Brugmansias keep coming in November.

Merino, Australia

Shaun, I cut off a piece 2 years ago from the top of GHA with a few buds. In a pot for only a month and he flowered.
Very rewarding brug to grow.

Merino, Australia

Back again with a question.
My lovely knightii flowers are all turning brown from the inside , one by one, as they age.
I noticed it first on the one I split to get pollen . I thought it may be because I bruised the flower by splitting it open.
The others are doing the same thing. The petals edges go brown and look ugly.
I could not get any pollen either. Is it me or the plant ?
There were anthers but they looked grey and had no pollen even after 3 days.
I am a bit disappointed as I wanted to save some knightii pollen for later.
Is this a trait with them , having the grey anthers and going brown, ?

Also, do we have a double white here that drops its skirt. I would really like to see more of the skirt than knightii is showing.
I still love the dear plant though. After all it is my first double.

On another note.
My arborea bud looks very different o the usual brug buds. It is a 4 sided bud with definite angles. If I cut it across it would look square.
Is this the normal arborea bud ?

Clifton Springs, Australia

Well, we got exactly 100mm over 24 hrs....slowly drenching rain...beautiful...and don't the Brugs love it...

I have made some more room in the garden by taking out a grafted Gum that hadn't grown, to put Maya in a good spot...When we removed the Gum it hadn't made any growth on it's roots....With the grafted ones they sometimes take a while, but as we have 3 of them on the nature strip, out it went.

Maya will look lovely amongst the other greens in the garden, I will let them grow to about 30cm then plant them in their designated spots..

Thumbnail by Seachanger

Knightii will do that if there has been too much water or too much heat. Knightii often drops it's skirt but remains stuffed usually.
When this inner skirt is caught up inside it begins to rot or cook, depending on the conditions.

Arborea buds do look different to other buds ^_^ you will love it , looks just like a dear little starfish.

Wayne has had another of my GHA crosses bloom and it looks just like GHA but with lovely tendrils. It carries the beautiful GHA scent. I am so happy.

Those of you on FB hopefully can view this.
I don't know what colour it turned overnight and we now have high wind so fingers crosses it is a yellow or orange.

Dianne Maya has gone great guns after I moved it into a sunnier position's gone mad. I chopped quite a bit of it up to share and low and behold it's loving the chop, giving me bigger leaves and growing back like crazy, who knew ?

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, that happens with I take them off as soon as they start to go brown....of course you can't do that with a fully grown one, but while it's small it keeps it looking good..
I think that I had the same prob with pollen too....or the lack of it.
I have a lot of buds opening soon so I will check and send you some if there is any.
Even under cover the corollas still turn brown when they start fading...
You get used to it and flick them off....they are still lovely when they first open and I love their perfume.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Chrissy, GHA crossed with what?.....Wayne's flower looks very interesting and the corolla teeth look great....wait 'till Jean sees her grandchild.......hope he posts here for those who aren't on Facebook.

I am glad that your Maya, is doing well...every time I go to my friends place and look at her tree and it is a tree after only 3 yrs..I is such a lovely shape and always full of flowers...

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

I also found that the stamen were pollenless
Very quickly after the flower opens, I collected pollen
A shiut load of anthers and did get some pollen, if you like I can send some off Monday to you

Merino, Australia

Chrissy, I was able to see the pic. How lovely , a new baby.
I am a new grandma. Wayne , so pretty. What is the other parent ?
Its nice to see that GHA throws his strong genes around.
There will be grandbabies everywhere.

My own seeds here from him are powering away . Bigger than all the other seedlings.

Lucas, you will be pleased to know that so far, I havent lost any sang seedlings and the cuttings have just been potted into large pots. All looking good.

I have put the pots of different aureas next to GHA so they can see how to grow and talk to each other.
We may find they are all the same , but a forest of aureas is not a bad thing.

Shaun, all cuttings have new growth , even the very large one.

Thanks for the info on knightii.
I will go down now and remove the spent flowers.
I did notice that the latest bloom on knightii has a skirt ever so slightly longer than the others.
The perfume alone is worth having knightii in the garden.

I intend to have large pots of the three strongly perfumed ones I have so far, up near the back door where I can sit and inhale the fragrance on summer nights.
GHA, BB and knightii.

