Getting frosty on the November Homestead

here are some pics
we names the Jack and Jill .

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no name on the bunny yet.

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i m hoping the woman was telling me the truth about these birds.
She said they came from her show stock. I saw the birds that she was showing . the looked very nice . she won 1st and grand champion with hers.
some of the people there were selling birds at pet quality at show prices ! glad i had Jerry with me LOL .
these are for my kids to show at 4 H so we are not looking for any grand champions but would like to get some show quality birds.
and breed them .

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So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sue, they are SO CUTE!

they are very very fluffy :)

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

The rabbit looks like a chicken. LOL Good looking birds. Kinda like sheep dogs with all those feathers on their heads.


Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm not too big on silkies; I figure if God wanted chickens to have fur, He'd've made them rabbits. I put about 20-25 ducks in the freezer every year. They are very good eating, and a muscovy drake can dress out as much as 18-19 lbs. Although mine are seldom that big. Pekins don't get quite as large, but they're still nothing to sneer at. I pluck my birds, then sear out the pinfeathers. I don't really like to eat the harlequins because they're a rare breed and awesome layers of good sized eggs. Ducks eat alot if they are penned up and can't forage, and of course they eat alot in the winter. But our breeder flock is 13 birds and we give them 1 scoop of corn a day. There are about 6 chcikens that get into that everyday too. It's the young ones that I hatched to sell that are eating me out of house and home.

Another reason I like ducks is that they lay their eggs at night or in the early morn. If you keep them penned until 0900 you won't trip over a nest of hidden duck eggs when you're mowing or whatever. If they haven't layed yet by 0900, they probably aren't going to that day. Also, they stick together and allow other ducks into the flock without a lot of fighting. a bit of jostling for a day or so and everything is copasctetic.

If you want ducks just for eggs then get runners, harlequins, magpies, or khaki campbells. Pekins lay well also as do rouens and a few others, but they don't forage quite as well, and they grow slower. Muscovies are fantastic for fly control, but their eggs taste like river mud. they dress out well though.

I would have all ducks and no chickens at all, but I can't sell nearly as many duck eggs as I can brown hens eggs. I also incubate and sell chicks. which is why I have so many seperate pens. Barred rocks in one, buff orps in another, Gold laced wyandottes in another, and ducks in still another. I let one breed out to forage every afternoon. That keeps the rock roosters off of the orpington hens and vice versa. The ducks are out daily.

Been working good so far, and I make a goodly amount of my income from chicks in the spring. Looking for a new GQF 1502 incubator right now so I can increase production next spring. So keep your eyes open for me, Sue.

Dayton, TX(Zone 8b)

Congrats Nik on your upcoming nuptials. Sounds like you would be a great neighbor to have. I do despair on all the critter problems! Your Mountain Man Blueberry sounds awesome.

Cheryl, loved your post. Sorry to hear about your husbands foot, and your puppy and goats. sounds like you have a great job, even if it doesn't pay cash. lol I would love to hear more about those sweet mini peppers. Sounds like they might be earlier than the bells too.

Sue your new silkies are so cute! And what an adorable little bunny. All of them so fluffy.

Well I'm fit to be tied this morning. All of my hard work for the last several weeks down the drain!! Damnedable wild hogs took out 2 new flower beds last night, along with my newly planted garlic and blueberries!! There's not much of the back acre and a half that they didn't plow through. And if that wasn't bad enough, the raccoons got into some of the planted bulbs that I put in pots on my deck and overturned them all and made one heck of a mess. I think they really like the bonemeal, because they didn't do anything with the bulbs.
Still didn't finish fixing the heater. But at least it has warmed back up considerably here. And we did get a lot of wood cut, in case it cools back down. Looks like another trip to Tractor Supply for more cattle panels and some electric fencing to try harder to keep those hogs out. ~Diana

