Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.. My legs were getting tired so I moved us again.
Cant have tired old ladies ( or men ) struggling down the path . I have been sitting outside this morning enjoying the sun.
It will get quite warm later so I like to be out early.
I may do a bit more potting of some of the abutilon cuttings which are coming on nicely now.
Dianne, the dwarf ones are growing beautifully.
I tried some seeds of rhododendrons and crepe myrtles just to see how they would go. I have a couple of the crepe myrtle up and a rhodo.
They do take a while and once the summer gets here, more may sprout.

There is a willy wagtail sitting on my hanging baskets near the window here. He is getting the spiders from around the veranda. They come and gather the spider web for their nests too.

Better get over and put up the signpost then get moving outside.

Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset

.•*Ļ`*•. ☆ .•*Ļ`*•. .•*Ļ`*•. ☆ .•*Ļ`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST of Birthday's !!!
✿•*Ļ`*•. (Ŋ`vīŊ) (Ŋ`vīŊ) .•*Ļ`*•✿
. . . ✿•*Ļ`*•.ļ(Ŋ`vīŊ)ļ.•ī*Ļ`*•✿ . . .
……………… ....♥ •.ļ.•ī♥………… Karen just in case you missed the other thread ^_^

I hope it is a very special day for you.

Thinking of you all *over the pond* on your Memorial Day we had our day yesterday.


Well it's very dark here once again, clouds.
Comfortable temperature though.
Looks like no one is in yet, so I will pop back later ...

Merino, Australia

I always forget. to post the sign first.. We came from here

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Saw this today and loved it. For Yours, for ours....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Brisbane, Australia

Happy Birthday. Karen. I am sure you are having a wonderful weekend with your family.

Lovely morning here..I have a few epies out. The unk's always seem to be the most spectacular! I have one that is just magnificent and photos don't capture the colour. The irony is that some of the named hybrid cuttings I bought which are blooming size now are turning out to be just plain red or Crenatum like. Oh well. Caveat Emptor! They definitely weren't from you, Jean! The spectacular unk may have been one of your unk lot. If I could tame the turkeys or stop them scambling over things, I'd have bigger plants instead of lots of multiples..Lol!..and more blooms this year. I have bought a heap of used supermarket stacker shelves..like you see in IGAs etc..same galvanised metal as trolleys but they stack neatly and have the bars all around, top half open at the front ..so, the epi arms can poke through the bars if they want to hang about and they get lots of light, aren't sitting on wet shelves as the bars allow run off, and the sides are all bars..so the turkeys can't run through as they do with shelves and can't knock things off or over. I started painting them green but I have 33 of them so have only got about four done. They are deeper than shelves. The really big plants are still in hanging things on either the fence or those upright metal display stands with baskets hanging there. To put up a greenhouse would be too hard as it is very steep but I can put these in rows and chuck shadecloth over when I need to. If anything, there's not enough sun as the canopy of the leopard trees is way way up there. Really is jungly. The epi did originate in jungles so they should be happy!

Starting to get humid. Happy gardening all..Have a great day.

Brisbane, Australia

Thinking of everyone for Memorial Day/ Armistice Day. It really brought it close to home yesterday as one of the three soldiers recently killed on duty overseas was farewelled at his old school which is where our boys went. He would have been ahead of them but with the structure of the Houses and form classes where all levels are together and Senior years mentor the younger ones, they would have known him in some way. Condolences to the families of all those young men who have served their country and made the ultimate sacrifice.

And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier's tomb, and beauty weeps the brave. ~Joseph Drake

"In Flanders' fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row."

Christchurch, New Zealand

more rain today so good chance to sit back & catch up with online groups...

I have to say I am disappointed by the NZ lack of recognition for Remembrance Day!
I can recall school assemblies where we held a minutes silence.
It isn't done anymore.
A few places & some broadcasters follow the tradition, I wore my poppy badge but seemed to be the only one with a poppy.
When I commented I was told that we (NZ) only wear our poppies on ANZAC Day.
Someone said the Aussies don't wear poppies on ANZAC Day but keep with the 11/11 tradition?
I did see a broadcast from an Oz channel & the news readers were wearing poppies...
our weren't & I think it is a bit off.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

good morning everyone,im already back from shopping, i suffer'aggrophobia', so 7am start for me.,.