Merino, Australia

Thank you Shaun .. I would love the knightii pollen to play with.
I will keep trying on mine though.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, when Clementine flowers you will want her there too...remarkable perfume....
Second flush is on it's way...not mine.... Clementine's.

I have three 2 yr olds with buds ready to flower....ooh it's hard waiting...
Anyone else have these crosses?....cestrum and I had a few the same I think and Jean had Charleston seeds.

Angel's Flight x Charleston
Joli x Charleston
Charleston x Apricot Queen..


They sound exciting Dianne, can't wait to see them, I hope you get a double or three ^_^ fingers crossed for you.
I would love to see a beautiful double white here. I certainly agree re Clementine's unique fragrance.

re the cross Jean, Wayne's label was broken and all that was left was the GHA x part, so it could be almost anything, though I think it is probably GHA x BB but in the beginning we all crossed everything with GHA. Whichever bloom it was has nice tendrils.
Hopefully we will see the final colour today or tomorrow if it survived the wind and heat.

Exciting times and 2012 promises wonderful things in the Angel World.

oops I forgot to say how wonderful your pictures are in the BGI Gallery, I am tickled pink to see Aussie blooms in there, hopefully with many more to come. Don't forget there is a seedling section too. Many thanks for posting the lovely pictures.

Merino, Australia

Yes Dianne, I do have a couple of crosses with Charlston genes.
Color Point x Charlston and Langenbuscher Garten x Charlston.
Both growing well but no sign of any Y yet.
Still some seedlings from 2008 & 2009 to make a Y.
Slow darn things here.
I wish they all grew as quick as BB & GHA.

It seems that most of the beautiful doubles started with Charlston Genes so it's fabulous you have those seedlings.

I hope Wayne won't mind but I am so thrilled with his beautiful pictures I just have to show you, who could have ever imagined this kind of shot here in Australia ...

Looks so beautiful ...sigh
(¯`♥´¯) .♥.•*¨`*♫.•

Hi everyone ...I see a flurry of cuttings going everywhere, as a result I no longer know what anyone is short of, so I won't be sending any cuttings to those who have a large range already, unless you specifically want something you do not have.D mail me on anything you were waiting for please. ^_^

I will only be sending bits of any seedlings I have grown out to the hybridizers who sent them to me.
I am time poor at this point, and it is costly to send bits to gardeners who already have those plants.
I know everyone wants everything, but remember Brugs take up a lot of room.

Watching the new babies coming through is thrilling, and I hope everyone gets all they ever dreamed of.
I am so looking forward to seeing all the grand children from our first efforts and soon the special Hybrids too.

We tend to forget how excited the Brugs get with some warmth and rain ...they are bolting out of the ground right now.
I planted one in the ground and got the surprise of my life to find little shoots all popping up from the roots inches away from the mother plant. A new experience for me.
Of course the weeds are pretty outrageous too !

Clifton Springs, Australia

Good idea Chrissy, we can't grow everything and I agree it is now time to swap rather than send out cuttings without a return....

I can't see Wayne's pics.....
It just says content not available....and yet it let's me see the first one.

Anyone else having a problem?

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Dianne, i din't have a problem with the link & the Flower is Stunning!

Jean I have sent of the Pollen Sample that I was willing to offer should be there in the mid of weeks

Chrissy, I have Ecel spread sheet with who when were & what is being sent out i find it a very helpful tool, i also have in the spreadsheet My Plant List, My seed List, Received from, Sent to, seed, Hybrid, Pod Parent (current Season Breeding)
This will keep you in touch with your plants & where & when they go or come to you

i can recall a brugmansia i sent out 6years ago on this sheet VERY HELPFUL

Good Luck

I don't know anything about spread sheets (guess I will have to learn) I keep records but I am talking about someone who may receive three or four bits of the same thing from different sources.We may be repeating the cuttings.
So that is why I say specify .^_^

Sorry Dianne I don't know why you can't see it. Wayne has told me this afternoon that he will post pictures of the three blooms now open, it must be pretty good because he has given it a name. He says it has a beautiful Honey Aurea fragrance !
Hear that Jean ? GHA passes on that strong fragrance, I suspect this is probably a GHA x Butter Bomb, I will have to wait and see when I get to sniff it some time in the future. I am so happy. still don't know what the colour will be, he hasn't told me ...guess we will find out when the pictures arrive.

