New thread for the Fall

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Obituary for Joyce's Mother.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Sue...I mentioned earlier I think...maybe you missed it though. I have a tumor under my ear. Dr said it was in the salivary gland.
Had the scan today..but don't see the dr again until the 29th for a biopsy. I imagine they will want to take it out. He said they are most often benign...but can become doubt if he will leave it matter what.
The scan wasn;t too bad...hope the biopsy goes as well as the scan.
Tell far as i know now...either date works for us.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Will be thinking of you Marcy. Just think, you might lose like a 1/4 of an ounce when they get rid of that sucker! LOL

I wouldn't want to tell anyone to plan anything around me but we do not have soccer or volleyball games on October 1st. We do on the 8th. Craig has to work that day. I've not seen Joyce in a good long time! Guess we won't have to worry about her locking her keys in the car...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Goodness, everything seems in decline at the moment. Ric, I'm so sorry abt Wu! There must have been something in the air that weekend: my older sis's dog died that Sat. AM, n then my younger sis had to put her oldest dog to sleep on Sat. Afternoon.Very hard all the way around, tho I have to say I don't miss the incessant barking.

Joyce, what can I say. Your Mom sounds likes grand lady. It sounds like you helped her over to that place on a farther shore but in a greater light. I'm glad for all the time that you had her, but so very sorry for your loss.


Barberton, OH

Sue, I'll have to check that movie. I might get some pointers. Florist called. might need me for delivery tomorrow. That's good news. Like to keep my skills polished.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks Chelle I'll keep checking the dates. We have some time before she decides.
We're free for both dates.

BTW if anyone is dumping DL's our neighbor Jon can use some more.
Anything but Ditch....he's not concerned w/ names or lineage.

hey gang
to tired to post much
LOL Herman :) your to funny.
i am available them dates. so either is good.
off to bed
good night

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I dumped about 500 of them last year. Not much left to dump. LOL

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Ric, I could work out a deal with him/you, but it would involve coming to help me dig and divide all mine, and then he/you could have as many as you want. I have offered that deal to another person, but don't think she is taking me up on it.

Barberton, OH

Ric, you wanna come to Barberton?

yaawwwwnnnn good morning coffee is on.
i forgot my apples in my dehydratpr last night.... very crisp.... bummer. they should be ok
they are Cortland apples and i don't like them for drying ... i think they are better for baking and sauce. So i may do sauce with the rest of them.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone.
Well I have since found out we cant come on the guess the 1st is best for us.
Sue...I think your apples will be ok...just take a little longer to rehydrate
LOL @ Chele! I want to lose more than that..but that's sure not the way to do it!!
Hoping to work outside today for a change! Guess it's supposed to get pretty cool here later this week.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Marcy! When I had to get my appendix out, I laughed and said maybe I'd lose some weight. The surgical staff thought that was pretty darned funny and asked if I knew how big an appendix was. :P

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We have some time but it looks like the 1st is pretty much in favor w/ everyone.
I'm getting feedback from other sites too ;-)
I'll get w/ Joyce and see what she thinks.

Bonnie let me run it by Robyn and I'll get back to you.
Lovely Offer!

Oh Marcy you can say Dave's Garden here....
After all Dave and Trish founded them both....
Just can't mention ATP or Cubits at DG...... LOL!

Robyn and I joined Bertie and Herb at the Viewing, Funeral and after Gathering today.
It was a wonderful service.
Joyce's Mother Wanda wrote it... or rather set things in motion which her Minister ran with.
Basically it seems she made a tape years back of herself playing the Piano.
On the tape were her and Lloyd's 10 favorite hymns.
4 were used in the Service. Quotes from the lyrics of the others were used in the Sermon.
Quite Moving.
Daughter and Father are doing well as can be expected.
She has a Wonderful Family and they are surrounding them w/ Love.

This message was edited Sep 13, 2011 8:48 PM

Thumbnail by henryr10
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Marcy for that recap. From the program, it looks to be a very beautiful service.

Ric, sorry I just can't do that drive, so give Joyce my regrets. Get back with me on the daylilies. I have some beautiful ones, but you can't tell by the looks of the garden now!

I sure wish i could have been there. I just didn't plan it very well. Things got in the way . Jess had some issue's i had to deal with and other things i just couldn't get away from. :(
well i m still working on the garden and getting it ready for spring. I think its more work in fall then in spring ?
waiting for a friend to come visit me. She is touring around and giving people her consulting on nursery indurstry. She was very successful at it and is retired.
well have a good day

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, if she is retired, she has plenty of time!! That's what everybody assumes. I am retired and busy as ever and still can't get everything done.