Vic, Australia

Happy Birthday :)

I can't handle crowds either Anthony ...years ago as a young teen, I was at the Easter Show in Sydney on a very hot day. It was a record crowd and all of a sudden there was a surge (I think there was a celebrity present) and I was actually lifted off my feet and swept along in the crush, I almost passed out and many did. I have had a problem with crowds since then , I feel like I can't breath if it gets too crowded, that same feeling comes back.

Teresa we have the Rosemary on ANZAC day it is the herb of Remembrance in folklore and it grows wild in the many mountains overseas.
I think they both are very appropriate. I love that Poppy picture.

Kat yes how very sad.

Hi aussie_flower ^_^

Jean speaking of Spiders ...gosh they are everywhere ! Makes it a bit scary to venture into some areas of my Jungle. I carry a long rake with me ...I don't like to upset them but sometimes I have to move them. Hate to wreck all their hard work but I can't handle the web hairnet thingy ...you never know if it's owner is in there too.
Enjoy the arvo everyone ! A shot of some of the jungle.

Thumbnail by
Christchurch, New Zealand

lilies... they are teasing me!
hope they are enjoying all the rain.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

be a while before I see what colour these will be...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

I hadn't noticed that my peony was in flower...
the red is looking good & the white has multiple stems, and even better the second white one is flowering after about 5 years of sulking!

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

this is not only a lovely flower but has a divine fragrance.
I should cut this one & put in a vase inside, they last for ages & one will perfume the entire room.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Clifton Springs, Australia

Happy Birthday Karen....hope that you have a lovely day....

Moon, I haven't got the patience to grow Lilacs but I do grow the species, I have 3 different sorts and one of them DG says will grow to 9b....
it is a very lovely fast growing mauve or white, I have both and I pick large bunches every year...
It is called Syringa persica.....2mts high and deciduous....
This is a pic of a small one grown from a cutting.....the white is very beautiful too and their scent is lovely.
If you see a little one give it a try.

Jean, I still haven't planted my seeds...I will tomorrow....the red and the apricot that I have are really lovely at the moment...glad that your seedlings are doing well...Hope you get some pretty colours.

Teresa, lovely Peony....mine are sulking this year....what is the name of your perfumed one?

This message was edited Nov 12, 2011 4:42 PM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Brisbane, Australia

Hi everyone. Just a short visit. Its been a wonderful but rather tiring day. I really enjoyed myself with my family.

Thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes. I feel very spoiled today with so many people sending me good wishes.

Hugs to all

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

HPBD Karen

Christchurch, New Zealand

the white peony was here when i bought the house so no name...
one of the many lovely surprises the garden held for me.
mind you if the previous owners walked up the drive they wouldn't recognise the place, 12 years of cutting back overgrown trees & shrubs, planting new ones & redesigning the back yard.
Just about run out of space now, although hubby suggested turning some of the lawn area where there is more moss & weeds than grass into garden.
Funny I have been thinking about that for a while & wondered how to talk him into it!.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Lovely day, All.
Dianne, S persica is the one advertised here. Perhaps when our drought time passes I may give it another try.

Karen, so glad you had a nice B'day with family. Hope that warm feeling continues through the year.

Teresa, looks like things are kicking up in your garden...peonies are just beautiful.

Anthony, Chrissy, I am the same way....don't like big crowds up close...being claustrophobic doesn't help at all....grin

I think we need to do so much more than just honor our Vets a couple times a year....they do a job so many of us can't.

Enjoy your Sunday

Brisbane, Australia

Good morning all.

I agree with you on the crowds. The Queen was literally just down the road at South Bank two weeks ago. It would have been a 15- 20 minute walk and I was ready to go but turned on the tv as the helicopters were hovering overhead. When I saw the crowds and the interviews with people who had driven all night and had been waiting since 4 am, I thought, think I'll watch it from here. It was nice knowing she was so close but I have memories of her visits when I was at primary school, and we waited in the hot sun at the cricket ground. I think she did drive through us, big circles, but it was still overwhelming. This time, if she'd come up the river further, round the next bend, she could have dropped in for a cuppa!

