The coconut wireless - chat threat 2

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Pepper, Randy,
Sure will miss you Randy! Definately get some warm clothes, although May it should start warming up some.

I guess that is why I have such thick blood, as I was born 40 miles from Chicago in Gary, Indiana!

It's been a gorgeous day here. My Jasmine and camelias are in bloom. So beautiful!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

A glorious day to you all!

The post that follows is sent as a public service message. Do not take its contents lightly. All this is real, very real. I am afraid, very afraid.

It all has to do with the Hawai'ian goddess of volcanoes: Pélé. Pélé is not someone with whom one should trifle. Here's why.

When I visited Hawai'i 5 years ago, I had read many times that bringing back sand and rocks was frowned upon because Pélé considers those substances as her own children. It is said Pélé will find you and set a curse upon you. At the time, I had a collection of sand from every beach I had ever visited on my cruises. Leaving a sample of their sand behind when I left the beach broke my heart. However, I decided to err on the side of caution and I didn't collect any sand. I didn't bring back any rocks, either.

One month ago, 2 friends left for a Hawai'ian cruise. They intended to visit the islands by car at each port of call. They would visit as many botanical gardens and beaches as they could while taking in the sights. So far, so good. They also intended to ship the plants they will buy directly to my house, where I could care for them until they visit their Florida house in April. I cautionned both of those guys to leave the sand and rocks alone. We seemed to have an agreement.

Altogether, I received 3 separate shipments from their shopping trips in various botanical gardens and nurseries. I am not sure what part of "no sand and no rocks" escaped their minds. The first box contained 3 bromeliads mounted on lava rock. I thought I would faint. The next day, a second box arrived. It contained another bromeliad mounted on (you guessed it) a piece of volcanic rock. I had to pause and sit down that day. If I were a drinking man, I would have hit the bottle. But I don't drink in response to life's curve balls. A few days later, the third box that arrived contained a bottle of sand for my collection. I got a bad case of "the vapors" and a stress headache reared its ugly head. I was not a happy camper.

So, there is nothing else to do but sit back and wait for Pélé's curse to hit us full force. Why do I feel like one of these cartoon characters who gets hit by an anvil falling from a great height? Yesterday, my computer's monitor conked out. It had to be replaced because I had no idea how useless a computer can be without a monitor. It's one of those things I took for granted, I guess. This morning, I went out to water my plants and my hose had a leak. I had all the hardware to fix it. Thinking back, I never owned a hose that suffered such a gash before.

I have the address where such mineral samples may be returned to appease Pélé. The sand will be easily packed and shipped. However, I don't want to harm the prized bromeliads in the process. So, I have a plan. I'll ship the sand and I'll load the bromeliads into the car. I'll deliver those dangerous rocks to their house, where they'll do well in the garden. I hope it will be sufficient.

What say you, my friends? Do you believe in that curse? Have you experienced anything like it before? My research brings me to realize that there are many such places in the world where you shouldn't bring back mineral samples: Ayers Rock in Australia, Stonehenge and a few of those rock formations in Thailand that seem to have sprung directly out of the sea.

Gotta go. I have a delivery to do ASAP. Oh, BTW, I also wanted to bring back this delightful dancer. However, I sensed that Gail would not think it was a good idea. I know when to pick my fights. It's the beginning of wisdom.

Aloha, y'all.
Sylvain, a.k.a. Pu'ole.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sooo glad to have you back with us. You look very fit and happy with your dancer. Hope there were no complications with your foot while on your great voyage. I don't know about the curse. I didn't bring back any rocks or sand from Maui and everything around here continues to fall apart. Never an end. Take care, friend.

Princess Kilikina (haven't felt like the Princess in a very long time).

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

You will always be a Princess to us, sweetie!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Sounds like you had an interesting trip Sylvain. Hope you have gotten rid of the bad luck now.

I agree with Hap!! Once a Princess, always a Princess!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Awwwww, you guys always give me a lift. This is group of super special friends.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Everyone!

I had to laugh Sylvain, every year the Rangers here receive HUNDREDS of packages of sand and lava from all over the world from people returning them to the Islands because of the bad luck that had dogged them since they took Madam Pele's property! She is very sensitive about her creations. Very often the packages are addressed to "Madam Pele" and the Post Office knows where to deliver them! The Rangers carefully place her things back into the 'aina with great respect...I never take lava from any area, and when I constantly turn it up in the garden and make lava wall edging around the gardens I always hope Madam Pele approves. So far, so good!

