Hunkering down for Irene and checking in

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Guess if you have a utility bill with your name on it, proves you own least DMV accepts that as id...LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Your "OLD" work site???? When did you stop working at Lowes?
had enough of the hose and the watering???

At our HD--They had put most of the houseplants and taller plants that were outside on flatbed carts
and put them all in the Greenhouse. We are so blessed to have a GH! Only the 4 oldest HD's in Baltimore have GH's....
Ours is the 2nd oldest....

Many of the flats of smaller plants were put under the tables in outside garden.
We don't really have a lot of stuff--being a low-level store.

LOVE your GH, Ric and Holly!!!! What is the overall floor area in there again?

My younger Sister, who lives in Homer, AK also has a SMALL GH.
Smaller than a shed--but bigger than a dog house....:o) The simply Have to have one to start more
tender veggies and to grow Tomatoes in. Guessing----it is about 6'x8'????

Let me see if I have a picture--really going back now.....
NOPE! Must have been from before I had a digital camera.....Oh, well....


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yep my "Old" work site. I told them I could only work thru the first 2 weeks of Aug but then after the first week of Aug I told them I was done. After Ric fell and broke his ribs there was so much going on that I really needed to do. I had only expected to work till the beginning of July when I was hired. The GH is 10 X 12 feels nice and airy with the high roof. I will have benches around the sides, with a higher narrow shelf down both sides and the extra metal supports that Ric is adding for snow support will hold hanging baskets. I should really be able to put a lot of plants in it.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Here's the bridge in the town north of us, this is the main road we use to get home

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Holy cow Flo, I think northern NJ and farther north got hit harder than us here in south jersey.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh my, that is bad. I hope everyone was ok.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I didn't hear any bad reports.. no news is good news?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Here's hoping you all have what you need to cope for a few days , and that it goes down fast !!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Total craziness
The south end of our road finally opened at least I can go to the farmer's market now

Here's video of my friend's hometown

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Sad--but a very well done video. I liked the music as well. gita

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Music was very apropos

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I don't think we've heard from coleup yet- her area has more extensive power otuages than mine I think. Including the library branch was out on Monday, so even with no power at home, there's also no nearby free internet at the library. Flooding is not the huge problem here, just outages from downed trees and limbs.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Beautiful and sad video.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks Sally, reassuring to be missed and ever so nice to be back.

Power here was restored about noon today. Most of Annapolis, our state capital, has been without power since Sat pm . I'm about a mile from Capital and govs mansion. Most of us intownies don't have generators as it is unusual for our power to be out for more than a day. Within a mile of me 30 large trees down (that I could see) On my paper route 48 trees down with 6plus cars crushed and several homes with major damage. Some think a tornado ripped thru here inbetween rain bands. Two new trees fell down since yesterday and more are leaning. Many downed wires and trees have yet to be worked on...seems that plenty of outside crews were on hand, but too few tree removal crews that can remove 3' or 4' or more diameter trees were planned for....

Very hard to figure out why Annapolis remains in the is not very informative at all. Supposedly, there was stuff on line re local conditions, etc but without power (or a computer)that was useless. Local radio didn't do much better but did give traffic reports that included some road closures. No one seems to remember how to do 4 way stops when traffic lights are out. Have spent most of my newspaper delivery time talking with and checking on customers. I'm more of a news source than the paper I'm delivering!

And, yet, some customers complained that their delivery on Sunday was LATE and not in their tube by 6am...still dark, raining and high winds howling. Going out to get your newspaper in such condidtions is a preventable accident. "it wasn't that bad here " is myopic at best and though surviving what for others is an ordeal does not prove the severity of the event overall, but one's foolhardiness and lack of common sense.

"It wasn't hard for me, why was it so hard for you" superiority is not a sound basis for human society.

