CLOSED: Free Seeds for New Bees July 2011

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

One of these years, maybe send some left-over or saved seeds to the New Bee stash?

No problemo.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Waitaminute! Isn't this your first year subscribing to DG? So you don't owe the Stash anything, you've got at least 10 pkts of something coming.

Double Hollyhock "Peaches & Dreams"
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x superbum 'Amelia'
Light Pink Hollyhock
purple poppy
lavender breadseed poppies / Papaver somniferum
"Lauren's Grape" Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum
sure I'd like anything I'm low on seeds

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I LOVE purple anything! I grew poppies for the first time this spring and fell in love. They were the red ones. I saved seed and will send some in Corey. Can you send me both purple poppy seeds?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Patti - going to send you some cuttings of my purple ivy geranium. Just gave it a haircut today, maybe I'll get some roots going on it and wait till it cools down out there a bit.

I love purple (and you!) too.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

THANKS A. My red ivy geranium that was so pretty a month ago finally totally gave up and died from the extremem heat. I love the ivy geraniums, and the scented ones too. My peppermint died from the heat. It was like overnight, things died.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Poor things. I'm so sorry. For as bad as it is here I can't imagine what I would do. I spot water with a watering can almost every plant every day that gets full sun. Many of mine are still in seedling stage not planted earlier because of health or heat. I use water collected from the condensation released from the a/c unit.

This geranium is kind of sad looking which is why I gave it a good haircut this morning. I'd had it hanging in full sun and it probably prefers a little less.

Love it though, bring all my geraniums in over winter. I have an orange one that had blooms the size of hydrangeas in January. Honest! :D

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> I saved seed and will send some in Corey.

That's great and much appreciated! The Stash doesn;'t have mush poppy seed, but I do have a bag for it ... there's plenty of room in the bag!

I tried to start 4 varieties of poppy this year but only Orange Califonia Poppy thrived. I'm going to save and share that seed, if those long green pods ever mature. ONE Mikado (red-orange) CA Poppy sprouted. Funny - the bloom color seems to change as each bloom ages.

>> Can you send me both purple poppy seeds?

Certainly. I'll also snoop aorund for other things I know are purple - maybe Salvia Clevlandii and Allium? Both have somewhat wild bloom shapes, and both are purple.


Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Oooh!!! If you find allium can i have some of that too?!! :) purple and yellow seems to be what's going on in my gardens

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'll split what Allium I have left three ways. It sprouted fine in my trays, but I haven't seen it anywhere in the gorund since the first day I put it out. Probably the darn slugs again!!

Allium hollandicum / Allium aflatunense / Flowering Onion
"Purple Sensation" (lilac purple)
Thnaks to Huneybunch_2000 and the Hog Wild Swap for the Allium seed!

Would either of you purple-people like "Easter Bonnet" Alyssum (violet/lavender from Star in the HWS)? it's a small pkt, but I see now that I have more Alyssum varieties than I have room for, and I'd rather not get the pollen mixed.

(But I'm holding on to my "Aphrodite Wine Red" Alyssum, also from Star, for my "Goddess Garden" when i have enough soil for it.)


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sure Corey, would love it.

OK ... you guys just have to see this. Many of you know our good friend ridesredmule, Charleen. She does wonders with polymer clay. I lost my Polly dog unexpectedly on August 2nd, due to heat stress. I'm just heartsick. So, look at this picture of Polly. Then in the next post, look at this polymere "Polly" she made for me. It is just fabulous and so perfect, right down to her floppy right ear.

DG friends are THE BEST!!!!!


Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Crit
Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Aww!!! That's so sweet!!! I love it! Crit my heart goes out to you hun. I know how hard it is. You'll get through babe.
Just "hang in there!"

Thumbnail by OutlawHeart81
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I have some fresh allium seeds from this year. Be happy to send some to you Corey, and anyone else need a few, let me know! I've never grown them from seed. How long do they take?

Concord, NH

would love some skellogg

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I've haven't grown alliums from seeds, all of mine were planted as bulbs. The purple flowers are very similar to common chives only much larger depending on type and variety. I have noticed seeds forming around the flower, but it would likely take a long time to grow to flowering stage again. Since this plant is perenial in my area maybe I could assume that some natural "reseeding" might occur on established plants.

Anyone have any experience growing alliums from seeds? Are they worth saving? Can they become invasive like chives?


