Think Spring! Seed Swapping Discussion for Feb. 11 swap

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Wonder if there are any veggies etc named Sally or Gita or Jill or Judy? Was Aunt Jewel one of the aunts on your family tree Sally?

All three of those peppers sound great, Jill and I like their names. Why do you like them better than bell peppers?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita - Sun Gold tomatoes are an F1 hybrid. If the seeds you were given were "saved" seeds they would not grow "true". You have to start anew with 1st generation hybrid seeds (you have to purchse them from a seed company).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

"aunt Jewel" is my stepMILs sister. Jewel is a lovely lady in her eighties, born on the farm, still gardening , and recovering very well from a broken hip couple months ago, bless her heart. As I nderstand it, they grow these Germans every year and save so I think they are stable.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I just added zagreb coreopsis to my want list, but I remember reading that their seeds are sterile. Does anyone know?

Sallyg, I'd love some milkweed seeds!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I first got my Sun Gold seeds from a fundraiser (not sue=re who's?? maybe a farm-related one or Girl Scouts)
and they were passing out these wood plant markers with a few Sun Gold seeds glued on at the pointy end.
Maybe it was at one of our local Festivals??? At a table for some organization??? I do not remember...

Anyway--I decided to grow them out the following year. I likes what I got--and grew them again--and passed the seeds on
to people at work....etc....These tomatoes are VERY sweet and yummy!!!!

Of course--I have a very limited space garden--and, it is quite possible, that they might have cross-pollinated with my other tomatoes.
I really only grow about 3 or 4 types....
Cherokee Purple----Mortgage Lifter---Sun Gold---and have experimented with also a couple of others.

I do not know WHY I even grow tomatoes???? I eat so few of them. My reward is taking them to work and having
people OOH and AHH about them. I have, SOOOO willingly also shared seeds of all of the above with anyone asking me .
Like I do with any, and all, my seeds.

Now--I really, really liked the larger version that grew our of the Sun Golds! They were VERY good and kept on
producing until absolute frost. They climbed over my 8' fence and hung down to the ground on the other side.
I saved seeds from these also. Who knows what will result when I plant these next year????

Here is a picture of the two--for comparison.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


NOT likely that anything would be named Gita....Unless you are from India.
The name "Gita"--or Geeta"--or "Gheeta" very common in India.

I get weird looks at work from people from India when they see my name on my apron....
I certainly do NOT look Indian!!!!
Gita--or Gitta is a pretty common name in the Baltic and Scandinavian (even German) countries.
Often--it is a nick-name for Brigitta.

You can Google "Gita" and read up on it.....especially to elarn about the significance of this name in the
Indian culture. It is more like a ---"song of Gita"...Like a Goddess of some sort....Like their holiest Book in the
Hindu culture-----or something like that....

Interesting.........Check it out! Gita (just little old me--Gita)....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ssg- Gotcha covered!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

With tomatoes, I'm all about heirloom varieties, but with peppers the hybrids are just much more productive for me and just as flavorful... I've had much better success with non-bell varieties, even wrote an article about them: :-)

Sally, I'd love to try your Aunt Jewel's German! (Sorry about the question earlier... I thought you were trying to remember another part of its name, didn't realize it was a family passalong!) That photo of big, meaty, juicy tomato slices just made me drool all over my keyboard.

SSG, I haven't tried growing out seed from my Coreopsis 'Zagreb', but if you don't manage to get one via wintersowing you're welcome to a piece of mine sometime (remind me before the spring plant swap, or just drop by some time & I'll get out my shovel!). It's growing in the "inferno strip" between our driveway & the neighbor's, so it's a pretty tough little plant!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, Yes we want some of the Holy Mole. I remember we like those alot but I can't remember if those are the chocolate colors ones? Holly

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, Ric is always interested in new tomatoes.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

SSGardener- Can I have some California poppies?? I almost ordered some this morning. I've grown them before, I even know where I will plant them LOL. I love to pivck off the tiny hats when the flower is just about to open.

Jill, I didn't take your comments 'that way' anyhow (smile) Yes you may have some
Holly/ Ric- You too- I did show off this tomato last summer and I think RIc expressed interest.

coleup- I have a backlog of lettuce and happy to share a few kinds with you.

Ordered from Pinetree today so I may have a few other unusual edibles to share, if the order arrives that soon. Also adding to my Haves list..

This message was edited Jan 29, 2012 11:11 AM

Crozet, VA

I see that I posted my haves on the wrong thread. Will go and correct that shortly.

Thanks for reminding me to look at the seed guide you gave the link to Gita, to get a better idea about what to save with the Zinnia. Also, if you want to and have the time, you can go ahead and start the cuttings of Purple Passion for me but it is not necessary, so please don't worry over it. I appreciate you getting the plant for me and I will reimburse at the swap if that is okay.

Sally, I didn't know about the Cleome needing the cold. Should I go ahead and plan to sow mine now too you think? I was wondering why some that I tried planting last year never came up, they had spent the winter in my usually nice warm house. Thanks for the tip.

