Starting seeds in an unheated greenhouse?

Auburn, WA

I have a small Solar Gem greenhouse and live in Auburn, WA USDA zone 8a. I want to start seeds in my greenhouse early this next year.
I am thinking of making a small hoop greenhouse to sit on a heat pad on one of the benches in my greenhouse. Has anyone tried this?
Do you think this might work? I really don't want to install a heater as I know they use a ton of electricity.
Any other ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Others have partitioned off an area of their GHs and just heated a small section, so your idea might work on a small scale. Part of the fun of a GH is trying new things. In the very early spring, I use an electric heater to hold 50 degrees. I start my cooler seeds there, and warmer ones in the house, then transfer them to the GH after they get going. If your GH is very airtight like mine, the heater doesn't have to run too often.

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Make a mini-greenhouse inside your bigger greenhouse. Take a flat (wood is stronger than plastic) and put an electric heating mat in the bottom. Then add your starting mix, plant your seeds, water, cover with clear plastic, and plug in the mat. These mats are low wattage and a long extension cord will work. The plastic cover will allow light to the soil and keep both the heat and moisture inside. Add semi-circular "hoops" under the plastic if you need a little height over the soil.


north coast nsw, Australia

heres my veggy seedlings ive just started, thought it might be a little cool yet with winter not quite over but some came up.

Thumbnail by breeindy
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Good job! Isn't it amazing what comes from a tiny seed?

This message was edited Aug 24, 2011 5:33 PM

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