I wonder if all of you are seeing signs of spring? My daughter in NC has all her daffodils up and flowering, despite an inch or so of snow the night before last.Our spring isn't so easy to detect but the fruit trees have dropped tons of leaves and the new ones are already there - they seem to drop and push out the new leaves at the same time. Lots of blossom on the mangos, avocado, etc, etc. We even have some blossom on the lichi tree which doesn't happen every year - it's a very iffy tree for me.It looks as if it is going to be a bumper crop of Mango this year.

My mom is finally getting better after battling an infection for the last 6 months. She is still weighing in at 82lbs but we have been force feeding her Ensure, so hopefully she will put on a few more pounds soon. The doctor put her on Zoloft (sp?) and we have all been happier since it started to work!

We have had huge numbers of visitors this year, in fact there have been times that it has not been possible to rent a car because they ran out! It's quite a feat to get to work along S Kihei Road without hitting anyone - why do visitors insist on dodging across the street 10 yards away from the actual crossing? LOL! Locals call the winter months "no left turn Kihei" for good reason.

I hope everyone is well. Have you been having a rough time Princess K? Always a princess to me too!

Aloha to all

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Aloha to all my cyber ohana.

More on Pélé's vengence: someone broke into my car and sacked the interior of the glove box, did the same thing for the center console and a little storage cubbyhole in the dash board. There were papers scattered everywhere: CDs, owner's manual, oil change invoices, real estate forms, business cards, etc. The intruder didn't shut the door completely after leaving, so I found out about this first thing the following morning, as I brought my morning coffee and my book outside to watch the sunrise.

Nothing was taken. The Turnpike's transponder, the GPS, a cell phone were all there for the taking. A neighbor told me the thief was looking for the car's registration. He also told me that if the registration had been found by the intruder, my car would have been stolen. Perish the thought! I don't need that kind of trouble. At any rate, the registration is stowed away in a very secret place in the car. That place was not found and the registration documents are still in their hiding place.

I just baked banana bread and it rose beautifully. I guess Pélé is not interested in baking endeavors.

Take care, all.
Sylvain, a.k.a. Pu'ole.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL Sylvain! So sorry to hear of your misadventures and bad luck.

My computer froze, so it will have to go into the shop. I am on Dear Son's and it is having problems as well.

Glad to hear that your Mom, Jen is getting better. Will keep her in our prayers!

Christi, has your weather warmed up for a couple of days? It is 78 today.

We are OK! Hope everyone is also!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Are your friends having any bad luck or did they just pass it all on to you? I almost feel like I'm watching Regis again. LOL. That man has the worst luck sometimes and now it's rubbing onto Sylvain. LOL

Doing good here. Fighting some kind of cold or something. Until today I was only dealing with a persisent cough and sore throat. I have to take NyQuil and DayQuil everyday or else my throat swells up and I can't stop coughing at all. Today my nose is acting up a bit so I'm thinking that the rest of the cold has decided to take root and torture me. I just want it to go away ASAP. I've had it since last week and I am extremely tired of it.

Jenn, glad your mom is getting better!! I drink that Ensure too. Doesn't help me gain weight but does help me get some of my vitamins in. I like it for the most part.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So glad everyone is posting again. Nothing terrible here, Jen. Just the usual trying to keep a place going. My daffodils have been blooming now for almost 2 weeks. Just whets my appetite for Spring. Sorry about your mom. She is a lovely lady in every sense of the word. How is Frank? Back to his morning swim yet?

Sylvain, what can I say? It appears that because you were the one in possession of the contraband, the curse wetly directly to you.

Pepper, Mike and I are suffering from the same bug you are. He's in his second week and mine started on Monday. We seem to be in a "coughing contest". The weather is typical Texas. 78 yesterday, 84 today, and high of 60 tomorrow. At the moment there are no predictions for another freeze. We ALWAYS have another frost the week before Easter.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Aloha Everyone!

Try Alkaseltzer Plus Cold and Flu tablets. That's what finally chased mine away last year. I don't think extra Vit C and Echinacea (from most pharmacies, esp. Walgreens) hurts either.

I've been craving tangerines, but I think the Vit C would be cheaper, and less calories! haha! Altho the tangerines do taste pretty good!

Hope everyone gets to feeling better and has better luck!

Sylvain, we need to pray and "Rebuke the curse in the Name of Jesus"! He is the Way, the truth, and the light.......


Virginia Beach, VA

Hello Everyone,

I drank echinecea tea few weeks ago and had a bad experience. I developed severe tachycardia--fast heart rate which was over 200 / minute. i was very nervous but it subsided after resting. I will never do it again.

