More Summer Brugmansia in Australia-3

Merino, Australia

i like the idea Shaun. I dont have many new babies that have flowered as yet, but they are out there.
If you can get the thread as a sticky it will be great . We can look at blooms and compare siblings and all chat is easily done on this thread.
Maybe, the person adding the brug could add also put approx. height and age at flowering. Hybridiser , if known , should be acknowledged.
I like the name AUSSIE BRED BABIES.. ( or seedlings)
The word Gallery sounds like it would have all Aussie brugs .

Aussie bred seedlings would discount the hybrid seeds we are all growing out from OS, including your cool climate kids.
I hope everyone is enjoying the appearance of Australian grown seedlings both home grown and home bred ...wonderful to see them appearing in International Gallery's.
maybe *Aussie Grown Brugmansia seedlings* ?

Back after I feed hubby :)

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Dianne & Chrissy Congrats to see your Babies on the BGI gallery
they look so at home there and as chrissy stated a while ago
the Aussies will be flooding the US and EU dominated site of BGI in the coming years with all the new varieties that will be coming throu
so every one keep up the good work and love to see more on there site

Jean with the new thread i am waiting to hear from almost everybody in relation to it so that we all can have a say on how it is formatted and weather or not it is a wear-thy thread at all, it was mentioned that some people may not be the interested as we to take all the details down and have it displayed in a thread as such.........

Of to work for a $ talk later


Clifton Springs, Australia

I would love a gallery of all the Brugmansias we have growing here, from OS seeds and the ones that have been growing here for generations....
I try to keep a pic of everyone that is posted, but it would be lovely to have all of them in a gallery on DG.

Yes, Shaun...I would support your Aussie bred thread if DG will allow it....mind you I only have 2 that I've kept.....Chrissy, cestrum and Wayne would have a big job entering all of theirs....

That GB x OA? seedling looks very nice,'s the very devil when the roots swallow the tag as some of mine have done.

Have to resist the seeds Colleen....sounds as though there might be some pinky/orange flowers in there......congrats on a good cross....

Lovely pics Gena....that's a very nice Brugmansia.

barmera, Australia

Shaun How about using Australian instead of Aussie. It sounds proud. I'm in with the thread too. Don't know if I'll have much to contribute but you never know. Colleen

Oh dear here I go again ...this brave little thing is still there this morning, I was sure she would be gone, she is a a real cute little thing, I am a sucker for the Earth Angel babies even though they are the cold wet weather haters, as soon as the weather is warm and sunny they romp away.
The new buds don't have that water damaged calyx like the dropped ones did, somehow this one water damaged one has survived and given me a glimpse of what I might have in a couple of weeks.
She is the prettiest pink to my eyes ...adorable colour. Love the Earth Angel tones so far, they don't transfer to the screen quite as seen by the naked eye. Her tendrils have curled right up and not in an ugly way.

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Quite a little darling actually ^_^ edited to say it still had a lovely fragrance at 10 ish this morning a sweet floral scent.
Also the other Earth Angels all are ones that sit up, this one is nodding.

This message was edited Jan 7, 2012 11:55 AM

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barmera, Australia

Does anyone else want any Mango Kornet X Munchausen seeds? I want to get mine soaking so I need to know how many I have left. Colleen

West of Brisbane, Australia

What is Munchausen? It's a pink, right? Do you know its parents? Just curious ...
It's not clear in my mind how this seedling 'gallery' is going to work. I assumed it would be a series of threads, eg. Seedlings#1 which, when it has a comfortable no. of entries (20? 30? 40?) would then continue in Seedlings#2, etc. But that's not a 'gallery', which reminds me of BGIs galleries, organised in alphabetical order. As most seedlings aren't named, I assume they would be organised according to the name of the pod parent, eg A for Aztec Gold x [another brug] cross. Although some seedlings are named (virtually at birth!), so would they appear in both places, under pod parent name and seedling name? Plus, some seedlings have name changes too, what would happen then? You can't expect people to go back and change every reference to the old name! Maybe I've misunderstood completely?
While I remember, two photos often aren't enough to show the true form of the seedling bloom--look at my aurea seedling, orange now, probably a clear yellow in subsequent flushes. But people aren't going to wait for a whole year before posting a photo of their seedlings, just to be sure they have the mature bloom! Anyway, just thinking--typing??--aloud ...
Here's AztecGold2009#1 blooming for the first time this morning (AG x unknown). Looks just like my white suaveolens, which supports the idea that my white suaveolens is a hybrid suaveolens to begin with. Couldn't get a scent but, oddly, my white suaveolens had stopped smelling by the time I got outside this morning too, so will have to sniff again tonight. Nothing special in itself but could be useful when crossed with something else ...

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Clifton Springs, Australia

Munchausen is sold as Red Hot Pink...according to that article Alistair wrote, known parentage, that I could find.
Have a look at this pretty thing, that I saw yesterday in the gardens.....It was hiding in amongst the others and I have never seen it before.....naturally I left a donation at the gate for the piece that fell off.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

All the Brugmansia were growing very is a pink.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

And the white and the aurea.........

