A gift from Gitta three years ago at a plant swap. This is the third outside growing season since my watch began. Two weeks ago I had this plant on my kill list. My helper and I ran out of time so it managed to hang in there for two weeks on borrowed time. A few days ago on a plant that appears under cared for and in need of some TLC the buds began to show. To date there are five showing. I never had or witnessed Night Blooming Cerus blooming. Based on what you see any night now it should open and at least four more are posed to follow.

What I did to bring it in is opposite from some opinions. When I moved it outside this spring I whacked off long reaching growth so I could drag it from inside to outside. All of the bloom is coming from new growth just below my cuts this spring. I left it in the pot that appears to be much to small. Feeding was my usual variety of organic teas with a monthly lite dose of one specified for acid loving plants. Since putting it outside I stopped feeding and gave it no water except rain. Note we had record rainfall with lots of high humidity until the beginning of August.

After receiving this plant from Gitta I read and re-read every line in various forums on this plant. There was little help and a lot of confusion and considerable differences of opinions.

But for an act of poor management causing me to run out of time three weeks ago this plant would have been history. Now dern it I expect it has earned its keep for a few more years. It is pretty big but wacking on it seemed to trigger the new growth and this bloom.

In spite of anything I may have done or not done at all this lovely bloom and at least four more look like the show is about to begin maybe even tonight. Strike up the band. LOL

Thumbnail by docgipe
annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Doc. I remember reading a book or article well over 35 years ago about the benefits of "talking to your house plants" and playing classical music to dairy cattle who would then give milk higher in butter fat. Never guessed that the one you have would get the "put up or shut up" message so clearly.!! I'm sure that your special teas provided whacked off plant with stimulus/where with all to generate new growth like a Phoenix out of ashes.

Hope you will post some more (excellent) pictures of your night blooming wonder. Planning to campout or keep watch or just be surprised? Are they fragrant?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Congrats doc! That's a great story. You've earned yourself a rare treat.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am so happy for you! I never got to see mine bloom--gave it away to Becky.
It bloomed for her the next summer....

Anyway--from all I have read on this--when the bud starts to turn UP--like a fishhook--
it is getting close to blooming.
Of course--this happens in the middle of the night--DAH! You will just have to pitch your tent and wait...

PLEASE post pictures when it does!!!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Nice going Doc. Hope to see a few more pics. The blooms are spectacular.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Doc! How are you? I was thinking about you the other day!
I had a big pot of this for 5 years and it never bloomed for me... I gave up on it!
Can't wait to see the bloom when it opens!
I hear they smell wonderful too!


The 'ole doc is doing just fine. Am spending major time with the Canon forums and a new photography club I have joined. My gardening is down to a few patio potted plants.


Here is the near bloom fish hook shape Gita referred to. it has been two evenings since the original image shown above was taken. Gita called this a white bloom. I see no white yet. My wife just checked it at 7:30 PM and spotted a little bit of white peeping out the one side of what you see here. This image was taken at 6:30 PM this evening with no white showing.

I have no way to guess but we should be close to our first bloom. May I have a drum roll please.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

You'll be the only member of the photo club with a real NBC bloom pic series!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Very exciting!


While we are waiting for the first bloom three of the remaining five have dried up and will soon fall off the plant. The one additional developing bud is nicely established and increasing in size daily. There may be more starts hiding. I choose not to mess with Mother Nature when She most certainly seems to know what She is doing here.

The storm front high humidity has moved back into North Central Pennsylvania. Therefore I shall not even water this plant. I much prefer to see what seems to be normal continue at it's own pace rather than to excite faster growth. If no additional buds are hiding it appears as though we shall have two blooms to photo and share.

After the bloom I shall have to re-pot with a pot that is designed to be a hanging pot. Have to do this due to it's total size and weight. The poor thing looks like a crash waiting to happen at this moment. Maybe I can find one of those nice craft show ornamental hanging pot holders. That would look nice inside this winter.

My probagation, and care suggestions follow: Fill pot with a medium that would be considered organic but on the poor side. Stick five cuttings that are about five inches long. Place in the shade. Now step back for about three years while wacking it from time to time to keep it in bounds and branching out. A bit of kelp, fish or other tea given once a month is just fine. Grow on the dry side. With both water and feeding less is best. Any more instructions seem to be wasted chatter.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Really looking forward to your pics, Doc.


Very interesting! From the first image above we were two days of bud development to the second image. Between the second image to
today we have watched it grow three more days. All the bud images were made at very close to the same distance in the making. You eye should see the overall larger and lighter yellow green color bud. Your eye should also see that the fish hook like bend is opening just a little as the bud is enlarging. You can not easily see the fact that the very top tip of the bud has opened just a little.

If this acts like a pumpkin tonight it will open......tomorrow for almost certain. We will just have to wait and see.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Ahhhh--The excitement!!!! The trepidation!!!!

Some people hold midnight parties, with friends, food and drink of course, just to witness the thing blooming.
By morning--it will just be a limp reminder of what once was.....GONE!