We just got back from Oahu for Mom's funeral. She passed away in Rhode island, flew her to Honolulu for burial. It was very hectic dealing with 2 funeral parlors but everything went well except accommodations. We had to move to different hotels every 2 days because all hotels were packed. My Mom's house was packed with relatives.

We took 2 days in Maui for R&R which i needed, enjoyed a walk at the beach and admired the rocks.

It was an experience of a lifetime, Mom was 91 and had a good life.

It will be gardening soon here. It was 70 yesterday.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

belleig, I would say you have had a very difficult time and for that I am sorry. MIL is 94 and asking God everyday to take her home. "Old age is not for sissies." I pray God Our Father takes me home long before I reach her difficulties.

Sorry, loosing your mother, not matter her age, is not easy.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

I am sorry for your loss, Belle.

We, too, are praying for deliverance. My father's 2nd wife (Thérčse) is now 96 years old and withering away because of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. My dad is 80. He is taking care of her 24/7.

Their doctor and my dad have begun the paperwork required by Québec's medicare system to have her included on the waiting list for placement into a hospice. That can take up to 2 years from filing date to placement. She's not a home-care case anymore. My father objected strenuously to the idea until a few weeks ago. Then, her condition worsened. He has come to accept that this is the only logical solution; for her and for him.

So, here they are: waiting for God. What worries me is that my dad will wear away faster than she does. He's all the family I have left. I'd love for him to come and live with us in Florida when this ordeal is over. He told me yesterday that he hasn't set foot outside the house in 2 years, except to clear the snow while "keeping an eye" on her. It seems my dad has the gift of ubiquity. I remember my snow clearing days. While I was outside, I couldn't be inside at the same time. He considers himself lucky because the grocery store down the street accepts phone orders and delivers within 2 hours. It can't be easy living like that.

When the deliverance comes, it will hard to see her go, but what a relief it will be for everyone.

Horrible story true here: One of my great-uncles on my mom's side said that his elderly , chronically sick and unsufferable wife hung on to dear life because
a) God didn't want her in heaven because things were going very well up there;
b) The Devil didn't want her in hades because things were already bad enough down there;
c) The whole argument was moot point because Death was afraid to go anywhere near her.

Then, he would laugh until tears ran down his cheeks. My mom's side had some seriously weird people. That great-aunt survived her husband and lived well into her 90s, too.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Mike is at the Assisted Living facility with his mother right now. She complains about every single thing and wants him to change it. Oh dear, this is not what we expected to be doing in our 70's.

Virginia Beach, VA


Thank you.

Mom used to live in Oahu till no one could take care of her. Brother could not handle her daily care and home care was $6,000.00 / month. We do not have that type of cash so my sister from Rhode Island took her for 3-1/2 years but the last 10 months she could not be left alone anymore so she went to a senior day care which she loved. Some one came to get her ready in the morning and then some one took care of her after day care.

she was denied medicaid because of property in Hawaii so it was self pay which was a fortune. My sister is awaiting bills from them and worries that she could not pay them. The house is on probate and i do not know when it will be sold.

Your Dad is only 80 so he should still be self sufficient. i hope you can get him to go to Florida. he deserves a rest.

I was very lucky to have a sister who took care of my Mom!!!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

So sorry to hear of your loss, Belle! Our probate went well, I hope yours does as well.

Christi, will keep you and Mike and family in our prayers! Sylvain, you and your also!

Hope everyone else is well!


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Looks like it's quiet on the Coconut wireless.

Just want to update you guys...Jungle Heights officially turns out the lights Thursday night. I decided to rent the house and not sell. I was fortunate as it rented in 1 day, and had to decide between 3 applicants. Not expecting to rent the place so quickly, I will be staying with a friend till mid April, then head to Chicago.
My new address is
1342 W. Farwell ave, apt#1
Chicago Il 60626

The Brownstone is about 2 blocks from Lake Michigan in a neighborhood called Rogers Park.

The new tenants are very excited to live here, they were already in the neighborhood, but the house they were renting was suddenly sold. The tree fern sounds like it will be taken care of, in fact when they came through initially to see the house, she had asked me how to take care of it. Do you think that influenced me!? heck yeah


Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

I still think you need to dig it up and ship it to me for safe keeping . . . along with the rangoon too!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

How nice to see the coconut wireless relive!

Now, I don't want to trump phughes, but that australian tree fern would much happier in South Florida. You decide, RJH. It's all in good fun.

Take care, all.
Sylvain, a.k.a. Pu'ole, or Eiwa Manamana - although I don't dwell on that too much.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


You are too much for soliciting valuable well loved plants. (you beat me to it!!!!)


