Tropical Gardens and Plants #106

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

cardinalis likes to be "wet" so if you get some ( I wish I had known you all liked them) I will save you some seeds, the plants need a cold sleep, so a tub you can bring in for winter coldness would really make them happy.. I have suggested people in warmwer zones cut the plants back and keep them in a refridgerater if you have room for a bag of roots. LOL
we got a 20 minute very high wind with heavy rain, so no watering for me, I got to go out an pick up things that had blown over, no broken limbs, and moved some EE's and caladiums to under the pear tree. Now if the squirrels don't dig them up, I will be happy.
Cherub looks beautiful!

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Deb, those brugs you sent me have been the highlight of my garden this spring. Such a thrill to stick a cutting in a pot, and grow a small tree in 3 months!

Hope you will take some solace that part of your tropical basement garden is very happy down here.Thanks again! Monster white had two big blooms, (while I was away, of course) and is now growing like a weed in all directions.

The one I got from my kids for Mother's Day (Charles Grimaldi) is healthy, but still not half the size, nor has it threatened to bloom yet. Go figger!

Do you think you might root me a cutting of the lilac de fleur datura you showed a pic of above?

On that subject, does anyone know the difference between Datura and Brugmansia? My daughter had starts of a white datura she calls 'Jimson Weed', that grows wild along the roadsides in the deserts of southern Utah. It's a low, sprawling shrub, but has lovely large, fragrant flowers that look and smell just like my brugs only they face upwards like your little lilac one.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Datura (Devils Trumpet Flower, Jimson Weed) come in singles, doubles and triples easily. Thet come in Purples, Brugmansia does not. Datura shares many simialrities to Brugmasnia, but their blooms point up ( from Hades) and Brugmansia ( Angel Trumpet) points down (from Heaven ) Some Datura come back from huge tubers every spring from a heavy winter. Some re-seed and come back from that. Daturas do not like as much water and enjoy full blazing sun, where brugmansia will perish in freezing temps, and like a cool shady afternoon in mostly shade. Both are easy to love, and both will bloom at night. That is all I know, and I have tons of seeds if you all want some.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


well got a picture of the bug but forgot that my computer where I use to be able to down load pictures never got fix the last time we had it to the repair guy and we ran out of time before we left OH to take it in. I can't find my camera cord to pug in and download as I think it is in one of the many, many boxes that we still haven't unpacked, LOL

I'll figure out a way to get it posted to see if anyone here knows what it is.


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

white datura..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

purple datura

Thumbnail by joeswife
Huntersville, NC(Zone 7b)

Is the Datura a vine Debra?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh no, it is a shrubby type of plant.. have lots of seeds... *hint hint*

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

will I ever see my X be a giant again like last year>? Heck I can't even FIND them right now..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

35 days in triple digits, and august is always triple digits, so we should break our record...
this bougie of my sis in laws is happy, it is 9 years old..
105 tommorrow they say, means 109 is prolly what to expect.. the way they have been forcasting, 110 for tuesday.. I hope that doesn't mean 113 or something.. *sigh* this summer is the Hell of all Summers and I know we here in Kansas are not alone..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow, that purple one looks like another 'alien' flower! Velly intellesting.

Not tropical, but here's a shot of my daughter's garden in Salt Lake. I'm pretty pleased how it turned out since we started out with a baked clay wasteland 4 years ago, and had to dig planting holes with a pickax. They are not keen gardeners, so we planted mostly easy perennials like iris, daylilies and echinacea. Then we had to re-design when they got their Aussie puppy.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's 'Lady Lucille' daylily just starting to bloom, and our assistant garden designer, Maya. She has her run - boy!! does she run! - all the way around the fence line, and her own paths through the flower beds that we keep mulched so she doesn't trample stuff.

I'm not a dog person, having always had cats, but I must admit I just love this smart, pretty dog.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that is an awsome looking dog, Dyzzy.. and didn't you send me this gloriosa? in spite of the heat, it is blooming..
sorry it is fuzzy photo..
three people sent me gloriosa tubers, and all of them have been taking their turns blooming here..

Thumbnail by joeswife
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Datura's will go dormant here in winter if we get a hard frost/freeze. Then pop back up in spring.
Can't grow them in full sun here...mine's in part sun/shade with it being in shade in the middle of the day. I need to take a pic of my Gordon's Pictotee, I've had to cut it back twice...well over 6 feet high/wide.

Here's Cestrum I think ? Cretan Purple

Thumbnail by mjsponies
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


love the face of your grandpup.... so sweet, how could you not be won over to the dog side of things...LOL

Your daughters garden is beautiful, very dog friendly which is a good thing...


Big Pine Key, FL(Zone 11)

The Jamacia Capers are just finishing up blooming. Great fragrance.


Thumbnail by olddude
Big Pine Key, FL(Zone 11)

This shows the color variation of the blooms.


Thumbnail by olddude
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh wow, I have never seen those before Old Dude, thanks for showing them.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Scott, those are fabulous flowers - with those l..o..n..g stamens! Do they make edible capers?

Deb, pretty gloriosa! Could be one of mine, the 'Wine & Red' have a lot of creamy yellow color like that. I have a new stem just coming into bloom, too. They do seem to like the heat as long as you can keep them watered. Mine bloom again in the fall, too.

Here's 'Cherub' towering over the 6' wall behind it! I'm going to have to commit and put it in the ground soon. It needs watering twice a day right now, if it doesn't rain!

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm sure hoping our Tx. friends are doing ok...Rita ??? I've been hearing on the news how bad it is there. Sure do wish that tropical system had done more for you. I know how miserable I was when we were not getting rain and trying to keep the garden's going. Please let us know, and if there is anything we can do to help. ( I wish I had my own personal fire truck to bring water to you !!)

Huntersville, NC(Zone 7b)

Rita, I am beginning to wonder where you are myself! Has anyone D-Mailed Rita lately?

Provo, UT(Zone 5a)

well finally took some pics..heres a couple

Thumbnail by tropicalnut777
Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Come Join Us for Fun and Excitement in Tropicals!!!!

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

Got some tecoma ' orange jubilee' seeds today and just can't wait until the winter to start them...
Hoping to find a few yellow and tangerine, gotta have something that loves the heat.

Marathon, FL(Zone 11)

Quote from olddude :
This shows the color variation of the blooms.


Beautiful pics. Mine finished blooming in June and it has the red seed pods now. I have 2 babies that are growing underneath the mother tree. They are about 12" now. I removed one and potted it and it is pouting. All the leaves turned brown but it's alive.

Ours had 4 huge trunks and one broke during a thunderstorm a couple of years ago. One of the other 3 decided to turn toward the roof so we did a heavy pruning this spring. One of the other trunks was growing toward the West and leaning on the fence. Took that off too. We should have shaped it better when it was young. This month we will take off a few branches and then next spring take it down to a single trunk tree. It shocked it a little when we did the heavy pruning this spring, so will do a little at a time until it's done.

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