Whats happening in your neck of the woods? Ring out the old

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

We came from here:


As our busy lives move inside and focus is on family and friends, I hope we will find the time to check in here and just say "hi" or tell us the weather where you are till our gardening chatters gets rolling again and we plan to gather at the seed swap!

If you check in here, post a hello. Some of us will check in daily, others once or twice a week and it is always good to here from our infrequent posting friends and any new people!

Fro those of us wondering how Santa manages this coming week enjoy this pic!

Thumbnail by coleup
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Well, I did wonder about the old boy, but not anymore. LOL

This Christmas season is bittersweet. It's the first one without my mom here. Surely do miss her. I made some pillows for my kids from one of her favorite shirts. I know they will appreciate them. I did make some cookies like we used to do and decorated the house.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Judy!

This morning, when I went to get in my car, there were the smallest snow flurries flying around....
No bigger than a bunch of Whiteflies. I thought--"Here we go!" but 15 minutes later they were all gone....

I was scheduled in Garden today. Not outside--but I spent many short excursions outside in my shirt-sleeves.
Just a top--one layer....not feeling too cold at all. The sun helped.
Outside the garden enclosure it was a bit cooler--as it was breezy outside "the gate"...
The inside are of the Outside garden is quite protected from the elements...
What with the Greenhouse and the store on one side--and the high fence with all the racking full
of palates of soils and mulches--on the other.
The "far" end of the garden is under a roof and that is where all the stone and brick and pavers and fencing--etc...etc..
is kept. So--Outside garden is like a protected "pocket" of sunshine and fresh air. Not too bad!

Tonight is our HD Christmas party at a big Fire hall. Catered Buffet food, DJ, for about 100 people.

AND--Oh, my Gosh! We all will receive, again, the annual, big Christmas ball with Homer, or whatever, on it.
All mine are still in boxes on a shelf, since I have not 'done" a tree in about 10+ years.
And if I did--I would NOT hang a 4" ball with HD stuff on it anyway.
I suppose that IF you have been at a HD about 20 years--they would fill a small tree....

Our store IS 20 years old--and last week we had a mega celebration---I wrote about that in another Post....
All during working hours--with customers meandering about--we made a lot of noise and all the
Regional biggies from everywhere were making speeches and acknowledgements....WHOOOOPIE!!!!

Then--everyone went back to work.....Ain't my life exciting????

Going to NJ early on the 24th to my sisters and then around 6PM--we are all meeting at one of her daughter's
for the BIG Christmas party and gift exchanges....AND--Lots of Pot-luck food!!!
It is MY DUTY--every year--to arrive with bags-full of the Latvian Pirags.

Will do nothing else this coming Thursday than make the yeast-dough, wait about 1 1/2hr. till it rises, and then--
hand fill each little 3" crescent-shaped "pirags" by hand with finely diced bacon, ham, and onion--
all mixed with a lot of black pepper. This is already chopped and mixed....and ready.
Making these--one at a time---till I have about 250 or so made....It is, truly, a labor of love! And--they are SOOOOO good!
This is a zillion years-old tradition to make these. They are best eaten warmed.....

Everyone in this extended family has the recipe--but no one ever wants to make them. Nuff said!

Here is what they look like--all done! YUMMMM.....

So-Judy! I started up your "What's Happening" Thread with a lot of YAKKING, as usual.....
I am SO happy we have ONE thread where this is perfectly OK! Actually--I am delirious..... :o)


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oohh, those look so yummy!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

A hug to you (( Jan )) I went through cards from last year and found one which began. "Those we love are never forgotten..." I can't say but I suspect your mom is happy knowing how often you think about her.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Sally. I'm sure she is. :)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Jan, thanks for posting about missing your mom. It really touched my heartthat you made pillows out of her favorite shirt. I have a quilt that my mom made for me. I can totally curl up in it and feel all nestled in her embrace. So much of what I do at this time of year was passed to me by my mother and my grandmothers, too.

And now that we are moms and grandmoms we help with the passing on like cookies or Gita's pirags, it just wouldn't be Christmas without remembering our loved ones.

Even my go to gifts echo back to mom who always made sure we had hats, mittens or gloves , pjs or nightgowns, and a new tooth brush in our stockings, oh, yes, and an orange or tangerine. Moms make magic happen for kids in ways big and small and not just at the holidays. It was my mom who taught me the names of all the trees and flowers, so, I guess that's why I suppose I am here.

