Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 98, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 98

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 98
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. A lovely morning here. The sun is shining after a fairly cloudy day yesterday. It was a tad windy for a while but no rain.
I think the rain has gone to Qld for a holiday.
I have to dig a lot of iris rhizomes today. I sold some and they will be picked up later in the week. The ladies who came to see the garden yesterday are also buying some.
They enjoyed the garden tour even though the plants are starting to die off for the summer.
Maybe the plants hidden under the species geraniums will be able to get a bit of sun . The roses poked themselves through but there are some small plants that hide away in the dark until summer.

Hello Kat. I finally have one of the epis flowering here. Just a white but there are a couple more to open. I told them I will throw them out of the house if they dont do better next year.
Typical offspring, eat everything you give them and never do much else.

Hello Dianne, isnt it a pity we cant use Tea House magic on our gardens to have no slugs & snails ?
I am hoping for more warm weather to make my little brugs grow.

Hello Elaine, is your bud open yet ? How many Christmas trees have you done there ?
I have a string of little solar lights to hang around Michael in the garden.
Should look great from the road.

Hello Karen and Teresa. Did you get an ID for the fish & plant. I know nothing at all about fish.
I know I like to eat them though.

Hello Chrissy, Colleen and Anthony. Liliums nearly open here.

Hello Moon, Charleen and Louise.
Hope Charley is behaving himself . Hugs for the girls .

Better get myself going and start on the digging. The irises wont heave them selves out of the ground.

Have some of this Baklava for a sweet treat...
Happy day