New thread for the Fall

Barberton, OH

Celene, I tried coleus cutting in the fall and all they did is form flower buds. What did I do wrong?
I made 2 1/2 pints of fig jam tonight. At least I got that right. Enough left over for my toast tomorrow. Yummm!
Only thing I've brought in was my 2 azaleas. Florist types, not hardy. had them for about 4 years. Hanging plants, figs and brugmansias still to go. Need to make more pepper jam now that the dragons are ripening. Cold front coming in so that might not happen.
Two more Iris have buds. First scape had 6 buds, 4 have opened. Anemones have lost their petals. Time to put the flowers to bed for the winter. Not much left.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I too would like to know the secret to taking cuttings from coleus and having them survive the winter, without the seed heads forming.

Columbus, OH

I cut the flower buds off.

Waddy, KY

Bonnie, $26 a bushel at the Frankfort market. How many do you want?

Columbus, OH

The idea of canning up a bushel of pears is daunting. By the time I was through with a peck of apples, I was DONE.

I am going to make brandy pear butter and green tomato mincemeat this weekend. Also clean off any remaining hot peppers and make one last batch of hot pepper jelly.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, Janet, wished I had seen your info early today. I had to be out today, and there is a new orchard that I have been meaning to visit, so got the chance today, and bought some very nice ones. They have about 6 or 7 varieties. I will be canning them to use as pie filling this winter. That was about what I paid for mine. Are you selling them, or another vendor?

Celene, last week I cleaned the garden out, and got enough green and red bell peppers to make some more pepper relish. All of the squash are gathered and situated, except may have to move some cushaw if it gets really cold early.

Was looking through my recipes tonight, and found a sweet potato muffin. Since our crop was very bountiful, will be making some.I got this recipe years ago from a pastor's wife, I had eaten some she made, and they were good, but I don't believe that I have ever made any.

Janet, FYI, since we talked about this Wednesday, I took all the bathroom stuff back today, and special ordered what I really wanted. It will be in by October 31, so not very much of a delay. Yeah, now, I like it from the start, so will probably live with it until I die. A funny (now) story. There were 5 big boxes that I needed to return. When I got to Lowes, only had 4 of them, but thought maybe DH had set one off the truck and forgot to put it back on. You know what the wind was like today, well while a very nice worker at Lowes was helping me with my order, another employee came back to the bathroom department and was telling the guy that was helping me about someone finding a Lowes box in the highway, undamaged, and wondered if they would try to track down who it belonged to. Well, it was that 5th box, and it had left the truck about 8 miles from home. Instead of going to pick it up and return it today, I just stopped by and picked it up on the way home and will return it the next time I am at Lowes. I think they need to give us a cot and access to a bathroom and a kitchen, as we seem to be spending a lot of time there!!

Columbus, OH

I am going to the farmer's market this morning, and two of the farms have "seconds" vegetables, I may try to make chow chow too. My husband had never heard of it before, and our former neighbor at Ft. Benning sent me some that she made, he thought we were messing with him. Tressie made the best chow chow...

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Bonnie, what a riot! You are so lucky that it was found and undamaged. You should get a frequent buyer discount for all the time there. It rained really hard Thursday on our way home and the sun was shining in front of us. The largest most defined rainbow came out behind us. We stopped and ate at Cracker Barrel and avoided the rush hour traffic at Louisville. Had a nice day and I'm so glad we could meet up and spend some time together. Lou

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Lou, even though the weather wasn't the best, we still had a good time. I sort of felt like a sponge until I got home, showered and put on some really dry clothes!

I had class today, so just getting in from that, and need to rest a bit and decide what is next on my schedule. Next week looks calmer, but I said that last week, and was gone every day but Tuesday!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, that box story is a sermon illustration par excellence!

DS & I had a wonderful trip Friday. We meandered around back roads, but still managed to cover a lot of territory. We hit Bown, Adams, Clermont, Highland, Pike and Ross counties. STopped in Waverly & ate at an old restored hotel from the canal days, called Emmit House. It's a restaurant and bar nowadays, & they have the best home fries on the planet.
We were going for fall color, but found fewer reds than before. Not sure if it was the weather cycles this year or what, but it was still gorgeous. I showed DS some areas that our gr-gr-gr-grandparents had lived & she was impressed with the views. Lots of cornfields with views of rising mountains in the background. We stopped at the Amish general store and bakery and then my sister voluntarily stopped at a cemetery!!!!! One set of my great-great grandparents, and one set of great-great-great grandparents are buried there, but it was very upsetting. It hadn't been mowed well, and the gravestones were covered with tall weeds. If I hadn't been there 4 or 5 years ago, I would never have been able to find the graves. There used to be an active church next to the graveyard, but it's now an empty building and deteriorating fast.