It did get very hot here today but a change back to rain come weds.
Lots and lots of grubs ...

barmera, Australia

I get thge same message as Dianne with the link Chrissy. Will try again later. Colleen

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Girls try this link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

chrissy in melbourne today was very muggy but the plants are loving it it's now getting a bit cooler and thank god 4 that

barmera, Australia

Soory Shaun it does the same thing. This message is not available. Will try again later. Thanks. Colleen

Christchurch, New Zealand

wonder if you have to be a FB friend to see the pic?
I gave me the same message.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

are you both Facebook account holders???
this could deffentaly be the issue

barmera, Australia

I am Shaun. Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

So am I, so I contacted Wayne and asked him to friend I can see them from his page..still not from here....weird because I can see the first one.

Just to put you out of your misery Colleen, it's Twilight Time with Clementine in the background...very pretty shot...

Can't wait to hear the name and see the final colour of the GHA X.
He sounded pretty chuffed on FB Chrissy...

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

sorry Colleen, i have not had a problem with the link
dont know what the issue is can't be that bad you'll get to see it soon

Do you have Wayne Carter as a friend on Facebook
you can troll throu his pics and its in there

this may get you there if not sorry
it's the first tic in the list, wave the curser over the pic and you'll see Chrissy's name

Clifton Springs, Australia

Just look at this beautiful thing.....drool....
Fred comes up with some beautiful crosses.

western sydney nsw, Australia

My 3 pods are all starting to open --------------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
barmera, Australia

Good one Elaine. Wait for the perfume. Aw Dianne, I was just out admiring Clementine and thinking how beautiful she is and then you put a thread up with something like that on. Wow it's a ripper isn't it? Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Clifton Springs, Australia

It's beautiful alright Colleen, but does it have a perfume as good as Clementine...I doubt it.
Elaine, you and your Brugmansia family are really doing well.....which ones are these?

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Colleen that looks Beautiful, bet the color will be rich when you have many flowers on the plant

Elaine hope those buts explode with prity flowers for you

got a few more seedlings up of the seeds that Lucas sent to me actually it's starting to look like all the seeds are germinating very high %

western sydney nsw, Australia

Waiting & watching I hold my breath every time I limp out the back door .
This is so exciting having my second flowering .--elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean keep your Arborea protected...I just lost a lovely big bud from my Joli x Charleston cross..
Not a double unfortunately, Chrissie...but now I have to wait on the colour.
This weather is very wild, I was amazed that the last Sugar Pink x Zabaglione new one didn't fall off the way it was swinging around.......

Waiting on the pics Elaine..................
Shaun do you have any that will flower for the first time this year?

Where is cestrum?

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

i have a few common plants waiting to flower but of no real value at the moment

when they do flower there will be a flurry of Pic's

i am waiting on B.('Double White' x.aurea) X.aurea (form) to flower i have 4 plants all related to DRC-star Burst

is a bit blury but you get the gist

This is DRC Star Burst

This message was edited Nov 30, 2011 3:53 PM

Thumbnail by SolMan

I am worried about cestrum, bad weather up that way. :( or puter trouble, I hope it isn't ill health.
Well I recharged the camera battery but it's blowing like mad out there, storm about to come in any tick of the clock.
I am waiting on this one to bloom ...I doubt it is a double but hopefully a pretty one I love the buds looking up at the sky, I only hope all this water hasn't wrecked anything ... I lost the top of it in the big hail storm so it's been quite a long wait.
I suspect it will be pink it's another Earth Angel x Pink Smitty ...they don't love the Winter very much but leap back into life pretty quickly once they have some sun (not that we have had much.)

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HOPE is a real storm baby every time she blooms it's in the storms ...semi double again ...Elaine ^_^ wonderful !

Shaun ...that poor little thing can hardly escape it's sleeve ...longest sleeve I ever saw.

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Real screaming yellow

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It's all happening seeds popping all over ...cestrum's finally got these planted and they popped up in less than a week (soaked two days).

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Fernando is suddenly leaping out of the box !

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