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

I couldn't get close enough to the lemon suav? to smell the perfume if any....
The white would be Knightii and the aurea is the one that we all have, I'm sure
The pink with the green is very pretty but that flower was growing in the shade...the ones on the outside of the plant were straight pink...
I took some pollen from the Sanguinea, Jean.....but they were hosing the plants and it might have been damp....I've saved it anyway.....

Clifton Springs, Australia

I like this one of Angioletto....

Thumbnail by Seachanger

Where have you been wandering Dianne?
What garden is it ...

In regard to Shaun's pictures only thread is giving me a headache just thinking about it, it's a very busy time of the year here while we are all madly doing stuff, so may I suggest that we put that project on hold until Winter when we have more time to sit at the puter. Lets discuss it then.
Right now just take your pictures and keep your records, just enjoy your plants.
Don't forget that once they are a cultivar you can also put them in here at Daves Plant files takes a couple of weeks but it does put the name up there and reserves it while they check the records that it is known.
IE Dianne when you are ready, you can now go into the Plant Files and add Ivoire.
Any of you can add to the Gallery or plant files when there is a named or a registered Brug ...I don't see much of that happening. which is a bit of a shame.

Colleen grab the chance to grow your own crosses out will be a Hybridizer then instead of a seedling parent only. I am totally thrilled to see results of my crosses starting to come out, you might know someone who will give you some room in their garden like others here have done. Just look at cestrum's work.

Edited to say seedling parent (I need to go lay down-this thing has gone to my chest) sorry if I have made any errors, I feel a bit wonky in the brain department, earaches, sore chest etc)

This message was edited Jan 7, 2012 2:57 PM

That is a lovely picture of it Dianne would you mind putting it in the BGI Gallery please, I lost a lot of my pictures of it when the puter blew up. It's very sweet., Lovely picture.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Chrissy, I put 2 pics into the gallery but one of them, has the pic info I wrote a note on the pic but you have to hover the cursor to see it.....

The Geelong botanic gardens are where those beauties are...

Victoria, Australia

Great pics Dianne nice plants there..
The first looks like a white suaveolens? or is it a yellow?
and looks to be good ol Knightii and Frosty Pink for the other two eh.
That aurea leaf looks different to mine... have you already collected a piece that by chance fell off of it?

I wonder if the new yellow Shaun got from the melb bot gardens that I also saw is a pure species aurea?
Or at least a 'new' clone (to us)...

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Cestrum yes it is quite complex and these are the issues we have to work out in the future,
chrissy has mentioned that every one is bizzy including me at this time of year with propagation, pollination, potting up and general house keeping of all our babies,
this Discussion i also think should be on hole till be all have a breath of air and have a long think over the next few months to how it could possibly be archived on Dave's garden

Dianne i love how the piece u got fell off!!!!!!
The suaveolens Lemon is very interesting
The white looks great and a nice tall plant and love the bloom of Angioletto

Cestrum the AG X. looks good is it a larger opening them? suaveolens??

Chrissy Earth Angel looks so sweet and delicate bet she has a fragrance that lingers?????

hope all have had a great day iv just finished work and at home doing some garden chores

West of Brisbane, Australia

Bucks Fizz has coloured nicely (Aztec Gold in the background).

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

The aurea seedling has definitely turned orange.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Let me try that again ...

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

this is the Variegate that i got from the garden the other day
Dose it look like MAYA??????

added:::::I don't have flowers and plant didn't either but it had seed pods

This message was edited Jan 7, 2012 8:01 PM

Thumbnail by SolMan
West of Brisbane, Australia

Comparison: my white suaveolens at left, AztecGold2009#1 at right. The seedling looks larger but there are bigger suaveolens blooms, i.e. bigger than the suaveolens in this pic and bigger than the bloom on the seedling. The suaveolens seems to flare open better at dusk, whereas the seedling is still quite floppy. The suaveolens flower is much prettier in shape too. Also, the seedling doesn't seem to be scented, whereas I'm almost drunk on the Oriental-lily perfume of the suaveolens (I've just been watering under a canopy of its blooms).

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Cestrum the suaveolens has a beautiful cut corolla very adorable
i could only dream to be there under that canopy of suaveolens

good luck there

The one on the left does not look like my Suaveolens looks almost like a Star Dancer type, probably just an illusion to my eyes.
The orange seedling is quite lovely cestrum. Bucks Fizz is blooming here too but not a rich colour yet, still attractive though, I love Buck's Fizz.

Dianne the pics are in the Gallery and look great ...thankyou ^_^ interesting yellow in that garden, what a pity a bit of that yellow didn't fall off the tree.

Shaun, Maya isn't a uniform pattern, those shoots look similar to the shoots coming from my Axel Rose. Yes it looks like Maya.

It's sprinkling outside, grey sky but delighted to find this little darling still hanging in there, I am trying not to fall in love with it but ...

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She is such a pretty colour and fragrance still present at 9 in the morning ...I think I am falling ...Sigh, slapping myself (hoping the rain does not drown her again) ...the present buds look fine no rain damage so far.
I like the tousled, tangled tendrils, no sign of damage, the tube isn't perfect but I think the calyx deformed it waiting for the next lot to bloom.

