Brugmansias keep coming in November.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

'Dr Seuss' dose have a lovely fragrance but it's a bit subtle at the moment, Just like all brugs there full potential is at dusk when you can smell my yard from hundreds of meters away LOL

he is still sending out 4 points with I don't mind, My breeding program is going along splendidly with the addition of B.knightii pollen will help with some.

Now im looking at what i have & what of them are the same so breed them together and see if they will set seed from each other. i have about 20 plants and i think some could be doubles as i have had them for more then 10years thats what happens when your only getting plants to grow & not realy to collect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by SolMan
Merino, Australia

I do like the flower on the dwarf pink & green, Shaun.
Very dainty. Definitley looks to have the aurea shape and size. .

Chrissy, I love the knightii perfume , but to my nose , its so much stronger than the light violet scent , maybe more of the hyancinth. I went down last evening and with knightii and BB out together, the scent was heavenly. Now if I had GHA out and next to them . Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe I'll move one of GHA rooted cuttings down there too.

I have the Lilly Pillys I just bought to make a wnidbreak around the brugs. . Going to get warm here and they wont grow enough for much of a shelter yet. I'll get them going in early autumn so they will have a start when next spring gets here.
I was given a few extra as a bonus so will have lots of different Lilly Pilly berries for the birds.

This message was edited Nov 23, 2011 10:23 AM

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Jean, you should try crossing the knightii 'Portland' with knightii and see if anything happens
do you see a distinction between the both?????

hope that Lilly Pilly works for you there

Merino, Australia

Great minds think alike , Shaun. I will do just that as soon as I collect the pollen and the other one opens properly.

Could anyone tell me if they have imported pollen (brug pollen) from the USA ...I have a query on that.
If you have, did you have any problems with it passing through customs.
Colleen or Dianne I think I recall you mentioning it ...thanks

I still can't get outside due to the water on the grounds here (not happy) doing some homework.

Thanks ...I found the link I was looking for. thanks for the dmail ^_^
Getting cabin fever here how about you ?
What's the weather like ?

Jean I would try and cross Knightii with something that will give you other than just another Knightii look alike (even if it is different-which I doubt ), you can do both with further blooms.I remember cestrum having success in cooler temps with knightii crossings. It's cool and wet here and it would be perfect except there are nothing but buds (always the way). Good luck with it.
Yes Hyacinth fragrance is the strong note with a violet whiff too. Lovely .

Merino, Australia

No probs getting pollen from BGI , Chrissy.
I have several little vials in the freezer.
Yes, I am going to cross my knightii with other brugs but I did plan on just trying its pollen on the other maybe ? knightii. Just to make sure they are both the same.


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

dose any 1 in Australia have pollen of 'SAM' did you read the thread that every cross where 'SAM' is involved he produces Doubles or better
this sounds like a trait we need here in Australia

I cant help with that pollen import issue as i have not imported pollen in to Australia to date
sorry chrissy

You can collect your own too, don't forget. We are getting some beauties of our own to breed with the choice imported seedling babies. All we need is a little weather co operation :)

Shaun ...that query was for you. ^_^ re your request to BGI .They just wanted to ensure that the pollen would go through customs.
I just wanted to check with someone who had done it .I thought it was ok, but have never done it myself ...I don't know how it would go ...since it would probably be thawed out and a bit dry. It takes a while to get here. I think I read somewhere that they mix a little water with it under those circumstances but, check up about that because I may be mistaken.
Anyone had success with their imported pollen?

Most of us have Sam seedlings growing out, so Sam is sort of here. At least his babies are.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

thanks chrissy, i didn't know the query was for or about me but thanks for asking,
seed seems to come throw OK but i didn't know about Pollen, if it get checked by Customs and is denied then so be it,
it really is a risk we take every time we import any plant material as we all know.
Love to see those 'Sam' seedling once in flower but there a ripper and probably a good breeder also

cestrum had the pollen inspected by customs and passed so I don't think there is a problem.

