#14: Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Don't understand & guess I don't need to understand.

Kay, I read your post just fine. "Typos" don't bother me much unless it's something for publication like church bullitens, etc.

KatieBear!! Wow, it's so good to hear from you. Did that big earthquake a couple months back affect you? I am so glad to know you are OK, albeit still dealing with the brown paper.

Lots of hugs,

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Sheri, hi, I'm glad you are there. It's not that there was anything I didn't understand, it just seemed a little different. I remember Kay talking a while ago about the different technologies she was using and was just wondering if that's what I was noticing. I've always admired Kay's speech-to-type software; I've tried it and couldn't do it.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I usually check in"s some kind of issue"but my computer h

There!!! See how it will take the latter part of a sentence or paragraph & stick wolly a challenge for me in decyphering the hodge podge rds or portions of a sentence somewhere up in my previously typed...........................oh well..........as you can see, posting is usua

yep...this is why I rarely post ;-D

my computer has some tissuesypo

typo issues

This message was edited Jul 14, 2012 9:40 AM

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Goodness Sheri. You talk fine. I gave up on spellcheck. It did'nt speak southern and would'nt let me post ANYTHING! Everyone seems to accept me as I am,at least no ones asked me to bug off.
Thanks for the addy. I had ordered from them a longtime ago. but had forgotten about them. There is a healthfood store in Russellville that has the Bakers Yeast and i love garlic and always have some on hand. Is'nt home cure wonderful. I shall try it tonight.Tho I think the fleas are finally going-going-gone anyway.
Wally World got some new potplants in. They are small plants but i love to see them grow anyway. Got a ponytail palm,a couple of cacti,Mother-in-law Tongue,and something I don't know what is.Am set for the winter. We are sure to have a winter again.Are'nt we?
Carrie, I'm so glad you've found a medical home. They sure are important.You are always so articulate I can't imagine you having trouble explaining yourself.

I went to group therapy this morning and it was good to get back. We're planning a party the 19th with a Hawaian theme. I'm bringing a pineapple something.I may just make a Pinkstuff Salad.
Katie it IS good to hear from you.Anymore, I think of you everytime I see a paperbag.I can see you tacking it to the wall. How is Tony doing? I saw a film about the Baja. Those rocky beaches are awesome. Do you ever go to those caves with the ancient artwork?And how does your garden grow?
Kay Was so glad to hear from you also. How is your whole crew?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

If not for spell check I would not be able to post at all. I've tried typing without it -- when FireFox wasn't working and I had to use internet explorer -- completely unintelligible. Hawaiian Themed party sounds like fun, Vicki. I'm glad you're back with your group therapy. Nothing about you, but you always report how glad you are to be there, so I'm happy too! And YES it is good to back on the grid, doctor-wise. Spent all day yesterday home waiting for the VNA who never came grrrrr. But if you're not home when they come, they discharge you! Yes paper bags and Katie, and you don't see paper bags so much any more, though, it's mostly plastic.

mulege, Mexico

I'e been tearing a roll of brown contractor's aper into "plate-sized" pieces, more or less. Tony is pasting and applying them to the wall.

When he came to work this morning Tony told me the problem we've been having with our water is due to the "big pump" for twon water being down. It will take a week or so to get it repaired/replaced. Meanwhile we will get maybe two hours of water a day. Luckily I have a big gravity fed tank which is full. I'm just hoping we don't have electrical problems and lose what a/c we have. With the a/c on full my bedroomis still usually in the mid 80's.

I did a ton of laundry on Sunday so I'm congratulating myself for that. The tank connects to where I do dishes and my outdoor soaking tub is full. I'm prepared for life in Mexico!!

hugs, katie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yay for preparedness, Katie

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Hello all, good to see you back, Katie.
Yeah you are one target, Carrie. The NVDA program is not working well for me, it sounds like the synthesized Stephen Hawking voice, if you’ve ever heard that. I read somewhere that when offered the opportunity to upgrade to one of the new speech programs, Stephen Hawking chose to keep his original speech program. I never understood that decision. But then I’m hard-of-hearing so that might be a big factor. It’s odd that the clearest, best-sounding artificial voices belong to singing programs (Vocaloids).
The audiologist tells me my comprehension level is very high considering my hearing loss. It is a lot like putting verbal jigsaw puzzles together. Imagine hearing seven words out of a ten word sentence and trying to fill in the blanks. Most of the time the blanks are filled in correctly, but other times it can lead to hilarious misunderstandings. A sense of humor is vital when you’re hard-of-hearing.
I’ve been falling back on transcription. I record my posts and give them to Nadi or Jim.
Vickie, once when I had a very bad flea problem in my house I was desperate enough to try to bathe the old tomcat I had. Not something I would recommend. Lol
I’m adapting to the Charles Bonnet syndrome. I’ve started using an Ozark mountain walking stick or a bamboo quarterstaff to move around the property. Since I can’t trust what I see, it forces me to function as a totally blind person. I still use my traditional white cane when we go out of course. It’s been quite a long time since it was acceptable to walk around with a quarterstaff in public. A few hundred years I think. Lol.
There has been an upside to the experience; it’s given me plenty of fodder for science fiction stories. The old Dodge Dakota is up and running again. We need to buy a van, but I want to keep the Dakota. Transporting large amounts of barnyard fertilizer could be problematic with a van. ;)
It’s been very hot and muggy; I’ve been doing small decorative concrete projects…in front of a fan. Jim has been turning an old charcoal grill into two raised planters. He bolted the lid of the grill onto an old desk chair base for the second raised bed. Nadi hates going outside during the daytime when it’s this hot. She’s working outside at night. I guess she is one fully sighted person I can’t tease about being light dependent.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, I would HATE to depend on someone else to transcribe my posts! Typing and posting is about the only thing I can do independently any more. (I can't use the bathroom, wash dishes, dress, dress, blah blah blah very boring to discuss but I wish the list were longer.)