Gita, in my family we made a version of pirags. We called them bierocks. And, they are yummy!!!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

That got me to thinking about what else says Christmas to our family that came from my memories.

First of all: a manger scene in full view. I now have 3 in different rooms. One my parents received from Africa. It is made of a very dark, heavy wood. I love it. The second is from Germany and is painted wood. There is even a stable. The third is a jigsaw puzzle made from one piece of wood. The pieces can be separated and they stand on their own. The edges stay together and act as the stable. The star stays in the top, but I push it out a bit to stand out. It is only stained wood, so the characters are figured out from their shape. I stand them up in front of the stable. The grandkids like to take it apart and put it back together. I actually have it on a shelf all year long. When I unpacked the manger scene that I grew up with, I decided it needed to go to my brother. It was one that a lot of people have I'm sure. It came from Woolworth's. I took it to him a couple of weeks ago and I think he was moved that I would give it away. I know that when I put out the others now I'll always think of that one, too.

2nd: Cookies. I tend to make the same ones every year, cuz that's what we did. LOL. I remember making tins and tins of cookies for weeks. We stored them in the closet under the stairs and on one night we would bring them out and start filling plates and plates and plates, then take them to all the neighbors. It was a great memory. This year I made a few of the same ones, but added macaroons and fudge. Jeff likes coconut, so the macaroons are for him. However, they are REALLY good. I may need to make more. Heehee.

3rd: Greenery. We would go around the farm and have lots of different greens to use. It smelled so good. For years after my parents moved in with us I'd go back to the farm and bring home a trunkful of greens. That's actually how some bittersweet grew at my front step. The berries fell and then germinated and grew and grew and grew. LOL. I am now trying to eradicate it. We liked the vines made into wreaths. Little did I think of the consequences.

4th: pointsettias. Mom would get a bunch of them. They looked so great with all the greenery. She would always get some for her DILs and some of her close friends, too. She admired all the different varieties, but would usually stay with the traditional red and sometimes white. This year, I got a few to put around and took one to my SIL, too.

That's it for now. Gotta get something done.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Lovely, Jan.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Very nice Christmas memories. I know both of you will really miss your Mothers this Christmas. It is slowly coming together here. The tree is decorated and the inside is pretty much done. Shopping is also finished. Need to start wrapping presents.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am trying to compartmentalize all I have to get done....It helps me stay sane....
Yesterday--my mission was to get all my gifts wrapped. Finished it all today.

Today---my mission was to finish the gift-wrapping and to prepare the"fixings" of two different dishes
I need to bring to our get-togethers...The MMMeatballs fot the HD Brunch-- and the "Crab Meltaways"
are to take to my sister's in NJ this weekend.

Plugging away! It DOES help to plan and to schedule when to do what--so I do not go insane!!!

Thursday is GONE--GONE--as I will be baking my Pirags all day long.....A L-O-N-G labor of LOVE--I do
every year. Nice music on--sipping wine along the way--and making 250-some small Pirags all day long....

I DO try to think ahead--so I do not end up freaking out....It works!

Happy Holidays to you all!!!! Gita

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Glad things are moving along nicely.

I'm sure that everyone enjoys your labor of love, Gita. Have fun in NJ. Wave as you drive by. Do you cross over the Delaware Memorial Bridge? If so, I could practically see you waving. I'm about a mile and a half from it.

Safe travels for anyone going anywhere.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Yes! I cross the bridge--and go all the way on the Turnpike to Exit 11.
Then another 15-20 minutes on the GSP all the way to Bloomfield.

Takes me 3 hrs. to get to my sister's. IF there are no traffic jams on the Turnpike. Often--the jams are before Exit #8.
At #8 the Turnpike splits in "cars only" and "Trucks only":. I often take the "trucks" side...less traffic....

I leave home at about 10AM and get to my sister's around 1PM.
Our get-together is at one of her daughter's--She lives in Chatham, NJ. About a 45 min. drive further into NJ.

Will be back on Monday late afternoon. Don't anyone freak out that i am not posting...

Merry Christmas to you all........Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita the "Crab Meltaways" sound really good. I think I will get most of the wrapping done tomorrow.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


If you have a Bread Outlet anywhere--you can get Thomases for $2 or $1.
I went to an Enteman's outlet and got 2 double packs at $2 each.