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Merino, Australia

Chrissy, that pink girl is so pretty. I love the tangled tendrils too.
Just been out watering and I found that nearly all the buds have fallen off the brugs. Darn hot weather.
On the plus side, the small ones are doing well.
I have found a couple of the larger brugs have gone odd looking. The leaves have lost their green and they look very pale and veined. Could be a lack of some nutrient.
I will give them all a dose of Epsom Salts tomorrow .

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

in my garden i have found the hot weather did not affect any plant as it has with you Jean
I have White Ruff that has not stopped flowering since late October and has many new buds on it. Id love to cross it with Knightii and see what the flowering paten is and how prolific it can become.
it has been drizzling all morning and the plants are liking it, but some flowers of DP&G have been destroyed in the Calyx and the flower is all musshie.
I have potted all but 6 plants all of you have given me in to the 8"+ Adult Pots. so in the next few weeks when i see more roots on the other plants they will also be potted up.

Colleen 9 flava seed up and I found the 10th one and now babying it hoping to get a strike rate of 100% on your babes.

Chrissy thanks for the quick ID on the Variegate is !!!! pretty obvious what it was but still needed an ID of it and will post pics of Flowers when in Bloom i also have a green shoot of it which is then Mayan Magic..... the place i got it has seed pods on both parts of the plant I will be heading back in a few weeks to ask if i can get those from her also and offer some plants of mine in exchange.

So many suaveolens around I get confused but am learning quickly with all of your support and knowledge the suaveolens of Cestrums dose look a bit like Star Dancer and an amazing Bloom.

Chrissy your ? Bucks fizz is a beautiful color i can see why you'd fall in love with it and most other Brugs.

They shut down if it gets too hot (the heat haters, that is) ...hibernate until it cools again.
Australia has a harsh Sun and the leaves,will always be much paler in full on hot sun.
Autumn will see dark green leaves re shoot.
If they are pale in sheltered shaded situations it could be a lack of something or too much of's very upsetting to lose buds but a plant will dump them if too stressed.

Jean when it's a bit bigger I will send you some ...these crosses have great genes in their background , the only thing is, they don't handle the cold Winter very well, so you may need to take them into the greenhouse in Winter just in case, mine all died down in the Winter (the only ones to really show that trait) but they come back quickly in Spring.

West of Brisbane, Australia

It's a pretty flower, that pink of yours Chrissy. I post photos of my uglies, so you can't have too many of the pretty ones :-)
Funny about my white suaveolens. We've chatted about our 'white suaveolens' for years now and its heavy Oriental-lily fragrance. It was only recently, when I saw photos of other people's 'white suaveolens' at BGI that I realised mine was a hybrid. It looks superb when in full-blown mode: a mature bloom near dusk/at night. But it flops like a wet hanky in the sun and, once it's finished its flush, some of the dead blooms hang on the tree for a while, making it look like flood debris. Here it is in semi-limp mode.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Ah, drizzle: I remember that. (With yearning: I am not being sarcastic.) Sean Shaun, isn't your White Ruff scented?
I noticed a bud forming on this cutting. Unfortunately, the calyx had been chewed by a snail before I killed it and I didn't expect much of it.
Got a surprise this morning when I peeked behind this leaf.

This message was edited Jan 8, 2012 11:35 AM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

I ripped the leaf aside and found this.
Recognise it, Chrissy? It's the cutting of Butter Bomb (or Butterbomb??) you sent me in late 2009, flowering for the first time. (I forgot I had this cutting ....)
No scent detectable this morning, but I'm sure the fragrance will arrive.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Here it is from below: quite lovely.
Reminds me of something, but I'll follow that thought later.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Cestrum YEs White ruff is scented and close to the front door even my partner mentions it on the occasional day, can i describe the fragrance ???? NO i can tell it's not the same as aurea form

What a find hay BB looks really pretty I should have flowers soon also? with luck

West of Brisbane, Australia

Recall our discussion about GHA, BB and GB. Now, I don't have GHA but it turns out that, thanks to Chrissy, I do have BB.
So of course I had to compare the two: GB at left, BB at right. They are quite different, you wouldn't mistake one for the other.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Ah, about the fragrance of the white suaveolens. Shaun, next time you walk past a florist or visit one of the two major supermarkets, sniff the oriental lilies they usually have among the bouquets of cut flowers. That is what the brug smells like.
GB and BB, from below. Previous photo was washed out; this one shows the true colours better although it's a little oversaturated.
I expect the tendrils on BB will curl back as the bloom matures?

This message was edited Jan 8, 2012 11:43 AM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

You will love the fragrance of BB cestrum just you wait ! :) so happy it's blooming for you of the blooms on my recent flush was the size of a small dinner plate ...7 and 8 points are a regular thing and the scent !
As I have said many many times it's GOLD ! 5 stars, hot pollen and great pod setter.

BB tends to sit up with an open face unless it's very hot ...he looks at you :)

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West of Brisbane, Australia

Looks lovely, Chrissy: I'll sniff again tonight. Shaun, you and I are both in for a treat :-)
Another comparison: BB at right, Golden Butter#2 seedling at left.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

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