I think I can understand Stephen Hawking's position--I mean, he was one of the FIRST actual synthesized voices anybody heard; before that it was just R2D2. That sound is very closely identified with the sound of him; it almost IS the sound of him. The only thing it's missing is a British accent. I have trouble with my GPS because there are no cues as to whether I'm about to miss it or not. She doesn't sound alarmed; there is no urgency or sense of immediacy in her voice when she says "turn right in 10 ft... 5 ft.... whoops you missed it, you dummy!"

There is a lady who is a Russian immigrant (a US citizen now, by marriage) whom I have hired to take me out during the day. Yesterday we got Texas license plates for my car! That is one loathsome task I have been dreading since we found out we were moving. It was amazingly easy. But we are paying her $10 an hour out of pocket (!!!!!!) to come take me to the toilet in Kroger's, Walmart, Walgreen's, K-mart, Target, wherever. She feels bad because she knows we are going broke (at $20-30 a day) so sometimes she won't let me pay her what we owe, so then I feel bad, so I'm helping her with her English and her accent. In Russia she was a Russian Literature teacher. The chance to move here trumped that, I guess. Still, it's a bad situation.

Midland City, AL

That sounds like a fair deal to me, Carrie. It is much more than I get paid for running errands and acting as MK's sighted guide, but then I get lots of perks. (Room and board, food, etc.) I still think I would like to become a certified PCA. A nurse told me I wasn’t physically strong enough for the work, but I can change that. The sheer number of elderly people there are as the baby boomers age would mean job security. With the job of medical transcription going the way of dinosaurs, I need to be thinking about other work.
A snake bit Fenny-dog on Thursday night. I was afraid I would lose her at first. Her paw was terribly swollen and she whined and whimpered almost non-stop. I had never heard Fenny make such sounds before. From the size of the puncture wounds and the distance between them, it must have been a big snake. Fenny has zero tolerance for snakes. She destroys them on site. She’s been bitten in the past, but never been so sick from it. Papa Jim forced a Benadryl down her throat and Mama Kay gave her something to ease the pain and make her sleep. Her paw is still swollen today, but not nearly so much as it was. I have no doubt now she will survive. I hope she has learned her lesson. Tater-dog is much smarter about snakes. Tate will bark incessantly until she gets our attention, but she never lets herself get within striking range of a snake. She appears to think she has done her job in letting us know a creepy-crawly is present. Getting rid of said creepy-crawly is our job. .
I was so worried about Fenrira, I didn’t sleep well. I did my outside work around 4 a.m. The birds are up and singing even before the dawn. We have so many song birds now! I can remember when Amargia’s feathered inhabitants were more likely to be crows and turkey buzzards. BTW, Sheri, do you know the right dimensions for the entrance hole in a bluebird house?
PJ has been chained to the computer today doing a complete re-install. MK is busy with something involving concrete and leaves. I guess we will know what that is about eventually. I think it is past time for this thread to be refreshed I'll get on it :-)
Photo #1: ‘Bold Move’ daylily
Photo #2: Verbena? Valerian? It’s a plant that starts with “V”. lol. Note to self: Use only paint pens to write labels in future.

This message was edited Jul 21, 2012 12:48 PM

Thumbnail by Sansai87 Thumbnail by Sansai87
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Rofl Nadine, I have noted that EXACT thing to myself many a time.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

And I really hope Fenny is just fine! Are you sure she's OK? Will you take her to a vet? And there is an article about the dimensions of bluebird houses, if you want the link. Just say the word and I'll go grab it, or look on the left under "guides and information" here on DG.

Midland City, AL

Glad to be back. Our anti-viral program, Viper, wouldn’t let us on DG for a time.
MK said vets once made housecalls. I wish that were still the case. It is difficult to get Fenny to the vet even for routine visits. Tater doesn’t mind the vet as long as she gets her hamburger reward after. Fenny seems to think a junior cheeseburger is not adequate compensation for getting stuck with needles. By the time Fenny was calm enough to be coaxed into the truck under her own steam, it was obvious she was okay. If I ever get another dog, it is going to be a small one so I can be alpha!
There has been an unusual amount of rain lately meaning the land hasn’t gone into its usual summer lul. That means lots of mowing and weeding in sauna conditions. It also means using a baking soda mix to keep powdery mildew at bay. The silver lining is the tomatoes haven’t gone into summer dormancy.
PJ had an odd experience while mowing. A bee flew into his beard and got stuck. That is not the only case we’ve had of bees getting stuck lately. PJ bought a hummingbird feeder that claimed to be inaccessible to bee raiders. The bees are determined to proved those claims wrong. One bee had her dead stuck in the “flower” and another managed to get completely inside the jar. The one in the jar actually survived the raid. She must have thought she was in bee heaven.
This thread is continued at: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1273434/

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