Diana i m so sorry to hear of the critters gone wild in your yard , that is heart breaking when nature disrupts us.
yep coons love the blood meal and they love Preen ! its a corn based product. anything blood or corn they will eat.
i did some calla's in pots several years ago and i learn't the hard way ;(
i wish i had garlic to send you.
Nik i m looking for some birds just to add to my egg layer flock at moment. I just wish i had more room in the coop . This brood i have is the meanest bunch ? ! isolated my little hen. they just hate her and this is the 3 rd time i have saved her from death's door. I just couldn't let it go on anymore. I felt for her. poor thing.
so she is in the dog kennel in the GH . I may take her to Degraff next month and just give her away. if someone wants her .
i may be in the market in spring.
depends on the job thing at moment. see what the budget allows.
not much here but wind and rain. tornado watch and high strong winds.
sure more rain is on the way ?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Not a good day here. The things that come in 3's? First the septic, 2nd the water heater, and today I found my "bestest" cat dead in the bushes across the bridge near the road. She hadn't come home for 2 nights, but it has been warmer than usual so I wasn't worried the first night. When she wasn't home last night or this morning, I was frantic. I've never seen her even ON the bridge, much less on the other side.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Darius, I am so sorry. It hurts to lose our furry friends. We lost our little schnoxer dog.

We almost lost Thomas and Mack, our hay shed cat. I had missed him all day but figured he was just out "cattin'" like toms will. It was right at dark when I was feeding the goats that I heard him. Couldn't figure out where he was so I followed the sound of his pittiful cries. Turns out he was in the well of the abandoned place next door. It was about 8 feet down to the coping around the old hand dug well and he was on a small ledge. We put the ladder down to the little ledge so he could climb out but he wouldn't. DH finally made a loop in the rope, got it around his neck and pulled him up very fast. It didn't choke him because he was pulled up so fast. He was so happy to get out of the well. If I had not heard him he would have died in there.

Dayton, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm so sorry Darius. I know if she was your 'bestest', you're gonna miss her terribly. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Dusty. Our furbabies are part of the family. I think that's why my husband doesn't want us to get another pet.

darius sorry to hear of your kittys passing. Its hard to see our best furr freind pass over.
well gonna be a cold one today brrrr.
soooo i guess its inside kinda projects .
i will start baking soon. so that will keep me occupied.
first cake will be a upside down apple prailine cake from Paula Deen book i have.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

My yogurt is not looking too good but I will have whey for making bread so all is not lost. I have fresh cow butter for the bread too.

It's still raining here. Two days now but it's a slow, soaking rain. Those are good. I will be inside most of the day but I have plenty to do in here. Gotta try and get it cleaned up for company. DD, Knock and my inlaws are driving up for TG. They will get here TG day and leave Saturday but it will be so good to have them even for just a little while. Gonna bake a big ham, some venison, candies yams, orange rice, green beans and anything else that sounds good. A friend gave us another deer. We had fried venison for supper. It sure was good. Thinking we may have bambi bites for TG. DD loves them so much.

Going to try to get a couple loaves of bread baked today for friends.

I need to get my started going so I can make pawpaw bread.

DH has to have a CT scan done tomorrow so he has to take some nasty medicine today to protect his kidneys from the contrast. Had one dose this morning. Has to take another tonight and then the scan tomorrow morning. Has a foot doc appointment in the morning too.

I have so much fluid in my right ear it sounds like a bowl of rice crispies in there. I put alcohol in it last night but it didn't dry it up. Usually works. It is so loud I thought the cat was on the couch behind me. Guess I will take some sinus meds.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I'll be out of touch until late Sunday night, or maybe Monday morning. Having an early Thanksgiving with friends without any internet.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Have fun!

Only got 1 loaf of bread done. I took it to our friends, Ralph and Mildred. Ralph is having chemo and does not have much of an appetite. He was saying how much he loved fresh butter and had not had any since he was a kid. I thought the bread and butter might intice his appetitie a bit. They sure were glad to get it. Did my heart good to see it. Please say a prayer for him. He has a rare kidney cancer. Second time.

Caj i m sorry to hear of this condition. Sure hope the bread gives a spark for an appetite for him.
got soup and chilli made .
got hair done. no more grew for another 5 wks LOL

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Cancer is no fun. I lost a kidney to it in 03.

I had to make a new door for my pumphouse; it's supposed to get into the low 20s tonight and I don't need a freeze up. I have decided to build my new house in the very back of the property, almost 1/4 mile from the road. I can build a septic system myself and run 100 amps of power back there. The house construction won't be any more than it would've been up here. But I think I'll need a new well that far from the existing one. I'll have to check on it. That will be the biggest expense. I was thinking one more year before we could do anything, but I can do the septic this winter, the lines, anyway. We'll see about the other stuff. we could concievably move in in the spring of 13

Nik i m about the same distance from our road. We are back about 1/ 4 mile.
garbage is a hassle since my bones are not as strong as once was. but i m thinking of some ways .
sounds like a great idea .

