Winter Interest

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, I don't think there is such a thing as ugly rocks, each type has a beauty of it's own.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yay ssg!

Oh Holly, the rocks in my own yard are dang ugly!!! We should have a rocks thread...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK! Anyone with rocks-----

I live really close to the Gunpowder River. Lots and LOTS of river rocks---BUT---because it is a
State PARK area here--no one is allowed to just go and gather rocks. The banks would all be nothing but sand
if this was allowed.
One may apply for a permit to gather rocks in State Parks but--there is a fee, of course. Not much!
Besides--IF I was to go gather rocks there---I would have to carry every one of them up the banks
to my car--which may be a REALLY difficult task for a Senior Lady like me.

I know I could meander the County and look for where they are building more Condos and houses.
Maybe I would find some rocks???? Maybe not! Besides--I would feel like i was invading
"forbidden territory" to go looking for anything on someone else 's property.
I KNOW i would feel like I am stealing something or other....Geez!

Speedybean----Are you really planning to bring rocks to the Swap????????
If you are really willing to bring rocks to the Swap---I would like some. But, i already asked Holly.
I know they have rocks galore on their property.
I just need some to edge a couple of flower beds......maybe 20 or so.....medium-med.lg.--and smaller ones to fill in.

As it is now--I have rotting out landscape timbers edging most of my beds. Also--some ancient RR ties..(1972).
These, especially, are rotting out and becoming hollow and a breeding ground for termites.
That is what I am trying to replace....RR ties--GONE! Rocks--Here to stay!

Seedybean--IF you bring me some rocks--I will, also, gift you a beautiful, rare plant of some sort.

Thanks to anyone willing to contribute.... Now--DO NOT overwhelm me! I can only use so many.....


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Holly, I will def bring the truck next time!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita. I'm sure we can rock you! :-} LOL Ric

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Why, CERTAINLY I will gladly bring you rocks!!! I'll start collecting/gathering today... ooooh, I feel all hunter-gatherer like!! < =D I drive a pick-'em-up truck, so hauling rocks around is no sweat. I'll bring all I can and y'all can fight over them. =) heeheeheee
We sell bulk rock at work, including River Rock (aka: River Jacks). There's 1-3" size, 3-5" size (like, baking-potato'ish sized), and 5-8" size, like "size-of-your-head" sized. The 1-3 inchers are sold either in bulk or bag, but the other 2 sizes are bulk only. Our bulk products are sold by the "bucket", as in a front-loader bucket, which is 3/4 cu. yard, and the roock (per bucket) is about 1500 pounds or so. River Jacks go for $75/bucket, plus tax. (greedy Uncle Sam, grrrrr!) So, if you're ever down this way you can pop by, but if you don't need that many then I'll be hunter/gathering different sizes in the interim for y'all.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Did she say they sell rocks?? in bulk?? all the rocks one could possibly want??? ((salivate))

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Errrrr Uh-Oh! >>hands Sally a towel

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