Offerings/Wish List for Plant Swap in Lucketts, VA (May 21)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally can I have some Sedum blue juniper- Some double purple Datura, too.

This message was edited May 18, 2011 9:41 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Greenthumb, Could I have some.
Aquilegia ‘Double Pink’,Campanula ‘Elizabeth’, any or all of the Digitalis, Verbascum ‘Temptress Purple’

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

A friend is dropping off "A bunch" of Sarcococca (Sweet Box) that she dug out of a garden bed... I can bring some if there's interest. It sounds like a nifty shrubby groundcover for light shade,

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill, I've got plenty of shade that could use a groundcover, so count me in for some of that sweet box. I followed your link to the plant files on it - looks nice.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'd like a piece of Sweet Box too please and thank you

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I'm leaving this afternoon and going to my friend Ellenora's house to stay overnight. (She lives in Maryland.) If you have any more requests from my offer list, please post them or dmail me by, say, 1 pm today (Friday). Sorry I didn't mention this before.

I do hope to bring some extra plants for impulse shoppers.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We do a lot of "impulse shopping" at these swaps! This thread is really good though for knowing what there might be a lot of demand for, so I'm not thinking "oh, I could have bagged up a bunch more mint if I'd only known!" LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill - if u have enough I'll try some - plez and thank u

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I will have a lot of extras,too. Hopefully there will be some people with empty yards that need them. That is I will be bringing extra if I can get them dug. LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

If I remember correctly----NOT a given! .....:o)

I got the L. americana Honeysuckle from Jill. just not sure how big a piece??

jill--you have an amazing memory! You say I rooted a broken off piece--and I did.
I just thought it may have been the piece you gave me. I even have a picture....

Then-- I planted it outside--and it grew for a couple of years. No blooms yet....
Then-- the following year--it bloomed--and that is the photo I have from it above.
Then--The year after that--I realized how big it was getting and that I had NO room for it.
Seems I had two of them growing in different places....One on each side of the house....
Then--I dug both of them up and took it to work and gave it to my Manager, Donn.
It was the first plant I ever gave him. Of course, I have now been giving him
plants for 4 years--along with color pictures and detailed descriptions re. it's care.
I think the better part of his garden, by now, are from my "donations".....

Since Donn has been at our store 4 years now (since Jan. 2007)--he has had this Honeysuckle
now since spring of 2007.

Just a couple of weeks ago--he was telling me how he was walking around his garden and
smelled something sweet......Then he realized that it was the Honeysuckle--
in full bloom for the first time since he has had it.

SO! Digging up a decent-sized Honeysuckle set it back another 2-3 years.....
I know I did have to chop up the roots a bit to dig it up...

That's how it all started.......Of course--I cannot find the picture of the small, glass vase
sitting at he top of my ladder plant rack with the Honeysuckle cutting rooting in it.....
I tried!!!!! Bummer.....
What might help, Jill, Is if you remember whether you have me the cuttings at a
"Plant Swap"--or at a "Seed Swap"???? Probably "Plant"....What year???

When I am NOT looking--I come across all kinds of pictures....
I actually keep a list in a Steno pad of what date any particular picture is in....
Just of the "main" plants.....One of these days--I will have to "cull" some of all these pictures...


Crozet, VA

Greetings All - thought I would check in and do a last minute post on what we will be bringing with us tomorrow and for who. Don't bother to read unless you have requested something from me.

If I have some how missed a request from anyone, please get back with me ASAP. We will be working later this afternoon to fulfill orders and have them ready to go tomorrow morning.

We will bring baked beans and potato chips as our contribution to the food part of the day.

I will be bringing the following plants:

Lily of the Valley

Lavender Bee Balm

Rose Campions

Day Lilies
Holly - Bess Ross, Joan Senior and Raspberry Sundae
Sally - Happy Returns

Nisi - Yellow and Historical

Bonus Hostess Gift to Terry
(It will be a surprise)

If there are any last minute requests, please dmail me and I will add you to my list.

Over and out there Captain.


Crozet, VA

Critter - Oh goodie!!!! I love any Clematis. Actually what you gave me last year died, so this will be perfect!!! Thank you so very much for thinking of me. Let me know if you are interested in anything on my list.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, I'll put your name on the C. montana rubra. :-) It's a spring cutting, but it's still looking green, so I think it has rooted... you'll probably want to just keep it in its pot this summer & plant out in fall.

Gita, I think I gave you that piece you rooted when I visited your house that time when we wandered all over Ikea while we chatted... but don't ask for a date! Memory like swiss cheese, here. LOL

Joyanna helped me pull up and pot a couple semi-rooted pieces of 'Rose Petal' thyme and 'Hot & Spicy' greek oregano. I can also pot up some starts of a strong-flavored but less peppery greek oregano and a low-growing english thyme. LMk if you';re interested, as I'm running short on time!

I still have 2 each of Stephan's Jasmine and the L. americana Honeysuckle, pots of cuttings that seem to be rooting well and should be ready to plant out by fall. LMK if you want your name on one or the other!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Geez! That was ages ago!
You came to dig up my rambling/invasive Lilies of the valley. Right?

It was the first time I met you. And--YES!--We did go to IKEA as it is 5 minutes from my house....

SOOOO---Lilies of the Valley grow and bloom in May--usually in time for Mother's day....

I think I already checked all the MAY photo Folders.....NADA!
I DO know I have this picture---BUT--OH! WHERE?????

NO biggie! If I come across it--I will send it to you.


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