Thumbnail by lycodad
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Mine are all from bulbs too Al. I don't think they are too terribly invasive here in our frozen north tho, as they don't seem to spread and take over much in my beds. But mine haven't been in the ground but a couple of years tho either. They wouldn't be sterile would they? Can't imagine they would be, but who knows I guess. Mine are some kind of giant alliums, grow up here about 3-4 feet tall when blooming, with a big purple head. Be happy to send you seeds garden seeder! Are you in the address exchange? I can look up your addie and get them out to you in the next couple of days. Our PO is closed on Saturdays, so will have to wait til Monday, but can get them out then. I'll send you some too Rick for the newbies.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I've got lots of alliums and seeds, maybe Rick can use them, Sandi.

The ones I have are like yours, about 4' tall with purple flowers about grapefruit size. They are beautiful in bloom but don't seem to last too long. I have dug them in the fall and split cloves from the mother bulb just like garlic, which seems to me a lot easier and more productive than trying to grow seeds.

Yes everybody, my address is in the Extra File if you need it.

Anybody growing my sunflowers? I think I sent about a hundred packets around the country.


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I grew several onions from seed and they are not invasive, some may self sow, but they are very easy to remove.
I grow Allium afflatunense, A. moly (not really Alliums for starters, it takes some years to get them in bloom), A. cernuun, A. cyatophorum farreiri, A. cyaneum, A. ramosum. Those last ones are easy to grow from seed and are fast growing.

The best is to winter sow the seeds in the year of harvest. Older seeds will only germinate after sowing them first warm, than a cold period and than another warm period.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I would love to have some alliums! They sound beautiful and I love purple!!!!!!!!!!

Al, I didn't get any of my sunflowers planted this year. There was so much going on this spring that I didn't get my new bed made like I planned to, but hope to have it ready to go by next season. My little tiki log never sprouted. :-( I finally threw it away yesterday, but thanks so much for sending! I LOVE the shell necklace you sent! And everything else too.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

It took a long long time for my ti log to sprout, but it finally sent out roots and one small sprig of green. This has been since last March when we vacationed in Hawaii. I transplanted it to a pot just last week with hopes that it will grow better on my patio. Others seem to have better luck than I have, but we'll might work yet.

I haven't heard from Jan (Mekos) in a while, she was a real expert on ti logs.


This message was edited Aug 14, 2011 10:59 AM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Al - the critters outside don't seem to want to let me grow any of the scarlet runner beans, either. :/

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Amanda, you could put the rest of them in a pot and make soup out of Always worked for me.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Har har. ;)


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My log was kinda starting to smell, like it was rotting. I hope I didn't throw it away too soon, but I thought if it hadn't by now it was alive.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Sympathy for losing your dog! I know how much we can love our pets.

In time, the pain will be less, and you'll still have your memories, always bright.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I would love some Allium seed, both for myself and the stash.

I won't know how long they take to bloom until I get some past the seedling stage. I started just a few indoors and thought they were pretty vigorous once they came up, but before I could finish hardening them off, they disapeared. Maybe I should pot them up before putting them outside, or start them in larger cells. Or put them outside into warmer weather than we have, like under plastic!

(I did try WSing them too, but it was my first year WSing and they didn't come up. My bad, I'm sure.)

Maybe the slugs took them first, or some virulent damping off took them before anything else, or it was over or under-watering. I'll try again next year!

I remember thinking that the blooms looked really cool (in photos).


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks Corey. I am going to make a memory garden around her grave. A DG friend sent me a list of some flowers with Polly in the name. One of her nicknames was Polly Wog and there are a bunch that have that in their name as well. So, if you happen across something with Polly in the name, would you send me a packet?

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Okay, this is what I have so far on allium seeds. Seeds to Crit, Gardenseeder, Corey, and Outlaw Heart. Did I miss anyone, and are all the addresses in the exchange? I can get these out right away!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks a ton, skellogg!

>> if you happen across something with Polly in the name, would you send me a packet?

Will do! I can thumb through the "I never heard of THAT" pkts in the stash.

Also, I see 150 matches in Plant search, so I'll list some synonyms and repeat the thumbing.
It'll also get me more familiar with the seed names I don;t know.

Polyantha (mostly roses)
Polyanthus Primrose
Polytrichum (Moss, ferns)


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks Corey & Skellogg!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Wow, thank you! - 14 varieties, and all of them will split many ways! Thanks very very much!