My neighbor's very large old rotten tulip poplar blew down, missing his house but crashing 40 feet into my yard and missing my house by 10 feet because one of my trees broke its fall. This neighbor has yet to ask how we are or if there was much damage, etc. We finally asked him yesterday what he was going to do about the tree and he said he was going to work on it a little every if it was no concern of ours!

I guess I couldn't make him any less of a good neighbor by suing him....He is 50 years old with two grown sons living with him and has a construction company. so no lack of able bodies...

Anyhow, I have a new smell I greatly dislike to add to stink bugs and allianthus trees, tulip poplar leaves!

Thanks all for being around and checking in.. Saying prayers here for Vermont and other flood areas.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Geez, Cole hope your neighbors take care of that soon and glad there was no structure damage

What a way to go...YIKES

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

There really are some unexpected dangers out there.
Coleup, Good to hear you are well and your house is too. LOL on the customers complaining on late delivery. Hope your neighbor gets his butt in gear and gets that tree cleaned up. How thoughtless.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh Jen what a horrible fate.
Um, er , scuse me guys but its called a man hole because its a hole a man can go in...
Coleup- thats the most news I've heard yet about annapolis! But I don't make that much effort to get local news. I'm OK so I just staying out of everybody's way that needs more ice, water, food... Gazette is in my driveway now, so that
ll fil me in.
Still a dozen school closed in this county, many from the Annapolis general area by the Severn and Bay, but also from random places in the county.

Heard a woman commenting that getting kids back to school today may be a little unsafe as the utility trucks are making driving hard in some residential streets. I thought later, Well, yeah, thats not ideal, neither is being out of power for the third, fourth fifth day, nor is kids being home again wehn most parents have to go to work... Its not an ideal time! We all need to be extra cautious when their are extra needs in the area.

Coleup--those who complained of late papers need a big huge attitude adjustment. Is your poplar neighbor at least out working all day to help clear other stuff so power can come on in the county? one might hope there's some higher cause in his jerkness. But probably not.

I wonder how many stinkbugs got blown out to sea. er, or blown down to Carolina for new infestations. Be cool if they see a decrease next year.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi guys! Best cleanup wishes to Allison and Coleup, and everyone who got damage. We were lucky here and didn't even get anything, not even a drop in our sump pump. At first I thought we were getting water in our basement, but it was just a shadow and turned out to be nothing. We had no fallen trees either, another blessing. Our neighbors oak tree is huge and dying and thankfully did not crash. And we were grateful that we had a guy trim the many dead branches off our dying black walnut earlier in the season or those limbs would have surely been all over the place. A lot of people are still dealing with the aftermath. Tonight's news showed homes destroyed in Connecticut along the coast...

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

thank you Wind.. glad you are good... our pump was working overtime that's for sure

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

That's great Wind

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes, thanks Wind et al.

I needed to blow off a little steam and hear a little sanity! The stress- out level around here is high but everyone acts like it is just another day...I didn't have a clue as to how stressed I was until our power came on and I fired up the computer to check on every one else and was overcome with an intense need for a nap before "news" I slept a deep sound sleep for almost two hours, In part of the dream I remembered I was surrounded by three lovely white goldenretriever type dogs who just "leaned into me", such wordless comfort they gave. Good to see our guardian spirits/angels whatever form they take! I'm sure most of you know what I mean.

Several health clubs in the area are offering free showers between 5 and 9 pm for the next few evenings until power is restored. Nice. Wonder if they'd let me do a sauna, too?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Free massages would be nice!!!!!!!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Irene messed up the yard but nothing serious. We lost power for a few hours. Last week's 3-day rains flooded our basement. The water came in through the windows this time. There was a river running through the yard. It was awesome. The basement still stinks from the wetness. It will take a while to clean this up.

I guess we are fortunate in that no trees fell. We took down an oak last December because it was hollowed and ready to fall. But a rather big and heavy branch fell off the willow oak in the backyard and it landed just off the back porch. Good thing Quinn or any of us were not standing out there at the time.

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