What's your favorite?

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I really think my favorite houseplants right now are the cane begonias. They always seem to thrive for me. Lots of big pink blooms right now to ward off the winter doldrums. Wish I had more!
Ooooohhh but that apple blossom amaryllis that is getting ready to bloom ain't too bad either.
So whatcha got?
and thanks Dave for this forum!

Ouch. This is liking asking a parent which child is their favorite!

If I had to list my favorite houseplant, I'd have to say Philodendron. I've had lots of fun with these over the years, and have propogated these until we had a house full of them!

My second favorite would probably be the Scheffalera (Umbrella Tree). They are fun, come in all kinds of sizes, and quite forgiving of mis-treatment. :)


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Noel, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey Karma your son is 15 and has orchids blooming??

Is he interested in gardening in other ways too??

I'm 17 female and am a crazy gardener. I love gardening, and I'm a Master Gardener Intern (till I can complete my volunteer hours, then I'm a full Master Gardener). I graduated from highschool in 2000, and I'm taking a landscaping course through Correspondence.

I love to hear of other people near my age who are into gardening :)


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

My passionflora I just got-its about to bloom its my favorite.
I just got my first 2 rex begonias-beautiful...any secrets for growing-I dont want to lose these ones!! I want to get more varieties.just looked and shes blooming today white/pinkish tint oh they are so beautiful. Info please

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Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I agree with dave about philodendron; if you have a good healthy strain you can do a lot with it. I have replaced my valences in my kitchen with philodendron. But currently I really like a prayer plant my daughter-in-law gave me as part of a dish garden. I transplanted it into its own pot and it has grown hugely. I love the way the leaves raise as though hands held to pray in the evenings.....Betty

Ashley Falls, MA

Where to begin...My lime pothos, so delicate; all my scented geraniums, especially a gorgeous chocolate mint I most recently got, and my Lady Plymouth; my white heliotrope whose one delicious flower lasted practically the entire winter and my gangly old rosemary in it's sixth year, who has put up with all kinds of abuse from the kids and the dog and still blossomed on and off all winter; and for sheer suspense, my calamodin (sp?) orange which is making a bunch of buds right now. I'm sure I'm leaving some very deserving ones out...j.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm not too big on house plants, since my kids are still in the pillow throwing stage..lol. However, I do have some Hibiscus, Ficus, Dracena massangeana, and a big Norfolk Island Pine (my baby).

Lorain, OH(Zone 5b)

I love my Dracena, Philodendron, Sheffalera, Spiderplant, Jade plant, Christmas & Easter Cactuses, Bromellades(so do the cats, they eat them) and Amaryllises, I recently lost my Bannana Tree, that my Mother-in-law gave me years ago, it went into shock when I brought it in for the winter. I had an African violet for about 6 years then its pot broke and it died when I repotted it. I'll never touch another plant again without washing my hands first, I'm covinced that the cigarette residues killed it. Oh by the way, my Sheffalera didn't have any new growth for about 3 years, I had to move it about 2 months ago, and it suddenly has new growth everywhere???

Evansport, OH

I would have to say my favorite house plant is my purple passion (PLANTS) I started with one now I have 5 and they all were starts from the first one. Everyone that see's them is like wow what is that so that is the one that is talked about the most so I would have to say its my favorite plant. Amaryillis would be my second pic see'ing as I have over 40 bulbs that I plant every winter.

Olympia, WA

oh the pulling
the one on the left- right
pothos, philos, orange bilbos
i'll all tangled up
in sweet potatoes

i think though
my baby has got to be
brazilian spiny solaneum

see it-


This message was edited Friday, Mar 9th 11:16 AM

Weyburn, SK

My favorite is easily the Clivia miniata. It takes very little care and flowers faithfully once a year for weeks at a time. It also makes offsets that I can share with my friends. They are all given away for this year.

