more plants from Teddy

Lakeview, OH

First Morning Glory bud of 2011! It looks red to me, how about you guys and gals?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
(Zone 7a)

This flower will open tomorrow morning! (I hope ^_^ ) Woohoo!

Lakeview, OH

I will take a picture of it and will post it for you, I have several others that are almost at that stage, they are peeking out of their little pods, and they all seem to be red,can't be sure though.

(Zone 7a)

It does seem to have a reddish cast to it. I'm excited for you.

Lakeview, OH

here it is and there are going to be plenty more where that one came from! WOOHOO!

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
(Zone 7a)

Woohoo! Love the color!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Patience is the key...Nature moves at her own pace, Teddy. Pretty bloom there.

Lakeview, OH

If I am not mistaken(and I often am), that is a Cardinal Climber flower and if it is the hummingbirds love them! I did as you and the other gardeners on this page suggested, I actually read something;) And now that I remember that is what it said on the package. Hopefully the Heavenly Blue will be that pretty. Thank you all for being so patient, next year I won't have so many questions on what if anything is going to come up. First year for a lot of these flowers for me, so it was a trial and error time and I really do appreciate all your help. I tried to make a hummingbird garden, but not sure how I did, we will have to see.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

If the flower in the picture has leaves like the one next to it, it is a morning glory. Cardinal vine flowers are tiny and the foliage is very fine.

Lakeview, OH

6 more this morning, I don't know where the blue went to or if it will come up at all, but right now I am enjoying the red, I actually am eager to get up early every morning just to see how many bloomed that morning. My hubby actually came out this morning and took a couple of pictures of them!

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
(Zone 7a)

Very good! Fences always look better with flowers.

Lakeview, OH

I can hide behind them too! I was thinking of getting some more seeds and planting in the backyard to cover up the fence around the back. Don't know if they would grow in the sand or not. Just thinking since they are doing so well by the lattice, back there they would get more sun and less shade.

Lakeview, OH

They are pretty even when they close up, I will pull these off tomorrow, my hubby said to get a picture of them closed up.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Is there anything I can do to make my Cosmos better? It looks like it is dying, the tall one is just almost taller than me and leggy, so are they a lost cause? I will take a picture of them and show you, the brown and dead looking leaves are going up further up the stalk.

Lakeview, OH

This is what the tallest Cosmos looks like, is there any hope or is all hope lost?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
(Zone 7a)

It looks very sad. Perhaps too dry? It looks like it has powdery mildew and then dried out? I still see green so give it a little time.

Lakeview, OH

I think this one might be a Heavenly Blue one, not sure, will have to wait until tomorrow. It is not as dark as the other ones.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

If you notice the bud in the upper part of the picture, it looks like we are going to have a few Hibiscus blooms, they are not going to be real big but at least it is going to bloom, there are at least 5 or 6 buds on it. So will post a pic when it blooms, had 3 more Morning Glory flowers today.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

The Morning Glory bud that I thought was blue is just like the other ones. Didn't do much today, it was my birthday, and I was sitting outside watching the birds and reading. Watching the hummers, nuthatches, tufted titmice and looking at the flowers that are blooming.

Lakeview, OH

Judging by the number of buds that are ready to pop, tomorrow I am going to have quite a few. I always thought that Morning Glories were a summer flower, I now know that they are a late summer/early fall flower, because mine are starting to show off their beautiful blooms. Will they reseed if I continue to deadhead them?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Bloom time can be influenced by factors like when you planted them, the weather, etc. If you start them earlier next year, you may see blooms earlier than you did this year. If you want them to reseed, you will need to stop deadheading them (or at least leave some flowers alone to form seeds)

(Zone 7a)

And Happy Birthday, Teddy!

Lakeview, OH

Ok, I may just stop deadheading, not sure yet, I took some off and threw them on the ground in front of the fence that goes to the back yard, and also dropped a few on the ground at the lattice where the other plants are. I got quite a few today, I think a total of 16 beautiful blooms and as I was looking at them I could see quite a few buds that will be flowers tomorrow. There was actually one bud that I did not see yesterday and much to my surprise there was a bloom there this morning. I am going to try to take one without zooming so much so I can get most if not all of them in one shot, there are 2 that are inside the lattice and one that is on the corner, that is the one that surprised me. I would be happy if they covered the whole lattice! Maybe they will next year, I don't think they will this year, what do you think?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Teddy, you have to leave the flower attached to the vine for a seed pod to form. If you pull the flower off as soon as it closes, it will not form seeds. If you want seeds you have to just let the closed spent bloom stay on the vine and let nature take its course. Deadheading prevents/stops seed production.