I am getting really excited about this folks......pray that there is no precipitation on the 11th. Anyway, I so far I have Sally and Jill wanting Zinnia's and Coleup wanting both orange and yellow Marigolds. If I missed someone at this point, please let me know.

Fun, fun, fun. Can't wait!!!


Crozet, VA

Coleup, I put you down for some Cleome seed too. I also listed a few house plants if anyone is interested and seeing that several folks have already contacted me about giving a new home to some of their houseplants, I will add that my car will hold any more of pretty much anything you all would like to go away from your place.

Enjoy your day everyone.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


With seeds that need striation (a cold period) you can keep them in the fridge too.
I think, usually, 6 weeks is recomended?????

It may help if you know which plants are self-seeding biennials.
The dropped seed sits outside in a bed and comes up by itself when the time is right.
Cleomes are notorious biennials. I had them coming up in cracks of the sidewalk...

If you want to sow some Cleome seeds now--I am sure they would get the necessary cold snap.
Anyway--as I said on another post--I have over a cup of mixed Cleome seeds.

Ruby--I will wait on cutting the PP back. You can do it. It will be hard to bring live plants
to the Swap--so one is better than five. OK?

Gita time for lunch!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, the poppies are yours!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ric & Holly, I can add a pack of 'Holy Mole' hybrid seeds no problem... 100 seeds for $8 I think, which should last you a while even if you split them! Yes, they're the chocolate colored elongated ones that were super productive for you.

What, Sally?!? You ordered from Pinetree without telling us? ;-) LOL

OH, I see HPS has Hypoestes aka Polka Dot Plant, one of my favorite foliage plants (especially for my mom's mostly shaded planters), and I need more seed this year. 250 seeds for $6.50, so I can definitely split with anybody who's interested. I like them with Torenia (I have seeds to share), blue lobelia, also with most colors of coleus.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Jill that would be great! Ric

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, glad I asked about your german tomato...Aunt Jewel sounds like a fine lady and a fine tomato, too! Yes, thanks, anything I can sow now or shortly lettuce/ spinach, etc wise would be great.

Oh, I am wanting some rainbow CHARD seeds (not kale ) as I first wrote. Sorry.

Ruby, I'll see to an elephant ear for you and John. Also, you might request some of Jill's Polka Dot seeds as they can be good house plants, too.

Gita, I'd like some purple cone flower.

Thanks, Judy

This message was edited Jan 30, 2012 12:18 PM

Crozet, VA talked me in to it Cole. Jill, I will gladly purchase some of the Polka Dot seed. I like the plant too though I have never grown it from seed. Should be interesting.

I need to get my behind over to the HAVES to offer page and see what kind of goodies you folks have.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, wow, what a great list you posted over on the Have/Want thread! I would love a bit of each of your columbines, please (Winky Pink, Winky Purple, Maroon/yellow). Thank you!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Will do, Jill.

I have some other older seeds for Columbines that I did not include in my list.
Some of them--I am not even sure if the name is correct...
Will look and bag up some of those as well for you. No worry if the description does not match.
There is no such thing as an ugly Columbine.

I will also have a this and that--odd seeds, older seeds, seeds I will never grow, etc box I will bring.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Gita! A "mix" of columbines works for me, too... probably easier to do... Would you like a mixed bag in return? (Same mix I've offered before, as I didn't get seeds collected last summer, so you may have them already.)

I had another request for gloves this morning, and I just got off the phone with PalmFlex. They already pulled the order I placed last night, so after some talking I ordered 2 dozen more gloves in size medium, mixed colors, still $3.25 each. That means I'll have 20 extra pairs of garden gloves available if/when somebody wants them. I can also make 6 pairs of the thermafit gloves available... they're not as pretty, but they sure are nice when you're digging in chilly spring weather!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks Critter on the gloves. Will you bring some of them to the Swap so we can try before we buy? Also, when and in what form would you like payment for any seeds or gloves, etc?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Jill, nice of you to accomodate us with gloves. if medium fits my freakishly long fingers, I'll take a pair LOL

I'm planning some like new for the gift table for young kids/ grandkid, elementary school age say. I'm cleaning out kids stuff. Anyone want some fiction (5 or ten books) for middle school age, maybe for classroom library use?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

These gloves are pretty stretchy, so a medium fits most women's hands. Chantell, for example, needs a small, my brother takes a large, and Jim's wide hands need an XL. I will bring some to the swap, and I'll either ask somebody to be my glove salesperson or you will be on the honor system -- for every pair you pick out of the bag, I will need you to put $3.25 in. Cash is probably easiest. Anybody wanting to pay in advance through paypal can do that also, but you'll need to add a PayPal fee of 30 cents plus 10 cents per pair.

The page showing the gloves and the 6 colors available is here:

This should be the link to the sizing information for Atlas gloves:

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Jill you should get a commission from Atlas-
; ^)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

NOT to "rain on this parade"--

I like to use the regular, latex gloves that Dr.'s and nurses use. You can get them by the box at
Wallgreens (often on sale) or at HD or Lowes.

WHY? Because I like to feel everything I am working on. Like a second skin.
Cheap enough to throw them out after a couple uses. You can powder the insides and get a lot more use out of them.
Makes it easier to get them on if they have been used before....