In the past I have had my imported Brugmansia seeds opened and passed through customs- they were stamped inspected by customs.
So long as the paperwork is in order, I think there seems not to be a problem with this.
You can't bring in living stuff. Well by that I mean it would involve lots of expense and drama during which time the plant would probably kick the bucket while waiting to be released.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

this is tru, at Monash uni 14y ago a friend Rob McClure was importing Solanaceae species in and the plants had to be fumigated & grown out till for no less then 3 months or till it showed signs of Disease ect

i was astounded by the methods that get employed via Customs & Quarantine.
throu the 90's we were getting seeds from all over the world & may stamped approved but on the odd occasion AQIS sent out an inspection Note if we wanted to keep the shipment we would have to pay for Fumigation of the shipment.

Pollen is all new to me
thanks for info chrissy

Clifton Springs, Australia

Re importing pollen....
If it is checked or not it is illegal to import pollen without a permit..
I had an offer of some so I checked with Aqis...
You have to apply for a permit, pay for the application..
then pay for the permit.
then pay for it to be inspected when it arrives....NOT CHEAP.
This is the letter I received from Aqis the other day....

Dear Dianne,

Thank you for your enquiry. Can you please provide me with more information regarding the following:

· From what country are you exporting from?

· Where was the pollen collected e.g. from the field or from a glass house etc?

· How/what method was the pollen collected?

· It the pollen 100% purified?

· Is the end use for propagation purposes?

Please read through our ICON case for Plant Pollen:

That's where all the charges

Alistair mentioned it a while ago....

This message was edited Nov 23, 2011 6:49 PM

Hmmm I don't know as much as you Dianne re the pollen, but I am pretty sure at least three or four lots came through, just going from memory.I recall some sort of drama because some pollen was a gift to someone, and the paperwork was a bit of a problem, until sorted.

So I won't makes any further comments re pollen. That will be up to you Shaun.
Regarding the seeds I purchased years ago, they had had the envelopes opened and were re sealed then stamped with the customs stamp. The seeds matched the invoice.

I haven't bought anything in since then, so perhaps things may have changed. (Brugs I mean) but I have had veggie seeds confiscated because the paperwork was not to the satisfaction of the customs requirements. I really won't even try until I see others having more success doing it. For the time being I have enough things to work with. Perhaps when we truly retire I may go further into it but, I am thinking of taking a permaculture course for that big adventure.

Oh I forgot ...asking just out of curiosity ...did the pollen work for anyone ?
Just wondering about the condition due to the traveling time.
When I bought my Brugs seeds it took about three to four weeks to get to me (don't know if that was because it was held up in customs ).

Merino, Australia

I have had seeds inspected too. I havent used any pollen so cant tell yet if it will work.
I have a Sam offspring here too. No sign of a Y yet.
It did get badly damaged by the severe cold a couple of years ago but is growing well now.
fingers crossed in hopes it will flower soon.

Clifton Springs, Australia

What a day for bees to pollinate everything....there were more bees in my garden than flowers today..
Somewhere around here there is a hive filled up with Brugmansia honey.....
Every bee had a pair of baggy white pants on...there was pollen on every part of them..
They were mainly on Buck's Fizz and Pink Panther which are side by side.....
Here is the only bee that I could photograph, the others look like bugs in the pics..
this one looks like a bug too, but you can tell it's a bee...

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Buck's Fizz and a bee.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

PP and Buck's Fizz and my apple cucumbers.

Thumbnail by Seachanger

That's a lovely set up you have there Dianne ...yes the bees strip that pollen out of the Brugs quick smart, that's why if you want to do crosses you have to beat them to it.
Sometimes the odd seed, even in a good cross may be from a grain of pollen from some Brug other than the one of your choice.

It's only 15C here ...ridiculous ! looks like a replay of last year wet Spring. The seeds are still popping though.
Fingers crossed for a great 2012. It's starting to look really exciting.

Posting the next lot of stuff off Monday/Tuesday Jean you are first on the next list ^_^
Shaun thankyou for the seeds I received today ...fat healthy seeds ^_^. I recognize an Aurea seed when I see it, the fattest of them all.
Cestrum''s seeds are going off,
same with Jean's little darlings.

