Photo by Melody

Mid-Atlantic Gardening: Whats happening in your neck of the woods? Ring out the old, 1 by Gitagal

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Image Copyright Gitagal

In reply to: Whats happening in your neck of the woods? Ring out the old

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Photo of Whats happening in your neck of the woods?  Ring out the old
Gitagal wrote:
Thanks, Judy!

This morning, when I went to get in my car, there were the smallest snow flurries flying around....
No bigger than a bunch of Whiteflies. I thought--"Here we go!" but 15 minutes later they were all gone....

I was scheduled in Garden today. Not outside--but I spent many short excursions outside in my shirt-sleeves.
Just a top--one layer....not feeling too cold at all. The sun helped.
Outside the garden enclosure it was a bit cooler--as it was breezy outside "the gate"...
The inside are of the Outside garden is quite protected from the elements...
What with the Greenhouse and the store on one side--and the high fence with all the racking full
of palates of soils and mulches--on the other.
The "far" end of the garden is under a roof and that is where all the stone and brick and pavers and fencing--etc...etc..
is kept. So--Outside garden is like a protected "pocket" of sunshine and fresh air. Not too bad!

Tonight is our HD Christmas party at a big Fire hall. Catered Buffet food, DJ, for about 100 people.

AND--Oh, my Gosh! We all will receive, again, the annual, big Christmas ball with Homer, or whatever, on it.
All mine are still in boxes on a shelf, since I have not 'done" a tree in about 10+ years.
And if I did--I would NOT hang a 4" ball with HD stuff on it anyway.
I suppose that IF you have been at a HD about 20 years--they would fill a small tree....

Our store IS 20 years old--and last week we had a mega celebration---I wrote about that in another Post....
All during working hours--with customers meandering about--we made a lot of noise and all the
Regional biggies from everywhere were making speeches and acknowledgements....WHOOOOPIE!!!!

Then--everyone went back to work.....Ain't my life exciting????

Going to NJ early on the 24th to my sisters and then around 6PM--we are all meeting at one of her daughter's
for the BIG Christmas party and gift exchanges....AND--Lots of Pot-luck food!!!
It is MY DUTY--every year--to arrive with bags-full of the Latvian Pirags.

Will do nothing else this coming Thursday than make the yeast-dough, wait about 1 1/2hr. till it rises, and then--
hand fill each little 3" crescent-shaped "pirags" by hand with finely diced bacon, ham, and onion--
all mixed with a lot of black pepper. This is already chopped and mixed....and ready.
Making these--one at a time---till I have about 250 or so made....It is, truly, a labor of love! And--they are SOOOOO good!
This is a zillion years-old tradition to make these. They are best eaten warmed.....

Everyone in this extended family has the recipe--but no one ever wants to make them. Nuff said!

Here is what they look like--all done! YUMMMM.....

So-Judy! I started up your "What's Happening" Thread with a lot of YAKKING, as usual.....
I am SO happy we have ONE thread where this is perfectly OK! Actually--I am delirious..... :o)