The new kitties are quite different to the last very furry pair. We still have the girl from that pair but hubby had to euthanase her 10kg brother as he had PKD (polycystic kidney disease) which is congenital, so he was doing well to make it to 10 years. He was awesome in a big cat way..used to sit in the hallway with his back against the wall and legs and tummy out. These new kitties are from the RSPCA again and are quite the energetic types..still have lovely full tails and long ear hair. When I sit at the computer table, the girl scotts under the chair, up onto my lap and head butts my arm. Always has to go under the chair and up the other side! The house is a bit of a kitty play pen as I found offcuts of black mesh/ netting at reverse Garbage and they love to climb it. Well, her brother isn't doing much at the moment as he's being treated for lead poisoning.

The ceilings in this big OLD Queenslander are lined with pressed metal..even the entire loo under the house is lined with it. We reckon it once belonged to the chief of Wunderlich pressed metals. Two bedrooms hadn't been done but had coolite sheets, polystyrene, but when we pulled it off years ago, it left bit hard globs of glue. It was cheaper to cover those ceilings with the aluminium reproduction sheets than get them scraped and painted. The original stuff is tin and, on the front verandah, the angle of the ceiling that gets the afternoon sun, has flaked bits of paint. It seems the little black boy kitty somehow ate or chewed some of these. I bought some "Peel Stop" which you paint over the old paint and it "encapsulates" the paint and stops the flaking. Most of it seems pretty secure, just these little spots. A lot of the inside ceiling was repainted.The windows are leadlight but evidently that doesn't drop stuff. Old places have their own challenges. This would have been built in the 1880's or earlier. It would originally have been the last on the ridge here as the two on the other side are smaller and don't have fireplaces etc. The houses on the riverbank opposite are worker's cottages close together with no car accommodation.

So, I have been nursemaid to the kitty as he was partially paralysed and spent a week in the Cat Clinic and still getting treated. He's not eating so has to be tempted..I make awesome kitty thickshakes if anyone wants the recipe! Lol! Kitty food, usually Duck and Liver flavour, kitty biscuits, an egg, a bit of water,,whizz it up. Looks like a chocolate thickshake!

Anyway, I must go out and check if there are epies open today. I've got lazy. It's so easy to snap them with the iPhone and upload from there. Wonder if they have an ap for uploading to DG? Cheers all. Happy Gardening.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. It's an overcast but calm morning here. Will have to get the hose out for a few pots again. It doesn't take long for the pots to dry out does it? Beautiful Tea-room pic Jean. I have had lots of people here looking at my brug flowers. . . One lady came yesterday with here King Charles Spaniels, one on a lead and one in a pram because she [the dog] was blind. They loved the boys. The blind one got out of the pram and was trying to find them. The boys of course loved them too. I have quite a few NOIDs out at the moment and because Cestrum shared a lot of her seeds with Brian and me, they're WHITE. They are still beautiful though and the perfume is wonderful. I don't think it would matter if they were black with red spots they would still be beautiful to me. Hopefully the bloke will be here for the fence tomorrow. It will make a lot of difference up the back once everything is moved. I wonder how brugs would go near Pine trees. Quite a bit of plant space up there.lol Must go little one has asked for brekkie so I'll be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
A nice cool morning here. Overcast with storms forecast. I want the rain but no storms thank you.
I cleaned all the irises up yesterday. Still a lot of flowers but looks a lot barer now the dead and dying flowers are gone.
Had a couple of local ladies come up to see the garden. They loved it and lots of oohing and aahing but they didnt buy anything.

Anthony, I have a lilium out.
I didnt see it because it is s o short. I will get a pic later . Not sure if it has a name or not until I get in to look.

Glad you enjoyed your day Karen. Nice to have a small celebration with friends and family.

Teresa, your peonies are beautiful. I once tried some here but they didnt like it and died.
Now I just enjoy looking at them in other gardens.

Chrissy, I am not fond of spiders but we get the orbies in summer here and they are very considerate. They usually clean up their webs by morning so one is not running into them. We have so many other tiny spiders around lately who leave their webs ( and themselves) right out across paths etc.
At least they arent big enough to harm anyone but it is annoying having web and tiny spiders hanging off you around the place. I dont know how many I have carried inside on my hair or cardigan.

Hello Kat. Been feeding those turkeys again havent you ? Pity they wont eat fenceman.

Hello Charleen, Moon, Louise Elaine and Colleen.