Soaking Wayne's wonderful crosses ready to go too. *(wow)*
Oh what treasures !

I have some of my own going on too.
Sheesh my finger tips are sore from peeling. ^_^

Errr ummm ha ha ha.
What with all this water the bugs are getting away with murder though

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

i just got home & took a pic of my listed B.suaveolens (1022)
in full flash

can u tell me if it is a suaveolens???????????????

Thumbnail by SolMan
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Dianne the little Bee only wants to visit a good shot thou, love the garden set up with the brugs in the vege area GO GIRL

here is B.knightii he is raining white flowers so many and there were many still forming, now i can see why breeders use him when going for abundance in there breeding program

Thumbnail by SolMan
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

B.suaveolens x.aurea 'White Ruff'

This message was edited Nov 28, 2011 9:44 PM

Thumbnail by SolMan

A knightii waterfall- stunning.
here is a link to suaveolens ...for you to peruse
It can be difficult from a picture, usually the perfume id's it (for me any way )
Like beautiful white lilies.

*giggle* back to talking to myself again ...I don't mind.
Awful weather again, but I sloshed through it to show Shaun a picture of the Suaveolens (species ) that I have here, this bloom is battered but recognizable despite the rain.
Yours seems to have longer tendrils than mine.
Here it is ^_^ This is the correct species because it came from the Sydney Botanical Gardens (via a naughty hubby).

Thumbnail by

I am watching this little fella with interest ...the leaves are really growing quite quickly now must enjoy these cooler humid days, so far so good, from what I have read it can be pretty fussy, but I put it into the washed river sand and off it seems to go, perhaps the repotting maybe the big test. I get the impression you should treat it like a succulent almost once it is well rooted.
I guess I will find out.
cestrum ...all of your cuttings are going great guns, they don't seem to be minding the cool wet.
Here is this curious little Brug with the strange leaves Culebra

Thank you Shaun, even if it fails I have really enjoyed seeing the Unicorn of Brugs *Grin* well it is as rare as a Unicorn they say.

Thumbnail by

I forgot to say that our Wayne had a Knightii as big as that, so I know in the right place it can be pretty spectacular, mine is still in a pot so I have yet to experience a waterfall of Knightii but I will one day hopefully.
Cestrum sent me one that is said possibly different, waiting for that to bloom here was badly hit by the big hail storm.
Knightii is a lovely thing, can't wait to see what these Knightii seedlings growing out here produce.

Clifton Springs, Australia

A big congrats on getting Culebra to show some leaves Chrissy, hopefully there is a nice lot of roots at the's not easy according to some growers.
That is a very pretty pic of the Knightii, Shaun.....the perfume must be it near a window?
Colleen, how is your orange coloured one that we don't know the name of? is it close to flowering again?
This fluctuating weather is very frustrating....the new buds are just sitting there...sigh.
Buck's Fizz.

Thumbnail by Seachanger

Dianne that is a very pretty picture should put it in the BGI Gallery.

Yes I was a bit surprised to see the leaves up top sprout at least half an inch in a couple of days once I put it into the sand.
Even the smaller above Y piece is producing tiny new leaves ,though the existing leaves that came with the cutting are going to fall off. I thought that was going to die but it's looking ok. As mentioned these ones need less water according to what I have read, sounds like Iochroma cultivation.

Shaun you should post that Knighii waterfall in there too, I don't think there is one that big in there.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Thanks Chrissy, I will put it in the gallery...
Bye the way my Angels started praying this evening......I am going to mark the calendar....

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

chrissy, Culebra is a very touchy and slow grower that may be the undoing of many but i have pisisted with it for more then 10y and only had it flower 3 times but when it dose i almost wet my pants cos it's unexpected

congrats on the leaf shoot

The Knightii is in a park about 500meters from my home it smells delish and wish it were mine LOL
Chrissy where should i post the B.knightii waterfall????????????????

Dianne Bucks fizz looks amazing and hope to see meny more pics

Dose anyone know who i would send seed to @ BGI seed & Pollen Bank??????