Well, I guess I'll have to comfort myself with a piece of black raspberry pie that I got at the Mennonite bakery. Yum!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Pat I am glad that you had a wonderful day. That is so sad about the cemetery. Some of the church cemeteries and family cemeteries end up that way, unless there is a concerted effort to make sure that it is taken care of. This area has had wonderful success with the Historical Society mapping cemeteries, and if they are unkept and overgrown, they make all kinds of efforts to locate living relatives that will undertake the care of it. That can be done by contacting other relatives, and if they all pitch in a small amount of money each year, it will ensure that it is at least mowed and that the stones are visible.

Hadn't thought anything in my life would be worthy of a sermon illustration, guess I was so wrapped up in the moment that it hadn't occured to me.

The class today was excellent. It covered baptism and communion. (I will not be able to do either) but it was the history part that was intrigueing. I didn't know for example that the Methodist (which I am) do not really think that a second baptism is necessary.

We are having a guest speaker tomorrow, as our regular pastor and wife are on vacation. We have a favorite of guest speakers, and he will be filling in tomorrow.

Good morning
Pat sounds like a wonderful day. I have heard of the Emmit house on a PBS program I think .
to bad about the cemetarys. Today no one seems to want to do extra anymore ?
one of our local churches didn't do there apple dumpling sale since the one who organized it died . TO bad no one else wanted to do the work ? out of all the folks in the church ... no one wanted to do it ? i find it hard to beleive but ???? its not my church, nor do i go to church anymore.
apple season is winding down to a close this coming week.
FIL is coming over and we need to do some things. but its sure windy out and cold.

Barberton, OH

Went to a fish fry last evening.

Went to a fish fry yesterday at a neighbors. Windy, cool, delicious, but NO mosquitoes.

Columbus, OH

I wrote off my swiss chard too early. I have a big bunch that I'm going to make for dinner.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Any baptized person can administer the sacrament of baptism in an emergency. It's etiquette that you won't do it if there's an ordained elder around, but you can do it if necessary! And second baptism--- the dean of my seminary explained to us that baptism was a sign of the new covenant just as circumcision was a sign of the old. He then asked the class if anyone felt it necessary to undergo a second circumcision. No volunteers.
Kentucky tends to take very good care of their cemeteries.

Sue, that's too bad about the apple dumpling lady. Church attendance is down almost everywhere. Not sure if it's the fallout from all the sexual abuse scandals or what, but lots of people are disillusioned with the church, or the worship style, or the belief system, or all of the above.
Here's the disused church next to the cemetery.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL, that's the picture I took abt 5 years ago. Looks pretty good!
Let me try & find one from Friday.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Pat, you can tell that is a very old church, as it has the two doors. One for the men, one for the women. That is a shame to let the church go into such disrepair.

Several years ago some concerned neighbors got together and saved a church in our community from falling completely down. The roof was about gone, but the structure frame wise was sound. So hired a person to oversee the rebuilding, and he set the example for any volunteers, he didn't take a dime for his work, and the volunteers didn't either. They held fundraisers as need to buy building material, and they now hold services twice a month in it. It is the church where DH's parents met, and they are buried in the cemetery around the church. DH oversees the mowing of it now, he doesn't do the mowing himself, but hires someone to mow, and does it with money that is given as donations. Sometimes it looks like there will not be enough to mow it again, and the money just appears. The Lord knows what we need before we even ask.

Pat did you mean the sacriment of communion?, as you go on and talk about baptism.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I don't want us to get into grief abt discussing religion, so I'll d-mail you.

good morning
ate myself into a sugar coma last night.
will take a few days to recoup .

Columbus, OH

I ate myself into a popcorn coma last night, watching Walking Dead. My hands are actually sore from repotting and schlepping plants.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Just wanted to show some new pictures of DGD. Bragging,

Thumbnail by defoecat

aawww great pics Bonnie.
well the mean girl at work was at her worst today..... sigh..... its going to be a looooong week. She is very passive agressive !

Waddy, KY

Man! Windy and cold down here today. It misted most of the day and was miserable the rest. The youngest and I went to the tomato patch for the last of the green tomatoes as it's supposed to frost either tonight or tomorrow night. Got about 5 bushel for relish and was getting ready to leave the garden and happened to look at a late green bean row that had been picked last week. I figured it was done but 2 bushels later I determined that maybe it wasn't. Glad I took a look but it surely was cold.

