What is your favorite season?

(Zone 7a)
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(51 votes, 26%)
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Previous Polls

San Tan Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Fall, winter, and spring are the best in Arizona.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

autumn was my favorite season until I started gardening. I still love it, but now spring has a slight edge.

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

I love spring, too. It was a tough call. But after THIS summer I'm really, really, REALLY looking forward to fall.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Autumn. Has nothing to do with gardening.
Favorite because we vacation in the south visiting our DG friends!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Spring. Always and forever my favorite. Summer is 2nd - even when it's blistering hot. Fall is my 3rd fave, and I like it more than I used to. Winter is definitely NOT my favorite time of the year, until I start my tomato seeds and brushing up against those seedlings reminds me that spring is not too far away!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I like fall the best if it's a colorful one, but spring if it's not. I hate it when there's drought and all the leaves just turn brown! Not sure which way it's gonna go this year yet.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Hands down autumn, so restful and beautiful. Spring is busy and optimistic. Late spring/early summer is gorgeous with all the blooms, a nice reward for earlier labor, and tons of planning of what to do different next season. I think of August as summer, too hot for me even in the PNW, but a good time to leave the farm alone and go sit in the water somewhere. Winter I can do without. Except for snow sports. So I guess they each have their good points. Still and all, fall in my season of choice.

Thumbnail by bonehead
Havelock, Canada

Summer is the only answer for me. Spring means anticipation but still too cool for me and work begins in the garden. Autumn is kind of depressing and a lot of garden work to prepare for Winter. Winter is there just to endure. I sound so negative but I love Summer. I get to see my perennial garden grow and show all the miracles it holds. Our planting season starts around May 24th but it can still be iffy until the end of May. I remember getting snow on April 1st when I was a teenager. Summer hands down.


Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Spring and fall. When I was young and could never keep warm in the winter, it was summer. I like moderate temps best. I always thought I would prefer the mountains to the beach, even when I was young. Luciee {;^)

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

There is nothing like autumn! When I lived in TN, the only time I was truly homesick for NY and MA was autumn. Harvest time; the warm days and cool nights; gorgeous colorful trees, and preparing for Thanksgiving. Still my favorite time of year, despite knowing winter is not far behind.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

When I was a kid in Ohio it was Fall for the smells and the apple cider stands, Trick or Treating with my gian pillow case and tromping through the leaves smelling the crisp air. It was followed by Spring because I love rain.
In the desert it is Spring when we get it because of the wild flowers that make the desert look green and pretty for the first time in a year, it is followed closely by fall, when we get it.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Spring and Fall. Spring because I look forwards to seeing green again after a gloomy and cold winter and fall because I look forwards to all the colors of the leaves and the cooler weather. Plus love the smell of Fall!! Nothing like it.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Spring and fall are about even for me, then winter...as I get older I really HATE the heat and humidity of summer

Greeley, CO

I love Spring! I twaddle and waddle through Winter, doing crossword and jigsaw puzzles and planning on what I am going to grow come Spring. I use Winter as a chance to clean up my garage that I use for gardening, make a couple of birdhouses and clean and sharpen my tools.

I suppose without Winter, Spring would be a bit dull, but as soon as I see the Earth mounding and burgeoning with the promise of daffodils and tulips, I know Spring is just around the corner. Spring seems like a promise of things to come, and with that promise, the joys of gardening come to life for me. All I can say about Summer is, "More flowers and shrubs and less grass!"

Monroe, WI(Zone 4b)

I totally dispise the cold and snow. I have always said that the only redeeming thing about winter is that it kills all the flies and bugs. (unless they have taken up residence in my house....blech) I tell people I am not happy unless it is over 70 degrees out and I can wear my bikini. LOL

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Would have been easier to ask which is your LEAST favorite. I do NOT LIKE winter. The other 3 seasons is just fine, winter is the absolute pits.

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

I like fall, winter and spring! Summer not so much.....if it would stay around 75 to 80 all summer long, then yeah i would like summer too, you can guess i'm not much of a heat person, lol.

