A trip to the north pole

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Amen to that bonehead. I got on facebook for awhile but couldn't stand the noise.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

I tried Facebook, but got really confused when they kept changing things. Also, friends and relatives kept trying to get me roped into silly games that I don't have time for. At first, I tried to participate a little so as not to be rude when invited, but it quickly became overwhelming and I quit. It was good for finding a few long lost friends, or rather they found me since I have an uncommon last name, and a cousin (great grandson of my grandfather's brother).

Steve, you will definitely be missed. I'm sorry you are deciding to leave DG, but do understand you need to focus on your family. I am also glad Charlize is doing better. She is an amazing girl!

It seems we have lost a number of people who were very active on the forum for a long time and are great gardeners and good people who I admire. This was a really communicative forum for a many years, but seems to be going through a transition right now. I am one of those not able to participate in conversation much at the moment since I started taking college classes in addition to working. I won't be doing much gardening myself for another year, but I still do like hearing what others are working on and seeing your beautiful pictures. This is one of my few diversions when I need a break, and people here helped me through losing my dad, my father-in-law, and my long-time dog companion in the last few years.

Lake Stevens, WA

I'v never been on facebook. I don't feel the need to even try it out. Thats just me.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I understand we all are different. But with me doing less gardening I used DG for the social things and now they are secondary to most here. May you all be blessed with your lives and soon will be gone. Hope all have the friends here that the old Daves did.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Steve, so sorry we will not see you here anymore. Do see you on Facebook, but it just isn't the same....Seems, however, that our core group here has so many personal things to focus on right now that time is just spread too thin. Maybe when we get out of the burn-out that fall and winter seem to cause in our attention to gardening, we will spring forward with enthusiasm once again.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Yes Sharon. I never remember our group so detached. There was probably at least 3 new threads a week if not a day. We knew all about each other. Analog Dog not responding is depressing. I hope all is well. A few years ago we would know where AD lives and help. The problem with the internet. Too big. I wish I starting core group was still here. So much knowledge to grow gardens on. Love you all, Praying for you AD.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Steve, stay with us just a little longer & maybe we can ramp this back up again.
I have gone through every thread of the last 3 years & written down every name, whether they are still members or not.
If someone will help me with those I don't really know myself, we can contact each one & ask them to join us.
I just don't think FB is a complete replacement for DG.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Summerkid, thanks for taking on such an extensive project to identify who our membership is. I wish I could help you with it, but I have so much on my plate right now I'm not able to be very active on the forum myself. I appreciate your effort though.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

This winter has been so nice we don't have as much complaining to do. That usually keeps us talking during the winter.LOL Maybe everyone is just outside. Or maybe they are all tweeting. Gwen is the one who keeps the list of addresses and phone numbers I think. I just re-upped for another year on DG's. I think I've been on for four years now. I still enjoy it very much.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Yeah, I'm really disappointed about Steve. There's no reason he couldn't have stayed subscribed & just participated when he wanted, like the rest of us do.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

He is an interesting person. I've never known anyone who has such an interesting life the way he does.
And the gal in England is also fascinating.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

She's not even a member anymore either.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

I just looked up Analog Dog in the address exchange and left a message on his phone letting him know we are concerned about his well being. I hope that he is doing alright and that he will post soon.

It is hard not knowing each other in person except for occasional get togethers. I have shared more day-to-day with people here than some of my friends I have known in person. I am considering how healthy this is. On the one hand, I have had human communication through some hard times and I believe the support given and received was real. On the other hand, we can so easily disappear out of each other's lives when our main connection is through a computer screen.

I really should be doing my homework, but I will check back in later tonight.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

I think there will always be a process of coming together & coming apart on DG; that seems to be the nature of the beast. But when you need friends here, they appear.

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