Grocery day, then I had a Dr appointment. Got home around 3:00, had to finish a financial statement for church, sat and rested about 30 minutes, and then off to church. Just now getting home. I am extra tired tonight!

Columbus, OH

Brutal couple of weeks at work...still here but hoping things will be better! I'm cooking and boxing soap today, it's relaxing, that should help.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Ric posted a link for a get together at Joyce's.

we are going to sell caramel apples and hot cider at farmers market this month and next.
proceed's to to help unwanted animals and buy supplys for our local animal shelter.
Savannah's idea. :) LOL
i may do some baked goods also. see if i can get my pie's and cakes out and some dumplings.
lots of rain today

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I'll try to be here more often...I'm spending a lot of time with Dad who's having a very, very tough time right now. He has decided to stay in Independent Living with a few additions to his day. He will have help with his meds each morning, be wearing a "Lifeline" pendent and eat his evening meal at the main campus by way of shuttle. So pray for us that soon he will get the hang of things and settle some. Your prayers have meant so much to us...keep em coming!

Once again I am begging for donations for JDRF Walk for a Cure. It is the juvenile diabetes research foundation and it's a very worthy cause.

You can donate online here just put in my name (Joyce Thomas) and Jordyn's team name (Jordyn's Jammers). Any and all amounts are appreciated and helpful.

Keep us ALL in your prayers.

I love all of you,

This message was edited Sep 21, 2011 12:12 PM

good morning
Cookie sending T&P for you and family. I sure hope he can settle in soon and feel at ease.
welp off and running

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Herman, received the iris today. Arrived intact and looks good. Many appreciative nods and bows to you. (not supposed to say thank you for a plant!)

Barberton, OH

Bonnie, the ladies have all been bedded. The cool Autumn weather has delayed Iris' coming-out party. Her Indian Summer escort is patiently waiting, with N E Aster in the wings.

Waddy, KY

Watching it rain here this morning. I think I could go back to bed and sleep for a week.

Dad's still at the nursing home. I'm actually hoping that he'll be home for Thanksgiving. He's progressed to the point that he can walk across the room with his walker and can get up out of a wheelchair and transfer to the bed. He still has some trouble getting his feet to swing around to get out of bed. Actually, I'm not sure he could do that before he went in the hospital as he'd spent the last 10 years sleeping at night in a recliner because it made his back hurt less.

Markets are still pretty strong. I'm not finding much time to make my corn relish or my salsa. I guess that may have to wait until January.

Turnips and kale are up. Bonnie, how does your DH get an even stand. Does he sow them in a row or broadcast them?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, I took Carly to see the Ortho this morning. She's sporting a cast for the next two weeks then we can see about physical therapy. At any rate, she'll be down for 4-6 weeks so can't complete her volleyball and soccer seasons. This is super bad news for both teams, but mostly volleyball. She's been scoring 8-15 points most games and starting for both matches. :( Hopefully she'll be recovered in time for basketball.

Thumbnail by Badseed

cool green !!! sorry to hear about the foot. that is not fun.
well lots of rain today

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

My favorite Hope she has a speedy recovery.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Hope it's a FULL recovery!
Tell her not to rush it.
The teams WILL survive.
Look at all the injuries the Bengals have had and.... OK BAD example but.......

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Tell Carly, if she has to be injured, it did nothing to her sense of fashion. Love the green cast!

Janet, DH broadcasts his turnip seed, with one of those little seed sowers that you carry with straps on the shoulders, and he goes over the patch 2 times, and he always has an even stand of turnips, greens, or whatever. He has used it to do a cover crop on the garden, but anything bigger, has to have the tractor mounted one. His turnips are already up. Sowed about 3 weeks ago. The first 2 weeks without a drop of rain, and I really don't see how it germinated.

Rained here just about all day. Not complaining, as we really really need it. But was sort of yukky being out in it today.

Waddy, KY

Does he mix the seed with anything in the sower? My brother says he takes fertilizer that's absorbed a little moisture and mixes his seed with that, then broadcasts it. Whatever method I use next year it's got to be better than what I'm doing.

Bought some daylilies yesterday. The woman wanted to get rid of about 30 and made me a good price. Great in fact as they were absolutely huge clumps. And apparently she can't count too because there must be about 40 sacks under my maple tree now. I really have to examine my head. There's weeds in that field up to my neck and now I've got a bunch of daylilies to plant.

Got some tomatoes scalded and canned last night. Just 4 quarts but I need freezer space now and we need some canned tomatoes for ourselves. Also did 6 pints of pickled okra. Got squash pickles yet to do possibly Friday night. Went down to the market and picked up 6 bushels of apples to take to the Louisville market on Saturday. Right now there's no orchard down there so they're selling pretty good. Need to make lemon blueberry cakes tonight.