West Plains, MO(Zone 6b)

I love all the seasons but winter. Winter can be so dreary here, full of ice storms. January and February are the worst months for the bitter cold. Spring and fall are exciting, seeing the changing seasons - plus, you can get a lot done outside with the lovely weather. Summer is fun because the lushness of the gardens hit their peak.

Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

I like Spring and Fall in AZ. We all know about Phoenix summers and I like winter, except lately, it has been freezing more often in winter. I absolutely hate that--especially around holiday time when I'm busy and it is such a pain to have to cover everything and sometimes the plants freeze anyway!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I love all seasons. In the spring is all the new growth. In the summer, You can start harvesting flowers and some early veggies (depending on where you live). In the fall, the harvesting continues and the trees start changing color. It is just beautiful. Than in the winter (depending on where you live) it is cold with snow or rain and most plants are sleeping, building their selfs up for the spring bloom. I just love all the sights and sounds and look of all seasons.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

When I lived in England, I loved the summers because it was always warm (and wet) - Spring and Fall were always cold (and wet) Winter was darnright awful! (wet or snowy) - Which is why I left. LOL

Now I live in Charlotte NC where I love the Fall when the trees are dressed in their beautiful colors of red and gold. My next favorite is Winter. They tend to be mild here with perhaps some snow in January or February.

Spring is my third favorite, when the trees, as if magically, turn from bare to green in a matter of days.

I must admit I hate the Summers here! - They are hot, humid, and unpleasant.

Paradise, CA(Zone 9a)

In inland Northern California I think we have the perfect balance of seasons!

Winter is short, usually starting around Christmas and lasting until late March. Temperatures are not usually super cold, with daytime highs usually in the high 40s or low 50s. Nighttime frost is only occassional, and snow a rarity, but we do get tons of rain. While winter may appear dead, in California it is nature's time of rejuvenation. The rain received during this season (about 55in a year in my area) will have to nourish plants and animals for the rest of the year. Many native plants reappear at this time (such as California Buckeye and Amole Lily) having gone dormant during the hot and dry summer months. The way the fog lingers over the still dormant oak trees and grasses in the foothills is enchanting, and the storms (thunder, lightning, mass downpours of hail) can be truely beautiful as long as they do not bring heavy winds to tear down trees.

Spring in our area arrives in mid to late March when the prune, almond, and other trees and shrubs begin to flower along with the early spring bulbs. Sometimes the spring season is short, with temperatures rushing from winter lows to summer highs, but some years, like this one, we have a prolonged spring season that lasts through April and part of May. During this time rains begin to taper off and weather slowly warms, lingering in the high 60s and 70s. This is the time of year when nature is teeming with abundance!

Summer often hits fast and hard in our area. Usually in late May we receive the last drops of rain we will see until late October or early November. By June, temperatures are warming rapidly and often have already reached the centennial mark. Summers are hot and dry, usually lingering in the mid to high 90s or low 100s, but almost every summer we have an entire week where daytime temperatures exceed 110 (hasn't happened yet this year!). Relative humidity is dangerously low, often hovering near zero percent. Because of the lack of moisture, this is prime fire season so extreme care must be taken to maintain a clear "wildland-urban interphase" (WUI) by clearing brush and other flammable materials, trimming low branches on trees, and preventing woody plants from touching or overhanging structures. Summer is the dormant season for inland California, and most native plants are dormant or partially dormant by the 4th of July, but gardens that receive enough irrigation can still be seen glimmering with foliage and blooms. Because many native plants are dormant by this time, gardens, especially those with bird feeders, baths, fountains, ponds, etc. are often teeming with critters looking for a respite. This is also the time of year when deer will eat just about anything, even supposedly "deer-resistant" plants. While summer is hot, it is the perfect time for swimming, boating, tubing, and other water activities. For those of us who are used to the climate, it is also a wonderful time for hiking and working on outdoor projects. Since there is almost no chance of rain, this is the time to re-paint the house, etc!

