What is blooming in your garden now?

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Everything is so beautiful, and I appreciate everyone's pictures even though I have none to offer of my own right now (too swamped with exams and papers...aaagh). My Osmanthus burkwoodii is in bloom, and smells so good right now. I love it. I want to plant another between the kitchen window and the back door, so I can have the lovely aroma waft inside.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

My beds here are looking good. I've been out weeding on every good day. I have the old front beds all weeded and some new plantings done. The beds were covered with old dead and rotten iris tubers. Had two garbage cans full. I left just the very end tuber in a wandering row down the middle of the bed so I can see what colors are there. I started on a backyard bed yesterday. I was dreading it because it looked so bad, weedy and rocky but I started lifting up the soil with a pitchfork and all the weeds came out quite readily. I weed here with a smile on my face. GREAT SOIL! My young neighbor came over and said she likes to weed. I told her she could come over anytime and indulge herself. Hope if she does she knows to get out the roots not just the top parts. LOL

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Maury, the editor of Conde Nast House & Garden, Dominique something-or-other, wrote something really beautiful once about how she was too depressed to care for her garden after a divorce.

The garden kept doing its thing, getting a bit overgrown but still shielding her & offering beauty. "I had taken care of my garden for so long," she wrote. "And now it was taking care of me."

Lake Stevens, WA

Service Berries

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

Rodies and contorta

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

My 2nd year for JM coral bark.

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

A few plants from the WSU plants sale in Pullman
This site is like living in the stone age ATP is much faster. Wish you guys would move over there.

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

lets try 2.

Thumbnail by springcolor Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

Three will not post so two is my limit. Hope everyone is well. Post more love to see what everyone is doing.

Thumbnail by springcolor Thumbnail by springcolor
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Your garden is so pretty. Love your primroses too.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Love the gazebo in the sky, spring!
So far I find ATP to be confusing to navigate.

Lake Stevens, WA

That's next door. There is a hill behind me. Funny!
Thanks both of you, love spring.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Springcolor, you have some beautiful gardens with great colors and textures!

Kosk, I love the closeup of the red flowering currant buds about to pop.

Willow, I'm so glad you are feeling more at home in your new garden. See what a little springtime (and great soil) can do for a person?

Welcome suzyq, I don't think I've seen you post before, although I easily might have missed something in the last year.

Summerkid, That is a really touching quote about a garden taking care of you. Special, thanks for sharing it.
I also find ATP a bit confusing, and kind of overwhelming with extra stuff (words and visuals) and advertising, also, My friends are here, so I decided to stay here.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the pics SC, all lovely. I've poked around on ATP a bit. Didn't find a PNW forum, closest thing was a Pacific Coast forum which seems to be primarily California. I also like the tools feature of DG for keeping track of my to do list and to journal my garden. I don't particularly consider it a blog although I guess others can follow it if they like, it's mostly for my own use. Would be hard to transfer that information. I 'do' FB but am not enamored of it - way too much silliness, but it's a good way to share photos with the family. I also follow a couple garden blogs but on a daily basis. It's easy to become scattered.

Back to topic: Iberis just opened, fruit tree buds are very swollen, the forget-me-nots are popping up wherever they like, and I'm daily finding new perennials shooting out of the ground. Seems there is such a small window to move things while they are still small and manageable. Has anyone tried to relocate Joe Pye? I think his roots are set in concrete! I'd like to move a whole patch of it from inside my herbs to just outside the fence and let it spread out into the field grass. It's such an extremely tall plant that I find it a bit difficult to place appropriately.

Thumbnail by bonehead
Lake Stevens, WA

Your Joe is fantastic! Welcome suzyq.
I bought a new Iberis 'Masterpiece' It is should bloom all summer. We shall see

Thumbnail by springcolor
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I have a beautiful red camillia in the front yard. The apple tree is showing color. The masses of grape hyacinths are beautiful and I have English blue and white bells all over. The wisteria has hundreds of buds. I am finding baby starts of yews, hazelnut, quince, lavender, lots of fun stuff. I'll get more pictures maybe I'll be able to post them.

Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the welcome Maury and Spring. I've posted before...but its been a long while since I had let my membership lapse. :-) I was going to post a few pics of what I have blooming but I can't get it to work. Will have to try again later.

Lake Stevens, WA

Yes, do!! Love to see pictures.

Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

Looks like I can only post one pic at a time. I have this pretty little trillium blooming still.

Thumbnail by suzyq1968
Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

Pasque flower!

Thumbnail by suzyq1968
Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

Omphalodes..love this little plant.

This message was edited Apr 22, 2012 9:29 PM

Thumbnail by suzyq1968
Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

Bleeding heart just starting to bloom.

Thumbnail by suzyq1968
Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

A few different things going on here :-)

Thumbnail by suzyq1968
Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

Daffys still blooming

Thumbnail by suzyq1968
Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

Cute little ranunculus ficaria. It disappears, leaves and all after it warms up. Pulmonaria in the background.

Thumbnail by suzyq1968
Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Very nice pics, Suzy! Thanks for posting.

my pic: Saxifraga with muscari, tulips, violas

Thumbnail by kosk0025
Lake Stevens, WA

Just beautiful!! Kosk love those colors.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Here is a pot I made using volunteer Johnny jump ups. Aphids in the greenhouse slowed down the growth, but I think I cleared the infection and it should be covered in glorious purple blooms pretty soon. I bought 3 of these pots for about 5 bucks on clearance. Made two others with violas and pansies that I started from seed. One with a trailing pansy 'Waterfall' or something and another with bronze colored violas.

Any tips on aphids in the greenhouse? I'm using Dr. Earth garlic infused spray pretty aggressively....it's working. But I sure wish they weren't there at all. They only went after (so far) my pansies/violas and hyacinth beans. And a few alyssum, too.

Thumbnail by kosk0025
Lake Stevens, WA

I bought some lady bugs one year. Then when it was summer and the greehouse was empty I opened the door. I also have good luck with insecticidal soap.

Lake Stevens, WA

This way nice Monday. The hostas are showing.

Thumbnail by springcolor Thumbnail by springcolor
Spanaway, WA(Zone 8a)

Kosk - love your spring scene. I have a few similar saxifrage. Just love them! Spring - your hostas look good. Mine are all leaving out this week. Things are looking up in the garden! I have my first open clematis. Will try and snap some photos tomorrow.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Fothergilla 'Jane Platt' in bloom. I added three fothergillas last year (2 Mt. Airy, 1 Jane Platt) after learning about them on this DG Pacific NW forum!

Thumbnail by kosk0025
Bothell, WA

Spring prep is complete with the accompanying May 1st flowers. I dug out via pickaxe a pampas grass and replaced with the red dwarf Japanese cedar; it turns green in warmer weather. And all my dahlias are now planted and sprouting.

Thumbnail by mbabbitt
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I like that. Neat and tidy. Love the red cedar too.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

My favorite rhodie...Blaney's Blue!

Thumbnail by PNWMountainGirl
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

That is a beauty.

Bothell, WA

Quote from PNWMountainGirl :
My favorite rhodie...Blaney's Blue!
Yes, that is a wonderful color. I told a neighbor of mine (who was inquiring about a centerpiece flowering shrub for his front yard) that an azalea or small form rhodie might be the ticket. That blue would be quite nice in his yard. That might be a little tall for his needs - but that blue...

This message was edited May 3, 2012 3:54 PM

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

It is about 15 years old and I have never pruned it. Probably about 7 foot tall.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Things are really growing now that we had this wonderful stretch of warm weather.

Thumbnail by BeaHive Thumbnail by BeaHive Thumbnail by BeaHive Thumbnail by BeaHive Thumbnail by BeaHive
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Beahive, That pond is so pretty. Did you make it yourself?

That iris is so pretty it makes my heart hurt to look at it. Love the blue flowers.

This message was edited May 15, 2012 5:35 PM

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