Brace yourself, Doc!!!! Have a hot toddy at hand! Or a cold beer??? And your love, of course!
May just be a once in a lifetime event.....Sure hope NOT!!!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Doc, Gorgeous picture.


11 pm and colder than a ring around an Eskimos nose. LOL No hot toddy and the love of my life went to bed. She has to get up and go to work tomorrow about 6AM. She did hold the flashlight to help me make this image. If I can keep my eyes open I will give it one more hour and another photo session.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Doc, You are doing your Photo Club proud. Just wait till they see these. Beautiful.


It is now what I call the crack of dawn. This beautiful representative of the floral world has not shown any loss of form or beauty. I up and at'em but I doubt if I can come up with a more beautiful capture without having Betty to hold up the lighting department............namely a flashlight to enhance the flower with various lighting effects.

I am led to believe by the time the sun of this morning washes the petals it will have lived it's effective six hour life. Like the beautiful young ladies of my third grade class I wish to remember the excitement of discovery and the awareness of something I shared the world with. This Night Blooming Cereus has to be one of natures most delightful creations if only to be witnessed a few hours each time it blooms. All of my senses have been teased. I suggest the lack of sound in this instance is a most delightful sound. I live now with the sound of a camera shutter having been the only sound evidence of my presence. In accordance of biblical teachings this floral representative was created within a specific day of the creation. Others would stress evolution. Which ever the presence is nothing short of amazing. Thank you Greta for giving me this plant.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

It is not my gift of the plant I gave you--but the care and organic feeding you have given it...
You are the master of this performance and the beauty blooming for you.

I have another "newbie" of this plant growing for about 3 years now. It is in a 5" pot.
Will take it to Jill's Swap and maybe someone there will be inspired to follow your example.

Did you get any more pictures? Gita

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

How wonderful Doc!! Congratulations!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

doc, thanks for sharing the wonder of the event. Your thoughts were very nice.


The flower was intact a day break today. I took this image at about 8 AM in good early morning light but no sun was in the lighting at this hour.

Thumbnail by docgipe

By eleven this morning the sun was beginning to touch the bloom. This image is more yellow due to reflected light and of course the sun too. One hour later by twelve noon it was completely wilted getting ready to drop off. This was my final image. This morning during the open hours the humming birds were really working over this flower. Sorry they would not permit me the option to photograph them in action.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Doc--I really like the more yellow picture---(11AM one) It is sooo............artistic in the play of lights on it!!!

Maybe you could enlarge it and frame it? I love, Love the last picture....
The 8AM one is pretty--but looks like all other pictures of a blooming NBC I have seen.

May you have many more next year!!!! Don't try to fix what ain't broke!!!! :o) Leave it alone!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

DId you get to enjoy the scent at all? I didn't even realize the first time mine had buds till one night I stood out there and was like hmmmm....I don't recognize that fragrance....almost lily like. THEN I saw her.....wowzers

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I love that first bloom smart you were to try first thing in the am...I didn't think to do that. Here is the other one...this one didn't have any scent though....

Thumbnail by Chantell
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

doc-- thats just great you had more time to enjoy it, and get those super pics. !

Chantell, there you go with your fab macro work again! Beautiful!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Doc--I hope you don't mind--but I wanted to show you my amazing bloom from one of my Red Epis.
I waiter till you were done with your pictures---didn't want to butt in......

I have had this Epi for 6 years. It finally bloomed for me this summer for the first time.
Blew me away!!!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is the whole plant---You can see the size of the blooms here...I only had three blooms...

The other Epi behind this one has now bloomed for 3 years.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Doc... I LOVE your 8am shot! That is the best in your series! I hope you will enter it in the DG photo contest! Very well done!

Chantell... how are you girl? Beautiful shots as well!

I love the smell of the NBC too!


Thank you for the two nice Red Eppi images. I have it too and have never seen this one. I have seen others in my home area.

This message was edited Sep 1, 2011 6:43 PM


Our bloom #2 came in last evening opening by 9PM. This one was in the act of wilting by 8AM and completely wilted by 9 AM. I took no additional images because there was nothing the above images do not show. Far be it for me to know but I would think this year's show time is over. I did find nice up-sized hanging baskets at Lowe's for two dollars each. Can't beat that. They are white with wire hangers. I may paint them to tone out the white. I grew to this point in 8" pots. The new ones are 12". This up-sizing should be fine for two years and maybe longer.

You all have a nice weekend. Our Eastern Family will all be involved in a wrestling tournament at Shippensburg University. We expect the grandson to win most of his matches this year if not all of them. We expect some of the best in Pennsylvania to be in this event.



Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You may want to spend some time on the Orchid Cactus Forum.
Epis is about all they talk about...

Here is a link to someone else experiencing the first-time bloom of the NBC.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous blooms...gotta love these plants....hmmm thinking I'm sorta sad I got rid of all of mind esp. that smeller good one...LOL
Sweet words, Sally - thank you!
Waving at Karen!!! How've YOU been?!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Doc... enjoy your weekend! I know you will be taking all the photos of your grandson!

I'm doing OK Chantell! busy busy... Just like everyone else! A little sad summer is almost over!

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