Dayton, TX(Zone 8b)

Sounds like everyone is staying busy. Like everyone else, lots of cooking going on here. Around the holidays my family and friends expect baked goodies from me, as it has been a tradition for more years than I care to think about. lol The house does smell heavenly though. Right now I have 4 loaves of pumpkin bread in the oven. TG is suppose to be at my place this year. Looking forward to it, for the most part. lol

That's quite an undertaking Nik, moving your place around like that. Good luck with it. We've been considering putting in a new well towards the back of the property, since that is where we will have most of our garden come spring. But unless I can get a good deal on a pump, that might have to wait for quite a little while. lol

If I don't get back on for awhile, I want to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We are having company for TG. The inlaws, DD and DGS are driving up. They will get here TG day and leave on Saturday but it will be so good to see them. My Mom is sending some sweet potato pies with them. To my Momma, food and love are the same thing. LOL

I baked a turkey last night but it's not for TG. It's just to eat because they are cheap right now. I will be baking a huge ham and cooking some venison for TG. I will be doing the whole dinner and I will have it ready when they get here. Can't wait to see them.

DH was at the docs yesterday. Foot doc is very pleased. That is looking great. Had a CT scan but we don't know any results from that yet. It was on his kidneys. Got home late and it was cold. then I had to do the feeding. Got more sawdust at the barn so I dug out one stall. Need to do one more and top dress 3 others.

Didn't sleep well last night. Had disturbing dreams. People counting on me and me not being able to pull it off. I hate those.

You all voting in the photo contest? I am slow but enjoying the pics.

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Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

My current septic system is uphill from the House about 150 yards and 15 feet higher. I have a lift station that pumps the sewage up to the tank. This weekend illustrates why that system is inadequet (sic). It is not pumping and is overflowing a bit. I have to have Kelly Services (honey wagon) come pump it out so I can pull the pump and see what I can do to fix it or replace it. The pump is close to 1000 bucks so I hope I can fix it as right now I don't have 1000 ducats.

I got the materials to finish the work in the minibarn. I found an old aluminum ladder section and it will make an outstanding perch for those orpingtons. There is a shelf in the back that I am enclosing with wire. That will be for the Seramas.

My boss gave me a pair of huge mule ducks (1/2 muscovy, and 1/2 pekin) They aren't good for anything but eating. They are in the walk-in cooler at the amish store now soaking in some brine. One of them will be Debbie's and my thanksgiving dinner. He stll has 8 of them running around, I am trying to talk him into selling to me cheap. I know what they eat and everything, so it's safe meat.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hi, Folks!

I'm back after being away at a 4 day cabin stay (aka food fest!) with 6 friends, culminating in a Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night. I had a lovely time and it was nice to get away for a few days. I'd say I'm glad to be home, but while I was away my sis's kid (24 year old daughter) moved back in, so now it's total anxious-ridden chaos again. I need to move.

Nik, yep, septic problems can be vexing. Hope yours finds a luckier solution than a new pump. Mule Duck sounds good for TG dinner!

darius my gosh what a fun time it sounds like you had with friends. But not so great home arrival... :( sorry that chaos may run amok soon. Hope it stays at a basic level ? if one can contribute to a basic level of chaos LOL i know all to well on the chaos levels LOL yikes. !
Nik does yor amish store do its own butchering ? sure would be interested .
i don't always trust our local butchers. had a bad expereince .
until i cull my own
i just can't stand the saline solution they add to poultry these days eeewww yuk.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

The Country variety store doesn't do any butchering. You can see their add-it's a 1/2 page- in the conty classifieds every other week.They are just friends and live nearby. They let me put stuff in the walk in to hang for a few days. I have a collapsable cooler room that I made, but I loaned it out, and it's a bit large for just a couple 5 gallon buckets.

The honey wagon just left with 185 of my hard earned dollars. Now I have to pull the pump and see what I can see. What a PITA!!!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Nik, pumping our tank was $250. 'Course, he was here 2-3 hours with the Health Dept trying to locate our tank, and then he helped me tear off the front steps for access to the lid when we finally found it. Plus, he had to go fetch extra hose to reach across the bridge since the bridge roof is too low for trucks to cross the bridge...

