Chartreuse huechera? Anyone know of one?

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Perhaps some heuch fanciers can help me figure something out?

I was on a garden tour and saw a chartreuse-leaved low growing plant with chartreuse colored small flowers on stems about 10 inches long. I thought it was an achemilla (lady's mantle) but the owner told me it was a heuchera. Mmmmm...She is an extremely knowlegeable gardener so I tend to think she knows what she has growing in her garden, but...

I tried to look thru plant files for a similar plant and came up with H. lime rickey but that looked like it had white flowers....and other than that, I can't figure out which it might be.

BTW, she said she buys a lot of her plants from Bluestone Perennials, so maybe that's a clue...

Does anyone happen to know of a chartreuse heuchera with same-colored flowers? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot. t.

Lake Stevens, WA

Here is a list of some Lime green / chartreuce heuchera not sure on there bloom coloring
Key lime pie
lime marmalade
electric lime
harvest lemon chiffon
mint julep this one is vey new.
Did I leave any out?

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, that's quite a list. Thank you.

Did you know that from memory or is their a way to search for chartreuse colored ones?

Lake Stevens, WA

No just know it. I have all of those in different stages of health. For me these are the hardest to grow. Lime rickey is the best grower here. Pistache and citronella just keep burning( leaves). We don't get that much sun, just not sure what the issue is. They go into my heuchera hospital every fall. They seem to like the warm moist climate in my greenhouse.

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

tabasco I have had very good luck with the Dolce series of heuchs of which Key Lime Pie is a member. I do not have that one but do have Blackcurrant and Creme Brulee. They have outstanding color and are hardy growers. We're in the same area so maybe try to find that one.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Doug. Will look those up and check for them locally.

I have been to a few garden centers around here this week looking at the heucheras, etc., and have noticed the inventory is quite skimpy compared to a few years may have to order online....

But I wonder if heuchera have gone out of fashion a little bit...? Or maybe it's just the end of season....or maybe the economy. Some of my old tried and true nurseries seem to have cut back on both plants and staffing~~at least their plants look neglected etc. Perhaps a sign of the times...

Anyway, I will continue to look for the chartreuse-y ones and some of the others. It's been fun trying to re-do my shade bed. Maybe I'll get lucky and find some on sale.

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh I don't think the've gone out of fashion, I think its more likely that because of the multitude of different cultivars available now that a lot of garden centers just can't carry them all because they have to order from wholesalers in such large quantities. Not cost effective for them in the long run.


Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

I nominate Citronelle for best chartreuse Heuchera and just best all around Heuchera for me. It's evergreen here in TN z6b ALL year. Easy to divide. I have about 8 now and they are all always healthy and pretty. Like little beacons in the evening shade garden.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

killdawabbit, have you been dividing yours or buying more?

Interesting that it's evergreen, too.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

I started with only one plant. I hope to divide some more this fall or next spring. Not sure it would be evergreen in OH.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I agree. It's the best performing heuchera I have and it does stay green through the winter.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Another thing I like about Citronelle is it doesn't bloom much if at all.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

They are also nicer flower stalks than most other heuchera I have seen.

Thumbnail by pirl
Lake Stevens, WA

That is one of the nicest Citronelle I have ever seen. They must not like it here in the Pacific Northwest because I have nothng but trouble with it. It all ways ends up in the greenhouse by fall.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, springcolor. Maybe it's the exposure, getting only early morning sun, or the fact that it's crowded in with other plants and that garden isn't part of the irrigation system, but it loves the spot and always looks like a show off with the chartreuse color.

Thumbnail by pirl
Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

pirl, that is a beautiful border. How much sun does it get if any?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you, KDW. The top right corner (in the above photo) does not get a single minute of sun and the end closest to the kitchen steps (where I stood taking the photo) gets sun until around noon.

This shot shows it from the opposite side and there really was something planted in that pot on the steps - caladium. Since it always annoyed me seeing the pot appearing to be empty (since the caladium had just been planted) I switched and put a pot of hosta there!

It's my favorite garden of all 30 and I honestly do not spend five minutes a year weeding there - the plants are so close together the weeds don't have a chance of growing.

Thumbnail by pirl
Lake Stevens, WA

Yes, I second the thought. What a great mix of greens and dark foliage. I'm a foliage nut. Lasts longer than blooms.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, springcolor. It was fun to design that one and friends with ideas and DG people with hosta trading made it possible.

In my younger days I scoffed at those who talked up foliage since I was a fan of flowers. NOW I get the point! Flowers come and go but foliage fun goes on and on.

Early May in the same garden showing euphorbia and hosta.

Thumbnail by pirl
Lake Stevens, WA

Oh wow. Love it!

I do a few peoples pots and they are old school. Blooms and more blooms but, I slip in a few coleus. This year I slipped in a grass called northern lights. Love the movement that only grass can give.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I did try a few grasses but either they looked wrong or died.

What has been your experience with the Black Mondo Grass? That one really does tempt me.

Lake Stevens, WA

Good Good! Love it. Will take some Sun but that is Pacific Northwest sun. Spreads by runners but not fast. Has small purlpe flowers on it when mature. I will take picture of mine, In my pots at front door. I have never planted in the ground so not sure how it spreads there. This grass is not that tall.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My nursery guy once told me it spreads VERY slowly. I think I'd pot it up and plant the pot.

Thanks for your help and looking forward to your photo.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Pirl I love Mondo grass which is really a lily I think. I was able to over winter it here in zone 3 only by bringing it in every winter and it is very slow growing. Very beautiful in a pot and I used to sink it's pot into another so it would be very obvious. Somewhere I have a photo of a whole bunch that were in the Chelsea flower show and they looked very sharp. I will look for it. I bet you could overwinter it outside.
Alberta Ann

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Ann. I need well behaved plants for that garden and a potted Mondo sounds good to me.

Lake Stevens, WA

Mondo Grass, Heuchera, annuals, and ajuga

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

Different pot in the same area. Look close and the bloom is just coming out.

Thumbnail by springcolor
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I will have to go hunting for the really cool photo but here is one of the "show" Mondo's.
I need to check a few memory sticks and will do that tomorrow.
Alberta Ann

Thumbnail by annabell52
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Very nice! Thank you for the photos. Is the ultra shiny leaf a begonia?

While I do love the bright green of many plants, I do love black, near black and very dark wine. They are the dramatic points in the garden.

Lake Stevens, WA

Yes, a Dragon Wing. I grew it from seed.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Wonderful! Shiny is another quality I love. The shiny ones always appear squeaky clean while the dull ones look like they need a dusting.

Lake Stevens, WA

OK back to chartreuse heuchera
This is my Citronella. Poor thing.

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Lake Stevens, WA


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Lake Stevens, WA


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Lake Stevens, WA

Electric Lime
This one is good for my area

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

Tiramis left - Has red veins in the fall
Front - Mint Julep-- second try for me. Just a plug I got this Spring
Solar Power - Has red spots. Think it is a heucherella

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

This is a good one for me. Have divided it many times.

Thumbnail by springcolor
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

VERY nice, springcolor! What is the name of the last one that performs best for you?

Athens, PA

Very nice Spring. I really like the Mondo grass as well. The color and the texture of the strap like leaves would work well to set off a number of different colors.

Your container is beautiful. I can never get mine to come out as nice as that.

Lake Stevens, WA

Oh, thats Lime Marmalade. Thanks for the nice comments

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