New Resource-books

Valley Village, CA

This place has a lot of cacti and succulent books on hand, very reasonable, in excellent condition good prices, with dust jackets. The new Cacti book by Dr. Ted Anderson is available for $75.00. Dr.Anderson has died this past year.
The cheapest I've seen this book offered was $98.00. Most of this mans books look like new. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Yet another place to buy used books, journals, I just purchased a Ills. Succulent book as new 253 pages or more for $25.00 the slighty used book, not mint, slight tear in dust jacket $20.00 Used British Journals $4.00

This address is she is having a sale on books at this time. Norma

Valley Village, CA

I found this goodie on a recent search.

Used books very reasonable.


Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

Thanks Norma. You're making my life easier and cheaper!!

Valley Village, CA

Does any one know the title of a Madagascar Aloe. This is a hole in my book collection. Norma

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

Norma - I asked that same question in the Aloe Yahoo group yesterday - also about sources for Aloes from Madagascar. Do you know where I might look? Patrick

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

is this what u are looking for???


list of aloe plants
pls. click above list of aloe to find their origin

hope that helps... ma vie

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

Thanks very much MaVieRose!! Desert-tropicals is a good place to see pictures of many plants and their origins.
It helps!


High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're very welcome Patrick. it's always a pleasure to help :)! ma vie

Valley Village, CA

MaVie, you helped me also, thank you, Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

any time Norma. it is always nice to help as it come back ten fold ;)! say Norma, is it cold down there? we had 23 degs at dawn this morning. just curious how cold it gets in ur area. am freezing up here.hehehehe. ma vie

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