What's being ripped, yanked or pulled out?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I am thinking about evicting the sedum "Autumn Joy", a bunch of Cannas and I am not really happy with my pink peony. I had thought about the "Bouncing Bet" but having read the previous posts, I think I will pass on it :)

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I evicted cannas for space (wanted something else in that space-lol) reasons and "Autumn Joy" got put into pots. But I did this last fall. Now I'm just yanking TX-sized weeds.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

This IS an old thread!! If I had been a member back in 2001, I would have said I needed to get rid of my Artemesia 'Oriental Limelight'. Now it's 2006 and I'm STILL trying to get rid of it!!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Wow! I can't tell you how many plants have been ripped, pulled, or yanked out since this thread was started. I will say I didn't plant as many as I would have if I hadn't been on DG and read comments from others.

rcn48... I've been trying to get rid of mine for years too! I don't think I'll ever be rid of it. I just rip out all I can each spring. Such a shame too, it is such a beautiful plant... but only in one spot, LOL!

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Very old thread.


Last year I made the mistake of letting a couple peices of a ground cover sedum stay in one of my front beds(they fell out of a pot) and now Im trying to get control of it before it takes over my front yard. It looked really pretty surrounding the other plants but OMG, even the little leaves have to be picked out.
Keep debating on ripping out the jacob kline manarda but I just keep ripping out around it to leave a smaller clump, I just love the flowers and the smell of the leaves.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey Drav!!!! How are ya? You going to come by this spring? I need help digging out plants to move to the new house ;)

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

I'm forever in the process of ripping out English ivy. Whoever planted this on my property should be shot. Slowly.


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I forgot Gooseneck Loosestrife - Lysimachia clethroides and Roving Bellflower - Campanula rapidunculoides. Elderberry Bush comes up all over the place too.

DeannaV, I've considered Tansy for quite a while now, but once bitten, twice shy. I think I'll think a while longer.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Jody that sounds like a fantastic idea. Give me an idea of when you want to get started and Ill see what I can do about my schedule to sneak out and spend the day(or more) at your place. Just have all the tags and bags ready.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Crocosima. It's crowding everything around it and flops all over. My neighbor warned me last spring about it and by August I was a believer. I'll move a few small clumps to out-of-the way places.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I was clueless about the spreading ability of mint. I have a lot of mint that needs digging, also catnip, I need that area for something that will have pretty blooms.
Snow on the mountain too. Gotta go!

Quesnel, BC(Zone 4a)

Tansy. Grows wild around here; escapee from old homestead gardens. In all my flowerbeds.

Comfrey. Which I PURPOSELY planted (in a very weak moment)in a flowerbed rather than in the invasive plant ghetto out behind the furthest lilac bushes. What WAS I thinking???

Joe Pye Weed. Again, purposely planted. Love this stuff but am now fighting with it, impossible to move. Roots go to China. Have chopped it out with an axe, literally. E. purpureum stays in its original clumps but E. cannabinum self sows prolifically & I am starting to hate it.

Goutweed. (Aegopodium podagraria variegata).

Lysimachia punctata. Yikes!

Saponaria officinalis. Double yikes!

In other words, the usual offenders.

Not a perennial, but in the veggie garden I have a massive problem with curly mallow, Malva verticilliata, which I deliberately planted years ago (due to glowing description in Nichols Garden Nursery seed list) & now cannot get rid of. Can't believe I was so overjoyed when two seeds sprouted fom the entire packet. Heck, can't belive only two seeds sprouted! This stuff is pure EVIL.

Oh yes, and my very worst perennial & invasive weed - quackgrass. Beastly stuff. Wish I had a dollar for every WHEELBARROW load of this stuff I've removed over the years. Could hire a gardener. Or buy a tank of Roundup. (Joking on the Roundup; we're organic so don't resort to such "solutions". But the gardener, now ... hmmm ...)

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Hilly, I understand the French eat the rhizomes and consider them a delicacy. Probably a rural myth, since the growing tip is more like the end of a sharpened bamboo stake. However, if it is true, and anyone knows how to prepare it, it would give me much satisfaction to run it through the GI tract. In over 40 years of farming and gardening I can't begin to count the time and money spent fighting this plant. Ken

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