Hope you had a happy birthday.

Lakeview, OH

Ok, I think I will do that, I would like them to come back next year. Thanks themoonhowl for that bit of information and yes I had a nice birthday.

Lakeview, OH

what does it mean when the pods are drooping? I don't mean as if they need water, if you notice in some of the pictures, some of the flower pods are pointed down instead of up. Just curious that is all. If you see the one pod behind this bloom, you will notice it is pointed down instead of up.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
(Zone 7a)

It doesn't mean a thing. Watch your leaves. When they look a little droopy, water them.

Lakeview, OH

ok kwanjin, thanks.

Lakeview, OH

Watered my Morning Glories and my Hibiscus plants, also gave my Sedum plants some too. Also gave my Geraniums a very good drink, have not watered any of them since we had those strong storms a week and a half ago.

Lakeview, OH

I have another Cosmos bloom and it is the same size as the other one, and I also have two more buds on them, also have 14 more Morning Glory blooms, there are some that are too high for me to reach so I just leave them to make seeds for next year. My Hibiscus bud is splitting more each day, one of these days I am going to go ouit and hopefully there will be a beautiful white flower. I have been reading up on what is fall flowers and what is summer flowers, I also read up on Cosmos and I realized what I did wrong, they like full sun and they won't bloom in shaded areas, so the one that is already blooming is probably going to be it for them. The little MG plant is doing well, growing slow but steadily, I hope itis going to be a blue one, although the red is very pretty.

Lakeview, OH

Isn't the time for Hibiscus over? Do you think that they WILL bloom? The larger bud looks like it is splitting open, but the others don't seem to be getting bigger, they won't die on the bush will they? I was hoping for at least one bloom from it before winter. I have been reading up on them, but as someone here once told me, every page or link that you use will say something different. Just want to know what the experts on my favorite link will say about it.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If it's got buds it could still bloom--I don't think you're in any danger of having frost just yet so they've still got time.

Lakeview, OH

ok, ecrane3, that's what I wanted to hear!;)

Lakeview, OH

As you can tell it is opening up, this picture I took just a few minutes ago, I took one a little earlier and it was not opened quite this much. I think it is a Hibiscus because the buds look just like the one my neighbor has only his was red and mine is white. I am finally getting the hang of some of the settings on my camera, if I had tried this shot before I started to learn, I would not have been able to get it, it would have been too blurry. I have a MG shot that is really good, it is the next picture. I guess the old saying is true, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks WOOF!!!! ;)

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

You can see the inside of the flower REAL good here.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Getting to know your plants is the best step to being a gardener... reading is a good way to take what you know and expand your base. is a great way to help...have fun meeting your garden.

(Zone 7a)

Quote from themoonhowl :
...have fun meeting your garden.

What a great way to put that. ^_^

Lakeview, OH

I wanted to know if the Naked Ladies I planted were rotton, so I dug one up, it was ok so I moved it to another location where it will get more sun. I put in dirt up to its neck and left the neck sticking out of the ground, then I watered it real good, now did I do wrong and if I did good how often should I water it? Or should I just forget about it now? I don't know if I should dig up the other two and transplant them too, I need your gardening expertise in this. I know different links and different pages say different things, if I am supposed to leave it alone, I need to know, so I can put something there to remind me that it is there. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

(Zone 7a)

Lycoris like to be planted a little further down. 3"-5" below the surface. Were there any roots on the NL? Water it well the 1st day, then let it go and see how moist the ground seems down a couple of inches. When it's dry on top to about 2", water. They'll need to be montiored closely until Fall, then leave it until Spring. If you have any fertilizer for bulbs, read the label to see what you should give it before Winter. A good feeding will do wonders for them.

Lakeview, OH

My Hibiscus bud is opening up, can anyone tell me how long before it finally blooms?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905

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