I had about 5 that did not fit on the tray for freezing.
I broiled them in my toaster oven and they were absolutely delicious!!!

And--re my comment about too much salt--I thought that after I broiled them,
the salt was not so obvious....

Please try these! Gita

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

This year I have done the worst job ever of wrapping presents! Guess I am out of practice as for the last seven years I flew to my destination with my bags stuffed with per regulations, un wrapped presents, and then used decorative bags and tissue to wrap them! Also, this year the wrapping paper seems of a lesser quality than previous years. But, at what age will my two grandsons "mind" how their presents are wrapped!??!!!

Yes, safe travels to all and a Merry Christmas! Judy

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Christmas card for everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday.
Take time to listen to the choir it is beautiful.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Holly!

I have gotten this same 'card" several years ago.
Nothing like hearing "Silent Night" sung with such reverence---again. I was tearing over........

Merry Christmas to you all as well!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday.
Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday filled with lovingvfamily and good friends.

Crozet, VA

Greetings All - It was nice to open this thread and read about the preparations that everyone has been involved in. I haven't had the time for a bit to read any of the threads and am just now catching up on conversations that took place weeks ago.

I must admit that it feels kind of good today to not feel pressured and be under a dead line for once in at least a month or so. I must report that the holiday festivities went very well on our homefront this year. I have been doing some self talk all year long about how I was going to refuse to become stressed or resentful during the time when we should be celebrating and giving thanks for all that we to be grateful for. I am happy to report that only once during the frenzy did I find myself panicking a bit and that was when I lost a store receipt between the cashier and my car. That put me in a tizzy for a while, but was soon forgotten when I was able to go to the store website and make sure there was the correct amount on the gift card I had purchased. The rest of the shopping, cooking, wrapping and visiting was all very pleasant. I will continue the self talk this coming year and from here on out I hope to begin enjoying the holidays rather than looking at them as burdensome.

I can identify with missing our deceased loved one during the holiday season. I found myself one day last week giving my sister in law a run down of how things were in my family of origin which is something I had never done with her before. I realized then how I missed both my mom and dad.

Just wanted to say hello to everyone and wish everyone a good rest of the season. May the year 2012 prove to be one of each of our very best ever.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hello to you, Ruby. Self talk, now that is something I shall remember. I like that idea. I am trusting that 2012 WILL be wonderful!

Today is very low key. Yesterday was too, actually. Church, then son's family came over for dinner and small gifts for the grandies, then dessert.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby and Jan--and everyone else!

Several years ago, I decided to stop being "Superwoman". Doing 10 things all at once is NOT my style.
Rushing around, freaking out, leaving things to the last minute--ALL contribute to unneeded stress.
I had to teach myself to slow down. Literally!!! Not to rush--and to do as many things ahead of time as I can.
Now it is part of my behavior.
Letting some things GO--is ALL RIGHT! Not everything is equally important. We just think so....

My sister in NJ is such a freak out--but she refuses to try to slow down and not run around like a
chicken without a head to get all things prepared, chopped, cooked, etc...

She stayed up, probably, until 2AM last night to prepare about 4 dishes. I heard all the chopping and rustling
of pots and pans in all the last minute frenzy.
This was all after we got home, at 10:30PM from her daughter's place where we held our BIG annual Christmas Eve
get-together and gift exchange. FOOD! OH, my God! We all pot-luck--but it was just all fattening, yummy
appetizers. Less chaos than before--as some of the littler ones are growing up and learning more control.
It was nice to see that.

SO--we get back to my Sis's place--and I told her i am going to bed. And--i did.
She spent at least 2+ hours more in the kitchen...making casseroles and fruit compotes and a bread/cheese bake, etc...

In the morning--it was another frenzy-filled mad rush to get ready for the brunch she had invited some neighbors and friends to--
"vaguely" around 10AM....The two that came live on a lower floor of her Condo building.
One of her daughters also came-- That was it! There were only 5 of us......
Not going to tell you how many baked this and that, and ingredients for all kinds of things she prepared--
just "in case" more showed up.
She had extended a vague, verbal "drop by if you can" invitation to a few lady friends that never came. Don't blame them!
Everyone is busy...busy...busy.. this time of year--especially, on Christmas Day with their own families....

