Swedish Ivy in bloom

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Someone, I do not recall who, sent me some Swedish Ivy in a trade not to long ago. While it isn't that large (rather small right now) It's got little flowers on it now. I was so shocked when I saw it. Yippeeeeeeee Wahoooooooooo! It was a very nice unexpected surprise. It must enjoy it's sunny spot on the windowsill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holly, who just had to share.

Agawam, MA

Hey Holly,
Congrats! My swedish ivy has never bloomed and I have it in different spots (you know, can't throw cuttings away...) all over the house. Must be pretty.

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

if this is the same plant that i have, mine is blooming too....i was told not to let the flowers go to seed...it isnt good for the plant..so i look at them for a day or two, then snip..off come the flowers...the plant itself is so pretty, i dont want it to waste too much energy going to seed....but the flowers are pretty, and i never knew they bloomed...lol


Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

That is right brommom. I have grown them for years and they will not tolerate letting them go to seed. Pinch them off after you have enjoyed them for a few days.

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks guys. This is something I did not know. I was going to ask about it too...lol So ya beat me :O) They are really cute little flowers. When I get a chance Maybe I'll post a pic of the little things :)

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

what is swedish ivy?

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

evert ... check this link http://www.fernlea.com/accent/variety/swivy.htm

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Great site - very informative. Thanks Ma. I have litterally argued with folk's telling them that this is Swedish Ivy - so now I can send this site and settle it! It's so easy to root too, just like Coleus, must be related because the both have square stems. I have it in full sun outside all summer but bring some in to root in winter.

This message was edited Sunday, Nov 11th 6:55 PM

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're very welcome Azalea ;). am glad to share... ma vie

Mine isnt varigated like on the link. I hope I havent killed mine I didnt know about the flowers not going to seed I will take care of that in the am.

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

A friend of mine gave me cuttings of her swedish ivy. I have to say hers flowered and flowered. After it was done she had a lot of damaged leaves that turned white. What was that about. The plant also didn't look the healthiest after this process. So any clues?

Auburn, NY(Zone 5b)

Do any of the other ivy plants (german,english, etc) flower? I have several different kinds, including the swedish ivy, and none of them have ever blossomed. thanks

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

holly...my good friend told me not leave the blooms on this plant very long if at all...after a plant flowers, it thinks its time to set seed....this means the plant will put all of its energy into seeding..that is why it didnt look so well afterwards....i let mine flower then after a few days i cut the flowers off......it will flower again someday and i will do the same thing....by me not letting the flowers stay on the plant too long, it looks fine...i hope i have told the right thing...if not someone please correct me.....hope this helps


I have mine out doors this is the first year I have had it and it bloomed. My aunt has some outdoors too and hers bloom every year.

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks brommom. You explained it perfectly. I keep forgetting how much energy some plants put in to the things they do, when you would rather they grow.

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