fruit....almost here! Maybe I 'll make it to one of the round ups this year.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello ladies. :)

Kris - see when you are on bed rest you get to look at ALL the forums and threads. I think that's how I wandered in here when I was on the mend from my wrist injury last year/the year before.

Jessica! Sounds like your garden is really growing. I have to look at the map and see WHY. Is it cold there like it is here? Nor'easter overnight. I haven't experienced a cold spring like this in NC since I've been here. I guess this is the flip side of climate change. Unfortunately this does not mean (!?) that my growing season will be extended on the backside.

Stop back and visit! Jess - there are 2 RUs in our neck of the woods. The SW VA RU is next Saturday at Fairy Stone Park, Stuart VA.

Then in Greensboro NC on June 1 at the Piedmont Triad Farmer's Market. We have a really great bunch of people. I met Kris (Elfie) in VA a couple of years ago. if Court and I get a summer road trip together we'll stop at her house on the way across country.

Be careful about coming to my house,, you might just end up with power fools in your hands and working the whole time you are here. Of course you would also get to raid my woods for native plants too. So that may make the trip worth while!!!!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Sounds like a fair trade, Toots. :)


Newport, TN(Zone 7a)

AmandaEsq- My garden is just getting started...I just meant that I could see it all in my mind's eye. Now, YOURS is prolly loaded with flowers.

I doubt i will make it to this coming RU, but might do NC if at all possible. I gotta see where it is on a map.
MudElf- I had a nice chuckle over the power fools/tools typo. tee hee!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


I resemble that remark.

Some flowers including the woodland phlox you sent last year. I think of you frequently for be reason or another when I'm out there.

If you haven't purchased yet, I have salvia 'Black and Blue' thick as thieves.

Kris, I think you gave me this dracena houseplant that is very unusual. Oblong green speckled leaves and a heavenly scented flower. I'm not very kind to it, it but the cats would make a nice snack of it if I put it anywhere close to a window.

Newport, TN(Zone 7a)

Ooh..I forgot about sending you that phlox, Blue moon, It is blooming like crazy for me now. What a great scent!
Yes! send the salvia black and blue!!!! Please?! I think I may just plant my entire yard with Bee balm and Salvia and just lay down and watch the bees, hummers and butterflies. Ok, maybe a few Zinnias and cosmos. And milkweed, and Morning glories,andlavender, lots and lots of lavender. Oh, and a few herbs. but thats it. alright, roses too.Nasturtiums,petunias,lantana,verbena,daylilies,jasmine,gardenias,daisies,gladiolas,delphiniums,foxglove,carnations,hollyhocks,peonies, and poppies and a pond with waterlilies. and violets but nothing else.except everything else!!!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Oy. Sure wish I had more rooooom!

The salvia is smallish so it's a good time to send.

I have almost 3 acres of unexplored land here. We can explore it together.

Newport, TN(Zone 7a)

**sigh** so nice to have all that space, MudElf. You moved recently, right? If I remember right, I read something in a thread about you doing tiny fairy gardens. Was that for lack of space at your old place, or just for the niceness of being hospitable to fairies and the occasional elf?

AmandaEsq- what can I send you? Also, never could get the fennel to germinate, and the bottlebrush either. Am I doing something wrong? Did I tell U I bought Eupatorium "gateway"..small joe pye weed? I think it will be nice. Ever try it?

Scarletbean, yes I have moved twice in less than two years. My dh says this is the last home we will own.

I do gairy gardens with my DGD. She is on DG as Goober-
fairy. She loves fairies and with this new place we will fill it uo with fairies about a quarter acre area that is just full of ferns and other native plants. Our goal is to get all the homes, paths and other permanent stuff in place and in the spring put out the fairies and elves and gnomes to play all summer and fall with. We will pack them up for each winter.

Lots of work ahead for us..

Newport, TN(Zone 7a)

Very Nice, Elf. I always associate foxgloves with fairies, not sure why, and nasturtium, too. I'd love to see a picture of the fairy garden you made. I guess you know the idea that if you see a ring of wild mushrooms, it is a fairy ring. It means that they were up all night dancing inside the circle.by the light of fireflies. If a human happens to see them dancing, he or she must not step inside the ring, even if invited, as it will enchant the person, and they will be lost for many years in the land of fairies, only to be exiled in old age to wander about and tell anyone who will listen about their time in fairy land. Of course no one will believe these wild tales. However, if the person hides and listens to the all night wild fairy revelry, and goes home before dawn, that person may be granted a wish if it is unselfish.

AmandaEsq... do u remember what the name/type of rudbeckia you sent me that had two tone petals? yellow outside with a ring of burgundy in the middle..It succumbed to a rather large and hungry slug who burrowed into its stem. #%$@ !!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Greetings every one.

Just checking in to see how everyone is handling the weather and all of our recent DG get togethers. It's my favorite time of year in the garden... not too hot, longest days of the year, plenty of daylight. :)

I'm less fond of the high heat and humidity, cracked clay soils in high heat/drought, swarms of mosquitoes...

Safe Travels all ... enjoy the season!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Just catching up on this thread.... it has been a while! It is SUPER hot here.... this week has been horrid. Temps hit 100 + in several areas yesterday with humidity almost as high - or so it seemed :( I want my cooler days back so I can get some things done!!! Can't hold out in this heat to work in the evenings after getting off work......................


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha. Everyone around me has been complaining about the cool weather. While I could do with some less of the dampness, you won't catch me bemoaning 55-75 degrees. Once you start past 80, the humidity gets me no matter what.

Lovely day here, hope you enjoy yours. Summer is upon is.

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq

To hot here to do anything. I still have plants in the pots from the RU... Sigh.....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Yep, all these plants are still on my front porch where you left them. Ha ha. :)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i'm here, we bought a house in February andare bust trying tob renovate in side and landscape out side. got tomake it look good so when retirement gets here in 2 years we can sell and move back to jeri's neck of the woods

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


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