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thanks Nik
raining cats and dogs here today
doing inside couponing
then off to get grocery. sure wish i had done more canning ,freezing and drying. just didn't have it in me this year . :(
i do have lots of sqauah in the GH to store for soup and roasted veggies

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Turns out family is leaving early in the morning so they will be here tomorrow night!!!! Can't wait to see them but I still have a bit of cleaning and lots of cooking to do before they get here. That will keep me occupied. I am cooking a huge ham from our own pigs. Going to make a venison spaghetti and some orange rice, green beans, corn, candied yams and custard pies. We should not go hungry. LOL

Nik, sure hope you are able to fix your pump. I hate it when things break.

Darius, I'm glad you had such a nice time with friends. Everybody needs that from time to time. Four days in a cabin sounds great. I am sorry that "the kid" is back. Constant stress is hard on a person. One's home should be a peaceful haven.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

It rained a steady heavy rain all day long yesterday. I had to do the chores at the Hatchery and I was just plain miserable. Soaked to the skin and chilled to the bone. With ground, caked feed all over me. It was a total mess. I went to Debbies when I got off work and showered there. She washed my duds and made me stay on the sofa under a 1/2 dozen of her quilts to warm up. I finally left at 1030 to come home. I'd 've just stayed there except the MacTavish had been tied up all day, and the chickens and ducks had to be put away. Plus all my drugs (diabetic) are here at the house.

The pump has to be replaced. I called a plumbing supply house in Bellefontaine and he is looking for one for me. They don't have a 220v 3 inch sewage pump in stock. Not too many folks have a lift station like I do.

Tomorrow I'm doing the brine-soaked duck, mash potatoes and gravey, noodles made with duck eggs, ohio's famous green bean casserole, sweet potato pie, and Sleeping Wolf white wine made right here at Wolf's Rest Farm. Debbie, and her parents are coming over, and maybe her one daughter-the single one. Should be a good ThanksGiving.

wow i m so envious of all your good food that you all are cooking.
Caj how big is that ham ?
we hope that when we get the barn up and going this Dec. We can start doing some fencing and more animals . hogs , goats and more chickens :)
not much going on here
we don't have family around us just my MIL and FIL and DH is coming home from china on sat.
but kids and i will do a small turkey here .
i hope to do our own raising of turkeys next year.
have great holidays and happy eating everyone

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It barely fit in the 18qt roaster! I am going to do a tater salad too.

Nik, sorry about the pump. I did not realize you were a diabetic. I made a SF custard pie last night. Going to make some more today. DH and his parents are all diabetics. I used splenda in the yams too.

Sue, you will love having animals. I'd advise starting with smaller ones like goats to begin with.

Caj that is a big one LOL
duck soaked in brine that sounds sooo good.
my family is so food challenged . they just are the most boring plain eaters . no spices, not herbs nothing , very boring eaters.
but i guess i will keep them anyway :)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sue, you can get around the boring food eaters by slowly adding herbs/spices to what you cook. They will learn to love it (or go hungry!).

LOL i m trying .
I think what most people don't like is the textures ?
my turkey is very moist , i just undercook it by 2 degrees. then let it sit. thus making the meat texture very soft, not mushy or pink , just very soft and moist. I like my red meats mostly rare .
Dh grew up with shoe leather hard meat.
my soups are homemade and don't have the corn syrup soft texture . i find very icky but my family loves it ??
i did find a brownie with spinach ! and no one was the wiser MUwhahahaha

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Nik's (in)famous 5 minute chocolate cake

4 TBsn each sugar and white flour
2 of cocoa
3 each of oil, milk
1 egg
optional ingredients:
chopped nuts
chocolate chips
mereshino cherries
dash vanilla

in a 12 oz ceramic coffee mug mix flour sugar cocoa add egg, milk oil and stir with a fork till smooth add vanilla or chopped nuts, of chocolate chips.

microwave on high for 3 minutes, it will rise above the cup. when finished, lay cup and all on a dish and toss on a couple cherries and serve.

yes, you are less than 5 minutes from chocolate cake all times now. I am the evil one.

Richmond, TX

Wow! I must try that. How nifty!

i have seen that , don't recall where ? but its good. ! a true chocolate sensation
good TG to you all

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sue, it's 5 minute cake in a coffee cup, posted several places. I've never tried it because I don't have a microwave.

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