I helped as much as I could--trying to tell her to chill a bit and not run around trying to cook 6 different dishes with
NO actual commitment from anyone that they will come.

For me--saying anything to her is a lost cause! I even tried to tell her that she would get more done if she slowed down a bit.
As it was, with all the running around, she could never remember where she put something or where anything was,
what she had already done, etc....

It is always best for me to just stay out of her way.....and offer help if it is accepted. that's all!
I, personally, hate to be all frazzled for hours and then act like it was all "NO big deal" when the guests arrive.

At least--it is over for one more year! PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will upload some pictures in the next couple of days. Did not take as many as usual....
I was also taking road-shots while driving on I-95--through my windshield, trying to get a good one of
the massive traffic jams--all while driving....Hmmm.......
Not sure what came out....If any did--will share them. I work 9-6 tomorrow and Wednesday.

OH! By the way--the trip home from Bloomfield, NJ--which usually takes 3 hrs--was a nightmare of solid traffic jams,
25mph on I-95???--all the way, spradically, from NJ! Total congestion most of the way. Took me almost 5 hrs. to get home....

I went through about 4 CD's--singing along where I could. Chilling and just going with the flow....
Not much else one can do!!!!

Happy New Year to you all!!!! Gita

Laurel, MD, United States(Zone 7a)

Hi all,

I'm sort of new here, long time gardener but new to the forums. I'm looking forward to getting to know you nice folks.

A bit about me...I am happily married, a recently retired nurse, long term gardener and somewhat encumbered with spinal stenosis issues. I have a lovely family including 2 grown sons who live locally and my first grand child, a boy named David. I adore being a new grandmother. I also have a grown daughter who lives in CA.

We live in Laurel, MD. We have a lot of wild critters so my kids recently fenced in my garden for me and I am shielded inside that fence from all but chipmonks, squirrels and birds. I'm also working on making most of my veggie garden into raised beds.

I grow a lot of herbs, perennial and annual flowers and variable kinds of food crops. I'm seriously thinking about beekeeping and fantasize about chickens. I have an 18 year old tabby cat and feed the birds. I like to sail and hike and explore new areas, especially small towns.

I use pinterest.com and growveg.com. Both sites are wonderful and really help to organize my brain. I also play on facebook, everything2.com and livejournal. I think I spend a bit too much time online, lol. My laptop or iPhone are always nearby.

This Christmas was the Best Christmas Ever with the new grandbaby and all the kids home.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and to spending more time on the forums here. I hope to come to the seed and plant swaps and meet some of you there. Here is a picture of the newly fenced garden area.


Thumbnail by Carla_DAnna
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Very nice garden Carla, Welcome hope to see you at the swaps, Ric and I are planing on hosting a plant swap this spring probably in May and would love you to come. We aren't far. Nice fence, I have two grown sons that live near by and are pretty handy, too. They give Ric a hand from time to time with his projects. I also have 2 daughters that also are nearby and 3 grandchildren. I think Grandchildren are the best thing in the world. LOL

Well, I am heading out this morning to get my 2nd cataract removed. Talk later.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Welcome, Carla! I fantasize about chickens, too!

As a new gardener, I've learned from these forums and the wonderful people here. btw, are those milk jugs in your picture? Are you winter sowing?

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hi, Carla. I saw the jugs and thought the same thing as ssgardener. For some reason, I didn't do any winter sowing this year. Lovely garden area.

I agree-grandies are the best thing since sliced bread. I have 4 grown sons who all have kids and are spread out over the country. One does live locally and for that I am very thankful, cuz then I can get grandy hugs whenever I need one.

Looking forward to attending DG functions more. I was my mom's caregiver for over 3 years. She is the reason I started gardening. Sure wish I had paid more attention to what my dad did in the vegetable garden.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi, Carla. I promised my DH that we wouldn't create any new beds at this stage in our lives, but I just couldn't help but show him your lovely garden (hint, hint). Looks very manageable and productive. Hope to see you at our swaps. Teri

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

LOL, Teri

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Welcome, Carla. Looking forward to meeting you at our swaps. How nice that your kids put up that great fence. We're also retired and enjoy seeing the birds at the feeder. Have to confine our veggie growing to a second floor deck due to so many trees, but have lots of shrubs and flowers. Getting chickens would sure give your cat something to investigate!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi Carla- that looks great! Add me to the chicken fantasy list. And goats, cute lil ones...