This message was edited Nov 25, 2011 8:37 PM

The above link to BGI Knightii section

and here in daves plant files

We need to see more of our plants in the plant files everyone. ^_^

In both cases you won't see your picture until the moderators put them through.
They used to go through almost overnight here but it seems to be taking weeks now.
BGI usually has them in within twenty four hours.

Link to Bucks Fizz in the BGI Gallery

Clifton Springs, Australia

Quote from DeadlyNight :

Dose anyone know who i would send seed to @ BGI seed & Pollen Bank??????

Patricia Watson
4029 Emerson Dr.
Livermore, CA. 94551

This is the address for your spare seeds, Shaun.
Don't forget to clearly identify them......It might be wise to pmail her first...she is under P in the members list..
The members list is next to forums in the dark green section at the top of the forum page.

Merino, Australia

Peeping under my Portland knightii.
BB is bursting out again as is GHA.
I notice in my seedlings from this year that the ones with GHA as daddy are way bigger than all the others even though they were not the first sprouted. The leaves are so large I will have to move them away a bit from shading the others. Strong genes there. I see the same thing in others with aurea genes..

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Lovely Jean ...can't wait to see your reaction to another double, I hope one of your seedlings will give you that thrill soon.

Shaun I see you put the Knightii waterfall into the Gallery , congratulations. I would love to have seen a bigger picture in there so if you re-size to 640 x ... it would be fabulous. Great to see them in there ^_^

Well we are still under water here, hopefully it will ease by lunchtime as predicted.
Grahame Ross has said on the gardening show this morning that we are to expect another cool wet Summer, I don't really mind the cool part, but the wet part is worrisome, he also said potatoes are rotting in the ground and he urged gardeners to harvest their garlic early to save losing them to rot. Last year there were severe effects here in NSW in the veggie garden. I just hope it won't effect our Brugs badly.

Dianne yes, I love to look at the Angels in their prayer position Angelic.
When I first started with seedlings during their first Winter, I was so scared they would freeze and I would lose them that I put them all up on the covered verandah. I would go out at night and see all these tiny 4 inch Angel babies all in their rows, with their little leaves upturned in the prayer position. I thought it looked so sweet and loved it. Unfortunately I do not have a prayer position picture of them but here you can see I was so worried about the cold I had them on polystyrene to insulate them from the cold tiles. I was really pleasantly surprised to find that I did not lose a single brug baby, this was before I knew how tough they really are. In those days I thought the poor little things were praying for their lives, since I did not not yet know about the prayer position at first.

Thumbnail by
Clifton Springs, Australia

Chrissy, I love your sweet, romantic view of your darling fact I love your passion for them overall.

Remember last year, when I told you about the Angels on Dr Who...well once they take up the prayer position...then we don't go near them.... neither would you if you were a Dr Who fan....LOL

ha ha ha ...oh boy the sun has just come out ! I am getting out there even if I have to swim :)
Here comes the sun ...

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

hi there it's been a mizrible day here in Melbourne but the rain is doing well for Brug
got many plants flowering right now and cuttings being move in to there own Pots thanks Wayne Carter, Mea Culpa is the first to get roots on & all others are not far behind.
Lucas all the seed u supplied have now started to show there little Cotyledons and Shaunie is very happy, B.aurea 'Yellow/Ornage' had a flower Bud on here

Jean GHA is now taking off & also has 2 Flower Buds on her woooooooooowww

so shell have pic's on progress soon so ill keep you informed of each variety from the parent (You) chrissy, Lucas, Jean ect

Chrissy if by chance when you send me any other varieties can you or have you B.arborea?? which iv never had or even seen other then pic's

This message was edited Nov 26, 2011 7:03 PM

I intend to send you more Shaun, but my time does not belong to me sometimes as I care for someone (brother) which limits my ouside time some days, not to mention the wicked weather. ^_^

Will be very interested to see if GHA is one you have already.
Your Culebra cutting is growing visibly ...I am really surprised I thought "no way" but yes way.

We are having flooding here, but the sun finally came out, tomorrow is supposed to be hot and sunny.

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