The fall season starts toward the end of October, about a week or two before Halloween. The weather usually stays hot, but plants that are not already dormant start to display fall color or loose their leaves, and the autumn windy season begins. Because of these drying winds and my own seasonal allergies, fall is my personal least favorite season. This is the time of year when squirrels adamently burry their acorns and walnuts in less than desirable places, and when deer enter rut and males begin showing off (While it can be entertaining to watch them battle each other, they will also scrape the velvet from their antlers on trees and shrubs, sometimes crushing tender plants!). Almost every year we receive the first rain on Halloween (of course it doesn't stop the trick-or-treators!). This "rain" is usually not much more than a sprinkle, and temperatures are often still at least in the 80s. Starting in November, temperatures usually begin to cool to the 70s and even 60s, and the rain comes and goes. December brings cooler weather and a bit more rain, and then around Christmas the winter season returns to start the cycle over again...

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Marti and Ogon I have a bitter spirit toward you both. Forgive me Lord.

Paradise, CA(Zone 9a)

Hellnzn11, whatever for? :)

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Hellnzn11, I'm sorry! I've been thru Rosamond CA and can understand why you are not thinking happy thoughts about some of us. But even Rosamond has its own beauty, just need to be located and appreciated for what it is.
Hugs to you!!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

You would probably never guess, but my favorite is Spring.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Spring during the poppy season. The Mountains and that's it Marti. I go to Inn on the Beach in Ventura to escape year round.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Next time your going to be in Ventura let me know and I'll meet up with you.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Always, spring is my favorite. After winter with no leaves on the trees and not a spot of green anywhere.I go outside everyday to look for a sign of green.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

It is a toss up for me on spring and fall. I love the smell of both (weird, I know). I love the new life in the spring - plants, birds, critters and I hate raking leaves - but love collecting seeds, the fires in the pit and the cool nights.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Autumn, Winter and Spring, in that order.
Summer is first in my un-pleasurable list, I don't like the high temps.

South Hamilton, MA

Spring as the flowers start.can't stand summer if it is too hot.

Fox Island, WA(Zone 8b)

Spring is the greatest! Everything is blooming and growing again and the butterflies and birds come back. Besides fall, it's the best season for being outdoors here, and the plants love it too. Too bad it's so short!

I HATE THE SUMMER! It lasts too long and the plants struggle to survive and all look crummy. It's too darn hot to be outside and work in the garden.

Fall is nice when it starts to cool down again, and all the fall festivities are always fun. We don't get much leaf color here though but if I lived up north I imagine fall might be my favorite!

Winter is a little depressing when most plants die, but its still better than the hot hot hot summer :)

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i like spring because it is renewal time and it's always a thrill to see what lived and what volunteers will come up and where.
i like fall because the temps are going down and there is a resurgence of blooms.
i like winter because it's a time of rest. the garden (for the most part) goes to sleep and i can get other "un-garden" projects finished.
i like summer least of all but only because of the watering issues. i have tried to plant drought tolerant plants as i go along and i think it's possible that next year's garden will be much easier to maintain than in years past.

Santa Rosa, CA(Zone 9a)

I love autumn and spring; as well as winter. But I must say autumn is my absolute favorite season. It is cooler, the leaves are turning, you still have time to garden and get the beds ready for new things; and there are some good veggies at that time of year.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Autumn, Fall, Winter, and Spring! Great for Houston Gardening!!! Cool, and VERY FEW buggies!

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

I love spring, the snow is finally gone.......... and the first little green spikes are showing. No more bland white and gray, And I can get the seeds going and start planning for the summer.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

spring in texas is just always different. a few months or maybe only weeks. one year it was 101 on april 1.

my vote is for fall. i know it's going to be here for months. it's pretty much the same. cools every year around sept.; 7 and it's usually smooth sailing till some time in jan.

feb. and summer ......detest them both. lol.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, what a cruel April Fool's joke!

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