Took yesterday off and worked on the doors up at the house. The heating and cooling fellow hasn't given us a bid yet and it's been a week. Course we didn't ask when we could expect one. I guess if I don't hear from him by the end of the week I'll call the next one on the list. Bonnie, have you found someone to do your windows?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Stopped by to say howdy. HOWDY!

Bonnie, your granddaughter is growing up beautifully!

Things are going about the same here. Craig's job went full time as planned on October 9th. Completely smooth transition aside from the paycheck he won't get this week. LOL It's okay, we'll be fine now that I again have a regular schedule and pay rate. Sometimes I wish all companies paid the same because all the changing has made me batty. Of course, the *normal* person doesn't change jobs/payroll companies 4 times in a year...

We're still waiting to hear back from the county about fixing the bathrooms and heat. Luckily it hasn't been unbearably cold yet.

Carly got her cast off yesterday. She's in a brace now for 2 weeks and starts physical therapy tomorrow.

Soccer tournaments start this weekend. Jazzi's team is undefeated. This is going to make tournament games very exciting and stressful. One loss now and they are out. If they continue, we could be headed to state again and not finish games until November 20th. Maddie's team also has tournaments this weekend but her team hasn't done very well. Carly's team does not have tournaments until next weekend and they haven't done well either. Coach got stuck with 19 kids which is way too many. Volleyball is over so I'm not running Morganne and Carly for that. Basketball practice/conditioning started 2 weeks ago but Carly can't start yet. Kristenne is still staying with Melissa during the week and home on the weekends.

I guess that's about all that is going on here other than rain and cold. LOL

Hope you all are well!

rain and cold here also.
ordered some fig tree's Chicago Hardy variety
couldn't get much done today outside
had a builder come and we talked about the barn. I am hoping the gambriel style is in our budget ...
color is red with white trim and green roof.
that will be our new store front also.
we may go solar on the barn. but next year.

hope i m not out of line here but thought i could share my uncle's obit .

Visitation None Scheduled
Funeral Saturday, October 29. 4:00 PM
Interment Kobe, Japan
Born December 27, 1925
Died October 14, 2011
Rev. Malcolm Ramsey Carrick, 85, passed away Friday evening, October 14th, 2011, at the Compassionate Care Center in Richmond, Kentucky.

Mr. Carrick was born in Portland, Oregon on December 27th, 1925, and was raised from the age of eight in San Francisco, California. He graduated from Park College in Parkville, Missouri and San Francisco Theological Seminary in San Anselmo, California.

Following his ordination as a Presbyterian Minister in 1950, he was commissioned by the United Presbyterian Church USA to be a missionary in Japan. During his language school year in Kyoto, he met his wife to be, Jean Holmes, who was a commissioned missionary in Japan with the Presbyterian Church US. They were married in Kobe, Japan in November of 1951.

Malcolm and Jean began their years together in the city of Hamamatsu. In 1964 they moved to the Kobe area where, for the rest of their years in Japan, they helped found three congregations in the neighboring communities of Suzurandai, Oike, and Kawanishi. Upon their retirement in 1990, they moved back to the United States, eventually settling near one of their sons in Berea, Kentucky in 1992.

The Carricks quickly made Berea their home, and touched the lives of nearly everyone they came in contact with. They had a special way of interacting with those around them, and made many friends in the community. They could both regularly be seen at Berea Hospital where they were volunteers.

Mr. Carrick was preceded in death by Jean, his wife of 59 years. He is survived by his four sons, Andrew, Alexander, Timothy, and Thomas and their spouses; twelve grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.

According to their wishes, Mr. & Mrs. Carricks ashes are to be interred in Kobe, Japan, in the communal cemetery plot of the Suzurandai Church. A memorial service for the Rev. Carrick will be held at the Journey Community Church in Richmond on Saturday, October 29th at 4:00pm. All who touched their lives are welcome to attend.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue, what a beautiful obituary. I am sure that he would have liked that. I admire people who are able to minister to different people, different cultures, and be right at home with them. I am sure they did much good in their lifetimes.

Chel, that is good news about Carley. I am sure that she is more than ready to be free from the constraints of casts and braces. Sure hope she will take it easy if she is able to play. Job situation sounds good, and I am hoping that you will be able to get the help you need to make the bathrooms usable, and have heat for the winter.

Janet, oh, my, what a haul you have. Will you be selling the produce at market? Yum, bet those green beans will be a hit. Yes, I found someone to do the windows. Wayne has a cousin who is part owner of Greater Louisville Aluminum Company, which among other things make windows. We happened to think of him, and called and he came out and did the measuring, and the windows will be ready (special order) by the end of the week. An employee of that company will be coming to install them. He did give us a price on the whole house, but DH (and his aversion to spending money) decided we would replace the 2 that absolutely have to be replaced now, and see about the others this spring. That will work, anything to keep the cold air out of the house this winter. He has also called a guy to come put down the laminate or hardwood, and he is ready to start anytime. I need to get my but in gear and go look at the flooring choices and buy it.