I am off to plant a couple of salvias . I am putting them all around the bases of the brugs I have in the ground. Makes the place look nicer instead of just a lot of trunks. .

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend and have some lovely weather.

Heres a tasty treat for morning tea.... Passionfruit Buttercake.

Happy day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

I must run, but a big Hello to all our happy Tea Room gardeners, this made me laugh out loud ...I think it will make you laugh too, for the cat lovers.
It's back again ...

enjoy your morning :)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Like the old man says in the Commercial "that's so stupid, it cute!" Yep I liked it....

Christchurch, New Zealand

visited my folks today & came home with cuttings of buddlia & lilac.
Along with that was a seedling hollyhock, a mystery bulb & what looks like an old variety of heuchera...
coral bells perhaps?
the flowers are actually more appealing than the foliage.

Have another id question...
I think this plant is a weed, it keeps appearing in the garden but is very easy to pull out, has milky sap & for a while I thought it might be self seeded euphorbia but it looks different once it grows a bit.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

close up on the flowers

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Brisbane, Australia

Hello and good morning everyone. We've had a most welcome drop of rain, just enough that I don't have to water the plants today. Wish Nature would be so obliging every day.

Teresa, that is one very strange looking flower on that plant. I'm intrigued. Wonder if anyone can ID it?

Speaking of ID-ing, does any one know anything about fish? This was one of 3 in a canal near where my daughter lives, and we've no idea what it is. The nearest I can find on the web is possibly a parrot fish, but none were identical to this. Any fishy people on the forum?


This message was edited Nov 13, 2011 9:36 PM

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Some interesting pics there. I feel I have seen your plant somewhere Teresa. Cant think where though.
No rain here at all over the weekend. Lots going around in the distance .
Looks like I will have to get out and water all the pots etc this morning.

Have to run off soon for Drs appt. and then have a couple of ladies coming to see the garden.

I will be clearing out most of the species geraniums soon. They dont take long to fade and die once they set seed.. I just throw all the plant material down the back along the fences and it composts itself , usually leaving a few new plants to grow from the dead ones.

I have 2 epis out and there will maybe only be 3 other plants that are going to flower. A very poor year for them. Maybe they wore themselves out last year.

Hello Chrissy, Karen, Teresa, Colleen, Dianne, Anthony and Elaine.

Hello also to Charleen , Moon and Louise. Hope all is well with you all.

Better get myself motivated and do what needs to be done outside before I have to run off.

Have a happy day and enjoy this Chocolate Cake.


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning everyone.

You're lucky to have got rain, Karen. I think the clouds emptied over you and gave up. We saw the dark sky but I didn't even small petrichor! There's already that hot cicadery hum that augurs for a hot and humid day (otherwise I've a very bad case of tinitus! Lol! Or the computer's going awry!) Beautiful outside..clear blue sky, gentle cool breeze off the river, only the drone and beeping of some grader or delivery truck over at UQ (University of Queensland..) Youngest son finishes this semester's exams today. At least there are no hassles with transport. He just walks over the Green Bridge. Anyway, Have a good day wherever you are!

Cheers, Kat

This message was edited Nov 13, 2011 5:43 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

Lovely morning here, I'm walking thru the garden to the teahouse........no slugs or snails here Jean,

Got a few things to cut back this morning, the growth in the garden has been fantastic..
I can even see the Cannas that I bought and thought had died, popping thru...I wonder why they were hiding...probably scared of the snails.

Chrissy since you posted the first one,I have become a Simon's cat fan....he is so funny..
Colleen, I hope that your fence is almost completed....it has been a while hasn't it...
The Liliums are so close....Anthony......
Have a great day everyone...

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A lovely morning here. The sun is shining after a fairly cloudy day yesterday. It was a tad windy for a while but no rain.
I think the rain has gone to Qld for a holiday.
I have to dig a lot of iris rhizomes today. I sold some and they will be picked up later in the week. The ladies who came to see the garden yesterday are also buying some.
They enjoyed the garden tour even though the plants are starting to die off for the summer.
Maybe the plants hidden under the species geraniums will be able to get a bit of sun . The roses poked themselves through but there are some small plants that hide away in the dark until summer.