Anyway--that is my preference.....Just wanted to say so.....

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I just received free seeds for newbies from gardenweb's wintersowing forum! I have so many seeds I don't know what to do. I've never even heard of half of them!

I'll be bringing most of the seeds to the swap. Would it help if I wrote down all the seeds on the other list? There must be 20 different packets here.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, I also placed my HPS order, so I'm hoping those seeds will come in time for the swap! Ruby is splitting the polka dot plant seeds with me, but let us know if anybody else wants some... their mix has pink, white, and I think three different reds. Anybody who shares them with us can have "dibs" on a pack of my Torenia seeds. :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

SS, what fun! I'm going to start winter sowing on Groundhog's Day, and I think Joyanna and I will go out and celebrate that day by tossing direct sowing some seeds in our little orchard, too.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ssg- I don''t think you need to bother writing them all.

Jill you are getting some tiny spinning top gourds, from me, they are adorable. Unless you have them? I meant to bring and forgot, last time, I think.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Sally -- you know who will love those! And no, I don't have them already.

SSG, I think most of the ones I'll manage to put on my "haves" list are those where I have multiple packs available, either from harvested seeds or from splitting a big commercial pack. Single packs will just be passed around at the swap until they find homes.

EVERYBODY please note: I'll also be looking at "want" lists or at information about your garden (eg, you have mostly shade, you grow mostly in containers, etc.) to see if I have something to drop into your goodie bag. So please post about what you like! I'll bring a bunch of extra packs, but I won't bring the whole seed stash... and often, I can split a few seeds from a pack that I have if I know it's something you're looking for. The same is true of other folks, I know! :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You have blessed me with many a start of things.....Thanks!

--Basil--all 3 kinds. Thai--Lemon/Lime--and the Italian. I have collected seeds from all of them and am glad to pass these on.
The Sweet basil is so common--you can just buy a small pot. I did take some seeds--but did not add it to my list.
--Many Tomatoes--even though I only grow out a few--you have enriched my taste buds for more. Will keep plugging away....

You did not ask me for any seeds of the Pink Zinnias......Do you want any?

I bought two kinds of Zinnia plants at HD last year--and took seeds from them. They were awesome!
One was a tallish, bright orange/red/yellow one that bloomed till frost. Quite stunning!
One was a short, bright red one that really did well and was beautiful. Took some seeds from both
I DO think that Bell Nursery can provide many NEW varieties of many things.

Neither of these I listed on my "haves"--as I do not have all that much to share. Planning to grow them out again.
I could share a few seeds if anyone really, really wants any.

As far as me "wanting" anything---i would not know what I could ask for. No room in my beds! Sorry!
Darn those two Maples in my back yard! They have destroyed any hopes of digging up beds and planting anything.
I SOOO respect any, and all, plants that still manage to survive under these conditions....

That is one reason I never "trade"--or "ask" for anything. I just share what I have a load of--just for postage.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, thanks but I have some of your pink zinnia seeds in my stash still (I think I managed to finagle an extra pack last year). This year, I'm hoping Joyanna and I will be able to grow out a ton of zinnias, so next year we'll be passing out sandwich bags of seeds (with chaff, I'm sure!).

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just read all the "haves" lists. Surely--there will be more???

ssgardener---I have Blue Liatris as well as all 3 Basils.


I have 3 heirloom tomatoes. Same as always: Cherokee Purple, Mortgage Lifter,
and as of last summer--Yellow Brandywine.
I also have seeds for Egg Plant "Black beauty" --smallish, rounded fruit.
Have lots of French marigold seeds.
And--tons of Cleome seeds.

Could I have some of the red Rose Campion seed? My sister in AK has these. Very pretty.

Getting close now............................OOOOHHH!


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, I have a bunch of seed packs from a swap but didn't write them on the "haves" list.

And thank you for the offer of basils/liatris!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I do not have room for any new plants....Thanks for the offer, though.

You can bring your NOID seeds anyway.
I also have a "Hodge-podge" box of seeds. Seeds I will never grow--some that are a bit old---
some bought seeds in their envelopes, etc....
Jill usually mixes all these together--and people go through these and take what they want.

Some seeds are viable for years!

See you at the Swap!!! Gita

Crozet, VA

Alright Gita, I got you covered on the Rose Campion. I too love this flower. The "momma" Rose Campion came from my mother's home when I dug up some of the plants she grew at the end of her driveway each year. I will always think of her when seeing one.

Hope that everyone will have a great week coming up.


Crozet, VA

I finally had a chance to ask my hubby what road we would be driving when heading to Frederick on Saturday. We will be taking Interstate 81 and he tells me that Falls Church would be two hours out of the way for us. I tried Foxnfirefly. So sorry that even if we are in Virginia also, the driving route that is best for us, leaves you out from a ride.

I know that some of the trips we have made north we drive Route 29 and that would take us through Falls Church area, but that isn't when we are heading for Frederick. Foxnfirefly, if you see any seeds on my HAVE list that you would like to have, I will gladly fix up a packet and mail them to you. Please let me know.

Off to try and catch up on some of the other threads. Have a good afternoon all.


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