So glad all is working in you favor and to have someone interested in the plants is a gift from God.
Happy trails ahead for you.....Roy and Dale. Hehehehe

Maybe see you in Chi-town.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Certainly hate to see you go Randy, but do wish you the very best.

By the way, if the tree goes anywhere, I am closer! I would love it dearly, and obey any instructions given on it's care!


This message was edited Mar 29, 2012 7:29 PM

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

RJ, it looks like you could auction off that tree fern.

Just a thought.


Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Now guys--I have first dibs on that tree fern or else I get out the machete and no one gets it!!!! LOL


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So glad to see almost everyone here. Oh, Jeeeennnnnie, where are you?

Have just taken a stroll around my garden and many of my plants originated in The Heights. What a truly wonderful person you are. Chicago is gaining a jewel.

Pu'ole, hope your foot is doing ok.

Happy Friday to all.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks guys.
Sylvain, you must be thinking too much!
Moving truck came yesterday, and the swat team packed and loaded, have a couple more weeks at a friends before I leave.
The garden here is going to be a monster this year.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I was just down there in Texas for a few days and got back a couple hours ago. Went to Tyler to suprise some family. lol. Long drive but oh so worth it!!! Thought of all of you down there while I was down there!! No time for seeing anyone though. Left Friday and spent the whole time with family.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Rj, you'll only be 8 hours or so from me now instead of 12-14 hours!! lol

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

pepper, woke up thinking about you this morning. how strange is that? Glad to know you are ok and enjoying life. We toured the Texas Hill Country last week and have never, ever seen the bluebonnets so plentiful. My backyard is covered in poppies and larkspur and 100's of other seed popping up. God is good.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I noticed the bluebonnets also. My grandma wasn't sure if that was what they were til I told her they were.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Pepper, Glad you enjoyed your trip and are safe and sound!

Christi, hope the tornado's did not get too close to you.....That was something, it picking up those trailer beds and throwing them in the air like toys!

Took the plants out of the GH last night, so rested today. Now when it rains they can get water too. Hopefully we will not have another freeze this year. If so I will be covering them up with sheets.....

Happy Easter everyone!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

We missed the tornado by 2 miles one way and about 3 miles another. Things are truly bad over a huge area. Paper says we had 2 super cells collide spinning off 12 tornadoes with high winds, heavy rain and hail. Today is beautiful. Pray for the many who lost their homes. Just thanking God that there were no deaths or serious injuries. What a blessing.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Glad to hear the tornadoes missed you Christi!! I had been wondering how close you were to them. Glad you weren't any closer.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

So glad you are OK Christi! Good to hear from you too, Pepper!

We are OK.....been working at Mom's so really having to take it slow. We are going to go ahead and list it with a realtor I believe. We have a few more things to do before listing it.

Take Care Everyone!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

There was more to do at Mom's than I had planned, so we are still working there, but are gaining ground, and almost to the end I think. We hope to have it on the market soon.

Hope everyone is OK!

Has this party moved elsewhere???????


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, all.

I was out taking pictures of my passionflower vines a few minutes ago. I'll share them with you. Please notice the bee working in the first picture. The third picture shows one of them flea-bitten varmint caterpillars munching on a bud. That's one flower we'll never enjoy. I'm off to mix a batch of BT before the infestation eats the whole plant. Bare trellis: nevermore!

Take care, all.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire Thumbnail by lourspolaire Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Yikes, Syvain.....

That sucker is ugly!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That caterpillar reminds me of the little green one that got me yesterday at work. I was trimming roses when my left knuckle started feeling weird. Looked down and I had a very small green something on my hand and it either bit me or stung me. I have 2 spots on my hand that look like small cigarette burns. They itched like crazy for a little while and the area swelled up pretty good. Was swollen for rest of the day.

Love the passion vine blooms Sylvain!!

mulege, Mexico

Has anyone heard from Jenny (Braveheartsmom)? She hasn't answered my last couple of Dmails and I'm a bit worried.

I'm in San Diego. Picked up my new vehicle - a former ambulance. I will be here for knee replacement surgery in June or July. Looking for people to contact while I'm here so let me know if you know anyone in this area who might like to make a new friend. I'm a bit nervous about the surgery, it is more serious than any I've had before, and would appreciate any support that comes my way.

Things are warming up in Mexico. Tony is still with me. Don't know what I'd do without him. He just became a grandfather so I think I'm a great-grandmother now. The baby is on mainland Mexico with his parents.. His father is Tony's oldest son Luis who did graduate high school and have a year of college.

Weather is beautiufl here in San Diego and I'm getting to know my former ambulance.

hugs, katie

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