Hello Kat. I finally have one of the epis flowering here. Just a white but there are a couple more to open. I told them I will throw them out of the house if they dont do better next year.
Typical offspring, eat everything you give them and never do much else.

Hello Dianne, isnt it a pity we cant use Tea House magic on our gardens to have no slugs & snails ?
I am hoping for more warm weather to make my little brugs grow.

Hello Elaine, is your bud open yet ? How many Christmas trees have you done there ?
I have a string of little solar lights to hang around Michael in the garden.
Should look great from the road.

Hello Karen and Teresa. Did you get an ID for the fish & plant. I know nothing at all about fish.
I know I like to eat them though.

Hello Chrissy, Colleen and Anthony. Liliums nearly open here.

Hello Moon, Charleen and Louise.
Hope Charley is behaving himself . Hugs for the girls .

Better get myself going and start on the digging. The irises wont heave them selves out of the ground.

Have some of this Baklava for a sweet treat...
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Yes Dianne the fence will be done today. He's out there at the moment putting the sheets of colourbond on. Then I can start moving things around. The cactus will enjoy not being covered with pine nettles I think. I have just phoned the tree cutter to see if he'll take the top out of the biggest tree. The one that the huge limb came off before. I think we might be in for more storms this Summer and I don't want anymore limbs coming down onto the new fence or chook house. I'll see how much it's going to cost first though. I like those cat cartoons too. He knows his cats doesn't he? Well it's time to get dressed for school so had better move. Talk later. Colleen

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all
Jean not decorating like past years going for less is best .
Have started to grow flages in the yard.
Angel baby is still unfolding she sure is beautiful .------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut

Dianne Simon's cat reminds me of cats I have owned in the past and yes Simon knows cats ! ^_^

A busy day ahead so just a quick wave until later ...I hope everyone survives the day and happy gardening !

Sydney NSW, Australia

Hi everyone.
Your pics are really delightful what an amazing time of year.

Re: our new property...new..nothing at all 'cept weeds at present so a clean slate for me to become creative once again...been a long time and am looking forward so much to creating a beautiful space. Had decided to plant clumping bamboo, around perimeter of colorbond fence... for privacy, noise, heat and as a back-drop to my eventual colourful cottage garden..however, have read about bamboo & it seems to require a 'lot' of water initially, (will take 'grey' water but not too much) .& a fair amount of feeding for quite a long time...according to the growers sites...have looked at 3 sites and, of course, are similar. Wonder what else I could plant that would cover that awful fence and provide the desired back-drop...lots of flourishing green (quick-growing as I'm olde and impatient to boot)..... then plant out with lots of perfumed colour..herbs, encourage a micro-climate of sorts that will bring in the birds and bees etc.
You all seem to have so much current knowledge I'd appreciate your hewlp.
Chrissy, your brugs look wonderful...shame the government has declared them 'illegal'..silly people really...hope that all is well with you.
Karen..a belated Happy Birthday to you
cheers for now
Anna :-)

Merino, Australia

Anna, there are so many lovely plant useful for a back drop.
Abutions, small bottlebrush or grevilleas, Some of the tall salvias if they do okay in your area.
The white ceanothus is quick growing and loves to be cut back to shape. Have a walk around the near neighborhood and take notes on whats growing .

I'm just in having a cuppa after digging some of the irises. I sold 100 rhizomes yesterday, so they all have to be dug, trimmed and marked with names.
A bit hot out there in the sun. I'll do more when it gets cooler and finish the rest early tomorrow.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Gee whizz you have to dig up 100 iris ? in this heat ...oh Jean take care ! congratulations on the sale but wow it's so hot !

Anna they aren't illegal there was just a lot of huffing and puffing ...typical really.
In a couple of years it will be us, doing what you are doing, I am excited but nervous. Jean gave you good advice, check out what the gardeners are growing around your way.
Must go clean up the mess now ...leaves all over the place from making the cuttings, I just wanted to pop in and say hi, looks like everyone is busy too, so back later.

Christchurch, New Zealand

another new plant in my garden, I noticed it growing a while ago but this is the first flower.
Looks like an iris.
there are a few of these up the road & on my way home a garden full of them, I was thinking I'd like some in my garden & voila one pops up!

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The timechange has messed them up. They don't go by clocks, they go by tummy feelings.
So I do go ahead and feed them a little early. Poor deprived critters....

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