Crozet, VA

I too will join the welcoming committee. Welcome Carla. First off, you will totally love the swaps. They are something that my husband and I look forward to participating in each time they come around. Many of the plants in our gardens have come from fellow Dave's people. You have already picked up on the fact that there are some mighty nice folks who frequent these boards. I knew the folks were really nice but didn't realize that they were also very giving, go out of their way for you kind of people too until attending my first swap where folks were begging each other to take extra plants off their hands.

Wanted to say good luck to Holly with the cataract surgery today too. I hope things go well and that you heal quickly and enjoy the precious, precious gift of better sight afterwards. I have cataracts on both eyes from medication use some years ago. I have adjusted to them well other than night driving which leaves me basically blind when a car is coming my direction. I scare myself and actually only drive at nights in an emergency, which thankfully does not happen very frequently. I was told some years ago that my type were inoperable but as someone mentioned, it is almost twenty years now and maybe procedures have advanced to a point where mine too could be corrected. I might check it out one of these days.

All others, thanks everyone for writing. I have to also raise my hand in saying that grand children are certainly a good reward for aging. I wasn't exactly thrilled to hear I would be grandma five years ago, but little did I know that I would come to totally adore both the little ones who call me grandma. The joy and elation I felt when spending time with the first grand child had me wondering if I ever really loved my two sons, because this was such a all encompassing love I felt for this little one. I am sure I did love my boys, and still do as a matter of fact, but yeah baby, those grand darlings are truly wonderful.

We are having a steady rain this morning in Central Virginia. Good day to take it easy once again. I feel as though I have earned a few days of laziness due to the added activities of the last month or so. Gita, I hear you on the possible craziness that often accompanies the holidays. I enjoyed mine tremendously this year.

Jan, Self Talk..........I recently purchased a few copies of a book called "The Gift." I learned about it recently while attending a class where the leader used one of the chapters in the book to teach the class. I haven't even opened the packages yet, so don't know anything much about the author, but have reason to believe that myself and my older son at least could benefit from what the book teaches, which is basically that we make our success or failure in most situations by the way we speak of it. For some years now I have been aware of how important our thoughts or our attitudes are in determining the quality of life we have. It basically boils down to whatever we fill our minds with will eventually become part of our speech and actions and thus becomes our reality. We can take two people in the same situation and their attitude towards the situation will determine whether they come out feeling as though they are victim or victor. I strive each day to be able to claim victory versus victimization. It is not done easily, I am brand new in doing it, but the rewards are mighty.

What a great board or thread this is. Lovely hearing from everyone.


Crozet, VA

Cross posted with Sally. Golly gee youse guys......I have never had chicken fantasies and never in a million years believed I would be a goat owner, but I have to plead guilty to the goat owner deal. We love them and they are truly some very sweet animals, ours are anyway.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Praying surgery went well, Holly, dear!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone, Been resting the eye for most of the day but the surgery went well all things good so far.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

That is great news Holly! Rest away!

And welcome Carla. Great yard fence and garden area. Would be neat
to let some chickens do bug patrol for your garden. Raised beds are such a labor and back saving way to garden.

I vote for bees, too. Anne Arundel County has a very active beekeepers association and good people, too.

lol Sally, I can just see Addy your german shepherd taking charge of some cute little goats!

Ruby, did John get another goat? What kind do you all keep?

Yes, I'm a Grandma. too but only daughter and grandsons 5yrs and 8mos live far away in Vermont greatly decreasing my reasons for staying in the mid atlantic beyond this year. Swinging a move will take me out of my 30 year comfort zone for sure but gardening up there (4b) is all the more glorious as the season is so short! On the other hand, I wouldn't spend most of the summer "hibernating" in air conditioning!

My snow drops have been up and blooming for three weeks now. Looks like we may settle into some seasonably colder weather now. Time to do my final layers of mulch.

Good last week of the year all. Judy

This message was edited Dec 28, 2011 7:40 AM

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

So happy that it went well, Holly.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Need a new breeed- German goatherd dog.

I think I'll start a thread for our new season of bird watching and feeding.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, thanks for starting a new bird thread! Think I'll pop over there now.

Here's the link everyone:


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hafta go check just in case I get a wintersweet bloom. Gita mentioned hers is blooming, Mine is probably too young.

Hey I have one patch of daffs leaves five inches tall.

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