New Book source

Valley Village, CA Bargain Books --Fine Used Books, 14426 Friar Street, Van Nuys, CA 91401 818 782.2782 He has a fine collection for us. Even the new cactus book by Dr. Ted Anderson for $25.00 less then other places. He carries all sort of books not just for our hobby (All sort of Garden books) and other subjects. Check it out and tell us what you think.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Norma, I tried going to that address and it says it cannot be found :{

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

here is a link

Valley Village, CA

Now if you still have a problem notify me again, and thank
you zamaluzza, I'm sure the owner of this store will appreciate your patronage. Norma

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

your welcome.
I to had problems going to the site so I searched google with the street name and number and found it.

take care

Valley Village, CA

Im going to list this again,

His name is Bob. He will also search for you. There is also another place called the Bookie Joint, (I don't have his email address), Brooks Books, Amateur's Digest has used books, for sale by subscribers. She has a good beginners books for $5.00 she may still have Seed growing, etc. Norma

Valley Village, CA

I forgot Rainbow Gardens. They are really big, a very large stock, but I don't consider them inexpensive. They also carry used books. Norma

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