Money Matters - Part 8

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Coming from here:

Looks like this week is picking up where the last ended - big losses on tap for the market. Europe continues to be the main culprit.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

thanks for the thread but not the news. (Yes you may live, Mr Messenger)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

LOVE the pic!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hahaha. I didn't realize what the pic was until I enlarged it. Down the drain. Or black hole. Either one fits the bill nicely.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I have a VERY knowledgeable friend who mention that the 4 "conflicts" we are currently in have cost $800 billion dollars. No wonder there is a deficit!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

It's higher than that, Cat, but that pales in comparison to the 'entitlements'. Even worse, the official national debt does not include all the unfunded IOU's, nor all the unfunded state and local pensions. However bad you think things are, they are much worse.

Sorry! ^_^

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I hate that word 'entitlements'! I have paid for those benefits up front!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I don't like it either. However, no one has paid up front! That's the problem. Just looking at ss, in less than ten years after you retire, you have used up everything you put in, including the stellar 1% return it has earned. So if you die in less than that period, then YES, you paid up front! ^_^

More importantly, though, all the money you contributed over the years is NOT sitting there waiting for you like your pension or 401(k) money is. It was spent each year it was collected. An IOU was then issued by the treasury when the ss administration handed over what was left after cutting all the checks that year.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I always joke with people about this mistaken idea of a ss 'lockbox'. I tell them that I hope it's not made by the same company that made their daughter's chastity belt!!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

The markets now see a 98% chance of a Greek default. Ugh. That will not be an isolated event.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Don't worry everything is going to be okay! Be Happy!

(Cool SFX money pic! ☺)

Everytime a certian person makes a speech on TV the market tanks.

I almost had a heart attack this morning, I saw these to go off at an auction Thursday. I want to get my hands on these and hard. What I am seeing in the pic, I will go up to 300 bucks - easy. I know I sold one in that pic for 128 bucks. Drooling Drooling Drooling

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central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I LOVE the blue ones!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Market made big comeback on 'good news' that China may bail out Italy by buying their bonds. Wait until China implodes.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

schickenlady, what ARE those things?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Look like teacups to me.

darius - teacups. As far as I can tell buy the pics they are Bone China with high dollar names.
Paragon, Aynsley, Royal Doulton,etc etc.

They were not made yesterday, they are antique and yes they were fired with real Bone in them.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Bone from what animals??

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Mad cows of course

Our county has instituted a few cost raises to our seniors- flat fees raised at COmm College, some small fees at library that used to be free, those kinds of things.= which they are treating like Eldergeddon.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Aren't we all gedden elder??

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Thanks... I guess I should look into teacup prices! I have my mother's demitasse cup collection (boxed and put away because no display space), including some I gave to her over the years. Two I want to keep are a Rosenthal from ~.1850, and a funky one my dad sent home from the Pacific during WWII. Most are bone china, as I recall.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yeah- but also gedden wiser
; ^)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Ten-year US bonds are yielding under 2%. Guess what Greece has to offer to get people to buy their ten-years??


Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Giving new meaning to "greasing the palm".

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I know another Greek analogy, but cannot post it. ^_^

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wow - horrible numbers in reports all over today. Poverty rate has zoomed the past year or so. Worst in 60 years. The lower fifth has seen their incomes plunge the past two years. And last year, 1.5 million lost their private health coverage.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Heath ins costs too much if you pay it yourself! People cant afford it by themselves then they play Russian roulette hoping that they wont get sick, if they do they're up the creek!
- it's terrible, like we're going back to Feudal times when the aristocrats had doctors and the peasants prayed a lot..

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Eventually we will all be on govt health.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Somehow that sounds ominous, as in 'foreboding'.. lol!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

And oil just closed at its highest in six weeks.

And for the good news......................?????????????????????

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

When I cleaned up my bead cabinet I found an emerald necklace and emerald beads I thought I had lost. (They aren't worth any real money - but it made my day.)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yay for nice surprises, Yankee.

Good news - grandy baby from Texas will be visiting next week.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Enjoy, Jan! Man, are they suffering in TX!

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

There are soooo many things that effect us that we have no control over, and believe me I've had my share this year.
Last November after 39 years I lost my job - shock #1
Because of my age (64) and health concerns I had little or no chance of getting another job. The good thing was that I was given 39 weeks of continuence pay.
Now that it has ended health care cost are $600 a month instead of $150.
My company offered a retirement advisor to people who were retiring. Because I left before retirement I wasn't offered or even knew that there was this assistence.
I did all my retirement choices and paperwork by myself.
The day after I "retired" on Aug 8th, I signed up to have my 401K rolled over to an annuity in the morning. By 4PM the market had dropped over 500 points and I lost 20% of everything I saved for 35 years.
Because of not knowing the proper way to file for retirement I have to wait 2 months for any money.
But you know what? I ain't gonna let it get me down.
I started volunteering at a local hospital doing patient transportation. Its not always easy, but I love every moment. I love the people I work with, I love the patients I come in contact with.
My garden has never looked better, I have re-entered my collecting of wines. And I might take up fishing again after 40 years.
Darn, but life can be good if we let it.

Thumbnail by dogwalker
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Great to hear, Chuck!!

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

That's the spirit, " Damm The Torpedoes Full Steam Ahead!".

(I wonder whatever happened to that guy..)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Was killed tragically when his brakes failed.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)


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