Some of these are huge packets!

new seeds from JonnaSudenius August 29, 2011:

French Marigold - Tagetes patula - “Jolly Jester” [A]
Creeping False Holly - - Jaltomata procumbens - [A] vegtable (make jelly)
Great Burdock - - Arctium lappa - - Biennial Zones 3a-10b
Catmint “Cool Cat”- Nepeta subsessilis - [P] Zones 3a-7b
Delphinium elatum - - - - - - - purples - - [P] Zones 3a-8b
Bladder Campion - - Silene vulgaris - - -[P] Zones 3a-8b
Big Betony - - Stachys macrantha - - - - [P] Zones 4a-8b
Korean Mint - Agastache rugosa alabaster [P] Zones 4a-9b
Flowering Onion - - Allium aflatunense - [P] Zones 4a-9b
Heartleaf Oxeye - - Telekia speciosa - - [P] Zones 5a-8b
- Allium cyathophorum var. farreri - - - - - [P] Zones 5a-8b
- Amica montana - yellow medicinal herb - [P] Zones 5a-8b
Nettle-Leaved Mullein - Verbascum chaixii [P] Zones 5a-9b
Peach-Leaved Bellflower - Campanula persicifolia [P] Zones 3a-7b

I appreciate how you've labelled them: names, hardiness zone, Annual/Perennial, even sowing instructions and viability date! Really fantastic. That makes it really easy for me to divvy them up and know who to give them to - especailly the Annual /Perennial and Zone info.

Thank you!


This message was edited Aug 29, 2011 11:53 PM

Concord, NH

would love some delephinums thrown in my pack please xo susan

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Very nice!


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Delphinium elatum - purples - - check!

Hardy to Zone 3, they should even over-winter for you.


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I would love to end up some of my seeds in NH. I had 3 students volunteering in my garden from NH in June for 10 days.
It was a great experience to learn more from the American culture. So much different from the Dutch culture. I live in Belgium,but I'm Dutch.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I never lived in New Hampshire, but I've hiked in some of the White Mountains, and I lived in New England for around 20 years. However, the winters! The winters!!

Jonna, would you say any of these are likely to be at all "invasive" in some climates?
I know they can't be dangerous, or you wouldn't have sent them.

Someone raised the question about them "spreading by root runners" and maybe being "hard to eradicate or invasive", especially the Arctium lappa (Great Burdock).

However, I couldn't find any other warnings online about being invasive, so i just added a note to the Nepeta (Catmint) : "mint: runners may be invasive"

Great Burdock - - Arctium lappa - - Biennial Zones 3a-10b
Creeping False Holly - - Jaltomata procumbens - - [A] vegtable (make jelly)
Catmint “Cool Cat”- Nepeta subsessilis - [P] Zones 3a-7b
Big Betony - - Stachys macrantha - - - - [P] Zones 4a-8b
Korean Mint - Agastache rugosa alabaster [P] Zones 4a-9b
Amica montana - yellow medicinal herb [P] Zones 5a-8b
Nettle-Leaved Mullein - Verbascum chaixii [P] Zones 5a-9

The only one I know anything about, myself, is another Nepeta variety ("Walker's Catmint") , and even though I was given a bare-root plant, I couldn't even keep it alive. That doesn't sound invasive! Maybe I tried to put it into the gorund too late in the year, too cold to establish itself. Or maybe the soil was too shallow or clay-ey. Or the shock of moving from hot, dry Texas to cool, wet WA Fall was too big a change.

Thanks for your thoughts.


This message was edited Aug 30, 2011 8:23 PM

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

I'd love French marigolds. No burdock please! We have a dog who brings enough seeds to me on his coat. Lol

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Gotcha covered, Outlaw. If you like variety, I think I have more French Marigolds in my own stash: ones that must be immune to slugs, because some survived in my yard!

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Lol those would be great! I'm tired of feeding the slugs. Lol send me whatever. I love it all. Just don't send back any that i sent you. Lol

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I couldn't find any warnings online about any of the seeds in Post # 8785790 being invasive or hard to eradicate, but would encourage anyone who's had bad experiences with any of the seeds in the third post of this thread, or anything they got from New Bee Seeds, to let us know.

Also, if you got low germination, that would be good to know. Many of the packets in The Stash have no dates on them, but if someone finds something with low germination, I can double or triple those pkts, and add a warning, so recipients can expect low germination.


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