Lou, seems that our day out really brought the bad weather! We have had a misty rain since Tuesday. Just absolutely nasty if you have to be out in it. DH is itching to go again, but I haven't checked to see when Keeneland closes. May just have to go to Churchill. Hope you all are escaping the rain and the chill there.

We are taking a short trip Monday and Tuesday of next week. Going to Sugarcreek, Ohio, to an Amish settlement. We went there last year, and had a good time, and ran into some Amish friends that we didn't know lived there now. He is the person who built the first EdenPure heater. They are rolling in money, but you can't tell it from their lifestyle. Granted it is more luxurious than the normal Amish, but they give no indication of their wealth. Will be bringing back some cheese from a Cheesery there. We bought just a bit when we were there, and didn't realize how good it was until we were home, and wished we had some more. I am sure that we could have ordered, but I will be bringing back plenty this time. And lots of Amish baked goods. Yum, everything you can think of.

Janet, still no one to look at the duct work in your current house? I heard of an individual here that may be interested in doing it. Let me know.

Barberton, OH

Bonnie, now you are getting into my part of the country. A couple of suggestions; The best bulk food store is the Ashery in Fredricksburg, Rt 241 South of Mt Eaton. Unless you want to spend another day, keep DH away from Lehmans Hardware in Kidron. Non-electric appliances and all sort of tools like your Grandparents used. The Ashery has spices and foods in bulk at great prices. The wife and I went many times. She was a great cook. Huge I/c cones there, too.

Two and a half of rain so far this week,, but the basement drained nicely. No frost in sight, but I'm starting to pick peppers. Had a great fig crop. Made jam and dried some. Picked 5 today. I bought a used shredder to get rid of garden debris and branches from cleaning the back 40. Now, please no more rain for a few days. Not gonna happen.

thanks Bon's on the nice words. He was a very interesting person .
sure wish i could meet up with you all on your visit but its just to busy time here for us :(
sure hope the weather gets better for you all . so hubby can get out and play.
work was ok
monday is my last day.
got 10 eggs today !

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Lovely Obit Sue!
Quite a life!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Tomorrow night is our big fish fry. Last count 82. Of course there are always no shows, and sometimes extras, so who knows. We will be able to remember and get a head count afterwards.

Spent most of my day getting things ready. Lots of stuff to be transported to the community center, and I have a pile of stuff by the front door to carry out to cars and trucks. Will be taking both, as DH has to use the truck to transport some more chairs and tables from our church.

Got some advance prep done today, plus got out and did a few last minute things concerning the gardens.

Herman now you have gone and given me reason to stop in Fredericksburg. Would love to have some bulk spices. Probably lots fresher than you buy in the itty bitty cans at the grocery. How far are you away from Sugar Creek, Millersburg, and the towns in that area? Hope it is close enough I can stop by and say howdy!

Sue, I know that you are busy, but it would be good to see you. Did you say one more week at the apple orchard?

Barberton, OH

The Ashery is not in the town, it's on Rt 241 just about 3 miles South of Mt Eaton on the Holmes County line. #39 West to #515/62 North to Winesburg Left on local road to Mt Hope and North on #241. I know a local rd from #62 that comes right at the Ashery, but I can't describe it. Maybe someone in Sugar Creek knows better. I got those directions by looking at a state map. Hope that helps. Another good cheese factory on #62 at Wilmot.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Herman, have written the directions down, and will take a gander over that a way.

good morning
here are some fun pics i took with photo booth

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this is my fav
scary savannah

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Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

She's looking more and more like Mom every day......

LOVE Scary Savannah!

RIC !!!

Columbus, OH Harry Potter movie with giant snake, check. Continue grooming and repotting large plants you've brought in from the outside. Garter snake crawls out of plant. I'm not scared of snakes, but I jumped about 10 feet.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Got a picture of the new puppy-- unnamed so far. She's a coton de tulear, 9 weeks old, 3 lbs 11 oz.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

And an even cuter picture-- though not of the dog-- can be found at this link:

It's penguins, rescued from an area contaminated by an oil spill, wearing sweaters. Rescuers don't want them to try & preen themselves, but cleaning them up leaves them vulnerable to cold. The answer: sweaters! (Wool, I assume.) There's a website with instructions if you want to help them keep up the supply.

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