TIP; Aging pots

Valley Village, CA

On clay pots, just smear yogurt on the outside. Norma

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

now I've heard it all!! You're kidding? No?

Valley Village, CA

Kelly, our pro at the Huntington told me this tip. It attracts molds thus giving the appearance of age. Try it, I'm sure you will like it. Vinegar diluted with water will take off the water spots on leaves, Use a cue tip to apply, make sure you wash it off after you finish. Epson salts helps plants to bear fruit, I used this on my Lime tree. Use dirty soapy dish water,detergent, in a spray bottle for ants, count slowly to 5 and they should die, if not put in extra greasy dish water. Sea Onion,(pregnant onion) used to poisen gophers. Now what can you come up with? Anything for white fly that is safe to use. Norma

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Here's one: 1 part Murphy's oil soap
1 part ammonia
8 parts water
works wonderfully on epiphyllum with mealy bugs, and polishes up the leaves to boot.

Valley Village, CA

I haven't tested the formula, but will soon. Today I had a problem with Kalanchoe just covered with scale. I used diluted alcohol on a cue tip, then used a tooth brush to remove the scale. Lo and behold! It worked. Norma

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

that's okay if you've got one plant, but the spray
covers 'a multitude of sins'

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

are softer leaved plants such as passion vines covered in this "multitude of sins?" Elaine

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

No. I wouldn't try it on passionflowers. well, maybe I shouldn't say that I do use it on burmansias with no problem, so maybe.........? why not experiment with just one piece, or arm of the thing, and see. It sure works
on epiphyllum. barbara

Valley Village, CA

I had a hundred Kalanchoe to pot up for the Huntington, we arn't allowed to spray into the invironment, we would have the nursery license taken away. I had to spray by hand every leaf of a plant (300) by hand for white fly. We used Neem it has a little oil in it. Worked like a charm, but we did this every five days, and removed every leaf that had eggs on the back side by hand. Hated that job! Norma

Valley Village, CA

Barbara, I asked about your formula, I couldn't use it because it wasn't approved by the AG department.

Any tips out there on cleaning clay pots? Should I just use a brush and old fashioned soap and water. Add bleach, add
ammonia? Norma

Hi Norma' I empty my pots outside and use a hard spray to blast off any residue. Then bring them inside and fill the bathtub with dish(liquid)soap,boiling water and scrub with a brush'Wear rubber gloves to save your hands too' Then after scrubbing,rinse and drain upside down'I don't use bleach as it isn't good to breath while cleaning' HTH Sis'

Valley Village, CA

Another tip today. I asked a dumb question and got a smart answer. Miniature Aloe have perfume. So if your Aloe flower has perfune when you smell it, it will be a miniature. Nine years working as a volunteer at the Huntington Gardens and still I learn something every day. What a joy. Norma

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