A co-worker told me about a pear tree in the middle of downtown Frankfort that is loaded with pears that the owner doesn't want. I might have to mosey down there and see if I can get some....

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Anyone here ever grow Winter Wheat?
I thought I might give it a try just to see what's what.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

DH sows it every fall. If you need some instructions, let me know and I will ask him what kind, and how much to an acre to sow, etc. It does improve the soil, as when it is plowed in the spring, it will break down and provide added nutrients to the soil. A good idea, instead of just letting the garden spot lie fallow for the winter.

Janet, yes he does mix his seed with 10-10-10 fertilizer. If he were sowing the fall crops in rows he would mark off the row, and then sprinkle the fertilizer into the row first then sow the seed. Mixed in to sow in the grass seeder, it just gives the seed something to cling to, as those seeds are very very fine.

I had jury duty today, and reported at 8:00. Listened to instructions for about 35 minutes and was dismissed, saying we would be notified by letter when we were needed to report again. I get a whole $12.50 for my time.

Herman, haven't gotten the iris planted yet. It has been raining ever since I received them. They will go in the ground at the first break in the rain.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Actually Bonnie I was thinking of growing some in containers to maturity. Just to see what it would look like in the Summer.
Though we would of course sow it in the veggie garden.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Ric, probably in containers it would look like pretty green grass!

good morning
Bonnie your not going to be called for the Michael Jackson case are you ??? LOLLLL sorry i had to say it.
imagine those jurors are not being sequestured ? ok spelling i know
What is that judge thinking !!!
I m thinking of doing cover crops also , just don't know which one
was thinking winter rye but have heard it takes a lot of water and will dry up area's
but mixed with legumes it would help.
got soccer game today
not looking forward to it
i hate driving and the maps are not very good nor are the insturctions given. uhg.

Barberton, OH

I made 4 pints of hot pepper jam today. First time in about 10 years. probably doesn't seem much to you pros, but to an amateur like me, it feels great. My back woke me up early this AM with a level 8 pain in my right leg from knee to ankle so i knew enough not to do much outside today. A 2 "eye" day, ice and ibuprofen.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Herman, it sounds like it could have been a 1/2 pint day if you were a drinking person. Making jelly whether in small or large quantities is an achievement. Congrats to you.

Seems like the weather plays a big part in my back pain. The last couple of days with rain has been very painful from the moment that I get up. You just take care of it the best way you can, and try to go on.

Sue, no way would I want to sit on that trial. I haven't been hearing much about it, but it would seem that with such a high profile case, the jurors would be the guest of the county/city for the duration. How is the sweets sales going at market? Is what the orchard sells real cider, or is it apple juice? I don't know what the difference in processing is, but there sure is a difference in taste.

My religion class was today. We have online assignments every day, then meet once a month for testing over the material we have covered. Out of 300 questions, I had 5 wrong, and should have known the answers to those. It is going well, and only have 2 more months left to go.

Barberton, OH

Anyway, I want to tell you how you can have your own
greenhouse, almost at not cost at all. Here's how you do
it. The country side is littered with used, broken down
trampolines. You know, the ones that people put in their
backyard for the kids to bounce on? Those trampolines only
last so long, then all the bouncy parts tear, beak and or
fall off. All that's left is the metal frame.

The frame is a steel circle right? So if you take half of
the frame and turn it up perpendicular to the ground, you
have a low hoop. You'll have to cut the legs off, then use
the legs to make the hoop higher. Just get a short piece of
pipe that's a smaller diameter and use the short pipe to
connect the legs you cut off to the hoop part by sliding
the smaller pipe into the ends of the hoops, and also into
the end of legs.

Bingo! You have a hoop. One trampoline makes two hoops,
but if you really look around, maybe an ad on Craig's List
or FreeCycle I'm sure you can find more trampolines that
people would love to get rid of.

Once you have all the hoops you want, drive some pipes in
the ground, slide the hoops over the pipes, attach a 2" by
6" board along the bottom. Pull a piece of heavy duty
plastic over the hoops and using wooden lath strips secure
the plastic to the 2" by 6" boards.

Presto! You have your very own backyard greenhouse.

I know this sounds complicated, and it is a bit of a manly
project, or a project for a true "gardening girl", but it
does work. So go hunting trampolines and get started.

I saw this on another site and thought it might be of interest to someone

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey, Herman, that would work. I may just have to scout trampolines this winter. I see them all over the place here, and they would probably be glad to have somebody remove them from their property!! Thanks!

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