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

It's so hard to find a tie-breaker between my mini-rose bushes that bloom pretty much all year round as long as I carefully watch there sunlight, my new passion for african violets, and my ever easy shamrock

Dutton, AL(Zone 7a)

My favorite is the succulents and cacti. Cannot go to wal-mart without getting one. Almost have enough for a collection.


My favourite has to be the one that has put up with me the longest, through bleak winters and incessant rain; I think if it's a real favourite it almost has to have been with you longer than the others, and that is why my double Begonia Semperflorens qualifies (I think they call it Wax Begonia in U.S.). It literally grows under my eyes and always looks cheerful. It came to me from an old man in middle England in 1982 - it was three cuttings and all survived - I've sold it at school plant sales, I've swapped it loads of times. Right now, it's nodding at my elbow, rooting on my kitchen windowsill, swinging in a hanging basket in my greenhouse (bright shed).

I would love to know if Julie's Rosemary and SDoglover's mini-rose bushes are inside or outside?

Thousand Oaks, CA

Wow... no palm growers in the bunch. Those are my favorites, though there are a few cycads and Ti plants that are fun. Also Plumeria look (and smell great).

Petaluma, CA

That's like asking which child is your favorite!! This changes pretty much daily.
I'm certainly pleased with my Kohleria 'Longwood' who came from a plant exchange as a seedling in February. It now is popping strawberry colored flowers for my viewing pleasure. Of course there's the other currently new bloomer... my Hoya lacunosa, who will on occasion, surprise me with a fragrant hidden bunch of flowers off one of the same ol' spikes. I like how Hoyas keep recycling their flower spikes. Then there's the pure white Phalaenopsis whose spike is working on its third month of bloom.
Then there's my dependably lovely kangaroo ivy (Cissus antartica) that just keeps growing and putting on more and more comfortable leaves.
Palms? I'm pleased with my Rhapis, who has put up with my sporadic care for many months without dropping a leaf, and the relatively new Fishtail palm (Caryota), sprouting new fronds to brighten the dining room.....
Then there's all the fancy leaved Pelargoniums with nice flowers as an added bonus to the brightly zoned and striped and shaped leaves........They are brightening the front door of my rather drab rental.
Stop me, stop me stop me stop me

North Wales, PA(Zone 6a)

Tough one! A tie for first place:

1. Zamioculcas zamiifolia (zz plant)
1. Sansevieria pinguicula (walking sansevieria)

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9a)

I love my African Violets and my orchids. My AVs came from a leaf I found severed from it's parent and sitting lonely on the floor of Home Deopt. I took it home and since have gotten 2 batches of babies from it (6 total, from 1" to 6" diameter). I think it was the feeling of having "birthed" them that makes them so enduring to me. Have no idea what the flowers will look like yet, as they are still young.

And my orchids--who can NOT love such exotic plants that blooms for so long, with such exquisite scents?

All my favs tho, are the ones that I propagated myself, because they all have a story to tell.

(Zone 6a)

My favorite is the one in bloom or in growth whether it be my orchids, AVs or amaryllis. I just adore all plants in growth, whether it be my spider plant who just sent out a spike or my jade who just spit out a new leave. Oh boy, and the anticipation of the ones that hasnt done anything as yet! LOL

I guess my favorites are my angel wing begonias, my hoyas, and my epiphyllums, which have become a new obcession.

Petaluma, CA

OOOh, a new favourite for me:
At the last Gesneriad society meeting I attended, I received a little Streptocarpus from the "raffle" table. It had been placed there because its hybridizer prefers her Streps to have flowers that aren't trying to be ruffled. It was the screamin' purple that attracted me.
A few days later, the next bud opened, and the next. Lucky for me, the first, partly ruffled blossom was a sport! This baby has incredible, royal purple blooms with deeper purple throat markings.
Wish I had a photo of it to post, as it sits next to the previously mentioned Kohleria 'Longwood.' The strawberry color next to the PURPLE is really a show for me.

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